The name Victor - meaning and contraindications. Origin and character of the name Victor Famous Victors

"Ave Victor!" - the ancient Romans greeted the winner with such exclamations, which translated means “Long live the winner!” Gradually, the word Victor turned from a common noun into a proper name.

In Rus', the name Victor appeared along with the spread of Christianity, around the 12th-14th centuries, and was associated with the main victory of Christ over all sins and death. Initially, only the sons of clergy were baptized with it, and only several centuries later the name began to spread among the rest of the population, mainly among the nobility.

In the USSR, the name Victor gained the greatest popularity in the 40s of the last century and remained until the year 2000. Today, the popularity of the name is on the wane. But it will never be completely forgotten, since history knows many talented and extraordinary people bearing the victorious name Victor. Among them are Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, writer Viktor Asafiev, playwright and director Viktor Merezhko, leader of the Kino group Viktor Tsoi, French novelist Victor Hugo, Italian director Vittorio De Sica, Austrian physicist Victor Hess and many other outstanding personalities.

Name days and patron saints

One of the most revered saints named Victor is Victor of Damascus, who lived during the time of Emperor Marcus Aurelius around 161-180. Victor served as a soldier in the imperial army, and was persecuted by his monarch for his faith in Christ. By order of the emperor, the warrior was given over to torture, but managed to emerge unharmed through all the torture and trials thanks to the power of prayer.

Through Victor’s prayer, all the suddenly blind soldiers regained their sight, the sorcerers abandoned sorcery, and many pagans sincerely accepted the Christian faith. Among them was the wife of one of the tormentors, Stefanida, who, seeing the miracles revealed by the Lord through Victor, openly began to glorify Christ.

For this, Stefanida was put to a terrible death: she was tied to two bent palm trees, which straightened and tore her in half. Saint Victor was beheaded. Martyr Stefanida and Saint Victor were put to death on November 11 (old style) in the city of Damascus. The icon of Saint Victor of Damascus protects all men named Victor in career advancement, protects them from dangers and enemies.

Victor can choose his name day closest to his date of birth from the following dates: February 13; March 23; April 2 and 28; 1st of May; July 19; August 1; September 2 and 29; October 10, November 19 and 24.

Characteristics of the name

The name Victor has strong energy, giving a person impulsiveness, determination, and the ability to quickly ignite and cool down just as quickly. By nature, Victor is a typical workaholic, systematically moving towards his goal. He is patient, punctual, self-confident, but at the same time lenient towards the weaknesses of others.

Despite the fact that the karma of the name Victor does not endow a man with a penchant for romanticism and idealism, he is characterized by an adventurous streak, which sometimes pushes him to take ill-considered steps and risky projects. However, when faced with an insurmountable obstacle on the way, a man will not try to “break through the wall with his forehead.” In addition, Victor knows how to learn from his own mistakes, and with age he becomes more careful.

Victor is passionate, he is attracted to adventures and strong emotions, he can become an avid gambler. But once a man starts to lose heavily, he will most likely be able to stop, which cannot be said about a problem with alcohol. As a person who is emotionally unstable and addicted, he may look for an outlet for his energy in a glass.

Victor's character is characterized by an amazing property - unsinkability. He can quickly recover even after a crushing blow of fate, and find the strength to once again enjoy life and every day. Difficulties do not frighten him, but strengthen him.

Victor is pleasant in communication; he really wants to please everyone. He easily makes promises and also easily forgets about them, and easily neglects generally accepted moral standards. If something in his life does not go well, the man becomes irritable, and not a trace remains of his inherent wit and cheerfulness. Victor is very perceptive, and often takes little things to heart, about which you don’t need to be upset. He does a lot in life for show in order to impress others.


Little Vitya is an obedient and purposeful child with whom problems rarely arise. He loves noisy games with his peers, going to the forest, hiking, and reading adventure literature. The boy grows up to be a very sympathetic and kind child, and he will bring these qualities with him into adulthood.

Already in childhood, Vita will have a noticeable sense of purpose; he will always strive to achieve what he wants. He studies well at school, knowledge comes easily to him. May be interested in sports and be an avid fan. When necessary, Vitya can be collected, and strong-willed qualities are inherent in him almost from infancy. Teachers appreciate him for his responsibility and accuracy.

A child's strong imagination can serve both positively and negatively. Parents and teachers should try to instill logical thinking in the boy, otherwise jumping from thought to thought may become habitual. This may also mean that as an adult, Victor will remain a dreamer and will never begin to implement his plans.


In his youth, Victor tends to be thin, but as he gets older he will have to watch his weight, as there is a high risk of gaining extra pounds. The man is a big gourmet and loves to eat well, and the word “diet” only causes irritation.
In adulthood, osteochondrosis may develop and heart problems may appear. In general, Victor has good health, but his tendency to alcoholism can seriously undermine him.


Men named Victor are not characterized by intense sexuality, so he is not inclined to change partners often. Women like him because he knows how to look after him beautifully and give compliments. Can easily date several women at the same time.

Victor may well be satisfied with a simple sexual game, or he can do without it altogether. The main thing is the process itself, after which the man easily falls asleep. Victor would be well suited to a woman who is not too sexually active, perhaps with more sexual experience than him.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Victor will always put the interests of his family above all else. He will be able to remain faithful to his beloved wife, be gentle and patient with her, but with his unloved wife he will not miss a single skirt. However, even in this case, a sense of duty will never allow him to leave his family.

She raises her children very strictly and demands strict obedience. In the future, excessive severity and pressure can lead to alienation between the father and adult children.

In a family, he can easily cede leadership to his wife, allowing her to make her own decisions. She will be happy to help her with housework, go to the dacha and sometimes cook. Victor is a big gourmet, so it’s safe to say that the way to his heart is through his stomach.

The most successful marriage is possible with women named Olga, Lydia, Larisa, Svetlana, Alina, Valentina, Galina, Maria and Oksana. You should avoid relationships with Veronica, Evgenia, Ekaterina, Tatyana, Yana and Victoria.

Business and career

Victor usually has a wide range of interests, so he can be successful in completely different professions. The only thing he can't stand is monotonous work. Victor is enterprising, patient, diligent, gravitates toward exact sciences, and is capable of learning foreign languages.

A man knows how to organize work, easily understands the main thing, and does not get bogged down in details. He easily achieves a leadership position, can become a good teacher, official, and prove himself in a creative profession. Victor is not afraid of physical labor; people with that name successfully work in factories, factories, and workshops.

But no matter what profession Victor chooses, he will always work for the public and try to impress. O “winner”, and it is important for him that everyone understands this.

Talismans for Victor

  • Patron planet - Uranus.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign is Aquarius.
  • A good day of the week is Saturday, a good time of year is winter.
  • Lucky color - green, light blue.
  • Totem plant - birch and thistle. A birch amulet will protect your home and family from evil spirits and bring peace and harmony. Thistle is considered a symbol of endurance, patience and hard work.
  • Totem animal - cricket and horse. The cricket represents courage and rebirth, and also symbolizes home comfort, tranquility, and a long and happy family life. The horse is considered a symbol of beauty and grace, harmony of body and spirit.
  • The talisman stone is selenite. This white stone symbolizes modesty and spiritual purity; it patronizes creative people who can think outside the box. He is able to restrain strong emotions and calm his nerves.

Horoscope for Victor

Aries- a bright and persistent personality, endowed with unconventional thinking and enormous willpower. This person never knows peace, although outwardly he may seem cold and impartial. Victor-Aries trusts only himself and no one else, he is very independent, and never listens to other people’s opinions. For a long time he remains a “big child” with the inherent childish maximalism, touchiness, intransigence and selfishness. He does everything in public, tries to earn a reputation as a successful and generous person. But oddly enough, it is precisely these qualities that attract women to him. In love, Victor-Aries is hot and passionate, relationships with him are always unforgettable. But a man is never in a hurry to tie the knot, since he values ​​his freedom and independence above all else. Victor-Aries can make a wonderful husband and breadwinner if his wife does not pretend to be a leader in the family and does not limit his circle of friends.

Taurus- a reserved and hardy person, careful in deeds and thoughts. Outwardly, he seems calm and even slow, since he prefers to do any business slowly, and having planned everything in advance. Victor-Taurus is an exceptionally practical and hardworking person who achieves everything through hard work. You can always rely on him, since honesty and commitment are the main traits of his character. A negative trait is stubbornness and unwillingness to listen to other people's opinions. Victor the Taurus values ​​family and home comfort very much, and therefore will do everything so that his loved ones do not need anything. As a wife, he needs an economic and domestic woman, for whom family will always come first, and not girlfriends or career.

Twins- a charming, handsome, cheerful man in whom energy is in full swing. His main drawback is his superficial attitude towards everything, be it work or love. He is always waiting, constantly changing jobs, friends and women. Cannot stand strict schedules and often shows nervousness in conversations. He can be called a two-faced person, trying to please “both ours and yours.” But on the other hand, Victor-Gemini is pleasant to talk to, has excellent taste and manners, knows how to give a compliment at the right time and insert a caustic remark. There is absolutely no feeling of possessiveness or jealousy in him, however, his love goes out as quickly as it lights up. Due to the inconstancy of Victor the Gemini, he rarely has real friends, but he has many superficial acquaintances. He also usually gets married more than once, although he has a great need to be loved. His wife can never be sure that tomorrow he will not exchange her for another - such is the dual nature of Victor the Gemini.

Cancer- a very elegant and gallant man who treats people very well, but does not expect anything good from them. His life credo is to listen carefully to his opponent, agree, and do everything his own way. Victor-Cancer does not have increased responsibility, and therefore tries to shift important decisions onto the shoulders of a stronger person. He perceives any criticism addressed to him as an accusation. Victor-Cancer is a big conservative; he does not like to change anything in his life. Therefore, a marriage with him has a chance to last a lifetime, provided that his wife sincerely cares for him. However, not every woman is able to cope with such character traits of Victor-Cancer as melancholy, secrecy, vulnerability, suspiciousness and resentment. Work is a second home for this man; he craves recognition in all endeavors, so he tries to give his best.

a lion- an incredibly smart and observant man who knows how to impress others. An almost physically tangible flow of energy emanates from him, but it should be recognized that laziness is also a constant companion of Victor-Leo. He is a knight and gallant gentleman, a favorite of women. But, having once taken upon himself responsibility for people or animals, he will bear it to the end. He wants to be the best in any business he takes on. His ambitions always go a little ahead of his capabilities. Victor-Lev loves a beautiful life and expensive things, gorgeous women and good cars. His house is always full of guests, as he cannot stand boredom and lack of communication. In a marriage, Victor-Lev is a great owner and jealous, his authority in the family must be unquestioned.

Virgo- a consistent, diligent man, a real workaholic. He is endowed with a clear mind and the ability to think logically, and knows how to convince people that he is right. The character of Victor-Virgo is distinguished by calmness, thoughtfulness, leisurelyness and reliability. Victor-Virgo has a wonderful sense of humor, for which his friends love him very much. He is usually very successful in business, which cannot be said about relationships with women. Such qualities as selfishness, nervousness and pickiness can also lead to the fact that Victor-Virgo will never meet his soul mate. This man does not tolerate stupidity and lies, as well as vulgarity and vulgarity. As a wife, he needs a woman similar to himself - unpretentious in everyday life, educated and disciplined. If Victor-Lev nevertheless decides to get married, then his wife can be confident in the absolute fidelity of her husband, as well as in the fact that their home will always be a full cup.

Scales- a polite, courteous man who treats himself and others with respect. He is full of self-esteem, always reserved and taciturn. Victor-Libra wants to achieve harmony in everything, even in small things. His mood can easily deteriorate just because the wallpaper on the wall and the curtains do not match in color. His internal rejection of imbalance does not allow him to say anything categorical that goes against public opinion. Victor-Libra tries his best to avoid any conflict situations, and he is also an excellent diplomat. This man completely lacks the desire for leadership; he will never adjust circumstances or people to suit himself, but rather adapt to them himself. He enjoys success with women because he knows how to look after beautifully and ask for compliments. He will gladly give the palm in the family to his wife, but he will never become henpecked. His house will always be open to guests, since Victor-Libra loves noisy companies and feasts.

Scorpion- an arrogant, incredibly jealous man who does not know how to forgive and ask for forgiveness. Victor-Scorpio is secretive, his external calm is deceptive. There is always a certain strain and nervousness in his behavior that is transmitted to others. He constantly creates problems for himself in order to then heroically overcome them - otherwise he is simply bored with life. He cares little about the consequences of his own actions, as well as what others think about him. But he himself never forgives the mistakes of others, and if necessary, he will definitely take revenge. Victor-Scorpio combines in his character all conceivable and inconceivable contradictions and difficulties from which he himself suffers first of all. But for all his peculiarities in marriage, this person is reliable as a rock. He will never abandon his children, even after a divorce. Family will always come first for him. He is very attached to people dear to him, desperately needs love and support, but will never admit it. His wife will have to learn to tactfully manage her man, guiding him and not infringing on his sick pride.

Sagittarius- a person with a developed imagination, romantic and spontaneous. His sincerity sometimes borders on tactlessness, so he always says what he thinks straight to his face. He is a Victor-Sagittarius who will never be stabbed in the back, and people usually like his perception of life - bold, always optimistic and open. This person can look at all problems with a smile, sincerely believing that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. He is quick-tempered, but quickly cools down and forgets his grievances. Victor-Sagittarius is a great adventurer and passionate traveler, and his character lacks ambition and ambitiousness. At work, he will be quite happy with the role of an ordinary employee, since the man does not like to pursue his career. He is fickle in love and can date several women at the same time. In marriage, Victor-Sagittarius values ​​friendly, partnership relations; he will not claim the personal space of his wife, but he will not allow his freedom to be limited either. Having children will not change anything - Victor-Sagittarius will never become a caring father; friends and personal interests will always come first for him.

Capricorn- a secretive, even detached man, consumed by inner anxiety and loneliness. He is timid, but at the same time strong and resilient, gentle, but terribly ambitious. He has built a stone wall around himself, but deep down he desperately needs love and approval. At heart, he is a romantic, but he tries to come across as a callous and stern person, trying to assure others that he does not need recognition and compliments. All his harshness, rudeness and indifference are just the consequences of desperate self-doubt. Victor-Capricorn is very family-oriented; he is ready to sacrifice his interests for the well-being of his family and friends. This man pays little attention to a woman’s appearance, since for him her human qualities will always come first. Victor-Capricorn will be incredibly kind, caring and attentive to his wife. With age, a man will become a little more confident in himself, and therefore softer and more pleasant in communication.

Aquarius- a friendly, sociable man, charming and with a good sense of humor. He hates living by rules, and sincerely believes that in this life you have to try everything at least once. Victor-Aquarius is always ready for any adventure; for him, his whole life is seen as one big adventure. He is fascinated by novelty, but all his interests are, as a rule, fleeting, and his knowledge is superficial. He wants to live without straining, he values ​​​​his freedom and independence very much. This man's whole life is a series of ups and downs. In relationships with women, he is shy and passive; he is rarely the first to take the initiative. In marriage he can remain faithful, but will always have his eyes on pretty women. Victor-Aquarius is not at all jealous or selfish, and therefore will not tolerate possessive claims on the part of his wife. He will always act as he pleases and needs, regardless of the interests of his family.

Fish- a humane and fair person, an excellent conversationalist and a devoted friend. Victor-Pisces is a big dreamer, endowed with a vivid imagination, and sometimes it is very difficult for him to descend from heaven into this imperfect world. All he needs to be happy is wine, bread and dreams. But such qualities as diligence, accuracy, the ability to attract attention and get along with people sometimes help Victor the Pisces make a good career. This man cannot be called a ladies' man, and all because of his manner of speaking little and immersing himself in the world of his fantasies. He tends to idealize people and is easily influenced by others. Victor-Pisces is quick-tempered, often loses his temper, but quickly cools down. In love, he is an incorrigible idealist, dreaming of devotion and absolute fidelity. This man will make a great spouse, caring and understanding, but he is unlikely to be the breadwinner and breadwinner for his family.

To fully understand the character of this man, you only need to study in detail the meaning of the name Victor. Currently, this male name is given to approximately 12-15 newborn boys out of every thousand.

The meaning of the name Victor for a boy is great, because it almost 100% determines his personality. Vitya has great learning abilities. In childhood, he can be forced to study music, but it is unlikely that he will achieve great success in this area.

The meaning of the name Victor for a child gives him great trust in people. Upon learning of his deception, Vitya becomes very upset. But no matter how strong the offense is, it quickly passes. Vic does not hold a grudge for a long time and quickly forgets about the pain caused to him.

Another interpretation of the name suggests Vic’s passion for watching films about intelligence officers. Romanticism is alien to him. Since childhood, Vita has also liked books that tell about Indians.


Vic can live his life without ever experiencing the burning passion of love. Thor, born in the summer, is distinguished by excessive modesty in communicating with representatives of the fair sex, which means that in order to find out all the secret thoughts and experiences of such a man, a woman will have to work hard. Most often, “summer” Vic develops love relationships with calm, experienced women. The partner may even be older in age.

“Winter” Vic lives his entire life with dreams of fiery passion and true love. Falls in love quickly. What he especially values ​​in a partner is her devotion and penchant for self-sacrifice. Vitya strives for complete psychological unity with his partner. For Vic, it is important that the woman next to him has similar intellectual interests.

This man does not like to change partners. Values ​​consistency. Prefers to improve himself in the sexual side of his life. For this purpose, he regularly reads educational literature on this topic.


Vitya’s family life is quite happy. This is facilitated by such valuable character traits of this man as thoroughness, patience, and slowness. Thor takes responsibility for the material side of his family's life. This means that wealth is of great importance to Vitya. Not greedy.

Vic is quite a strict father. Discipline in this case is of great importance. Builds relationships with offspring in such a way that they unquestioningly obey their father. Such dads can even create a strict daily routine for their children and pedantically demand compliance with it. For this reason, children happily leave their father's house after growing up.

Such husbands can live happily under the same roof even with scandalous women. The “cool” character of his wife does not matter much to Vita. This person is able to put up with his wife’s numerous emotional outbursts.

Vit will never allow faucets to leak or furniture to fall apart in the house. Even while doing science, such a man will always find a way to fulfill all the male duties around the house.

For a happy married life, Toru will be suitable for one of the women named Galya, Inna, Larisa, Maria or Claudia. You should not count on a harmonious married life with Evgenia, Veronica, Zinaida, or Ekaterina.

Business and career

Work is of great importance to this person. This person can be called a true workaholic. Vic has a certain entrepreneurial spirit and diligence, which means this man could be a high-ranking official or teacher at a higher educational institution.

Vitya chooses a specific profession. The tangibility of what this man does is of enormous importance to him. In his work he is guided only by his own opinion. Rarely listens to outside advice.

Origin of the name Victor

The exact origin of the name Victor is Latin. Its etymology is "winner". Where the adverb comes from determines its connection with the gods. The secret of the name says that it is an epithet of the gods Mars and Jupiter.

According to history, during the era of the emergence of Christianity, the dialect gained particular popularity among followers of the new religion. The man whose name was Victor had a distant connection with Christ's victory over sin and death.

Characteristics of the name Victor

Thor has a natural imagination. By nature, this person is an extrovert with a special sensitivity to everything external. Vic has good intuition and a stable psyche. The characteristics of the name Victor suggest the presence of high intelligence.

These men easily set goals for themselves, but they find it quite difficult to achieve them. Of great importance in their case are the difficulties that arise along the way of translating the goal into reality. Any failure can “unsettle” Vitya for a long time. His disappointment may erupt into irritation and outbursts of anger.

Vic often uses his existing charm to make useful contacts. People love the man's elegance and wit. Pros and cons of character indicate a tendency towards addiction. Of considerable importance for Vitya is a complete abstinence from drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol can cause severe addiction. It is very difficult for Vic to recover from alcoholism.

Hobbies are also important. These men are fans of tennis and cars. They are endowed with the Torah and a heightened sense of duty. This heightened sense of duty forces them to live for many years with wives for whom they have no feelings other than indifference.

The mystery of the name

  • Selenite stone.
  • Name days January 21 and 30, February 8 and 13, March 3, 7, 23 and 30, April 2 and 28, May 1 and 2, June 1, 20 and 28, July 1 and 19, 2, 8, 15, 24 and September 29, October 10 and 21, November 11, 19, 22, 24, 27 and 29, December 8 and 31.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign named Aquarius.

Famous people

  • Viktor Tsoi is a Soviet rock musician, songwriter, and artist. Tsoi founded a group called “Kino” in which he was the lead singer. He also starred in thirteen films (“Needle”, “Assa”, “Sex and Perestroika”).
  • Viktor Rybakov is a Soviet boxer, two-time Olympic bronze medalist, three-time European champion, and 7-time USSR champion. Now he is vice-president of the Russian Boxing Federation.
  • Viktor Nabutov is a sports commentator, producer, television and radio host.

Different languages

The translation of the name Victor from Latin is “winner.” How the adverb is translated, as well as how it is written in different languages, is listed below:

  • In Chinese – wéi kè tuō ěr (Wei ke to er)
  • In Japanese - Shorisha
  • In French – Victor, Victurnien, Victorien
  • In Italian - Vittore (Vittore)
  • In Polish – Wiktor, Wiktoriusz (Victoriusz)

Name forms

  • Full name: Victor.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Viktorka, Tora, Vikta, Visha, Vishuta, Vika, Vitya, Vityusya, Vityulya, Vityanya, Vityasya, Vityakha, Vityukha, Vityusha.
  • Declension of the name - Victor - Victor - Victor.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Victor.

Victor is a strong name that characterizes a strong person. It comes from the Latin Victor and means “winner.” The female counterpart is Victoria. In Christianity, this male name symbolizes the victory of Jesus over all sins and death. In ancient Roman mythology, Victor represents the gods Mars and Jupiter. This name is also often used to refer to popes, antipopes, saints and bishops.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius
  • Patron Planet: Uranus
  • Talisman stone: selenite
  • Green color
  • Wood: birch
  • Plant: white carnation
  • Animal: horse
  • Favorable day: Saturday

Character traits

The secret of the name is revealed when meeting Victor. Sometimes it seems that this man is born with a specific mission. He is very purposeful already in childhood, and if he takes on something, then with all his inherent zeal. Such a child studies well and always helps his classmates with their grades. Parents will never have to blush for their child’s academic performance and behavior.

Having matured, Victor remains the same good-natured person, so his work colleagues often use him for their own purposes, but he does not complain. The owner of this name is always punctual, fair and patient towards the weaknesses of others. He is intelligent, witty, highly intelligent, but overly impressionable. It is especially important for him to please others, therefore he may deviate from generally accepted moral norms.

Victor's positive character traits include self-confidence, determination, the desire to be the first or the best in all industries, goodwill, and fairness.

Among the negative qualities are impressionability, excessive taking various little things to heart.

Those born in winter with the name Victor are distinguished by aristocracy, assertiveness, and excessive stubbornness. Autumn is a serious and curious person. Summer is a weak-willed nature, eternally sad. He is prone to alcoholism and is often under outside influence, and not always positive. But the spring Vitya, although not a serious person, hot-tempered and eccentric, is kind and easy-going.

Interests and hobbies

Hobbies and hobbies include sports and intellectual games. A person named Victor always strives to be the best. In this regard, it is not strange that he might be interested in a hobby or hobby with a competitive element. For example, computer games, chess and any sports competitions. Various types of martial arts are possible as a hobby.

Profession and business

For a winner, there are no professions where he cannot reach certain heights. Victor makes an excellent author and scientist. He has the ability to drive a variety of vehicles. He can become a pilot. There is potential for programming.


He has a strong immune system, healthy muscles and a good digestive system. Rarely suffers from headaches. The downside is that there are extremely rare manifestations of rash (mainly from insect bites).

Sex and love

In terms of sex, a person named Victor has no problems. He, like any self-confident man, gets what he wants. And if any difficulties arise, then like a true winner he achieves his goal by any means and ways. In love, he values ​​fidelity and devotion above all else. He does not forgive betrayal, is jealous and has the makings of a conspiracy theorist (conspiracy specialist). Not predisposed to flirting.

Family and marriage

Victor enters into marriage solely out of love; for him it is a sacred union. He puts his family first, takes care of it and remains faithful to his wife. He tries his best to ensure that the union is strong and stable in all life situations. Does not allow anyone outside into the relationship, not even his own parents. Does not tolerate arranged marriages. He honors and respects his choice, and therefore his spouse. She considers her opinion, values ​​it, but still makes all decisions independently. He does not hide his manifestation of care, which he demonstrates in combination with severity. Everything must be according to the rules. Victor is the strongest protective wall and support for his children.

According to Higir

The name comes from the Latin word "victor" - winner.

You can teach the boy Vitya to play the violin or piano, but you are unlikely to be able to make a little Mozart out of him. He will invariably be attracted to books about spies and films about intelligence officers. He's not a dreamer. He prefers something concrete, tangible. This is a gullible boy who unconditionally believes everything they say, but later, upon learning about the deception, he is extremely upset.

Fortunately, these boys are not vindictive and quickly forget such incidents, once again gaining confidence in people.

An adult Victor will feel great in a field of activity where there is no room for dreams and long thoughts. They make good electricians, many of them are football players, and the profession of a football coach is also suitable for them. If they have artistic talent, then it is best realized in graphics. They enjoy playing tennis and love driving.

They look for justice in everything and, if they witness the unseemly actions of loved ones, they will admonish them for a long time, appealing to conscience and prudence.

These men have a lot of things that can make a marriage with them strong and happy. They are thorough, unhurried, willing to do hard work, and have great patience. If Victor is a teacher or a doctor, this does not mean that the taps in the apartment will leak, he cares about the material well-being of the family; not stingy. He treats his wife’s commanding tone condescendingly, without making a problem out of it. The exception is “winter” Victors: they have a stubborn and tough character.

Because of a sense of duty, which he understands very strictly, he can live for a long time with an unloved person. If he gets divorced and remarries, he suffers from remorse almost all his life.

He brings up children in strictness: he can create a “daily routine” for them, schedule it by the hour and demand strict compliance. His pedantry often irritates his family, and the children, growing up, tend to live away from their father. Alcohol can bring trouble to a family - Victor loves to drink. And if “summer” Victors can be quite successfully cured of this addiction, then “winter” ones are very difficult to treat.

A happy marriage awaits Victor with Angela, Agnia, Aza, Alevtina, Alina, Berta, Borislava, Valentina, Venus, Vesta, Veta, Galina, Gella, Zoya, Inna, Claudia, Clara, Larisa, Lilia, Lyubov, Maya, Maria, Nina , Oksana, Olga, Rimma, Roxana, Ella. You can hardly hope for happiness with Veronica, Evgenia, Danuta, Ekaterina, Lada, Zinaida, Yana, Tatyana.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name:"Winner" (lat.)

Name energy and character: The energy of the name Victor has significant impulsiveness, impetuosity; in the music of this word one can feel the ability to quickly ignite with any ideas, without much fear of the upcoming difficulties and consequences; but at the same time, there is also a sense of readiness to stop at the right moment. In fact, this may push Victor to take ill-considered steps; perhaps he will be tempted by overly risky but promising projects; however, if he encounters a significant obstacle on the way, he is unlikely to try, as they say, to break through the wall with his forehead. In addition, Victor knows how to learn from his own mistakes and therefore, having suffered from his impulsiveness in his youth, he becomes more careful with age.

The name Victor does little to incline its bearer towards romanticism and idealism; rather, he is a sober-minded and rather pragmatic person, although not without an adventurous streak. Even if Victor feels a craving for art, he is unlikely to be seduced by the description of the beauties of nature or the sensual experiences of heroes sighing for love. He is attracted to adventures and strong emotions, especially if they are associated with significant material wealth; He is usually a gambler, however, once he starts losing seriously, he will most likely manage to stop in time.

The situation is worse with alcohol. If Victor's mobility cannot find a way out in other activities, he risks gradually becoming addicted to the bottle - after all, unlike other dangers, alcohol drags on unnoticed, which means it can be too difficult to stop.

The best way out for Victor's impulsive character can be found in his wit, which makes him a very interesting and cheerful interlocutor. In this case, Victor is intemperate in his words, sometimes he says too much, but still this is not as dangerous as impulsiveness in business. Therefore, it is most optimal when Victor’s sense of humor develops sufficiently.

In general, the energy of this name is quite favorable and can be used in a wide variety of areas, especially in those that are not associated with the search for abstract truths and philosophical concepts. It should be noted that our materialistic age provides Victor with very wide opportunities in almost any profession, be it science, technical specialties, or even literature.

Secrets of communication: It is advisable to speak with Victor as specifically and clearly as possible; long discussions about something will most likely not find a response from him. It is possible that behind his serious tone there may be a joke or even mockery; in this case, try to joke back too.

The name's trace in history:

Victor Chernomyrdin

The satirist Mikhail Zadornov dubbed former Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin “the Cicero of our time.” It is difficult to disagree with the fact that this name is associated with a separate page in the modern history of our country - a complex and ambiguous page, whose atmosphere is better felt than in any textbook by the aphoristic statements of the ex-prime minister. Or maybe someday they will be included in the school curriculum?

“We need to do what our people need, and not what we are doing here,” Chernomyrdin expressed his wish, speaking in the 90s about the work of the Cabinet of Ministers, however, noting the positive, from his point of view, moments: “ Actually, there has been little success. But the main thing: there is a government!” As for the economy, in his words, dating back to the mid-nineties, “Today we are at such a stage of economic reforms that they are not very visible.” And the foreign and domestic policies of that time can be characterized by the following catchphrase of the politician: “No matter who provokes us today, no matter who gives us some kind of Iran, Iraq and much more, there will be none. There won’t even be any attempts; on the contrary, all the work will be done in order to destroy what has been accumulated over many years.”

Viktor Chernomyrdin cannot be denied the tenacity and consistency with which he moved step by step throughout his life towards his goal. And as a result, he managed to accomplish the incredible, going through a dizzying path from a simple mechanic at an oil refinery to the chairman of the Gazprom concern and from an instructor in the heavy industry department of the CPSU Central Committee to the Prime Minister of Russia. One way or another, he said his word, leaving for posterity many apt expressions and reasons for thinking about his role in history, such as the following: “You think that I am far from simple. It’s far from easy for me.”

But, according to the deep conviction of Viktor Chernomyrdin, “such people, in a state like Russia, do not have the right to live badly!”, and it is really difficult to disagree with this statement.

1. Personality: men who love their home and are attached to it

2.Color: green

3. Main traits: sociability - efficiency - receptivity - intelligence

4. Totem plant: thistle

5. Spirit animal: cricket

6. Sign: Virgo

7. Type. These men feel good only in their shell. All of them, like children, are afraid of difficulties. They are very attached to the hearth, just like their totem - the cricket.

8. Psyche. These are extroverts, receptive to everything external. Like children, trying to hide from danger in their family.

9. Will. They have a natural will that must be allowed to develop freely. These young people should not be given advice like: “If I were you...”

10. Excitability. Quite strong, they show ardor in both words and actions.

11. Reaction speed. They are very irritable, therefore capable of rash and unpleasant reactions. You need to stop them with a smile, making it clear that you do not take their momentary aggressiveness seriously.

12. Field of activity. Work is a drug for them. They are very enterprising, diligent, diligent, love classical sciences, and show an ability for languages. They can successfully teach at universities and be high-ranking officials.

13. Intuition. They have great intuition.

14. Intelligence. A synthetic mindset, they do not like to delve into details, leaving it to others to do. Intelligent, witty, sometimes ironic, but not malicious.

15. Receptivity. Very impressionable, sometimes even too impressionable. Very elegant, they love to use their charm. They have a certain femininity.

16. Morality. They want to be liked at any cost and easily ignore strict moral standards. Their promises are not worth a penny, since from words to deeds...

17. Health. Tend to be overweight. These are gourmets who are irritated by the very word “diet”. Predisposed to osteochondrosis.

18. Sexuality. Of all pleasures, delicious food is most valued; They also like to drink. Sexual life depends on feelings, they are faithful to home and family.

19. Activity. This is one of the main traits of their character.

20. Sociability. They are hospitable hosts and excellent cooks.

21. Conclusion. Victors are calm men and good fathers of the family.

According to Mendelev

An easy name, not marked by any pronounced characteristics. Perhaps, instinctively striving to become more significant, the owners of this name are often persistent, stubborn and even stubborn. They have a high opinion of themselves, are proud and often go ahead towards their goals. A happy quality of their character is unsinkability: after a seemingly crushing blow of fate, they restore their strength and move forward again. They are sanguine by temperament, their psyche is stable, their reaction speed is quite satisfactory, and their will is strong; They are only hindered by weak intuition and, as a consequence, short-sightedness of the decisions made.

Victor often chooses an occupation that seems prestigious to him. He highly values ​​the attention of others, convenience and comfort, and material wealth and achieves them quite easily. Victor likes to take risks without weighing all the consequences of his actions in advance, but he is often lucky. His intellect is high, but, as a rule, down to earth: when solving particular problems, he does not always see behind them the general ones that gave rise to them.

In love, Victor is passionate, impulsive, persistent and fickle. As a rule, he does not care about his health - he has no time, he is immersed in hectic activity and is very active: his energy is enough for several things at once. These men are sociable, seek and find interlocutors, but rarely perceive other people’s thoughts and advice, and hear only themselves, and the assessment others, their behavior is not very significant for them: the highest judge for Victor is himself.

In childhood, this is an obedient, beloved, spoiled and often only child; selfishness and self-confidence develop later.

The color of the name is light blue.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Victor is a romantic, he creates unrealistic images in his imagination and feeds on illusions. As a rule, he does not experience violent passions. Any phase of sexual play can satisfy him, after which he quickly and deeply falls asleep. “Summer” Victor is modest, closed in on himself, and has difficulty opening his soul to strangers, but he can allow the one with whom he is intimate to penetrate into his inner world. For intimate communication, he selects a woman who is calm, older than himself, and has sexual experience. He is jealous, on this basis he can divorce his wife and after that not marry for a long time.

“Winter” Victor is sensitive, dreams of great love, burning passions. He quickly becomes attached to his chosen one and expects fidelity, devotion, and self-sacrifice from her. For him, it is important not only physical, but also spiritual fusion with his beloved. He appreciates her understanding, spiritual closeness, similarity of intellectual interests. He is truly happy only if he achieves complete sexual harmony with her.

Victor can be crazy in sex, ask his partner about her erotic sensations, and loves to have fun. “December” Victor has increased sexual desire; he loves fat women. “February” - rarely cheats on his wife; among these men there are many monogamous men. He is looking for support, support and salvation from loneliness in marriage. Victor strives to expand his knowledge in the field of sex, reads literature in this area with interest and can “implement” its recommendations into the practice of his intimate relationships with his wife. However, this does not prevent him from trying to test his newly acquired knowledge on the side. However, Victor is not inclined to change partners often, although he is quite difficult in love.


The name Victor is Latin in origin, although it is at odds with the fact that it is popular only in Russian-speaking countries. Is an epithet of the Roman Gods such as Mars and Jupiter. Translated it means “winner”. Although there are other equally interesting versions...

The male name Victor is in great demand today in Russian-speaking countries. It has good significance, has excellent symbolism and endows the person named with important characteristics, including masculinity, intelligence, and sincerity...

Conversational options: Vitya, Vityasya, Vitasik

Modern English analogues: Victorin, Victorino, Vittorio

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Victor promises its bearers a fairly extensive list of qualities. Usually Victor is a thoughtful, independent, freedom-loving, stubborn person, with high self-esteem, a sea of ​​prejudices, principles and his own moral values. But there is one “but” - it is very difficult to argue with Victor, because he never backs down and always defends his own points of view to the last. On the other hand, the bearers of this name have one big plus - they always listen to their opponents, even if the opponent’s point of view is unacceptable.

As for communication and life goals, it’s hard to say. We can only note that Victor will try to communicate on equal terms with all the people from his environment, without belittling anyone’s merits, but also not allowing his own to be belittled. In general, Victor is a good person, but not without his shortcomings. True, the list of these shortcomings primarily depends on upbringing.

Advantages and positive features: independent, always defends his points of view to the last, never backs down, tries to achieve all his goals and never sits idle. Victors, without exception, tend to achieve great success in terms of their careers.

Victor treats him badly people who are afraid of their own shortcomings and those who will never admit their own mistakes. Victor will also avoid communicating with secretive and overly reserved people.

The name Victor is popular not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, and in Belarus, and in general throughout the entire post-Soviet space.

Character of the name Victor

The character of the name Victor is such that it rewards the bearer of this name, a boy, with a bunch of useful and important characteristics. Victor, thanks to the energy of this name form, is by nature kind, generous, fair, good-natured, respectable, cheerful, non-conflict, devoted and honest, true to principles and never commits rash acts. True, naturally, the character of the bearer of this name is also rewarded with shortcomings, among which the main ones are gullibility and naivety - his character will not allow him not to trust people, Victor always hopes for the best and tries to see only goodness in everyone, but this only leads to disappointment . But you should not think that such a person cannot have real friends - on the contrary, his character is such that he attracts many good people, who later become friends and faithful comrades. True, not everyone can be called such by Victor - his character is endowed with such an important quality as demandingness, which means he has inflated demands on potential friends, which not every person on the planet can meet.

On the other hand, it should be noted that the character of a man named Victor may differ in many ways from what was described above, because it depends on a bunch of different factors. Thus, character can change depending on the influence of the zodiac sign, depending on parental upbringing and many, many other factors...

Early childhood

At an early age, he will develop such an important trait as discipline, thanks to which he will achieve success not only in any chosen activity (sports or other section), but also in school. But this is only one of his characteristics in early childhood. In addition, a boy whose parents decided to choose the male name Victor in childhood will be rewarded with a bunch of other qualities, moreover, many of which conflict with each other. Among the huge list of promised characteristics there are such as restlessness, disobedience, spoiling, noisiness, activity and energy, intelligence, ingenuity, ideologicalness, and imagination. And the meaning of a boy with the name Victor can reward him with incredible imagination, which in turn will ultimately affect all factors without exception - it will help him in his studies (in the future), and in his professional activities, and even in the process of making friends. Curiosity is another equally important trait of the boy who received the name Victor - he is always thirsty for something new, always looking for adventure, trying to learn as much as possible and always delve into new topics with pleasure, even the most complex ones. In general, parents are in for a long time of asking “What?” but why?" ...


The character of the teenage Vitya is also very complex, but on the whole, it paints an interesting picture. The personality of this growing boy will change, but no matter how it changes, he will forever remain responsible and disciplined, eager to advance in any business, develop and improve his existing skills. He does not depend on praise or flattery, does not crave compliments, does not dream of castles in the air - he lives his own life, is firmly confident in his actions and always, despite obstacles, achieves his goals. But it is worth noting that discipline, responsibility, commitment, diligence, determination, self-confidence and self-sufficiency will not come to him right away. The meaning of the name Victor, of course, bestows them on every boy named in this way, but not immediately - all this can come to one only in high school, while another can become so immediately after entering school as such. But one thing cannot change even the meaning of the name - Victor, be that as it may, will always remain devoted to his own principles, fair, honest, reliable, faithful, kind and respectable, which is a rarity in our time. The meaning endows him with incredible devotion to his loved ones and relatives - Victor will never leave a friend in trouble, will not refuse help to the person who asked for it, and will not take advantage of a person’s weaknesses in order to obtain his own benefit. Such is Victor, and such a character promises him the meaning of this name...

Grown man

An adult representative of this name is absolutely ideal in all respects - friendly, open, ready to make acquaintances and easily accepts new people into his social circle. His only drawback is his gullibility and inability to understand people. He often finds himself betrayed by loved ones and deceived. But this does not drive him into depression and does not force him to “give up” - he is firm and persistent in his actions and decisions. However, it is worth noting that Victor does not learn from his own mistakes - he will never lose that gullibility that sometimes causes him pain, and will hope that the next friend he makes will be real, loyal and honest. The meaning endows an adult man with the name Victor with an incredible desire for the better; he will always dream of change, of a true friend, of success and peace in the world, and will never give up in this matter. By nature, Victor, who has reached maturity, is a man with an incredibly kind, sympathetic, friendly, cheerful, respectable character. The meaning of the name Victor as well. The very essence of the so-named boy will never, even in adulthood, allow him to act badly towards any of the people, and it does not matter who we are talking about, a friend, comrade, relative, or even a stranger. Moreover, a man named this way has one even more unique quality - despite all the insults and betrayals, he is ready to forgive everyone literally immediately after committing a bad deed, and this, whatever one may say, deserves respect.

Interaction of the character Victor with the seasons

Spring - a boy born under the auspices of the spring months, and named Victor, is purposeful and hardworking, has incredible willpower, does not give in to difficulties and always achieves his goal. Emotional and active, active, cannot go a day without moving. He is sociable and ready to endlessly expand his already broad horizons.

Summer - the meaning of the summer season endows the boy named in this way with an independent, self-centered, lonely character. He is not confident in himself, often makes mistakes in people and does not like to flaunt his feelings and emotions. He is erudite and sociable, but tries to stay in the shadows so that no one pays attention to him. But he appreciates those who praise him and shower him with compliments.

Autumn - the origin of the name form and the characteristics of the autumn season together give the future Vita-man an extraordinary, simple, cheerful disposition and simply excellent features. He is ready to communicate, cannot stand loneliness, and values ​​friendship. He is popular with the fairer sex; he is crazy about his sense of humor and perseverance. Loves fun and entertainment, lives for the positive.

Winter - a winter child will eventually grow up to be an emotional, sophisticated, sociable person, an ideal interlocutor who knows how to listen and delve into any topic. It’s easy to carry on a conversation with someone like that, but you shouldn’t count on openness - he’s closed and timid, afraid of betrayal. A seeker of adventures and impressions cannot live a day without new emotions and outbursts of mood.

Fate named Victor

The fate of a name is one of the most difficult, but at the same time one of the most interesting parameters. Even today, many researchers devote a lot of their time to its study. Well, the fate of the name Victor is no exception - it is also unpredictable, mysterious, but also interesting and attracts the attention of specialists, thanks to which we actually managed to find out several interesting points...

The very first moment indicates that fate can lead young Victor through a bunch of breakups, and in most cases, not according to his wishes. The fact is that his fate involves him becoming a serious, responsible, obligatory, but very boring man, which in turn does not attract all women. Most often, the chosen ones of a man named Victor become bored with him, and they leave him. But this will not happen for long.

In the end, fate will lead Victor to that very soulmate who will appreciate all his seriousness. Fate assumes Vitya’s eventual becoming a full-fledged family man, an exemplary father and a faithful and devoted spouse. He can make an ideal family man in all respects, without exception, and moreover, the woman whom he eventually envelops with his attention will never be able to leave him - although she will have to fight for her love, because fate may ultimately turn Victor into a womanizer , and this is already a huge minus, whatever one may say...

Love and marriage

It is difficult to say how Victor’s personal life will turn out, and even more so, what kind of husband he will be. But one thing can be said with one hundred percent certainty - Victor will respect not only his official wife, but also all the women with whom he has relationships. These are, for the most part, charming seducers. They tend to give women pleasure, tenderness, care, love and affection. Victor will do everything to leave only good memories of himself in his woman’s memory.

He most likely marries only in deep maturity. Usually, people with this name are in no hurry to get married and try to remain single for as long as possible. And all because they value their independence and freedom too much. But later, in deep maturity, when the first true love comes to his heart, Victor will sacrifice both independence and freedom. Then he will turn from an ordinary seducer-womanizer into a good husband and an exemplary family man.

He will treat his wife with the utmost respect. It is impossible to say for sure whether he will be faithful to her, but he will definitely respect her. At the same time, he will do everything possible to make his wife a real queen - it is important for him that people around him envy him. But a beautiful wife is just a good reason to make people feel envy.

Victor as Father

All bearers of this name of Latin origin are characterized by such a trait as exorbitant love for their own offspring. This is why most Victors become good fathers. True, there is one big “but” - it will not be easy to persuade Victor to think about conceiving his first child. He loves his freedom too much to voluntarily lose it by having children. But if he becomes a father, he will immediately change. And in general, everything will change without exception: his perception of fatherhood as such, his views on life and even behavior.

Victor will surround his children with maximum love, care and tenderness. He will devote every day to his children, every minute of his time, all his strength. Is it true. There is also a limit - the mother will have to raise children exclusively. He will take on the children's leisure rather than upbringing. But with such a dad, the children will never be bored, and this is already a big plus.

Victor will treat all children equally, without exception, both the first child and the second, both the boy and the girl. But the greatest hopes will, in theory, be placed on the boy, because he is the heir, and most importantly, a living chance to correct the mistakes of the past.

Horoscope named after Victor


Aries - a guy named Victor, born under the auspices of Aries, is a real winner in life, purposeful, hardworking and persistent. He is surrounded by enemies and envious people, but he always achieves his goal and does not stop in the face of difficulties. An idealist, he sees only the good in everyone.


Taurus - this zodiac sign and the name Victor together endow the boy with activity, activity, effectiveness, a huge number of different goals, but also a weak spirit. He often gives up without achieving his goals and often sets unattainable goals. Changeable and fickle, depends on mood.


Gemini - and this teenager has been overly cheerful and active since childhood. His life is a continuous holiday, for him there are no serious or important things to do, he lives for the sake of entertainment and positivity. Girls love him, but you shouldn’t count on a serious relationship with someone like that. He is amorous and constantly changes his stumbling goals.


Cancer is the zodiac sign of a suspicious, fearful, cowardly, doubting representative of everything named Victor. He is afraid of betrayal and deception, which is why he has few friends. Has difficulty making acquaintances and avoids the general public. It is difficult to come to terms with him and his isolation.

a lion

Leo - the meaning of this zodiac gives the man named by this name prudence, intelligence, erudition, sociability and developed intuition. But the beauty is that he never shows off his dignity and tries to stay in the shadows. A leader, but secretive and quiet.


Virgo is already an independent and responsible person, gifted with hard work and a thirst for knowledge. He is compatible with strong and persistent girls, but not everyone can please him - he is too demanding, especially of his companion, he demands what he himself does not give.


Libra - the origin of the name Victor and the characteristics of this zodiac are bestowed with such properties as romance, gallantry, politeness, tact and delicacy. An amazingly pleasant companion, a remarkable friend, an amazing lover. He has many novels, but he is looking for pure love and understanding.


Scorpio is selfish by nature, fierce, strong, aggressive and self-sufficient. He is overly narcissistic and cannot stand criticism, does not allow himself to be made fun of, and often gets into conflicts. The owner of a complex character, but as a man, he is ideal - persistent, obligatory, keeps his word.


Sagittarius is a lively, cheerful, positive optimist, the soul of any company, the ringleader of what to look for, a merry fellow. Weak to the female sex, has many stormy and short-term romances, and is not created for seriousness in love. Until a late age, he is afraid to part with freedom and independence.


Capricorn often turns out to be a lonely and distrustful person who does not recognize his own shortcomings and suffers from a lack of attention. He is always in search of pure love, dreams of creating a family and children, but does not dare to take the first step. Closed and boring.


Aquarius - and this is already the bearer of the name Victor, who is impressionable, sociable, eloquent and diversified. An adventurer and traveler, looking for experiences and trying not to sit still. Frivolous and often makes rash decisions. Superficially evaluates people.


Pisces are emotional and sensitive, a pleasant conversationalist, a good friend, ready to support in any situation. He knows how to listen and understand, but does not like to open up to others. Secretive, slightly reserved, keeps in the shadow of leaders and hates traitors and liars.

Compatibility with female names

The question of the compatibility of the name Victor with names for girls has also been studied by world researchers for a long time, but today it has several interesting answers. In particular. It was found out that...

The best connection is formed in relationships with women named Galina, Larisa, Dina, Renata, Iya.

For marriage and creating a family, such variations as Alevtina, Lilia, Lolita, Sofia, Elina, Elvira, Clara, Lada, Capitolina, Camilla would be ideal.
