Secrets of the state farm named after Lenin in the Moscow region (head Pavel Nikolaevich Grudinin is a new presidential candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation). Secrets of the state farm named after Lenin in the Moscow region (head Pavel Nikolaevich Grudinin - new presidential candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation) Fragments of information

September 19, 2015, the village “Sovkhoz named after. IN AND. Lenin" celebrated another birthday. The main city-forming and production enterprise located on the territory of the settlement is the JSC State Farm named after V.I. Lenin". It is a leader in agriculture and industrial production of strawberries in Russia. This is a reliable supplier of organic vegetables and fruits.

The square in front of the Palace of Culture was crowded and fun. Creative children's groups performed, as well as young soloists.

On such a significant day for the settlement, the following came to congratulate the residents: Chairman of the Committee on Local Self-Government of the Moscow Regional Duma, Secretary of the Moscow Regional Branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Alexander Naumov, Minister of Education of the Moscow Region Marina Zakharova, Advisor to the Governor of the Moscow Region Valery Aksakov. The head of the rural settlement “Sovkhoz im. IN AND. Lenin" Elena Dobrenkova, Director of CJSC State Farm named after. IN AND. Lenin" Pavel Grudinin, First Deputy Head of the Leninsky Municipal District of the Moscow Region Elena Dobrina, Head of the Education Department of the Leninsky Municipal District Dmitry Volkov.

Alexander Anatolyevich Naumov warmly greeted all those present and conveyed words of congratulations to the residents of the village “Sovkhoz named after V.I. Lenin" from Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Vladimir Ivanovich Kashin. And then he presented a diploma and a memorable gift from the Moscow Regional Duma to the Head of the settlement, Elena Dobrenkova, and gifts to the honorary residents of the village.

Alexander Anatolyevich noted in his address that the village “Sovkhoz named after. IN AND. Lenin" is rightfully considered a pearl of both the Moscow region and all of Russia: "Your village is a territory of social optimism. The constantly increasing production indicators and social well-being of the village residents indicate that it is the best in the Moscow region, and all rural settlements in Russia should be like this. The way the village is developing is a great merit of the joint work of the State Farm named after. IN AND. Lenin”, headed by Pavel Nikolaevich Grudinin and the village administration, headed by Elena Ivanovna Dobrenkova. They do everything to make life comfortable for children and adults in the settlement.”

The agricultural farm located on the territory of the settlement aroused genuine interest. Here children can take care of pets themselves and get involved in agriculture.

The opening of the second part of the Children's Fairy Tale Park was a pleasant gift for the little residents of the village and their parents.

On November 9, ceremonial events are being held in the Moscow region in honor of the 100th anniversary of the national enterprise State Farm named after Lenin. "Red Line" broadcasts online

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Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov will take part in ceremonial events dedicated to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Lenin State Farm.

History of the state farm

Registration took place in the Moscow regional land department of the state farm "Oreshkovsky Khutor"

August 1919-1922

The farm was renamed “Khutor Lenina”

The state farm began to bear the name “Lenino” in the village of Oreshkovo, Lenin volost, Moscow district. Since this year, it has been included in the Sukhanov group of state farms of the Mosselplemkhoz trust.

An order was issued by the People's Commissar of Agriculture to transfer the state farm to the Mossadvintrest system. This was the beginning of the specialization of the state farm as a horticultural enterprise.

Komsomol members from Moscow planted 100 hectares of gardens. The first two-story panel house with 16 apartments was assembled

The first organizational and economic plan for the construction of a state farm, including social facilities, was drawn up

The first strawberry crop rotation was created in a clearing near the village of Mikhailovo

A landmark year for the workers of the state farm: five barrack-type houses, a kindergarten-nursery, an elementary school, a state farm office, a canteen-club, mechanical workshops, a garage, a fire station, a bathhouse, a granary were built, and in 1941 an artesian well was drilled, completely electrified and radio-wired the state farm

The Great Patriotic War, which took the entire working population to the front, stopped the peaceful plans of the peasants for a long time. The state farm supplied vegetables and potatoes for the needs of the front

Restoration of the economy. Specialization in fruit nursery

A gas pipeline branch was brought to the central estate

There was a massive recruitment of specialists: agronomists, livestock specialists, engineers. It was during these years that P.Z. came to the farm. Ryabtsev, N.K. Grudinin, L.B. Markhotsky, V.S. Zakotin, V.S. Khrupalo - founders of labor dynasties in the economy

The state farm was strengthened by joining other farms. A program was carried out to expand plantings - 800 hectares over a five-year period. At this time, a new method of trench laying gardens was introduced

An order was issued by the Ministry of Agricultural Products on the creation of a fruit-growing state farm named after. Lenin's standard farm

The total area of ​​the gardens was 1,000 hectares

Further industrialization and specialization of horticulture and dairy farming

Construction of a House of Culture, a kindergarten and a nursery, a House of Public Welfare, a clinic, and housing. Every year two 9-storey buildings and one 16-storey building are put into operation

A plant for processing fruits and berries was founded

There was a powerful re-equipment of the technical base of the state farm, a transition to industrial-type agricultural production. These years marked the beginning of the construction of a cottage village for young professionals in the village of Sloboda

The transition of units to collective contracting, the transition to self-government and self-financing of the economy. Built a secondary school in the village

Reorganization of a state farm into a collective agricultural enterprise

Corporatization of the farm. Creation of JSC "Sovkhoz im. Lenin"

since 1999

CJSC "Sovkhoz im. Lenin" is included in the 300 best farms in Russia.

JSC State Farm named after Lenin is a Russian agricultural enterprise; Russia's largest producer of garden strawberries (strawberries).

The enterprise traces its history back to November 10, 1918, when it was registered in the Moscow regional land department of the Oreshkovsky Khutor state farm. Until 1917, part of the territory belonged to the Nikolo-Perervinsky Monastery.

"Oreshkovsky Khutor" in 1928 was renamed the state farm named after Lenin. Initially, the state farm was small. According to the Central State Archive of the National Economy of the USSR, as of July 1, 1922, the state farm had 92 hectares of arable land and 16 hectares of gardens, 9 horses, 10 cows, 13 pigs and 18 chickens. “Machine park” - 4 plows, 2 plows, a seeder, a cultivator, a mower, a straw cutter, a thresher and a few more simple tools. In 1928, the first two Fordson tractors were received. Of the residential buildings in the early 30s, there were 5 small peasant huts. In 1932, new lands were annexed - the Karavaevo farm, a small plot of land in the forest near the village of Misailovo. Strawberry plantations began here. In 1933, the first two-story panel house with 16 apartments was built. In 1936, the first strawberry crop rotation was established.

In 1941, five barrack-type houses, a kindergarten-nursery, an elementary school, a state farm office, a canteen-club, mechanical workshops, a garage, a fire station, a bathhouse, a granary were built, and also in 1941 an artesian well was drilled, fully electrified and The state farm was radioed.

During the Second World War, the economy suffered greatly from cuts. From 1961 to 1966, new lands of the collective farm named after. Michurin - 1261 hectares and the collective farm named after. Dmitrov - 915 hectares, later part of the Vladimir Ilyich collective farm - 349 hectares and the Belaya Dacha state farm - 106 hectares. During the same period, new gardens are being laid.

In the 70s, the economy experienced its heyday. The machine park is increasing, arable land is expanding, and on-farm specialization and concentration is being carried out. In 1975, the orchards began to bear fruit, and record high yields of fruits and berries were harvested. However, weather conditions in 1978–1979 and the seizure of part of the land for the microdistrict led to the partial destruction of the gardens and, as a result, a decrease in their area.

Since the 80s, the economy has been moving towards increasing the area of ​​strawberry plantations. In the 90s, strawberry production fell sharply. Only since the 2000s has a new rise in the cultivation of this crop begun. In 1995, the Closed Joint Stock Company “State Farm named after Lenin” was created on the basis of the state farm.


Today, CJSC Lenin State Farm is a diversified enterprise that grows agricultural products and produces Udachny juices. The company also has a livestock breeding workshop. On October 31, 2011, a month before the elections, the magazine “Russian Reporter” published an article about the state farm named after Lenin and its head Pavel Grudinin called “Palnikolaich named after Lenin”, and it mainly talked about Grudinin’s business - “2000 hectares of golden land near Moscow lands where, contrary to all the laws of the market, agriculture is still really carried out.”

Management and owners

Pavel Nikolaevich Grudinin – Director of CJSC State Farm named after Lenin

Born October 20, 1960. In 1986 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Agricultural Engineers (mechanical engineer), in 2001 – from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (lawyer).

From 1997 to 2011, deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma. Member of the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.
He has been working as director of JSC State Farm named after Lenin since 1995. Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Winner of the “Manager of the Year 2005” competition in the “agriculture” category.

Now - more details...


The main product of the state farm is strawberries. This year, 1000 tons were collected. In addition, potatoes are grown with a productivity of 430 quintals. per hectare, vegetables, apples. The state farm also has cattle with a milk yield of 8,100 liters of milk per cow per year. The net profit of the state farm for 2012 amounted to 250 million rubles. By decision of the shareholders, they do not pay dividends annually, and use all profits to increase workers’ wages and the social sphere.

The main office of Grudinin’s enterprise is a modest building, covered with plastic in the fashion of the early 2000s, lost behind the Lenin monument. But nearby there is a huge gingerbread castle. This is a kindergarten. One of two in the village. This proximity clearly demonstrates the director’s priorities.

Locals call it “childhood castle”; it was built five years ago according to the author’s design. Interestingly, the building actually has only two floors. Thus, Grudinin’s team managed to bypass the SNIPs that were in force five years ago, regulating such structures exclusively as buildings of two floors and no more. Grudinin’s team not only managed to lobby for construction, but also managed to make the institution municipal. The castle cost the enterprise 260 million rubles, it has 180 places, children receive them free of charge in the general manner, as in any ordinary kindergarten.

The Lenin State Farm has always been a livestock farm, and they are aware that this industry is unprofitable by default in Russia. They say that Grudinin believes that this will not last long and new technologies, the same Internet of things, will change the situation. The state farm's livestock farm is one of the most modernized in the country. It is equipped with equipment connected to the wireless Internet, which allows for fine and remote control over household and equipment. There is a robot that cleans up the waste products of the cows, there is an automatic milking - a cow wants to be milked, she goes to the machine, which itself washes, processes her udder and takes the first stream of milk to sample. If the animal is healthy, milking begins. Afterwards the cow receives a treat so that she will not be lazy about milking in the future. Cunning and voracious cows that abuse milk yield receive a light electric shock instead of a treat.


In total, about 8 thousand residents live in the Lenin State Farm (according to other estimates, 12 thousand). One kindergarten was clearly not enough, and a second one was soon built. It is also made in the shape of a fairytale castle, although it looks a little more austere. On the main tower there is a clock with working chimes.

Housing. For state farm employees, 50% of the cost of housing is paid by the enterprise, the remaining half is paid by the employee over 15 years, naturally without interest or overpayments.

The average salary of workers is 54 thousand rubles. Every year, war veterans receive from the state farm financial assistance in the amount of 75 thousand rubles on May 9. Pensioners who worked on the state farm are sent annually for rest and treatment. All kindergarten employees are former state farm employees who, as a result of production modernization, were transferred to new jobs without a reduction in wages. During the modernization process, the number of personnel was reduced from 900 people to 320, and the volume of production increased 5 times. The management of the state farm, together with its staff, repelled 4 raider takeover attempts by swindlers and thieves.

In winter, the permanent workers of the state farm do not leave the fields for vacation, but go to other jobs, tractor drivers clear snow from the streets, and the rest work in the processing shops. Let us remind you that on the state farm, in addition to strawberries, vegetables are also grown, and they are processed right there.


Pavel Grudinin in his interviews often admitted his sympathy for Scandinavian socialism. The director of State Farm, as his team says, is confident that crime must be eradicated from a young age. If children have something to do, then the idea of ​​gathering in the hallways to drink beer does not occur to them. And his school is a fusion of Scandinavian developments in education and the ideas of local teachers. Maximum free space and “air” in the building, transparent classroom walls - this is a school where children are present all day, and not just during lessons. In approaches to teaching, the emphasis is on the child’s early career guidance and his maximum development. That is, it is better if a student proves himself in the maximum number of areas of activity than to waste time on this later, after graduating from college.

Education and food are free, but clubs cost money, albeit not much. If a child suddenly wants to visit them all at once, it will cost the parents 5 thousand rubles. per month. Children are at school until eight o'clock in the evening. They say that the establishment was built so that the child could spend the whole day there. The concept is broader than just letting a child try everything. Instead of the already familiar division of students into humanities, mathematicians and chemists, there is a system of division into basic professional areas: engineering and architecture. At the same time, the school management claims that its goal is to graduate a child with craft skills.

Fragments of an interview with the director of State Farm and employees

What products does the Lenin State Farm produce?

– It’s easier to say that we don’t produce. First of all, we are the largest strawberry production enterprise in Russia. In addition, we grow various berries: raspberries, sea buckthorn, chokeberries, gooseberries, as well as potatoes and vegetables; We produce milk and honey. Now we have received subsidies from the regional budget for milk production and a small amount for improving soil fertility. The volumes of these subsidies are small, but the fact itself is important.

Investments in agriculture. Can they pay off?

“The Americans say: if you want to spend money quickly, play in a casino; if you want to spend your money pleasantly, on women; if you want to go completely broke, on agriculture.” I'll tell you that this is not so. Today, the main enemy of agriculture is amateurs. Bankers come to the village who are confident that all they have to do is introduce new technologies and there will immediately be great success. This will not happen unless there are specially trained personnel.

Take, for example, your state farm, how do you solve the personnel problem?

– The average age of the employees of our enterprise, unlike most agricultural enterprises in Russia, is 42 years. What does this mean? Young people really come to work for us. And, in particular, because we solve their housing problems. Last year we commissioned 40 new apartments for our employees, and this year we will move into another 60 apartments. In the house we rented last year, 22 children have already been born. And we did and are doing this long before the President’s message appeared.

What funds are used for construction?

– We use our own funds and also use investors’ funds. The cost per square meter on our state farm last year was 12 thousand rubles. Half the cost of the apartment is paid by us, half by the employees of our state farm, with payment in installments for 15 years.

In general, we have a “peasant” who fits into the market, who tries not to forget about people. In contrast to the general situation in the agricultural sector, such an approach will, of course, inevitably cause strong enthusiasm for the state farm named after Lenin.

Is it true what they say that you have a dictatorship here?

“True,” the worker laughs. “We definitely need to plow here.” The discipline is strict. Such a “dictatorship”... But there are 15 people per place who want to live under this “dictatorship”! Plus they gave interest-free loans for housing... And you go to the administration.

Where can you have a drink or a snack? To talk about life?

“Nowhere, we ourselves are against taverns here,” the guys returning from work unexpectedly answer. – And if you have something to celebrate, there’s a shopping and entertainment center near the Moscow Ring Road.

There is another persistent rumor going around this shopping center: they say that the land underneath is state farm land. And Grudinin sold it profitably.

- Well, what should we do with her? There was a large hill there, unsuitable for agriculture. You won’t eat strawberries grown right next to the highway, will you?

Family visit to State Farm: agrotourism excursions

  • When do the excursions take place? The schedule is available after clicking the “Buy a ticket” button on the State Farm website.
  • Do I need to buy tickets in advance? Yes, you can get on the excursion only by purchasing a ticket in advance, even for a child under 3 years old or another preferential category. This ensures an individual approach to everyone and limits the number of participants.
  • Can rain or snow ruin the excursion? The horse-drawn cart is protected from wind and rain, almost all animals are under roofs, and master classes are held in a warm hut.
  • How to dress? Warm, counting on a street walk. Approximately half of the excursion takes place outside and in rooms with animals, the second half in a warm hut.

Non-existent gardens and migrant workers? What Grudinin's state farm actually looks like. The Nakanune.RU correspondent saw with his own eyes what the presidential candidate planned to turn Russia into.

For a non-Muscovite, it will be a surprise that the Lenin State Farm, which became famous throughout the country after its director Pavel Grudinin was nominated for President of the Russian Federation, is not a state farm in the usual sense. In fact, this is an urban residential area just a few kilometers from the Domodedovskaya metro station. It is even more surprising that the brainchild of the life of a stern denouncer of power is a gingerbread town from children's fairy tales. The gates installed at the entrance are already set in the right way.

The fact that this place is formally a rural settlement with the same name - the State Farm named after Lenin - is reminded only by the traditional proximity of the monument to the leader of the world proletariat with the “office”, which is traditional for the village.

The main office of Grudinin’s enterprise is a modest building, covered with plastic in the fashion of the early 2000s, lost behind the Lenin monument. But nearby there is a huge gingerbread castle. This is a kindergarten. One of two in the village. This proximity clearly demonstrates the director’s priorities.

Locals call it “childhood castle”; it was built five years ago according to the author’s design. Interestingly, the building actually has only two floors. Thus, Grudinin’s team managed to bypass the SNIPs that were in force five years ago, regulating such structures exclusively as buildings of two floors and no more. Grudinin’s team not only managed to lobby for construction, but also managed to make the institution municipal. The castle cost the enterprise 260 million rubles, it has 180 places, children receive them free of charge in the general manner, as in any ordinary kindergarten.

In total, about 8 thousand residents live in the Lenin State Farm (according to other estimates, 12 thousand). One kindergarten was clearly not enough, and a second one was soon built. It is also made in the shape of a fairytale castle, although it looks a little more austere. On the main tower there is a clock with working chimes.

When you go to see the village, they say, “be sure to see the new school.” Moscow hipsters call 548 “the school of the future.” It is considered a great success to place children in it.

Pavel Grudinin in his interviews often admitted his sympathy for Scandinavian socialism. The director of State Farm, as his team says, is confident that crime must be eradicated from a young age. If children have something to do, then the idea of ​​gathering in the hallways to drink beer does not occur to them. And the 548th school is a fusion of Scandinavian developments in education and the ideas of local teachers. Maximum free space and “air” in the building, transparent classroom walls - this is a school where children are present all day, and not just during lessons. In approaches to teaching, the emphasis is on the child’s early career guidance and his maximum development. That is, it is better if a student proves himself in the maximum number of areas of activity than to waste time on this later, after graduating from college.

It is characteristic that we are not talking about the tired “search for oneself” - in art, show business and the humanities. Yes, there are ballet and theater clubs, and even a recording studio and a climbing wall, but this is rarely surprising these days. But the fact that the school has a craft workshop where you can learn carpentry, tailoring or culinary arts is perhaps surprising.

There are also laboratories for experiments in chemistry and physics and a huge classroom filled to the brim with robotics.

Education and food are free, but clubs cost money, albeit not much. If a child suddenly wants to visit them all at once, it will cost the parents 5 thousand rubles. per month. Children are at school until eight o'clock in the evening. They say that the establishment was built so that the child could spend the whole day there. The concept is broader than just letting a child try everything. Instead of the already familiar division of students into humanities, mathematicians and chemists, there is a system of division into basic professional areas: engineering and architecture. At the same time, the school management claims that its goal is to graduate a child with craft skills.

The school has plenty of free space where teachers can conduct lessons outside of class if they wish. For example, as an elective foreign language course, you can watch a movie in the hall. And as an elective for physical education, go to the climbing wall.

This is what the teachers' room looks like at school No. 548.

And this is an ordinary, as they call it, “universal” classroom.

Almost 700 children study at the institution. The younger ones have their own atmosphere. From the second to the first floor they move exclusively along a pipe-slide.

According to statistics, graduates of school 548 all (!) end up entering universities on the budget. So it is stated.

It turns out that it is possible to build a school yourself without government participation in Russia. Surprisingly, it is much more difficult to give it to the state later on the balance sheet so that it becomes municipal. Moscow did not want to take over the school. It is expensive to maintain and is geographically located outside of Moscow. Grudinin wanted to give it to Moscow. The logic here is simple: in the capital, 129 thousand rubles are spent per student per month, in the Moscow region - 70 thousand rubles. They say that in order to convince officials on Tverskaya to take over the educational institution, Gennady Zyuganov talked to Vladimir Putin.

As soon as Grudinin ran for president, telegram channels immediately began to attribute to him a conflict with Sergei Sobyanin. But much more noticeable is the tense relationship between the management of the state farm and the authorities of the Moscow region and its governor Andrey Vorobyov. Two interlocutors spoke about this at once. Officials are not very happy with Grudinin, despite all the obvious social responsibility of his enterprise. State Farm explains this by saying that the director refuses to participate in general business programs, for example, funding professional sports teams. Conflict situations also arise in the housing and communal services sector. Here utilities are a thousand or two cheaper than in the rest of the Moscow region. This also allegedly does not suit the officials.

The topic of relations with the state on a state farm, to put it mildly, does not evoke enthusiasm, which is somewhat unexpected for an agricultural enterprise. There is already an established opinion that agrarians, even large ones, cannot survive in Russia without support . “Subsidies are very good, but even if they don’t exist, that’s not bad,”- they say at the state farm.

A wary attitude is also felt towards those who do not live here. Order is maintained by the local private security company "Kolovrat". It is not easy for a non-local to get into the Grudinin school. There is a feeling that the state farm is generally trying in every possible way to isolate itself from Muscovites.

For example, Grudinin opened the “Fairy Tale Park”, and it turned out to be so cozy that it turned into a favorite vacation spot for all Muscovites. Residents of the village simply no longer had enough space and they asked Grudinin to close the park from those who came in large numbers, to which the director objected: “How can I let your child into the park, but tell another child: no, but you can’t, you’re not from here?” As a result, we had to open another park only for residents of the village.

But the state farm has an agro-tourist complex for everyone. Its concept came from Grudinin’s belief that it would be useful for children living in a metropolis to at least know where milk comes from. Parents who do not have family members in the village can bring their children here. Here the guys will milk the cow themselves, ride horses, and grind grain. They say that once a group of children arrived, in which the boy burst into tears when he learned that the cows were not lilac.

It is clear that everything described costs money. The kindergarten cost 260 million, the school, famous throughout Moscow, cost the state farm 2 billion rubles. To the question"Where did you get the money?"here they answer “they were selling strawberries”. The state farm says that there are funds because Grudinin himself does not consider himself a capitalist (he only owns 44% of the shares of the company), and his joint-stock company does not pay dividends. All profits allegedly go to increase wages and pensioners, social programs and modernization of production.

The logic of Grudinin’s enterprise is complete economic independence of his territory, that same “reliance on one’s own strength” in a single village (however, this is the maximum goal). Therefore, the state farm has several “businesses”. Leasing of warehouse and unused premises at the enterprise, processing of vegetables and berries (for example, raw materials for juices were bought for a long time by the Lebedyansky plant, which produced J7 juices), extraction and sale of water from artesian wells, livestock raising, including its own apiary.

But the main thing is strawberries. It is everywhere on the state farm, not just in the margins and logo.

Sometimes it is replaced by apples. They are also grown on the state farm.

There are also strawberries in Grudinin’s own office.

Another rumor about the Lenin State Farm is connected with the berry, which also appeared after it became known about Grudinin’s nomination, that in fact his enterprise does not produce anything, but simply resells “Turkish strawberries.”

In fact, the state farm is 2 thousand hectares (70% of the settlement’s territory is in agricultural rotation, and 300 hectares of land are occupied by strawberries).

In the “non-existent gardens” around the state farm, not only strawberries grow, but also apples, pears, currants, gooseberries, sea buckthorn, chokeberries and raspberries.

By the way, it all began more than two decades ago with a scientific project to develop a special honeysuckle culture. Scientific work is still being carried out by agronomists here.

However, “it began” would not be entirely correct. The state farm has been operating since Soviet times, Grudinin’s parents worked there, and he himself began his career here immediately after graduating from the institute where he received an engineering education. From 1982 to 1989 he worked as the head of a mechanical workshop, from 1990 to 1995 - as deputy director, and in 1995, by the general meeting, he was elected director of the Lenin State Farm CJSC.

But it was precisely with its “scientific” approach to collecting strawberries that the state farm gained its initial fame in neighboring areas... and political organizations. Every summer Grudinin calls out throughout Moscow, as well as to parties and movements that work with the state farm, offering to come to the harvest. The work of volunteers is paid in berries. The volunteer receives 10% of the collected money. For several years in a row, the entire left-wing crowd of the capital has been coming to the fields to buy Grudinino strawberries. So, it can be argued that Grudinin began his election campaign quite a long time ago.

However, it is obvious that the main work is not done by politically active citizens, but by salaried workers trained in hard work. Grudinin strawberries are on the shelves and markets in the morning, when the picking just begins. Efficiency is achieved through organization, as well as the fact that the berries do not need to be washed thoroughly. The tractor immediately picks up the pallets from the field and takes them to the weighing station, where they are weighed, and there are cars nearby into which they are loaded. The salesman is already waiting for her in the car. Eliminating the washing step to achieve marketable appearance is possible because the berries do not touch the soil, even if it rains. To do this, straw is mulched and laid out between the rows, so that when the berry grows, it lies on the straw and not on the ground.

Thanks to drip irrigation technology in the fields, Grudinin strawberries receive water hourly and grow unusually large.

In winter, the permanent workers of the state farm do not leave the fields for vacation, but go to other jobs, tractor drivers clear snow from the streets, and the rest work in the processing shops. Let us remind you that on the state farm, in addition to strawberries, vegetables are also grown, and they are processed right there.

Previously, juice raw materials obtained from carrot puree were sold to large manufacturers. Now they make 16 varieties of their own juices, as well as strawberry uzvar.

The Lenin State Farm has always been a livestock farm, and they are aware that this industry is unprofitable by default in Russia. They say that Grudinin believes that this will not last long and new technologies, the same Internet of things, will change the situation. The state farm's livestock farm is one of the most modernized in the country. It is equipped with equipment connected to the wireless Internet, which allows for fine and remote control over household and equipment. There is a robot that cleans up the waste products of the cows, there is an automatic milking - a cow wants to be milked, she goes to the machine, which itself washes, processes her udder and takes the first stream of milk to sample. If the animal is healthy, milking begins. Afterwards the cow receives a treat so that she will not be lazy about milking in the future. Cunning and voracious cows that abuse milk yield receive a light electric shock instead of a treat.

During my short stay in the village, it was very difficult to understand the relationship between Grudinin and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. The party clearly nurtures and supports its nominee. On one of the high-rise buildings of the state farm there is even a huge ball with party symbols, as if indicating “this place is behind us.” But who actually plays first fiddle in this alliance and how durable it is is unclear. Grudinin's state farm can hardly be perceived as exemplary by ideological fighters against private property and for workers' rights. It is unlikely that they will even agree to call it a state farm. But for the Social Democrats, this is an obvious example of the success of their ideas on Russian soil.

At the enterprise itself, they are watching with alarm as the boss once again breaks into politics (his first political campaign here dates back to 1997). They fear that excessive attention from the state, which is not very trusted here, will not only not bring results, but will also destroy this man-made garden city.

After a significant meeting of local peasants with the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars V.I. Lenin, who lived at the Gorki estate at that time, gave the state farm its current name, and the country the idea of ​​unifying agriculture on the basis of collective labor.

Of course, the first specialization of this enterprise was the usual occupation of local peasants - animal husbandry and gardening. In all subsequent years, the management of the farm tried to use all the advantages of specialization: the state farm established the largest strawberry field, became a standard farm and an experimental site for testing new varieties of fruit crops for the climatic zone of the Moscow region.

With the creation of a processing workshop in 1973, the idea of ​​creating a loop “field-counter” chain was practically realized for the first time on this farm. And in 1976-1980, a powerful re-equipment of the technical base of the state farm took place, and a transition to industrial-type agricultural production was made.

Over time, processing technology and types of products have changed: samples such as fruit wine, jams, preserves have left the assortment, but the production of natural juices has developed. The contract with the world-famous Tetrapak company and the appearance of the Udachny brand became another milestone in the development of new technologies.

Gradually, the logic of agricultural development in the country prompted farmers to switch to diversified production. Against the backdrop of global economic changes in the 90s and the devastating consequences of shock therapy, the state farm survived due to the production of vegetables and potatoes. Today the farm is one of the most efficient suppliers of strawberries, potatoes, vegetables and livestock products in Russia.

The development of new technologies - highly efficient, economical - continues at the agricultural enterprise today: production capacities in livestock, potato and vegetable growing are expanding. The state farm is mastering open drip irrigation and introducing the best varieties of agricultural crops known in world breeding.

There is a well-known variety testing site here, which the state uses to test new varieties. It was this variety that made the honeysuckle culture famous in the Moscow region. Also, the Lenin State Farm CJSC also has its own area for propagating ornamental crops, mainly shrubs, which decorate homestead landscapes. This includes jasmine, spirea, barberry, Kuril tea (cinquefoil), dwarf weeping willow, honeysuckle, virgin grapes and much more.

Along with the search for reliable ways to sell products, another challenge in market conditions was the problem of personnel. In order to retain workers, the state farm pursues an active social policy: it builds housing, cultural and sports facilities, helps a kindergarten and school, and an outpatient clinic. All those in need received comfortable housing in the village, with the commissioning of a new kindergarten, so that the school would not have a second shift, and the construction of a new school is planned.

The state farm has preserved the best traditions and multiplies what was created by the labor of veterans, the current team - in this, according to the current director, Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation P.N. Grudinina, and there is a secret to the longevity of the state farm. The famous tractor driver, Hero of Socialist Labor worked at the state farm P.I. Kovardak, legend of domestic agronomy E.G. Kuznetsova, holder of the Order of Lenin and many other awards field farmer M.N. Kadina, director P.N. Pavlov And P.Z. Ryabtsev, full holder of the Order of Labor Glory L.S. Gadalova and many, many workers who brought honor and glory to the Moscow region agricultural enterprise.
