New Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation: biography. Thank you! You are subscribed to our newsletter! Russian Minister of Agriculture

Main functions of the Ministry

In accordance with the current Regulations, the Ministry of Agriculture performs the following functions:

Providing all services aimed at stable and sustainable development of agricultural areas, increasing food security and increasing potential.
Development of laws and acts related to agricultural lands.
Preparation of normative and legislative acts that are aimed at the development of the agricultural industry.
Preparation of regulations and legislative acts relating to the regulation and control of the market for domestic and foreign agricultural products entering the country (including food, tobacco and other specialized industries, plant quarantine).
Management of property that is in federal and local state ownership (land areas, production and processing enterprises).
Monitoring the activities of subordinate agencies for fisheries, phytosanitary and veterinary supervision.

The functions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation are carried out in close cooperation with local governments and executive authorities at all levels.

The main task of the Ministry is to ensure the dynamic development of the Russian agro-industrial complex, create conditions for its rapid modernization and guarantee the safety of products (domestic and imported) that reach store shelves.

Structure of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
The Ministry includes a number of departments, each of which oversees a separate area of ​​work and certain functions:

1. Veterinary Department:

· development of regulations and rules in the relevant field, forms, reporting forms.
· development of requirements and conditions for the research, storage, trade of medicines, vaccines and other drugs for use in the field of veterinary medicine (including substances classified as psychotropics and narcotics).

2. Department of Animal Husbandry.

· registration and issuance of special certificates for breeding herds and individual animals;
· coordination of the implementation of the subprogram for the development of beef cattle breeding;
· development of a regulatory framework on all issues related to livestock farming;
· analysis of available statistical information;
· participation in issues of control and regulation of the domestic market of agricultural products to increase the competitiveness of the industry;
· participation in anti-epizootic measures.

3. Department of International Cooperation:

· organizing interaction with international organizations (WTO, FAO, SCO, UN, BRIC) on all issues that fall within the competence of the Ministry.
· cooperation with representative offices of organizations in Russia, embassies of other countries on all relevant issues.
· development of normative documents regulating the scope of international cooperation in the relevant field.
· creating conditions and assistance in promoting domestic agricultural products on world markets.

4. Department of Plant Growing, Chemicalization and Plant Protection

· implementation and control over the implementation of state programs in the field of crop production;
· collection of statistical information on the supply of mineral fertilizers, the level of soil fertility, and field work;
· creation of a Russian fund of plant seeds and a reserve of necessary pesticides;
· organization and implementation of agroecological, agrotechnical, anti-erosion and other activities;
· state monitoring of agricultural land fertility.

5. Department of Economics and State Support of the Agro-Industrial Complex.

· preparation of all documents for placing special orders for services, works and goods that are necessary for government needs;
· monitoring and analysis of the effectiveness of the use of funds allocated from budgets for the implementation of various programs to support the agro-industrial complex;
· examination of programs, rules for the distribution of cash subsidies sent to individual subjects and regions of the Russian Federation.

6. Department for regulation of the agri-food market, processing and food industry:

· development and participation in policies that are aimed at increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of agricultural products;
· development of legislation and regulations in the field of fisheries;
· monitoring the situation in the field of food security.

Structure of the Ministry of Agriculture.

The functions and assigned tasks of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation are implemented locally with the help of regional divisions. We are talking, for example, about the Ministry of Agriculture of the Orenburg, Moscow regions and other regions (in a number of regions, subordinate structures can be represented in the form of committees and departments on agricultural issues). The structure of regional executive bodies may differ from the federal structure, which is due to the characteristics of the agro-industrial complex in each specific region, climatic conditions and other factors.

Contact details of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation:

1. Help desk – 8-495-607-80-00.
2. Public reception – 8-495-607-81-10.
3. Press service – 8-495-411-81-45.
Location of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation: Moscow, Orlikov Lane, 1/11.

If you need to contact the regional Ministries of Agriculture in the Russian regions, just contact the capital's help desk, where they will provide all the necessary contacts.

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On May 18, 2018, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev proposed to the head of the Russian state, Vladimir Putin, a list of members of the new government. The President agreed with the proposed candidates. Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank Dmitry Patrushev will head the Russian Ministry of Agriculture.

Dmitry Nikolaevich Patrushev was born on October 13, 1977 in the city of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) in the family of Nikolai Patrushev, an employee of the Directorate of the State Security Committee of the Soviet Union for the city of Leningrad and the Leningrad Region (in 1999-2008 - Director of the FSB of the Russian Federation, since 2008 - Secretary of the Russian Security Council).

In 1999, Dmitry Patrushev graduated from the State University of Management with a degree in management. In 2002-2004 he studied at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, majoring in world economics.

In 2003, at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, he defended his thesis for Candidate of Economic Sciences, which was called “Organizational and economic foundations for the development of a process approach in quality management of research organizations.”

He is a Doctor of Economic Sciences. In 2008, at the same educational institution, he defended his dissertation on the topic “State and market regulators in the formation and implementation of industrial policy.”

From 1999 to 2002 he worked at the Russian Ministry of Transport.

In 2004, he began working at the Bank for Foreign Trade (JSC Vneshtorgbank, from March 1, 2007 - JSC VTB Bank). Since 2007, he served as senior vice president of VTB Bank.

Since May 2010, he has been working as Chairman of the Board and member of the Supervisory Board of Rosselkhozbank.

Since the year before last, he has been a member of the board of directors of PJSC Gazprom.

Has the Order of Honor (2016). Awarded with gratitude from the Russian government (2016).

Federal executive body ensuring the implementation of a unified agro-industrial policy in the country. Until 1985, each branch of agriculture was supervised by a separate department (Ministry of Livestock, Ministry of Fruit and Vegetable Farming, Ministry of Grain Products, Ministry of Meat and Dairy Industry, etc.). These ministries were united by the Council of Ministers of the USSR. In 1985, they were transformed into a single State Agro-Industrial Committee (Gosagroprom). In 1989, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the USSR, then the RSFSR, was created on its basis. From November 1991 to September 1992 - the Ministry of Agriculture of the RSFSR / Russian Federation, then until May 2000 the department existed as the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation.
Functions of the Ministry of Agriculture: development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of agriculture, including animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, crop production, plant quarantine, land reclamation, soil fertility, regulation of the agricultural market, food and processing industries, production and circulation of tobacco products, sustainable development of rural areas, in the field of land relations (in terms of agricultural land), management of state property at subordinate enterprises and institutions. In 2015, the Ministry of Agriculture was vested with the authority to develop and approve veterinary rules, including the organization of work on the preparation of veterinary accompanying documents and the procedure for issuing such documents in electronic form. The Ministry coordinates and controls the activities of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance and the Federal Fisheries Agency under its jurisdiction.
The structure of the ministry can have up to 18 departments in the main areas of the department’s activities. As of December 2015, there are 15 of them: Department of Budget Policy and Public Procurement; veterinary medicine; public service and personnel; livestock farming and breeding; land policy, property relations and state property; international cooperation; land reclamation; science and technology policy and education; legal support; crop production, chemicalization and plant protection; regulation of the agri-food market, food and processing industries; regulation in the field of fisheries and aquaculture; rural development and social policy; business management and organizational work; economy and state support of the agro-industrial complex.
The Minister of Agriculture is allowed to have eight deputies, including one first deputy, one deputy head of the Federal Fisheries Agency and one secretary of state (at the beginning of December 2015, the department had seven deputy ministers). Since April 2015, the Ministry of Agriculture has been headed by ex-governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev.

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in our country is considered the highest executive body that regulates domestic and foreign policy in the areas of land relations, agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

Competencies of the Ministry of Agriculture

The powers of the Ministry of Agriculture include regulation of land relations, monitoring compliance with the law within the agricultural sector, food, tobacco, wine and vodka industries and related structures.

The minister, his deputies and other employees responsible for the formation of the state’s agro-industrial policy. Bills, norms, amendments and additions Minister of Agriculture do not go beyond the questions:

  • livestock farming;
  • fish farming;
  • crop production;
  • fertility;
  • veterinary medicine;
  • distribution of agricultural products;
  • purchases of food raw materials and products on the domestic market;
  • domestic circulation of food, wine and tobacco products;
  • field processing.

Managers and deputies

The appointment of an official to the post of Minister of Agriculture is signed by the current president. Since 2012, civil servants are replaced every three years in April-May.

Ministers of Agriculture from 2012 to 2018

Nikolai Fedorov took office on May 21, 2012, and left the chair on April 22, 2015. After him, Alexander Tkachev received the order of appointment from the President. He took office on April 22, 2015 and served until May 7, 2018. His successor officially became minister on May 18, 2018.

Deputy Ministers of Agriculture

Deputies often remain in place after a change in the head of a government agency. As of May 2018, the post of first deputy has been retained by Dzhambulat Khatuov for a year. Among the rank-and-file employees of the highest government body, Elena Astrakhantseva is the only woman among the deputies. In addition to her, Evgeny Nepoklonov, Evgeny Gromyko, Ivan Lebedev, and the current director of Rosrybolovstvo, Ilya Vasilievich Shestakov, have the right to assume the duties of the Minister in his absence.

Departments of the central apparatus of the ministry

The central apparatus of the ministry consists of departments. A department is an independent unit that is responsible for work in a narrow area of ​​its subordinate industry. Separate departments have been created:

  • to regulate the food industry;
  • organizational work;
  • social policy and rural development;
  • recruitment of personnel to the central office;
  • control of scientific and technological development and industry education;
  • rights and legal aspects;
  • control over property relations in agriculture;
  • conducting government procurement;
  • development of veterinary medicine;
  • diplomacy and international cooperation.

Subordinate executive bodies

The following subordinate bodies report directly to the Ministry of Agriculture:

  • Rosselkhoznadzor— an agency that regulates the breeding of animals and plants and prevents the occurrence of veterinary and phytosanitary epidemics;
  • Rosrybolovstvo- the department within whose competence is control of the fishing industry of the Russian Federation.
  • Since 1933, an elevator passenger elevator - paternoster - has been operating in the capital's building of the Ministry of Agriculture. The lift takes you upstairs according to the principle of an escalator, only instead of steps there are open cabins for 2 people.
  • In 1959-1961, the Ministry was located in the former Sheremetyev estate, in the Podolsk region.