Intellectual sports (social and pedagogical aspects). Intellectual sports Participants of the intellect board strength sports

Mind Sports) is an established system of organizing competitions and specific preparation for them in logic games, which have undergone institutionalization of the Anglo-Saxon model in the form of the creation of a global network of international sports federations with a hierarchical management structure. As a result of such transformations of intellectual games, the first international sports federations were established: chess (FIDE, 1924), checkers (FMJD, 1947), bridge (WBF, 1958), go (IGF, 1982), shogi (FESA, 1985) renju (RIF, 1989) and Xiangqi (WXF, 1993).

Intellectual sports are often called “mind sports”, they have a developed infrastructure and enjoy wide approval in society, since they are considered not only an alternative to gambling, but also a good simulator for the mind. Recently, there has been a tendency towards the specific expansion of intellectual sports, due to the sportization of other board (logical) games, including backgammon, poker and various ethnocultural types that have a local distribution (Russian checkers).

Sportization of intellectual games

The sportization of intellectual games is a process of reinstitutionalization of logic games within the framework of the Anglo-Saxon sports model with the formation of a hierarchy of public organizations (local, national, continental, international), as well as the introduction of a system of competitions and the institutions of judging, equipment, specific preparation in the form of training, which provide it. calculating results in the form of ratings of players and teams. The sportization of intellectual games as a sociocultural phenomenon arose in the modern era and is due to the global spread of Western civilization.

Mind games

The term “intellectual games” has now come to be used as a general name to refer to all types of logical, board, computer and gambling games. This happened largely due to the widespread use of the terms “mind sports” and “mind sports”.

The highest form of organization of mind games has become the World Mind Games, held by the International Mind Sports Association (IMSA) with the aim of giving them Olympic status in the foreseeable future - Intellympic / Mindlympic Games, which they already have


Rostigaeva Anastasia Nikolaevna

2nd year student, Department of Physical Education, SSEU, Russian Federation, Samara

Savelyeva Olga Viktorovna

scientific supervisor, associate professor of SSEU, Russian Federation, Samara

How are intelligence and sport interconnected? In my work I would like to ask exactly this question. This topic is relevant, since in modern society not only intelligent individuals are valued, but also physically developed ones. The purpose of the work is to identify this relationship. To do this, it is necessary to study literary sources, statistics for recent years and conduct an appropriate analysis - which are the objectives of my article.

The famous phrase of ancient philosophers - “A healthy mind in a healthy body” has found scientific confirmation.

Swiss scientists have found that people with a healthy cardiovascular system have a high level of intelligence development. More than one million people took part in the study. At the same time, muscle strength does not have any effect on intelligence.

Even the ancient Romans said that physical development and mental capabilities are interconnected. Neurosurgeon Maria Aberg said physical exercise can improve educational outcomes. Exercising for about an hour three times a week on exercise equipment such as treadmills, exercise bikes, and weight machines will help normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and with this, the processes occurring in the human brain will improve.

The study used outpatient data: more than a million Swedes who were born between 1950 and 1976. Research has shown that a healthy cardiovascular system is, first of all, a high level of intelligence and education.

The Swiss scientists who conducted the research claim that a healthy cardiovascular system in young people aged 18 is directly related to good academic performance in educational institutions. Doctors recommend actively engaging in physical training between the ages of 15 and 18, which will contribute to the development of a higher socioeconomic status and level of education in later life. German scientists have also proven that playing sports helps protect chromosomes from damage and increases the lifespan of cells.

Also, one of the main qualities of an athlete is endurance.

It has been proven that physical education classes promote sensitivity in school and college. For example, in well-trained people, movement speed increases by 1.5-2 times, strength by 2-3 times, endurance by several times, movements are performed more accurately, dexterously and economically.

Recently it was believed that those who develop themselves physically lose in intelligence. Large, physically strong people aroused mistrust among ordinary people in terms of intelligence. This is the purest stereotype!

Sport requires a wide variety of abilities from a person, but the main thing is natural intelligence.

Sport requires a lot of effort from a person, but also brings a lot of pleasure. Sports are an amazing way to make your life more interesting! .

Today, many children prefer TV to sports activities, because sitting and watching is much easier than achieving results through physical effort.

Modern research shows that from 5 to 8% of school-age children are inactive and have limited motor skills, as they do not play sports at all.

It is difficult for schoolchildren who fall into this number to run backwards, and this exercise develops intuition and attention: it is included in almost all sports training. They are unable to catch a ball during a sports game, fall easily, or are unable to control a bicycle.

Lack of sufficient motor skills is a serious problem. Sports activity is responsible for the intellectual development of a child; the brain undergoes a very complex processing process - transmitting impulse from one important area to another. If a child leads a passive lifestyle, this also affects his mental abilities.

The plasticity of the body depends on the plasticity of the brain, which can increase at an extraordinary speed; if developed, the child will be able to develop his natural talents. After all, you can control not only your brain and thinking, but also your body.

The truth is that good football players are smarter than those who don’t play football, and that the number of goals scored and assists in football directly depends on mental ability. Players must be good strategists and keep game tactics in mind. Where to run, who is better to pass to, from what angle to score. After all, chess is also a sport.

Neurologists and physiologists have been collecting data on the relationship between sports and the mind for more than a decade. It's actually a very strong connection. Exercise strengthens the brain and improves cognitive abilities. Exercises have a more beneficial effect on the thinking process than thinking itself.

The experiments were carried out on animals. In most experiments it is running in a wheel.

A group of scientists led by Justin Rhodes I decided to clarify this issue. Such experiments had not been carried out before. The study involved four groups of mice that led different lives. The first were fed to their heart's content with mouse delicacies: nuts, fruits and cheeses, which were washed down generously with flavored liquids. They lived in plastic multi-colored dwellings standing in the corner of the cage. The rest of the space was filled with toys.

The second group had a running wheel. Members of the third group did not have any excesses and lived in ordinary ones.

The cages of the fourth group had a running wheel and a small number of other things.

Before the experiment began, all participants passed tests. Then the mice were injected with a substance that allows them to monitor changes in the brain. It turned out that toys and just food, no matter how tasty and nutritious it was, had no effect on the intelligence of mice. Their performance remained the same.

The changes occurred only in those rodents whose cages had running wheels.

Animals engaged in active movements showed higher results in cognitive tests. All the other contenders didn't get any wiser. From which we can conclude that motor activity develops the cognitive abilities of the brain.

The brain, like other muscles and organs, is tissue, and its capabilities decrease with age and with limited use. As people approach thirty, they use only one percent of the volume of the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory and certain cognitive abilities. Exercise slows down and prevents aging of the brain, just as it does with all other muscles.

People are born with a certain number of brain cells, and they do not increase over the years. However, in the nineties of the last century, scientists came to the conclusion that adults also have new neurons. Moreover, there are especially many of them in the hippocampus. That is, neurogenesis, the process of birth of neurons, occurs there.

Around the same time, it was discovered that exercise stimulates neurogenesis. Mice and rats that ran on a wheel for several weeks had almost twice the number of new neurons compared to mice that were recumbent.

Exercise doesn't have to be intense to be effective on the brain. One hundred and twenty older men and women, divided into two groups, completed a year of walking and stretching exercises. In those who walked, the hippocampus increased in volume and returned to the size of two years ago, but in the rest it decreased. Those who walked also improved their mental abilities.

It has been established that people who are actively involved in sports often have a greater ability to think effectively. Some parts of the brain can only be trained through movement. Sport develops to a greater extent logical thinking, the ability to find optimal and rational solutions; it teaches you how to formulate tactics and follow a certain strategy. This applies not only to physical education, but also to all human life. Many children are not interested in sports and do not engage in their physical fitness. They are susceptible to all sorts of diseases and are more often injured. But even minor, but fairly regular physical activity contributes to more harmonious development. His performance also depends on the physical component of a person.

Thus, a sports lifestyle also contributes to intellectual development.


  1. Running for intelligence // Association SibAcademInnovation, Manukov S., 2012.
  2. Harmony of strength and intelligence // Sports review, St. Petersburg, 2008.
  3. Intelligence depends on sports - [] - [Electronic resource] - Access mode. – URL: (date accessed 03/30/2014)
  4. Maria A.I. Aberg, Nancy L. Pedersen, Kjell Toren, Magnus Svartengren, Bjorn Backstrand, Tommy Johnsson, Christiana M. Cooper-Kuhn, N. David Aberg, Michael Nilsson and H. Georg Kuhn. Cardiovascular fitness is associated with cognition in young adulthood Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2009.

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Those who exercise regularly know that each type of workout affects all muscle groups differently. But few people know that sports exercises directly affect our brain, activating its various centers and helping to better cope with assigned tasks.

We are in website decided to find out how, with the help of various sports, you can effectively improve your mental abilities and become not only stronger, but also much more successful. We are sure that now no one will speak disparagingly about the mental abilities of athletes!

1. Tennis

Did you know that tennis is called “chess in motion”? In addition to endurance, tennis players have excellent skills in predicting an opponent’s actions, and are also able to understand and evaluate the trajectory of the ball in a split second.

2. Team sports

3. Long distance running and golf

It seems that there is nothing in common between these two sports, but this is only at first glance. Both stayer running and “retirement” golf contribute to the active development of strategic thinking. Otherwise, how else can you endure a journey of several tens of kilometers or get into “that very” hole?

By the way, Bill Gates is an avid golfer.

4. Yoga

The main benefit of yoga, beloved by many, is the harmonization of thoughts and emotions, the ability to focus on the main thing and discard the unnecessary, which turns out to be an extremely useful skill in our turbulent world. And peace of mind is undoubtedly the key to success in any business.

5. Rock climbing

All exercises where you need to move and think at the same time are excellent training, which allows you to quickly use the information received.

6. Swimming, cycling and other cardio workouts

Obvious benefit cycling, swimming and other similar types of physical exercise are endurance training and muscle development of almost the entire body.

In addition, during these sports, the speed of blood flow in the body increases, resulting in blood rich in oxygen, hormones and nutrients reaching the brain faster.

Any aerobic exercise perfectly stimulates all areas of the brain and promotes memory development.

7. Strength training

Strength training is considered the prerogative of men, but this is a serious misconception.

Any strength training stimulates the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for complex thinking, the ability to multitask, the ability to find the right arguments and defend one’s position.

This is why almost everyone should include deadlifts and other strength training in their workouts now.

Snowboarding(English) snowboarding from English snow- snow and English board- board) is an Olympic winter sport, the essence of which is to descend from snowy slopes or mountains on a special board - a snowboard.

The International Ski Federation (FIS) (French Fédération Internationale de Ski, FIS) is an international organization that oversees all types of skiing, including snowboarding.

The history of snowboarding

Snowboarding is considered a young sport; it is not yet hundreds of years old. Invented in the 60s by the American Sherman Poppen, the prototype of a modern snowboard was made from two skis glued together. Poppen called his invention “snerfer” (from the English snurfer - a word made up of two others - snow (“snow”) and surf — “surf”). There were no fastenings on the board, and the rider had to hold on to a special rope tied to the nose of the projectile.

The resulting sport began to quickly gain popularity. Dimitri Milovich, Jake Burton (founder of Burton Snowboards), Tom Sims (Sims Snowboards), Mike Olson (Mervin Manufacturing) had a great influence on its development.

In 1979, the first World Snurfing Championship was held. One of the participants in this competition was Jake Burton, who slightly improved his board by adding bindings to it. Because Burton's equipment was different from the rest, he had to compete separately from all the other riders. Being the only participant, he easily won this competition.

In 1982, Suicide Six hosted the first US national slalom competition. In 1983, the first World Halfpipe Championship was held in Soda Springs, California.

The first world snowboarding championship was held in 1988, and in 1998 snowboarding was recognized as an Olympic sport.

Today, the Olympic program includes three snowboarding disciplines: giant slalom, boardercross and halfpipe.

Disciplines in snowboarding

Let's look at the main disciplines (types) of snowboarding. Parallel slalom was an Olympic discipline until 2014 (excluded in 2015). Two athletes descend along parallel tracks with blue and red flags installed on them. The athlete who completes the distance faster wins.

Giant slalom has been an Olympic discipline since 2002. The snowboarder must overcome the route marked by the gate in the shortest time.

Snowboard cross has been an Olympic discipline since 2006. The snowboarder must go down a long, flat and wide track on which various obstacles (landforms, jumps) are located.

Halfpipe has been an Olympic discipline since 1998. The snowboarder must perform various tricks on a snowboard while flying from the vertical part of a halfpipe (a structure similar to half a pipe).

Slopestyle has been an Olympic discipline since 2014. The snowboarder must go through a track with many equipment to perform acrobatic tricks.

Big Air is included in the program of the 2018 Olympic Games. A long, drawn-out jump from a springboard during which the snowboarder performs a trick.

Quarterpipe - riding on a ramp, which is similar to one, but larger, half of a halfpipe.

Jibbing - snowboarding in specially equipped parks.

Directions in snowboarding

  • Freestyle- a direction of snowboarding, which includes the following techniques: jumping on springboards, riding using various structures, tricks on the surface of slopes, overcoming obstacles. Freestyle is used in snowboard cross, halfpipe, slopestyle, big air, jibbing.
  • Freeride - a direction of snowboarding that involves free skiing, not limited to prepared slopes or parks, without rigidly defined routes, goals or rules.
  • Hard snowboard- a direction based on technical descent from the mountain.

Snowboarding equipment

Snowboard(board) is the most important element of snowboarding equipment. The snowboard is a multi-layer structure with a metal edging around the perimeter of the lower part.

Boots- the second most important element of snowboarding equipment. The boots are designed to provide a stable foot position and protection from injury.

Fastenings- an element of a snowboarder’s basic equipment, matched to boots.

Helmet- an optional, but very important element of a snowboarder’s equipment. Protects the rider from serious injury.

Gloves- an optional but important piece of equipment that protects the snowboarder’s hands from injury and cold.

Snowboarding mask- an optional element of equipment designed to provide eye protection from ultraviolet radiation and in no case should impair the rider’s visibility.

Snowboard clothing should be warm, waterproof and ventilated from the outside, multifunctional and beautiful.

Mind Sports) is an established system of organizing competitions and specific preparation for them in logic games, which have undergone institutionalization of the Anglo-Saxon model in the form of the creation of a global network of international sports federations with a hierarchical management structure. As a result of such transformations of intellectual games, the first international sports federations of chess (FIDE, 1924), checkers (FMJD, 1947), bridge (WBF, 1958), go (IGF, 1982), renju (RIF, 1989) and xiangqi (WXF) were established. , 1993).

Mind sports are often called “mind sports”, they have a developed infrastructure and are widely accepted in society, as they are considered not only an alternative to gambling, but also fitness for the mind. Recently, there has been a tendency towards the specific expansion of intellectual sports, due to the sportization of other board (logical) games, including backgammon, poker, Xiangqi and various ethnocultural types that have a local distribution (Russian checkers, shogi, renju).

Sportization of intellectual games

The sportization of intellectual games is a process of reinstitutionalization of logic games within the framework of the Anglo-Saxon sports model with the formation of a hierarchy of public organizations (local, national, continental, international), as well as the introduction of a system of competitions and the institutions of judging, equipment, specific preparation in the form of training, which provide it. calculating results in the form of ratings of players and teams. The sportization of intellectual games as a sociocultural phenomenon arose in the modern era and is due to the global spread of Western civilization.

Mind games

The term “intellectual games” has now come to be used as a general name to refer to all types of logical, board, computer and gambling games. This happened largely due to the widespread use of the terms “mind sports” and “mind sports”.

The highest form of organization of mind games has become those conducted by the International Mind Sports Association (IMSA) with the aim of giving them Olympic status in the foreseeable future - Intellympic / Mindlympic Games, which the Paralympic, Deaflympic and Special Olympic Games already have.

see also



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  • Intelligent oil field
  • Intellectual Olympiads

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