Physical education project "history of basketball". Project on the topic: “Basketball in our time Project my hobby basketball

Basketball in our lives The project was completed by: Physical education teacher of the Municipal Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 17” Grinko I.A. Project goals: ◦ get acquainted with the history of basketball ◦ conduct research and find out how important this sport is in human life ◦ draw conclusions Progress of work Introduction Ancient Mayan basketball: pok-ta-pok “Duck on the Rock” Basketball of our time: where it all began The emergence of professional basketball and NBL Basketball in Russia International basketball competitions Basketball at the Olympic Games Some types of basketball: mini-basketball Wheelchair basketball Streetball Korfball Basketball in besieged Leningrad Useful sport Conclusion Materials used Introduction Basketball is a sports game of 5 people in each team with a ball that is thrown by hand into a ring with a net (the so-called basket), mounted on a backboard at a height of 3.05 m. The ball can be passed, thrown, hit, rolled or dribbled in any direction. To trace how important basketball is for humans, we must start with its history: descriptions of games reminiscent of modern basketball can already be found among the ancient Normans and in many cultures of “pre-Columbian America.” Ancient Mayan Basketball: Pok-Ta-Pok The Ancient Mayans called this game Pok-Ta-Pok. The Indians viewed it as a metaphor for the Cosmos - the movement of the ball across the field reminded them of the movement of planets in the Universe. The team's goal was to hit a rubber ball, weighing 4 kilograms, into the opponent's ring carved from stone and vertically located on the wall. In this case, players could only hit the ball with their hips, elbows, shoulders, buttocks or back. Great importance was attached to the appearance of athletes. They decorated their bodies with ritual symbols and dressed in leather protective robes. Their outfit was completed with magnificent headdresses made from feathers of exotic birds and all kinds of amulets. The competition took place under the watchful gaze of leaders, priests and a large public. The winning team received an honorable, at that time, prize. Believing that the players had conquered the heights of skill and could now compete only with the gods, the priests sacrificed the “lucky” ones. Today, a version of pok-ta-pok exists in several northern states of Mexico under the name ulama. The game has been preserved only as sports entertainment and a spectacle for tourists, and the winners are no longer sent to compete with the gods. “Duck on a Rock” Among the immediate predecessors of basketball, basketball, widespread in the 19th century, is often cited. in some countries, the children's game “duck on a rock”: throwing a small stone, the player had to hit the top of another, larger stone. Basketball of our time: where it all began Professor Naismith taught anatomy and physical education at the YMCA International Youth Training College in Springfield, Massachusetts. He noticed that students found winter indoor gymnastics classes too monotonous, and American football, which was very common at that time, was a very rough and contact sport. Students often dropped out of the educational process for a long time. The school director ordered to come up with another game that would eliminate all these shortcomings. That is why Naismith decided to occupy the students with some new outdoor game of dexterity and coordination, which could be played indoors - and relatively small in size. At different ends of the gym, two fruit baskets (in English “basket”, hence the name of the new game) were attached to the balcony that surrounded it along the perimeter. The height from the floor to the edge of the balcony turned out to be 3 m 5 cm - this is the standard that is maintained to this day on all basketball courts in the world. The students had to hit the ball into the basket. This is how basketball came about. His official birthday is January 15, 1892, the day on which Naismith published the first basketball rules in the school newspaper. Professor Naismith The first officially recorded basketball match took place in December 1891. It was not quite as usual for us. So, Naismith’s teams had 9 people (the doctor simply divided the group of his students equally), and they played with a soccer ball. The news of the new sports game spread all over America, and soon the college where Naismith taught began to receive many letters, the authors of which asked to send them the rules of the game. In 1892, the first Book of Basketball Rules was published, containing 13 points, many of which are still in effect today. Although in some ways the “Naismith rules” differ from modern ones. For example, the match consisted of two halves of 15 minutes each. Dribbling the ball was not allowed by the rules of early basketball: you could only move around the court without the ball, and after receiving it, the player had to stop and either pass the ball to a partner or throw it into the basket. The number of players on a team was arbitrary, but always equal to the number of players on the opposing team. The player with the ball could not be attacked - it was only possible to prevent him from using the ball by jumping, waving his arms and other similar techniques. In case of violation of this rule, a foul was recorded, a repeated foul led to the disqualification of the offender - until a goal was scored. Three fouls in a row committed by any team were recorded as a “goal” in its basket - provided that the opponents themselves did not commit a single foul during this time. At one time, the team also had a goalkeeper guarding the basket, but behind the basket itself there was no basketball backboard that we are used to. The emergence of professional basketball and the NBL The game was rapidly gaining popularity. Already at the end of the 19th century, competitions began to be regularly held between teams from different cities and student campuses. Amateur leagues emerged. In 1896, a basketball match was held in the small American city of Trenton, the winning team of which received a monetary reward. Thus professional basketball was born. In 1898, the first professional association of teams was created - the National Basketball League (NBL). After existing for five seasons, it split into several independent leagues. Basketball in Russia The birthplace of Russian basketball is St. Petersburg. The first mention of this game in our country, dating back to 1901, belongs to the famous Russian propagandist of physical culture and sports Georgy Dupperon. Back in September 1900, the Committee for Promoting the Moral and Mental Development of Young People was created in St. Petersburg. His program included giving lectures on various areas of human life. And already in 1904, physical education appeared in the committee’s program, which, along with moral and mental development, added physical education. The society was given the name "Mayak". In the report for 1907, his activities included a mention of the invitation to Russia of the American specialist E. Moraller, who told members of the society about a completely new game. At the end of 1906, the first basketball matches were held at Mayak. In the spring of 1908, basketball, along with football and gymnastics, was included in the program of regularly held classes on the sports grounds of Krestovsky Island in St. Petersburg. In February and March 1910, the first official competitions for the Mayak Cup took place, the winner of which was the Lilov team (based on the color of the athletes’ T-shirts), which included Vasiliev, Vladimirov, Burykin, Nurdman, Machikhin. Meeting of the Mayak board In 1909, an event took place that became a milestone in the history of not only domestic, but also world basketball. A group of members of the American Christian Association came to St. Petersburg. A basketball team was made up of them, which, to the general joy of St. Petersburg residents, lost to the local team “Lilovy” with a score of 19:28. It was this historical meeting that was called the first real international basketball match in the book “World Basketball,” published in Munich in 1972 for the 40th anniversary of the FIBA ​​basketball federation. Thus, it turns out that Russia became the venue for the first international basketball match on the planet. Following the Mayak society, basketball teams appeared in the Bogatyr sports society, and after it in some others. Basketball gradually spread throughout the cities of Russia. Somewhat later, he penetrated into Ukraine, Belarus, Transcaucasia, and the Far East. In 1913, the first basketball rules were published in St. Petersburg, and the first description of the game was published in 1916. However, basketball received its real recognition and development in our country only after the revolution of 1917. International basketball competitions In June 1932, the International Basketball Federation - FIBB, later renamed FIBA, was created in Geneva. In 1935, the first European Championship was held there, the winner of which was the Latvian team. Three years later, the women's European tournament debuted: Italian basketball players became the first champions of the continent. World championships for men's teams have been held since 1950, for women's teams since 1953. The first world champions in history were the Argentina team and the USA team. Currently, the world championship is played every 4 years. The USSR team won world gold three times (1967, 1974 and 1982). Soviet basketball players became first 6 times. FIBA also holds world championships for juniors and women under 22 years of age. In addition, the official FIBA ​​calendar includes a number of competitions, including regional ones: both among national teams and among clubs. Basketball at the Olympic Games At the III Olympic Games in St. Louis and at the IX Olympic Games in Amsterdam, exhibition basketball matches were held with the participation of American athletes. The Olympic debut of men's basketball took place in 1936 at the Games in Berlin, where Dr. Naismith was the guest of honor. The basketball tournament attracted enormous attention from all over the world: teams from 21 countries took part in it. The Americans won. The US team won every Olympic tournament without exception until 1972, winning 63 matches and not losing a single one. Starting from the 1992 Olympics, professional basketball players were officially allowed to participate in the Games. Women's basketball was first included in the Olympic program in 1976 at the Montreal Games. The first then, as then at the 1980 and 1992 Games, was the USSR national team. All other Olympic tournaments were won by the US team. Some types of basketball: mini-basketball The rules of mini-basketball were developed in the early 1950s by the American Jay Archer. The game is intended for children 6–12 years old and is divided into two levels: mini-basketball (age group 9–12 years old) and micro-basketball (for children under 9 years old). The playground and equipment are adapted for children's age. The length of the court is 28 m, width – 15. The baskets are mounted at a height of 2 m 60 cm, the backboard itself is also smaller than in classic basketball. The ball weighs 450–500 grams, the circumference is 680–730 mm (for children under 9 years old, the weight of the ball is 300–330 grams, and the circumference is 550–580 mm). The markings of the mini-basketball court correspond to the markings of a standard basketball court, but there is no line limiting the 3-point zone, and the free throw line is drawn at a distance of 3.6 m from the backboard. Mini-basketball is played by teams of five players each, although “reduced” squads are also allowed. Matches are often held between mixed teams (including both boys and girls). The game lasts four halves of 6 minutes. The rules of the game themselves are somewhat different from classic basketball. In mini-basketball, for example, net time is not recorded. FIBA has a special commission for minibasketball, and there is also an International Committee for minibasketball. Currently, it includes representatives of 170 countries, mini-basketball is cultivated in North and South America, Australia, Asia and Europe - in total in 195 countries of the world. In 1965, the first minibasketball world championship took place. In 1973, a mini-basketball committee was created under the USSR Basketball Federation. A year later, the country's first mini-basketball festival took place in Leningrad. Currently, the All-Russian Minibasket club holds a number of national (Russian Cup, etc.) and international competitions. Wheelchair basketball This type of basketball appeared in 1946 in the USA. Former basketball players, who were seriously wounded and mutilated on the battlefields during World War II, did not want to part with their favorite game and came up with “their own” basketball. It is now played in more than 80 countries. The number of officially registered players is 25 thousand people. The International Wheelchair Basketball Federation (IWBF) holds various sporting events: World Championships - every 4 years; annual tournaments of club teams, zonal competitions (once or twice a year), etc. Wheelchair basketball has been part of the Paralympic Games program since the first such Olympics were held in Rome in 1960. The rules of wheelchair basketball have their own prohibitions and restrictions. For example, “jogging” is prohibited - when a player turns the wheel with his hand more than twice while dribbling the ball. Streetball Streetball (from the English "street" - street) is a more dynamic and aggressive sport than classic basketball. The game involves two teams of three players each (sometimes with one substitute) on a special streetball court or on a regular basketball court, using only one half of it - and, accordingly, only one ring. In case of a miss, the team that previously attacked the ring protects it from the opponent’s attack, etc. Which team will start the game is determined by lot. The game continues until one of the teams scores 16 points (but the gap in the score must be at least 2 points). Sometimes they play until there is a gap of 8 points or for a time (20 minutes) - in this case the 30 second rule applies: if during this time the team has failed to complete the attack, the ball goes to the opponent. A team is awarded a point for a successful shot, and two points for a shot from the 3-point zone. A ball thrown into the basket is counted only if it is touched by two players of the attacking team. The ball then goes to the defending team: play resumes as soon as one of its players touches the ball. In this case, the ball must first be taken outside the 3-point line. Jogging, double dribbling and shooting from above are prohibited. Streetball tournaments are now being held in various cities of Russia, often timed to coincide with major city holidays. Korfball Korfball (from the Dutch korf - basket) was invented in 1902 by a school teacher from Amsterdam named Nico Breekhuysen. Two teams of 8 people each (4 men and 4 women) play on a court divided in half by the center line, two halves of 30 minutes each. Four players (2 men and 2 women) are on their half of the court and defend their basket, four are on the opposing team’s half, their task is to hit the “other’s” hoop. After two successful shots, the defenders move into the attacking zone and vice versa. Korfball is a less contact game compared to basketball. Moreover, according to the rules, a man can only play against a man, and a woman can only play against a woman. Dribbling in korfball is not allowed, and the player who has taken possession of the ball can take no more than two steps with it. The diameter of the ring is narrower than a basketball one (40 cm), and it is attached higher (3.5 m). Korfball is extremely common in Holland (more than 100 thousand people constantly play it, more than 500 clubs are registered, participating in national tournaments) and its neighboring countries. Over time, korfball has gained recognition all over the world, including in Russia, and is currently included in the program of the World Games. Since 1933, the International Korfball Federation (IKF) has been operating, currently officially recognized by the IOC and other international sports associations. Any sport, and in this case basketball, is always important for a person: it keeps him in good shape, helps him lead an active lifestyle and at the same time allows him to have fun and relax - American professional basketball player Baron Davis said: “The basketball court is what a place where I can forget about all my problems." This proves that basketball was played even during the Second World War in besieged Leningrad. Basketball in besieged Leningrad On January 1, 1941, there were more than 82 thousand basketball players in the country. By this time, the formation of the national basketball school had been completed. In January 1943, shortly before the siege of Leningrad was broken, workers of the Kirov plant, located a few kilometers from the front line, played a friendly Russian hockey match with Dynamo on their site. Even earlier, in the summer of 1942, basketball players gradually began to train. And in the spring of 1943, in the gym equipped in one of the workshops of plant No. 77 named after. K. Liebknecht, the first official basketball match took place during the days of the blockade. The hosts met with the team of General Bystrov's unit. In August '43 at the stadium. Lenin, two summer city basketball championships began. Since the fall of 1943, Dynamo players trained at the Vyborg House of Culture. In 1943, the first friendly match was held with the Estonian Corps team. On January 27, 1944, fireworks thundered in Leningrad in honor of its complete liberation from the siege, and already in February a basketball blitz tournament dedicated to this event took place. The winners were the basketball players of the House of the Red Army, who at the end of last year acquired their own gym on 1st Krasnoarmeyskaya Street (Alexei Selivanov, Valentin Leskov, Vladimir Ulyanov, Vasily Kurkov, Nikolai Redon and others). The second place was taken by the capital's Lokomotiv, for which Honored Master of Sports Evgeny Alekseev, Igor Belyaev, Vladimir Kostin, Evgeny Pyrkin and others played. The third was the team of the Estonian Corps, where, in addition to Lysov and Dudkin, Evgeniy Tilling, Ants Käbi, Eriksson, Press, Keres, the brother of the international grandmaster, played. Sportsmen from factory No. 77, as well as Alexander Novozhilov, Valentin Yanushevsky and Dmitry Frolov, competed for “Burevestnik” (4th place). Healthy sport In addition to its immediate function - keeping fit - this sport has a positive effect on health due to physical activity of variable intensity. Basketball improves the functioning of the visual and motor systems, the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and coordination of movements. In addition to its beneficial effect on human health, playing basketball contributes to the development of self-control, increased endurance, initiative and creative thinking, courage and determination. Systematic training also leads to the formation of independence, perseverance and determination. Conclusion People have long played basketball or games similar to it, both in peacetime and in war. Even those who are not able to move around as usual in life find themselves in this sport (see Wheelchair Basketball). In addition to being fun, basketball is also good for your overall health. Based on everything described above, we can say with confidence that this is a sport that has been one of the most important and significant in human life for centuries. In confirmation, I would like to end with the words of an unknown author: “Are you an athlete? - No, I'm a basketball player! - Isn’t basketball a sport? - No, this is life!” Materials used Conversations with the project manager, a basketball player acquaintance basket/istoriya.htm

“Basketball” report on physical education, briefly outlined in this article, will help you prepare for the lesson, and you will learn a lot of useful information about this Olympic sport.

Report on the topic “Basketball”

Basketball- Olympic sport. It is a sports team game with a ball, the goal of which is to throw the ball into the opponent’s basket more times than the opposing team in a set time. Each basketball team has 5 field players.

Stages of basketball development

Basketball history began in the recent nineteenth century. In the United States of America, a young teacher, Dr. James Naismith, tried to make gymnastics lessons more interesting and lively in 1891. He attached 2 fruit baskets to the balcony railing and invited his students to throw soccer balls into them. The interesting game only from a distance resembled modern basketball. Of course, there was no talk of dribbling; the players simply tossed the ball to each other and tried to throw it into the basket. The team that scored the most goals was the winner. But, nevertheless, James Naismith is considered the person who invented basketball.

In 1892, he developed the basic rules of basketball. The first matches that took place according to the created rules provoked the first changes in them. From the USA, basketball gradually spread to China, Japan, the Philippines, and then to South America and Europe. 10 years later, at the Olympic Games in St. Louis, the Americans organized a basketball exhibition tour between teams from several cities.

In 1936, basketball was included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games.

In 1946, the BAA, the Basketball Association of America, was created. The first match under the auspices of the association took place in Toronto on November 1, 1946 between the New York Knickerbockers and Toronto Huskies. Three years later, the Basketball Association merged with the US National Basketball League (NBA): the National Basketball Association was born.

In 1967, the American Basketball Association was re-established to compete with the National Basketball League. But 9 years later another merger occurred. Today, the NBA is one of the world's most famous and influential professional basketball leagues.

Back in 1932, the International Amateur Basketball Federation arose among countries such as Greece, Argentina, Italy, Portugal, Latvia, Romania, Czechoslovakia, and Sweden. At first it was assumed that the federation would lead only amateur basketball, but in 1989 its members were given the opportunity to participate in international competitions. The word “amateur” was removed from the name of the federation.

Basketball rules

Until 2004, the rules of the game changed several times. Only in this year did the final version take shape, which is still relevant today.

  • 2 teams play basketball. Each team consists of 12 players, 5 of them are field players, the rest of the team members remain substitutes.
  • The player holding the ball must constantly move around the field and hit the floor with it. Otherwise, the referee will count the violation as “carrying the ball.”
  • You cannot touch the ball with your feet or play with your fist.
  • The match consists of 4 halves. Their duration depends on the basketball association. For example, in FIBA ​​a half lasts 10 minutes, and in NBA it lasts 12 minutes. There are short breaks between periods, with a longer one between the second and third halves.
  • When the ball is scored during the free throw period, the team is awarded 1 point. If from a medium or close distance, then 2 points are counted. A shot from behind the three-point line is worth 3 points.
  • If the teams score the same number of points during the game, the referee orders overtime of 5 minutes. If it ends in a draw, then overtime continues until a winner is determined.
  • 3 Second Rule: A player from the attacking team is prohibited from remaining in the free throw zone for more than 3 seconds.
  • 2-step rule: Any player with the ball in their hands is allowed to take 2 steps, after which they must either pass or shoot.
  • The playing field is rectangular in shape and has a hard surface without bends, cracks or other deformations.
  • The light should cover the entire court evenly and not interfere with the players’ movement across the field.

Who officiates a basketball match?

The following must be present at the match: a senior referee, a referee, a timekeeper, a secretary, an assistant secretary, and a 30-second operator. They must wear a gray shirt, black long pants and black basketball shoes.

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Basketball in besieged Leningrad On January 1, 1941, there were more than 82 thousand basketball players in the country. By this time, the formation of the national basketball school had been completed. In January 1943, shortly before the siege of Leningrad was broken, workers of the Kirov plant, located a few kilometers from the front line, played a friendly Russian hockey match with Dynamo on their site. Even earlier, in the summer of 1942, basketball players gradually began to train. And in the spring of 1943, in the gym equipped in one of the workshops of plant No. 77 named after. K. Liebknecht, the first official basketball match took place during the days of the blockade. The hosts met with the team of General Bystrov's unit.

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In August '43 at the stadium. Lenin, two summer city basketball championships began. Since the fall of 1943, Dynamo players trained at the Vyborg House of Culture. In 1943, the first friendly match was held with the Estonian Corps team. In August '43 at the stadium. Lenin, two summer city basketball championships began. Since the fall of 1943, Dynamo players trained at the Vyborg House of Culture. In 1943, the first friendly match was held with the Estonian Corps team. On January 27, 1944, fireworks thundered in Leningrad in honor of its complete liberation from the siege, and already in February a basketball blitz tournament dedicated to this event took place. The winners were the basketball players of the House of the Red Army, who at the end of last year acquired their own gym on 1st Krasnoarmeyskaya Street (Alexei Selivanov, Valentin Leskov, Vladimir Ulyanov, Vasily Kurkov, Nikolai Redon and others). The second place was taken by the capital's Lokomotiv, for which Honored Master of Sports Evgeny Alekseev, Igor Belyaev, Vladimir Kostin, Evgeny Pyrkin and others played. The third was the team of the Estonian Corps, where, in addition to Lysov and Dudkin, Evgeniy Tilling, Ants Käbi, Eriksson, Press, Keres, the brother of the international grandmaster, played. Sportsmen from factory No. 77, as well as Alexander Novozhilov, Valentin Yanushevsky and Dmitry Frolov, competed for “Burevestnik” (4th place).

Healthy sport In addition to its immediate function - keeping fit - this sport has a positive effect on health due to physical activity of variable intensity. Basketball improves the functioning of the visual and motor systems, the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and coordination of movements. In addition to its beneficial effect on human health, playing basketball contributes to the development of self-control, increased endurance, initiative and creative thinking, courage and determination. Systematic training also leads to the formation of independence, perseverance and determination.

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By discipline: Physical Culture

on the topic of: "My world is around a basketball"



1.1 History of basketball

1.2 Development of basketball

1.3 Women's basketball in Russia

1.4 Basketball at the present stage



3.1 My basketball team

3.2 Our physical, technical, theoretical and tactical preparation

3.3 Sports commandments of our team

3.4 Sports advice from our team for young athletes




Life is motion. Movement is physical education, and physical education is the beginning of human sports activity. Some people are attracted to sports by glory, fame, others by the desire to become strong, brave, and still others by the desire to compete and win. To achieve something, you need to learn to act - to play.

Ball games on the basketball court always bring joy to team members. Fighting for victory as part of a team of friends requires a lot. Nobody wants to let their comrades down. So you try to play as best as possible, and if you don’t always have enough skill, dedication comes to the rescue, the willingness to give all your strength for the sake of victory.

The referee's signal whistle sounds. And here it is - Victory! How much joy there is in this short word! And for the sake of this moment of celebration, the guys are ready to make any sacrifice: abrasions and bumps, daily training in winter and summer, adherence to a strict sports regime - and hundreds of other small griefs and restrictions.

But it also happens that victory eludes the guys at the very last moment. You make a tiny mistake and the ball, the deciding ball, flies into the net of your hoop. It's a shame? Certainly! Bitterly? Still would! But the bitterness of defeat strengthens the sporting character. For a real athlete, regardless of age, yesterday's failure will turn into a quick victory.

It is believed that playing with a ball is the best means of physical development and finding joy. One of the greatest doctors of antiquity, the Roman Claudius Galen, said: “It is not difficult to see that playing ball can develop the properties of the soul and body to that high degree that people strive to achieve.” A real athlete, entering the game, strives to be honest and noble, fair and courageous. By constantly participating in the game, a person cultivates these high human qualities in himself, becomes strong not only in body, but also in spirit, all guys should strive for this.

In this research work, I wanted to show that thanks to regular basketball training, I became not only physically strong and healthy, but also persistent and persistent, which is so necessary in any business.

I would like my personal example to captivate others (kids), so that they can clearly see that achieving noticeable results everywhere, both in sports and in life, cannot be achieved by accident. Success must be achieved, and luck often helps the stubborn and persistent. Therefore the main purposeThis work is to reveal the significance and fascination of the game of basketball.

To achieve this goal, the following were identified: tasks:

.study the history of basketball;

.talk about our city basketball team;

.reveal the positive qualities gained in basketball classes;

.evaluate the possibilities of achieving success in this sport.

Having examined, studied, described and analyzed, it will be possible to draw conclusions about the significance and excitement of the game of basketball. To solve the problems, the presented literature sources were used and analyzed.


1.1 History of basketball

The official date of birth of basketball is 1891. True, some elements of the basketball game were discovered by historians in very distant times. It is known, for example, that even before the new era, Indians from Central America, during religious holidays, threw a rubber ball into a stone ring, demonstrating their dexterity and dexterity.

Of course, in the 10th century BC, the word “basketball” did not yet exist, but scientists believe there was another name - “Pok-Ta-Pok.” The length of the playing area was neither more nor less than 147 meters. It was allowed to hit the ball only with a bat, elbow or knee. But the real birthplace of basketball is rightfully considered the USA, namely Springfield. At the end of the 19th century, in 1891, James Naismith (1861-1932) accidentally invented a new game. Simple exercises at that time were considered almost the only way to get involved in sports, so Naismith, being a teacher of physical education, perfectly understood the deplorable nature of this situation.

On one of the usual January days, he attached two baskets at a height of 3.05 m (by the way, the standard installation height for basketball now) into which it was necessary to throw a soccer ball. Then there were two teams of players - 9 people each. Dribbling the ball, as in the modern version of the game, did not exist; the players stood still and, throwing the ball to each other, tried to get it into the basket. It's funny, but after every successful throw, one of the players climbed up and took the ball out of the basket. Although now we would find such a game slow and uninteresting, it was a collective game, which made it possible to interest young people and thus attract them to the sport. Actually, this is what Naismith wanted.

I liked the game so much that a year later the same Naismith came up with the first 13 rules for the game. Many of them still operate in professional basketball. The concept of basketball originated in his school years, while playing duck-on-a-rock. Already, as a physical education teacher and college professor in Springfield, D. Naismith was faced with the problem of creating a game for the Massachusetts winter, the period between baseball and football competitions. Naismith believed that due to the weather at this time of year, the best solution would be to invent an indoor game.

A year later, D. Naismith, in less than an hour, sitting at the table in his office, developed the first 13 points of basketball rules, which formed the basis of the modern code of basketball laws (now there are only about thirty referee gestures):

1. The ball can be thrown in any direction with one or two hands.

The ball can be hit with one or two hands in any direction, but never with a fist.

The player cannot run after the ball. The player must pass or throw the ball into the basket from the point where he caught it, with the exception of a player running at good speed.

The ball must be held with one or two hands. Do not use your forearms or body to hold the ball.

In any case, hitting, grabbing, holding and pushing the opponent is not allowed. The first violation of this rule by any player shall be recorded as a foul (dirty play); a second foul disqualifies him until the next goal is scored and, if there was obvious intent to injure a player, for the entire game, no substitution is allowed.

Hitting the ball with your fist is a violation of rules 2 and 4, the punishment is described in paragraph 5.

If both sides commit three fouls in a row, they must be called a goal for the opponents (this means that the opponents must not commit a single foul during this time).

A goal is counted if the ball thrown or bounced off the floor hits the basket and remains there. Defensive players are not allowed to touch the ball or basket while shooting. If the ball touches the rim and the opponents move the basket, a goal is scored.

If the ball goes into touch (out of bounds), then it must be thrown into the field by the first player who touched it. In case of a dispute, the referee must throw the ball into the field. The thrower is allowed to hold the ball for five seconds. If he holds it longer, the ball is given to the opponent. If either side tries to stall, the referee must give them a foul.

The referee must monitor the actions of the players and fouls, and also notify the referee of three fouls committed in a row. He is vested with the power to disqualify players under Rule 5.

The referee must keep an eye on the ball and determine when the ball is in play (inside) and when it is out of bounds (outside), which side should be in possession of the ball, and any other actions that a referee would normally perform.

The game consists of two halves of 15 minutes each with a 5 minute break between them.

The side that scores more goals in this period of time is the winner.

The game still had many changes in the future...

1.2 Development of basketball

Already the first matches under these rules caused their changes. Although most of them are still in effect today. Fans on the balconies caught flying balls and tried to throw them into the opponent’s basket. Therefore, shields soon appeared, which became protection for the basket. Having studied the rules and mastered the basics of technique, on February 12, 1892, students of Springfield College, in the presence of a hundred spectators, played the first “official” match in the history of basketball, which ended peacefully with a result of 2:2. Its success was so resounding, and word of the new game spread so quickly that soon two Springfield teams began holding exhibition matches, attracting hundreds of spectators to their performances. Their initiative was picked up by students from other colleges, and the very next year the entire American northeast was gripped by basketball fever. Already in 1893, iron rings with mesh appeared. The new game turned out to be so interesting and dynamic that in 1894 the first official rules were published in the USA. At the same time, basketball from the USA penetrates first to the East - to Japan, China, the Philippines, and then to Europe and South America. In 1895, free throws were introduced from a distance of 5 m 25 cm. Dribbling the ball in all its variants was legalized in 1896; since 1897, the team was limited to five players.

The spontaneous formation of amateur teams and leagues led to the fact that students sought to play exclusively basketball, preferring it not only to such traditional sports as American football and baseball, but also to gymnastics, beloved by college trustees. Officials of the Youth Christian Association, heeding the complaints of opponents of the new trend, did not turn a blind eye to such a blatant violation of the foundations of the educational process and practically slammed the doors of student sports halls. However, their desire to ban a new sport that was rapidly gaining popularity was like trying to manually stop a speeding train.

However, if you wish, you can find a positive side to these prohibitions, since it was they that provoked the holding of the first professional basketball match, that is, a match for money. This happened in 1896, when a team from Trenton, New Jersey, in order to pay the rent of the hall, was forced to sell tickets for its game. Having paid at the end of the meeting with the owners of the premises, the Trentor team discovered that they still had part of the money received from the tickets, which was equally divided between the players, making each of them $15 richer.

10 years later, at the Olympic Games in St. Louis (USA), the Americans organized an exhibition tournament between teams from several cities. The same demonstration tournaments were held at the 1924 (Paris) and 1928 (Amsterdam) Olympics.

The American Basketball League was created in 1925, and the National Basketball League in 1937. One of the most famous teams of the 1930s, the New York Renaissance, which had black players, had 2,318 wins and 381 losses over 22 seasons. In 1961, the American Basketball League (8 teams) was created, and in 1967, the American Basketball Association (11 teams). After their unification in 1976, the National Basketball Association (NBA) was founded.

The birthplace of domestic basketball is St. Petersburg. This fact is well known and leaves no doubt. The first mention of this game in our country belongs to the famous Russian propagandist of physical culture and sports, St. Petersburg resident Georgy Dupperon, and it dates back to 1901. Back in September 1900, the Committee for Promoting the Moral and Mental Development of Young People was created in St. Petersburg. And already in 1904, physical education appeared in the committee’s program, which, along with moral and mental development, added physical society. The society was given the name "Mayak". In the report for the year 1907 of his activities (from 09/22/1906 to 09/22/1907) there was a mention of the invitation to Russia of the American specialist E. Moraller, who told the Mayakovites about a completely new overseas game. It turned out that the best Mayak athletes were first introduced to basketball. At the end of 1906, the first basketball matches were held in the Society. The winner of the first competitions was invariably the “lilac” team (based on the color of the T-shirts), led by one of the best gymnasts in society, S. Vasiliev, who was later called the “grandfather of Russian basketball.”

Already in 1909, an event took place that became a definite milestone in the history of not only domestic, but also world basketball. A group of members of the American Christian Association came to St. Petersburg. A basketball team was made up of them, which, to the general joy of St. Petersburg residents, lost to the local “purple” team with a score of 19:28. This meeting took place in the new hall of the Mayak society in house No. 35 on Nadezhdenskaya Street (in Soviet times - Mayakovsky Street). It was this historical meeting that was named the first international basketball match in the book “World Basketball,” published in Munich in 1972 for the 40th anniversary of the FIBA ​​basketball federation. Thus, it turns out that Russia became the venue for the first international basketball match on the planet. Thanks to the efforts of the Mayakovites, basketball soon began to spread in other sports societies and educational institutions of the city, and after the revolution it confidently marched across the country and already in 1920 it was included in the school curriculum of Universal Education along with football as a compulsory discipline. In 21, the country's first basketball league was created in St. Petersburg, with F. Jurgenson becoming its chairman. And it was this organization that was the prototype of the current federation, and it was under its auspices that in the same year the city basketball championship was held for the first time.

In the 1920s, national basketball federations began to be actively created, and the first international meetings were held. So in 1919, a basketball tournament took place between the army teams of the USA, Italy and France. In 1923, the first international women's tournament was held in France. Teams from three countries took part in it: England, Italy, and the USA. The game is gaining increasing popularity and recognition in the world, and in 1932 the International Federation of Basketball Associations was created in Geneva. Its first composition included 8 countries - Argentina, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Czechoslovakia. In 1935, the International Olympic Committee decided to recognize basketball as an Olympic sport. In 1936 he appears in the program of the Olympic Games in Berlin. The guest of honor at the games was D. Naismith. Teams from 21 countries took part in the basketball tournament. The matches were held on outdoor tennis courts, and all subsequent Olympic tournaments were held indoors. The US team became the first Olympic champion. The Americans became Olympic champions 11 more times (in 1980, in the absence of the US team, the Yugoslav team won Olympic gold). In Sydney (2000), the American Dream Team was again first. The USSR national team became Olympic champions twice - in 1972 and 1988.

During the Olympics in Berlin (1936), the first FIBA ​​congress was held, where the existing uniform international rules of the game were reviewed and adopted. In 1948, 50 countries were already members of FIBA. With the development of world basketball, the technology and tactics of the game developed and enriched.

In the first half of the 1950s, basketball began to lose its inherent competitive edge. It was necessary to make a number of changes and additions to the rules to revive it. The most important of these additions were:

introduction of the 30-second rule (the team in possession of the ball must throw the ball into the basket within this time);

expanding the area of ​​the zone in which attacking players were not allowed to remain for more than three seconds.

The decision to hold the men's world championships was made at the FIBA ​​Congress during the 1948 Olympics in London. The first World Basketball Championship took place in 1950 in Buenos Aires (Argentina). 10 teams took part in the championship. The first world champion was the Argentine team, defeating the 1948 Olympic champion USA. Subsequently, the US team became world champion four times (1954, 1986, 1994, 1998); USSR national team - three times (1967, 1974 and 1982); Yugoslavia team also three times (1970, 1978 and 1990). The Brazilian team became the world champion twice (1959 and 1963).

At the FIBA ​​Congress in Helsinki in 1952 (during the Olympic Games), it was decided to hold the Women's World Championships. The first championship took place in 1953 in Santiago (Chile), and the first champions were American basketball players. The US team won the title of world champions 5 more times (1957, 1979, 1986, 1990, 1999). The USSR national team held the honorary title the same number of times (1959, 1964, 1967, 1971, 1975 and 1983).

Women's basketball made its Olympic debut in 1976 in Montreal. Six teams participated in the tournament. The first Olympic champions were the basketball players of the USSR national team, who became champions twice more, and American basketball players won gold medals four times (1984, 1988, 1996, 2000).

The first European Women's Championship was held in Rome in 1938, which was won by Italian basketball players. The USSR national team became the European champion 21 times (1950-1956, 1960-1991).

The strongest men's clubs in Europe are: Greek teams - Olympiacos (Piraeus) and Panathinaikos (Athens), Spanish teams - Real Madrid (Madrid) and Barcelona, ​​Russian team CSKA (Moscow), Israeli Maccabi ( Tel Aviv), Italian - "Timsystem" and "Kinder", Turkish - "Efes Pilsen" and "Ulker".

James Naismith created the game of all peoples of the world, a game of speed, dexterity and ingenuity. Basketball, like a spider, has united the entire planet with one web, and this web has not yet been torn, because it is strong. As strong as friendship.

Currently, basketball is very popular due to its entertainment and unpredictability; it is played both at the Olympics and in courtyards all over the world.

1.3 Women's basketball in Russia

basketball sport tactical training

Women's basketball made its Olympic debut in 1976 in Montreal. Six teams participated in the tournament. The first Olympic champions were the basketball players of the USSR national team, who became champions twice more, and American basketball players won gold medals four times (1984, 1988, 1996, 2000). The international debut of Soviet basketball players took place in 1935. One of our club teams beat the French in Paris with a crushing score of 60:11. The shocked organizers of the match invited our basketball players to play with the men's team. This game also ended in victory for the guests, with a difference of 6 points.

The women's team, created in 1950, had no equal for a long time. Only at the second World Championship (1957) and the sixth European Championship (1958) were Soviet basketball players second. They invariably won all other tournaments: world championships 5 times and European championships 20 times. And in 1976, the women's team under the leadership of Lidia Alekseeva (formerly one of the strongest basketball players in the USSR, who led the national team as a coach for 25 years) became the first team in history to win the Olympic tournament.

The first women's basketball tournament at the Olympic Games took place in 1976. The champions of the Olympic Games were: 1976 - USSR, 1980 - USSR, 1984 - USA, 1988 - USA, 1992 - united team of independent states, 1996 - USA.

1.4 Basketball at the present stage

Modern basketball is in a stage of rapid creative upsurge, aimed at intensifying actions, both in attack and defense.

Basketball is widely used as a means of physical education for school-age children and youth. Systematic training in sports games contributes to the comprehensive development of schoolchildren, especially having a positive effect on the development of such physical skills as speed, speed and strength endurance, and agility. Sports games contribute to the development of moral and volitional qualities: courage, perseverance, discipline, and the ability to overcome difficulties. Games also contribute to moral education. Respect for an opponent, honesty in wrestling, the desire to improve - all these qualities can be successfully formed under the influence of sports games.

Modern basketball is an athletic game and the demands placed on basketball players are the highest. To achieve high technical and tactical mastery, an athlete, first of all, needs a high level of development of physical qualities.

A basketball player today is an agile, well-coordinated athlete who thinks quickly on the court.


Depending on traditions, school capabilities, and specialization in sports, most schoolchildren play basketball. Basketball contributes to the development and improvement of many motor qualities and, above all, speed-strength, speed, endurance, coordination of movements and others. During basketball lessons and training, educational tasks are also successfully solved, since during the game, in order to achieve a common victory, members of our team must constantly interact with each other and overcome the opponent’s resistance. This helps to foster friendship, collectivism, initiative, perseverance, determination, as well as a complex of psychophysiological qualities.

Basketball is characterized by a high emotional coloring and a great spectacular effect. This greatly facilitates the solution of one of the most important tasks of our physical education. First, instill interest, and then create a need for physical education and sports.

From a distance, the two-story building cannot be confused with anything - this is the Physical and Sports Complex (FSKa) of the city of Yugorsk. From early morning until late evening, a hum can be heard around this building, either subsiding during training, or exploding before classes.

In the gyms there are a lot of children and teenagers in sportswear. Kids are running, balls are flying, jump ropes are whistling, and the sound of a whistle is made. Everyone is moving, standing, sitting - everyone is arguing about something, yelling, laughing and it’s so fun. In the ensuing silence of the FSK, only from the gym can be heard either strong to the point of thunder, or fading emotional sounds.

Pupils of the Physics and Sports Complex of Yugorsk are district and city champions, prize-winners of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra in all possible sports - basketball, acrobatics, rhythmic gymnastics, judo, etc. And the most favorite sport in FSK is basketball. And our coach Sergey Alekseevich Bekurin instills a love for this sport.

When training begins in the gym, the dull noise of basketballs is heard - once again our team is ready for training. And in the coach’s office there are certificates, pennants, and cups on display. And all these are our rewards.


3.1 My basketball team

My whole life is connected with sports. Since childhood, I was fond of dancing, went to swimming and volleyball, was involved in sports tourism, athletics, but when I took basketball classes, I realized what I wanted to do. At first I started training in the school basketball section, playing in competitions for the school, the coach of the city basketball team noticed me and invited me to join the team. I've been playing basketball for 4 years. I have the 1st adult category in this sport. The team I play on is called "NAME" which is a city basketball team INDICATE CITY.

There are 10 girls on our team who are purposefully moving towards victory. Our team's motto is: “If you defeat yourself, you will defeat everyone!”

We have reached great heights through unity, diligence and combat to victory. First we became the champions of our city, then the region, and then the prize-winners of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.

All our successes have been achieved thanks to the coach - full name. Its main task is to instill in us an interest in forming a sustainable habit of independent study. Our coach is a professional and loves his job, he will always find methods and ways in our sports training and for our sports growth.

Thanks to my sports training, I achieved success not only in basketball, but in other sports, playing for the school and for the city in various competitions. I won many certificates and medals.

3.2 Our physical, technical, theoretical and tactical training

Physical training conditionally divided into general and special training:

-with the help of general physical training, all physical qualities are developed - strength, endurance, flexibility, agility, speed, all functions of organs and systems of the body are improved;

-special physical training serves to develop technical motor qualities and form those systems of motor skills that are needed for the sport;

-technical training is needed to master the technique of the sport;

-Tactical training is a way of conducting sports wrestling in competitions.

As a result of technical training, we acquire technical skills and abilities in competitions, and as a result, tactical skills - the ability to skillfully master them constantly in the changing conditions of sports wrestling. The stability of sporting achievements implies the constancy of high results in competitions, constant motivation to fight in competitions.

Implementation of tactical training is the ability to quickly perceive and correctly assess the course of the starting fight, and make decisions creatively and in a timely manner. And this can be solved when, “one for all, all for one,” “through thorns to the stars,” “there are no winners without losers.”

Tactical methods for our success:

§ familiarization with the tactical experience of the strongest athletes;

§ studying the characteristics of sports capabilities, athletes’ level of training and preparedness;

§ familiarization with the conditions of upcoming competitions;

§ development of a tactical plan for upcoming competitions (selection of combinations, selection of solutions to individual problems - attack, defense);

§ developing the ability to exert mental pressure on an opponent, imposing on him a style of play that is not typical for him;

§ analysis of the competition, the effectiveness of tactics, conclusions for the future.

In psychological preparation The main goal of our coach is to create a complete psychological climate in the team. An experienced coach selects individual ways to manage the psychological state of his players, and this is all done by trial and error.

Games and martial arts are the most “psychological sports”, because here there is a direct, contact fight with a specific opponent.

The character of a team is not the sum of the characters of the players, but a special formation to which some personality traits correspond and others do not. And if the athlete is not needed by the team, he is unlikely to “fit” into it.

In sports, the orientation of the individual largely determines the motivation for higher achievements. An athlete feels the need for extreme physical effort, to experience a state of strong mental tension, to overcome an opponent, and most importantly, the need to show high athletic results.

To achieve sporting success, we consciously carry out the tasks set by our coach. Hence the need to work on oneself, on one’s own improvements.

In every game, we are dominated by the motives of hope for success. Before starting the game, we set a goal: “no matter what happens, no matter how we lose.” And the coach tries to cultivate our strong-willed qualities using the following methods:

-widely uses competitive exercises: any win is noted, and any loss is fined;

-creates difficult conditions (in a limited area, with obstacles, with a time limit);

-conducts training sessions in conditions of fatigue;

-poses tactical tasks that require the utmost mobilization of our intellectual and physical forces;

-conducts games with one-sided restrictions on tactical capabilities (only defensive form of play, attack without defense);

-requires performing all actions as quickly as possible;

-perform exercises when the trainer uses the explanation as much as possible;

-we solve new tactical problems;

-offers the player the role of leader, even if it is not typical for him.

Many of our personality traits develop through training and competition; leadership, ability to act in a team and work for results. Our team players have the following qualities:

-emotional stability;


-risk appetite;

-volitional activity;


-hard work;









Theoretical Personal preparation requires:

Ø have knowledge about the history of sports in the world and Russia, about the history of the emergence of sports, the rules and refereeing of basketball;

Ø nurturing independence in the use of physical education means, initiative, involvement in active practical physical education and sports activities;

Ø practical judging at competitions;

Ø mastering the rules and methods of insurance, self-insurance, first aid and mutual assistance when performing physical exercises “learn it yourself - teach another” is the credo of our team.

Studying at the Physical Education and Sports Complex, having good sports training, our team sets the goal of teaching others (kids) everything that we and perhaps even young coaches have learned.

3.3 Sports commandments of our team

Ø instill in your comrades a love of sports;

Ø be sincere and tactical towards your comrades. Listen to their statements, carefully correcting them if they are wrong;

Ø train no worse, but better than others, organizing assistance to the lagging forces of other guys;

Ø influence your comrades with your confidence. There will always be confidence in success;

Ø attract the attention of young athletes;

Ø perform tasks better, taking into account the interests of comrades when distributing assignments;

Ø strive for self-education;

Ø think about tomorrow's success;

Ø always come to training in a good mood: cheerful, kind and sensitive;

Ø do not show your fatigue;

Ø be tougher on yourself, learn yourself and teach others to compete despite injury.

3.4 Sports advice from our team for young athletes

In conclusion, we would like to give some advice to those who are planning to take up basketball or are already involved in this sport:

ü It is difficult to learn, it is even more difficult to relearn, you need to try to do everything well at once.

ü The harder it is to study, the easier it will be in competitions.

ü You must try to win, but not be afraid to lose.

ü If you lost, but gave all your strength to victory, there is nothing shameful about it: be ashamed of the victory for which you tried less.

ü Fight for victory until the last second, spare no effort, and don’t boast; if you do something well, help your friend cope with the task.

ü The courage of an athlete does not lie in getting into a fight, but in defeating an opponent in a fair fight.

ü Don’t reproach your friend for his mistake, sympathize, he didn’t want this.

ü Be neat and smart, because athletes are always in front of everyone.

ü Don’t get into an argument with your comrades, it’s better to find out the coach’s opinion about who is right.

ü Remember: nothing comes easy, to achieve success, you need to work hard.

ü Always listen carefully - every word the trainer says is useful - he is trying to teach you.


As a result of my research, we learned a lot about the game of basketball. Modern basketball is an athletic game and the demands placed on basketball players are the highest. To achieve high technical and tactical mastery, an athlete, first of all, needs a high level of development of physical qualities, and also needs to actively engage in sports - success comes gradually. A basketball player today is an agile, well-coordinated athlete who thinks quickly on the court.

The acquisition of knowledge is life experience, that is, verbal and visual perception of the actions of the trainer. In the process of training, it is necessary to understand their development and interrelation, to gain confidence in your knowledge. Sport reveals a lot of useful and interesting things to us. And don’t despair if everything doesn’t work out right away. It is important to see the goal. Whether it is close or distant, we strive for it, and, having achieved it, we do not rely on glory, we always strive for even greater perfection.

Our many years of work in understanding the game of basketball gave me a lot: organization, composure, perseverance and perseverance - combined with the ability to plan my time, the ability to use every hour, every minute to learn something or learn something new. This helps me both in sports and in studies. The desire to win, developed over many years of playing sports, also helps me: I want to achieve success not only on the basketball court, but in everything I do.

Among our team there are the best forwards, the best guards, the best defenders and centers. The girls of our team show good theoretical, physical and tactical knowledge at city, regional and regional physical education competitions.

We are proud of the great basketball players: the Gomel, Alekseev dynasty, the Ryabushkin sisters, the Medved brothers. By following the advice of basketball masters and systematically training, you can achieve success in this sport, and most importantly, improve your health and strengthen your body.

We will look up to them and, studying at the Physical Education and Sports Complex, we will achieve great heights in sports games. And after graduating from school, we will try to enroll in the physical education department and continue our sports activities.


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8.Pinholster, G. Encyclopedia of basketball exercises - M. 1973.

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14.Chuprakov M., Planet Basketball

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16.Yakhontov, E.R. Attack against zone defense in basketball - M.ANO C.R.S. 2000.

Khanty - Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

Municipal entity Nizhnevartovsk

Municipal educational institution Gymnasium


physical education teachers

Novichenko Andrey Vladimirovich

Subject : " Basketball as a means of interrelating physical and military-patriotic education of schoolchildren"

Nizhnevartovsk 2015

  1. Introduction.
  2. Relevance of the topic.
  3. The relationship between physical and military-patriotic education of schoolchildren. Organization of a basketball tournament in memory of Sergei Bogdanov.
  4. Characteristics of basketball as a means of physical education.

4.3. Development of psychological qualities


Special studies have shown the high effectiveness of basketball training for the comprehensive development of a child’s body. Running and jumping stimulate body growth in length. Throwing at a high target contributes to the formation of correct posture for passing the ball over a long distance; fighting for the ball at the backboard develops muscle strength. Under the influence of physical activity that children receive in classes and competitions, the activity of the cardiovascular system improves, chest circumference and lung capacity increase.

Schoolchildren who play basketball very quickly surpass their peers in physical development, they get sick less often, participate more actively in all physical education events held at school, in competitions in various sports, and show better results than other children.

These advantages of young basketball players are undoubtedly the result of the influence of the game itself, but still the most important thing is the method of conducting classes. To play basketball well, you must first of all be a well-rounded athlete. Therefore, at the initial stage of training, all attention is paid to physical training. In addition, competitions among schoolchildren are complex in nature.

The strongest teams in children's competitions are determined in the triathlon stage: based on the results of competitions in physical fitness, ball handling technique and team competitions in the game. Thus, those teams that carry out systematic and diverse work receive advantages.

One of the main factors determining the possibility of achieving high sports results in basketball is the level of development of physical qualities.

The general physical training of a basketball player is the basis for many years of sports improvement.

Special physical training exercises, thanks to the associated effects, contribute to the development of coordination of speed, speed-strength qualities, agility and orientation, thereby creating the prerequisites for mastering and improving the technique and tactics of the game.

Goal of the work: identifying the relationship between physical and military-patriotic education of schoolchildren involved in basketball.

To achieve this goal, we set the following tasks :

1. Identify the importance of outdoor games for the development of the physical qualities of a young basketball player.

2. Identify the role of physical education in the formation of patriotic education of the individual.


Physical Cultureis one of the components of a person’s general culture and largely determines his attitude to study, behavior in everyday life, and in communication. The participation of children and adolescents in various sports associations, sections, and the creation of the necessary conditions for sports at school is one of the ways to prevent drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking and delinquency among adolescents. Particular attention is currently paid to the introduction of health-saving technologies into school practice and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Physical education and sports must be considered as an effective means of solving the problems of moral and patriotic education of the younger generation.

The modern school is called upon to preserve and develop the diversity of content and forms of educational activities in a general educational institution, to form a value-ideological community of participants in the educational process, based on a harmonious combination of universal human values ​​and moral guidelines characteristic of Russian culture. When working with children and adolescents, it is important to overcome the declarative nature of universal human values ​​and ensure that children gradually master them - from instilling in them love for their small homeland - to the formation of planetary consciousness, a sense of responsibility for the future of the country, humanity, and the Earth.

Realization of the educational potential of the educational process will make it possible to create a favorable educational environment in an educational institution, formalize a holistic educational system and qualitatively increase the level of readiness of school graduates for self-determination in life.

Patriotism - devotion and love for the Motherland, the desire to serve its interests, to protect from internal (terrorism) and external enemies of the Fatherland - has a nationwide character, is the spiritual heritage of the individual and the state, one of the most important elements of public consciousness - a factor in maintaining social stability, mobilizing forces in emergencies situations for which the country must be prepared in advance. The state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006 - 2010” states that the feeling of patriotism as a form of a person’s experience of his relationship to the Fatherland is one of the deepest feelings, fixed over centuries, millennia, which is expressed in the need and worthy, selfless, even to self-sacrifice in serving the Motherland. This forms the civic position of the individual and acts as a necessary condition for the effective functioning of state institutions in the interests of strengthening the economic and military power of the country.
Patriotic education- educating the people in the spirit of love for their Fatherland and readiness to defend it from the attacks of any aggressor. The process of patriotic education is an activity aimed at transmitting socio-historical experience to future generations, a targeted impact on the spiritual and physical development of the individual in order to form devotion and readiness to serve the Fatherland, protect it from enemies, and be prepared for social life and productive work.

The main goal of patriotic education- formation of citizens’ readiness to fulfill constitutional duties. The priority direction in the Program is the patriotic education of the younger generation, with the main emphasis being placed on work in educational institutions. Based on these priorities, there is an objective need to improve the system of military-patriotic and physical education in secondary schools.

In accordance with the above, there is a need to implement the relationship between military-patriotic and physical education of schoolchildren.

Tournament in memory of Sergei Bogdanov

In 1999, while working at school No. 12, I had the idea of ​​organizing a tournament in memory of Sergei Bogdanov. This basketball tournament is in memory of a graduate of school No. 12 who died in the Chechen war. The strongest teams of boys and girls in grades 10-11 take part in the tournament. A challenge cup was established. Last year, students from grades 3-4 took part in the tournament for the first time.

Goals and objectives of the tournament:

  • Instilling in students a sense of patriotism, duty, and responsibility;
  • Preparing young people for service in the Russian army;
  • Popularization of the game of basketball among students;
  • Promotion of healthy lifestyle;
  • Identification of the strongest teams in the city;

Characteristics of basketball as a means of physical education.

Basketball - one of the most popular games in our country. It is characterized by a variety of movements; walking, running, stopping, turning, jumping, catching, throwing and dribbling the ball, carried out in single combat with opponents. Such diverse movements help improve metabolism, the functioning of all body systems, and form coordination. Basketball has not only health-improving and hygienic significance, but also propaganda and educational significance. Basketball lessons help build perseverance, courage, determination, honesty, self-confidence, and a sense of teamwork. Basketball, as a means of physical education, has found wide application in various parts of the physical education movement. In the public education system, basketball is included in physical education programs for preschoolers, general secondary, secondary, vocational, specialized secondary and higher education. Basketball is an exciting athletic game that is an effective means of physical education. It is no coincidence that it is very popular among schoolchildren.

Basketball, as an important means of physical education and health improvement for children, is included in the general education programs of secondary schools, schools with polytechnic and industrial training, children's sports schools, city departments of public education and branches of sports voluntary societies. Consolidating the achieved results and further increasing the level of sportsmanship are closely intertwined with mass recreational work and qualified training of reserves of the most talented boys and girls.

Long-term education of children requires taking into account the characteristics of their age-related development, and in connection with this, a careful set of tools and methods of educational work. Currently, there are many manuals covering in detail modern basketball techniques. They outline general issues of organizing pedagogical work, and also provide specific practical materials that need to be learned at a certain age.

One of the most important tasks of a comprehensive school- instilling in children the need for daily physical exercise. Solving this problem requires perseverance, creativity, and a lot of skills and knowledge from the physical education teacher. And first of all, you need to be able to build on not only your own activities, but also the activities of the students in the lesson. Moreover, so that it has its appropriate continuation in the form of independent studies at home for the purpose of physical self-improvement. And for this, first of all, you need to know the real capabilities of your students. The variety of technical and tactical actions of playing basketball and the gaming activity itself have unique properties for the formation of vital skills and abilities of schoolchildren, the comprehensive development of their physical and mental qualities. Mastered motor actions of playing basketball and associated physical exercises are effective means of promoting health and recreation and can be used by a person throughout his life in independent forms of physical education.

The role of basketball in the formation of personality

An American physical education teacher, a college professor in Springfield, in 1891 invented a game that could be played indoors in a relatively small space. This game was called "basketball". Dr. James Naismith is known throughout the world as its inventor.

The first game used a soccer ball, and instead of hoops, Naismith attached two simple baskets to the balcony railings on either side of the gym. On the bulletin board he posted a list of 13 rules for the new game.

Basketball, starting from the first games that ended with a score of 15–20 points, has come a long way and has undergone significant changes in the rules of the competition, technical and tactical training of players. Today it is one of the most popular sports in the world, practiced by 400 to 450 million people.

Basketball in Russia.In 1906, in St. Petersburg, a teacher from the United States, Eric Moraller, introduced members of the Mayak sports society to the rules of playing basketball, and soon the first match took place. In the same year, a delegation of members of the World Association of Young Christians from the USA, which included basketball athletes, visited St. Petersburg. The first international match took place with the participation of athletes from the Mayak club, which ended in victory for the Russians.

Rights and responsibilities of players

Young players are not toys in the hands of a coach, not chess pieces that move on the board at his will, but the same people with their own character, developmental characteristics, opportunities and rights. The teacher must always remember this and respect them.

Youth organizations determine the following rights of young athletes: to participate in sports competitions; to participate in such competitions, the level of which corresponds to their abilities and age; for a qualified trainer; to participate in decision-making regarding their sporting activities; to play sports in a safe and healthy environment, etc.

But young athletes must remember their responsibilities to others. A player must train a certain number of days and participate in a certain number of games, and this must be done even when he doesn’t feel like it at all. Responsibilities mean that in some cases the player must sacrifice his personal desires, think about others and not just himself, and maintain discipline.

Recently, it often happens that young people do not fulfill their obligations because they are led by their immediate desires. Thus, when they don’t like something or the exercise turns out to be too difficult, requiring additional effort, they do not try to overcome the difficulties and often stop training. Thus, stopping and failing to complete a difficult task are two of the most serious manifestations of a player's failure to fulfill his responsibilities. Practicing on a mini-basketball or basketball team provides an excellent opportunity for children and adolescents to learn to recognize and fulfill their responsibilities. This will help them in their future adult life.

Health promotion while playing basketball

Proper organization of mini-basketball or basketball classes is necessary for physical development, gives positive emotions, allows you to develop useful habits when playing sports: organize proper nutrition, observe hygiene requirements, take care of your health. But basketball training alone cannot ensure the comprehensive development of physical qualities: the educational and training process must include elements from other sports, such as athletics, acrobatics, swimming, etc. If classes are conducted without taking into account the physical capabilities of students and the load turns out to be too great for them, it is possible that they will stop classes. Constant monitoring of the health status of schoolchildren by the trainer-teacher will help to avoid negative consequences.

Development of a system of personal and social values

Basketball contributes to the development of a system of personal and social values ​​in schoolchildren, which is very important in the educational process.

Personal responsibility to the team

It is very important to instill in schoolchildren a sense of personal responsibility for the success of the team. For example, a defender must be able to hold his own against an attacker. He is personally responsible for the results of his actions, which affect the results of the entire team.

Friendly and official games are very useful because one basketball player cannot win the game by himself. However, no one can master the art of interaction through gaming alone. Therefore, it is very important that the teacher emphasizes the importance of interaction between players and organizes training in such a way that each athlete is aware of his responsibility to his partners and the team.

Compliance with the rules

When playing basketball, players must not only do what they want, but also follow certain rules: training rules and game rules, as well as fulfill their personal responsibilities within the team. Students must learn to work harmoniously, all together. And the basketball team is the best place to develop these qualities. This is one of the most important educational aspects when playing team sports, particularly basketball.

Respect for others

Playing basketball is a great way to learn to respect other people: partners, opponents, coaches, spectators, judges, etc. The daily situations that a basketball player finds himself in help him learn respect for his teammates and opponents. Obviously, the game involves fighting with opponents for the sake of victory, which can only go to one team, but at the same time respect must be maintained for them as athletes and simply as people. The teacher should pay special attention to the behavior of his players in relation to their opponents: they should not insult them, but, on the contrary, they should help them get up when they fall, talk after the game, congratulate them if they win, etc. The coach must teach his players to understand that opponents are children just like them, who also love to play basketball or mini-basketball, also try to achieve success, and that sports rivalry should be mutually friendly.

A trainer-teacher is always a role model, and he should never forget about this. Therefore, he should never insult, ridicule or humiliate his students, the opposing team or the judges. He must set an example of how to behave with judges and teach respect for them. A coach working with young players has a huge responsibility for their development, and he must constantly remember this responsibility.

Ability to compete

Life puts us in many competitive situations and we must be prepared for it. Everything mentioned above will help the young player learn to compete, while improving his physical and moral qualities, which are necessary both in sports and in everyday life. To be able to compete and win means to adequately perceive victories and defeats, success and failure, good and bad. Therefore, it is important that a team of young players gain a variety of competitive experiences throughout the season, including wins and losses, good and bad games, and that this experience helps them take wins with calm and losses with hope.

It is clear that players are more happy when they win than when they lose. However, winning should not be the main goal. The teacher should encourage his players totheir efforts whether the team wins or loses. After the game, the teacher should discuss with the players the negative and positive game situations that arose during the meeting, without focusing on its result, set new tasks and use his experience to help the athletes in their further improvement.


Basketball can be an excellent school in which young players learn to find a compromise solution, persevere in the most difficult situations, take personal responsibility for the success of the team, work harmoniously, all together, respect other people, perceive victories and defeats as a path to self-improvement.

Basketball is an excellent educational tool that a coach should be able to use for the benefit of his students.

Development of psychological qualities

Basketball also helps to develop psychological qualities in young players, which are very useful not only in sports, but also in everyday life, the development of which is part of the overall development of schoolchildren.


Youth basketball creates numerous situations that promote cognitive development. Basketball players (including mini basketball players) must be able to focus on different goals. Sometimes they have only one goal, other times there may be several goals at the same time - main or secondary, requiring solutions within a short time. If it is necessary to solve several problems at the same time, players must learn to identify the main one among them. Few team sports provide this opportunity.

At the same time, basketball helps develop the ability to select and perceive the necessary information, i.e. one that correctly reflects the specific situation, and quickly make the right decisions. Components of cognition such as selecting, storing information, using it, and making the right decisions can be improved. The teacher can facilitate this by setting tasks for the player that correspond to his abilities and level of training.


In life, it is very important to be persistent, to make every effort to achieve a goal, and basketball contributes to the development of this quality.

In everyday life, you can also find yourself in a difficult situation in which it is difficult to maintain perseverance. When playing basketball, this important quality can be developed, but only if the coach, when working with young players, encourages their constant efforts to achieve results.especially when you have to overcome difficulties.

Perception control, ways to increase control and self-control

A person should feel that he is in control of everything that happens to him. This control is the basis of our self-confidence and constitutes a critical aspect of psychological resilience. The opposite option is helplessness. A helpless person feels that he cannot influence what is happening to him, and ultimately becomes convinced that no action he takes will have an impact on the outcome. Many children and adolescents suffer from helplessness. They lose faith in their strength and become weak-willed. The teacher, working with students, should try to create such situations so that the players can control what is happening, so that they gain self-confidence and become psychologically stable.

During basketball practice, negative situations may arise that can lead to a feeling of helplessness. If the coach offers exercises that are accessible to the players, and the players understand what they are supposed to do, then they will have a sense of control over the situation. On the other hand, if the difficulty of the exercise exceeds their capabilities, then they feel helpless. Unfortunately, this often happens when players fail to understand and perform much of what is asked of them. Coach-educators, especially those who work with young players, must help them feel in control of what is happening to them. To do this, they can use the following methods: plan and conduct activities so that players can more easily control various situations; set realistic goals that correspond to the level of training and age of the players; offer exercises of a level of difficulty that players are able to complete; clearly explain what needs to be done and how, and demand high-quality completion of tasks.

To better control what is happening, young athletes should play against opponents of their own age and level of training. Even if the opponent is stronger or weaker, the coach must plan enough matches in which his players are able to withstand the competition, and put the good performance of his athletes above the result of the meeting.

The teacher should support the correct decisions made by the players in specific situations, but should not focus on the outcome of the game.

It is very important for a basketball player to control his own impulsiveness and his actions in general in order to fully show everything he is capable of. Basketball presents many situations in which players can learn to control themselves.

Self confidence

Self-confidence is closely related to the feeling of being in control. A coach's confidence is the belief that his players have the ability to achieve their goals. Self-confidence is the internal state of a person when overcoming difficulties to achieve results. A player's confidence increases when he feels he can accomplish whatever is required during a game or practice. For a basketball player, confidence is the key to progress, as it allows you to calmly respond to a stressful situation in the game and expect to achieve your goal.

Controlled success and controlled failure

We have already said that in basketball situations often arise related to control over what is happening around, which helps to strengthen self-confidence in children and adolescents. Favorable and unfavorable situations, i.e. achieving or not achieving a goal can affect control over them. Controlled success can be achieved by a team if the outcome of the game is favorable, and players associate this result with the possibility of control. On the other hand, controlled failure - an unfavorable situation (losing) - is where the players are still in control of events, trying to achieve a positive outcome and doing the best they can. In this case, they learn from negative experience, analyzing their mistakes, and try to avoid them in the future.

The experience of controlled success is an integral part of achieving a previously set goal; it contributes to the implementation of the outlined general plans. The experience of controlled failure helps develop tolerance, respond appropriately to adverse situations, and maintain composure in difficult situations. Analysis of unsuccessful actions will help the player in the future to believe in himself and his partners, even when the desired result is not achieved, and it must be achieved in the next game.

Controlled failure, as an alternative to controlled success, is the most effective for developing self-confidence. The player must have both one and the other control experience. For proper control over success and failure, it is necessary: ​​organization of appropriate competitive practice in training, friendly and official games (for example: games that allow for real competition against teams of equal levels of preparedness, giving them equal chances of success); setting serious and at the same time realistic tasks for players, aimed primarily at improving individual qualities, and not at the result of the game; careful planning based on the personal efforts of the players; analysis of the team's performance, carried out in an objective and constructive manner. A coach should not judge the quality of a game based solely on the fact that the game was lost in the final minutes of the match, or on emotions (for example, if the score remained tied at the end of the game). Correct and fair assessment by the coach of the performance of the team and players significantly influences the increase in their self-confidence. An unfair assessment, on the contrary, leads to a feeling of helplessness.

Self-awareness and self-esteem

Self-awareness determines a person’s idea of ​​himself, and self-esteem shows the degree of development of this idea. In both cases, this is a general assessment, not specifically related to any specific activity, but related to each person's ideas about himself. In children and adolescents, self-awareness and self-esteem are not constant and often change based on success or failure in activities that the child considers important, such as basketball. Many of the assessments that young players make of themselves often depend on their personal experience.

The relationship between a coach and young athletes can have a critical impact on developing their self-awareness and self-esteem. Therefore, the coach can have a positive influence on the players by using the following strategy: precise and specific explanation of the goals; assistance in achieving them and encouraging correct actions; a tactful attitude towards players when analyzing their mistakes and explaining how to correct them.

Positive experience

Basketball provides important opportunities for understanding personal and social values ​​and enhancing the psychological empowerment of young players who, through playing the sport, gain positive experiences that are important for everyone. For children and teenagers, it can become one of the ways to gain life and sports experience. If during training the positive experience prevails over the negative, then it is likely that the player will continue training. Positive experience is regularly gained if students experience pleasure from classes, a sense of pride, feel support from the coach and partners, improve their skills, achieve their goals, and receive recognition from the coach and partners.

Results of classroom and extracurricular activities in physical education:

2006 -2007 academic year- 3rd place in the Basketball Tournament in memory of Sergei Bogdanov (youth);

2007-2008 academic year– 3rd place in the Basketball Tournament among students in grades 7-8 (boys);

3rd place in the city basketball championship among girls in grades 9-11;

2nd place in the Sergei Bogdanov Memorial Basketball Tournament (girls);

3rd place in the mini-football tournament among grades 9-11 (boys);

2008-2009 academic year– 1st place in the Basketball Tournament dedicated to the 25th anniversary of NNT (girls);

1st place in the Basketball Tournament in memory of Sergei Bogdanov (girls);

2009 -2010 academic year - 1st place in the City Basketball Tournament among students in grades 5-6 (boys)

3rd place in the Basketball Tournament in memory of Sergei Bogdanov (youth)

2010-2011 academic year -2nd place in the Streetball Tournament among students in grades 5-6;

1-2 place in the Streetball Tournament among students in grades 7-8.

Conclusion .

In basketball classes, students practice and consolidate the skills and abilities of playing basketball, as well as improve the technique and tactics of playing with the ball, both individually and in a team. In the section classes, dribbling the ball with changes in speed, height of the ball’s rebound, and a sharp change in the direction of movement is more fully practiced. A lot of time is devoted to individual training:throwing the ball from a place and in motion, passing the ball with one or two hands from the chest, from behind the head, from the shoulder. Deceptive and deceptive dribbling techniques, snatching and knocking the ball away from the opponent are studied. After individual actions, they move on to training in teams of 2,3,5 people. The main goal of additional sectional classes is to teach schoolchildren to gain a deeper understanding of the tactics and techniques of playing basketball, improve results in general physical training, and improve their health.


1. Gutman B., Finegan T. All about training a young basketball player. – M.: AST, Astrel, 2007. – (Series “Step by Step”).

2. Gomelsky A.Ya. Encyclopedia of basketball from Gomelsky. – M.: FAIR PRESS, 2003.

3. Gomelsky E.Ya. Game of giants. – M.: Vagrius, 2004.

