Fresh water problems. The problem of fresh water shortage and ways to solve it. Ways to solve the problem

The total volume of water on Earth is approximately 1400 million cubic meters. km, of which only 2.5%, that is, about 35 million cubic meters. km, accounts for fresh water. Most of the fresh water reserves are concentrated in the multi-year ice and snow of Antarctica and Greenland, as well as in deep aquifers. The main sources of water consumed by humans are lakes, rivers, soil moisture and relatively shallow groundwater reservoirs. The operational part of these resources is only about 200 thousand cubic meters. km - less than 1% of all fresh water reserves and only 0.01% of all water on Earth - and a significant share of them is located far from populated areas, which further aggravates the problems of water consumption.

In terms of the total volume of fresh water resources, Russia occupies a leading position among European countries. According to the UN, by 2025, Russia, together with Scandinavia, South America and Canada, will remain the regions most supplied with fresh water, more than 20 thousand cubic meters. m/year per capita.

According to the World Resources Institute over the past year, the most water-insecure countries in the world were 13 states, including 4 republics of the former USSR - Turkmenistan, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.

Countries with up to 1 thousand cubic meters. m of fresh water on average per capita: Egypt - 30 cubic meters. m per person; Israel - 150; Turkmenistan - 206; Moldova - 236; Pakistan - 350; Algeria - 440; Hungary - 594; Uzbekistan - 625; Netherlands - 676; Bangladesh - 761; Morocco - 963; Azerbaijan - 972; South Africa - 982.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

The problem of fresh water on Earth is becoming more and more urgent every year. The planet's population is increasing, industrial production is also growing, and following them, fresh water consumption is significantly increasing. The global freshwater problem is that water resources are not being replenished.

Thus, fresh water reserves on the planet are gradually decreasing, and if the extensive way of wasting water resources is not changed, this can lead to a shortage of fresh water in most regions, and then to an environmental disaster.

What are the ways to solve fresh water shortages?

There are many approaches and technologies:

1) Preservation of fresh water reserves in reservoirs.

This allows you not only to protect water resources, but also to have a supply of water in case of unforeseen disasters.

2) Technologies for water processing.

Domestic and waste water must be processed and purified. This allows you to save a significant amount of fresh water.

3) Desalination of salt water.

Technologies for processing salt water into fresh water (desalination) are becoming more advanced and require less material costs. Converting salt water to fresh water is a great solution to the fresh water problem.

4) Breeding techniques for agricultural crops.

With the help of modern genetic selection technologies, it has become possible to develop crops that are resistant to saline soils. Such plants can be watered with salt water, and this saves a significant amount of fresh water.

Another interesting way to save fresh water when watering plants is the drip irrigation technique. To do this, agricultural land is supplied with a system of branched pipes of small diameter, through which water flows directly to the plant or its roots (if the system is underground) and this sharply reduces the consumption of fresh water.

6) Wastewater.

Since agriculture consumes a very significant amount of water resources, wastewater can be used to water plants. This practice is not applicable in all cases, but when used it gives effective results.

7) Artificial forest.

An unusual solution to the problem of fresh water shortages in dry areas of the world is the creation of artificial forests in deserts. In practice, such projects have not yet been implemented, but work is underway on them.

8) Wells and glaciers and so on.

Huge reserves of fresh water are concentrated in glaciers. If you technically melt some of them, you can release a significant amount of water. Another option for extracting fresh water is drilling deep wells.

More exotic options include the technology of influencing rain clouds and the formation of water condensate from fog.

Thus, with the use of modern environmental technologies, the problems of fresh water use can be largely solved in the near future.

Two-thirds of our planet is occupied by water. This is more than enough for all people, but water conservation is a global problem for humanity. The thing is that most of the water resources are not suitable for drinking - it is a salty liquid, and humanity needs fresh water not only for drinking, but also for growing crops and feeding livestock.

Depletion of water supplies

Today water is a global problem for humanity. About half a million people in the modern world experience an acute shortage of it, and by 2025 experts predict that their number will increase fivefold. If the trend towards increasing water consumption continues, by the 50s of the 21st century two thirds of the planet's population will experience water shortages.

Fig 1. Map of distribution of fresh water reserves.

If everyone turns off the tap when brushing their teeth, then in just one morning they will save 20 liters of fresh water.

As in other cases, the main reason for the worsening water problem of humanity is urbanization. In order to adapt the Earth to its needs, humanity violates and pollutes the ecosystem, which leads to a worsening of the situation. The problem is also affected by population growth, especially in regions with the most unfavorable situation. The greenhouse effect also makes its contribution - expanses of water evaporate without a trace from the surface of the planet. Plus, every person wastes water thoughtlessly in much larger volumes than he needs.

Rice. 2. Polluted fresh water reservoir.

Solving the problem of water conservation

There are ways to solve this problem. First and the simplest one is saving resources by every inhabitant of the Earth. This will give much more significant results than it seems at first glance, making it possible not to develop new water deposits.

Second A way to save money is to develop purification technologies that will allow repeated use of this important resource.

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Third– is the protection of water from pollution due to urbanization, which causes great harm to the entire ecosystem.

To achieve this, governments are developing joint programs that prevent the discharge of waste into water bodies and involve the installation of treatment facilities at all industrial enterprises.

But the use of glaciers, which were previously proposed as an alternative source of fresh liquid, according to experts, can lead to irreversible climate changes.

Fresh water (not counting polar ice) makes up only 0.3% of the total resource, so there is about 1 cubic kilometer of liquid per person.

Fig.3 Earth's polar cap.

What have we learned?

We learned the reasons for the worsening situation with fresh water. This is its thoughtless consumption and pollution with industrial waste. Information was also received on ways to resolve the problem. Even a child can contribute to this important process.

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Scientists were able to find out that on earth currently more than 97.5% of all water reserves are in the seas and oceans. This fact is confirmed by the shortage of fresh water, which amounts to only 2.5% of the world's reserves.

Relevance of the problem

More than half of the unsalted water is “frozen” in the polar caps and mountain glaciers. In addition, about 24% is located in groundwater. Analyzing this situation, we can conclude that there is a serious shortage of fresh water on our planet.

Lakes and rivers, which contain no more than 0.01% of the world's water reserves, can be considered as an accessible and inexpensive source.

Since it is of particular importance for the life of living beings, we can say with confidence that moisture is the precious treasure of the Earth.

Cycle in nature

Water is in constant movement. After evaporation from the surface of water bodies, it accumulates in the atmosphere. At the moment when the vapor concentration reaches its maximum, a transition to a liquid or solid state occurs, precipitation replenishes the reserves of lakes and rivers.

The total amount of moisture on our planet remains unchanged, it simply passes from one state of aggregation to another.

Of the total precipitation, only 80% ends up directly in the ocean. What happens to the remaining 20 percent that falls on land? With their help, people replenish water sources.

It turns out that the moisture that remains on land has the opportunity to enter lakes (rivers) and flow into reservoirs. In addition, it can seep into the soil and replenish groundwater sources.

Fresh water shortage occurs due to a disruption in the connection between groundwater and Both sources have certain advantages and disadvantages.

Surface sources

The problem of fresh water shortage is associated with geological and climatic factors. From a climatic point of view, the frequency and amount of precipitation, as well as the ecological state in the region, are important. Precipitation brings a certain amount of insoluble particles: plant pollen, volcanic dust, fungal spores, bacteria, and various microorganisms.

Industrial emissions

The problem of fresh water scarcity partly arises due to the fact that the ocean contains a variety of salts. Sea moisture contains chlorine and sulfate anions, potassium, calcium, and magnesium cations. Industrial emissions also make their “contribution” to the atmosphere. They also contain sulfur and nitrogen oxides, which are the main cause of acid rain. Its quality is also negatively affected by chemicals that are currently actively used in agriculture.

Geological factors

These include the structure of river beds. If it is formed by limestone rocks, then the water is hard and clear. If the bed base is granite, then the water is soft. Turbidity is given to it by suspended particles of inorganic and organic origin.

Ground sources

Solving fresh water shortages is a serious problem that deserves separate study and consideration. For example, the issue can be partially resolved through groundwater. They are formed as a result of melt water seeping into the soil. It dissolves organic matter in the soil and is saturated with molecular oxygen. Clay, sand, and calcareous layers are located deeper. Organic compounds are filtered in them, the water is saturated with microelements and inorganic salts.

The quality of ground sources is influenced by several factors:

  • the quality of rain moisture is determined by acidity and salt saturation;
  • state of the liquid in the underwater tank;
  • the specificity of the layers through which it passes;
  • geological nature of the aquifer.

The reasons for the shortage of fresh water can also be explained by the fact that groundwater contains magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, as well as a small amount of manganese cations. They form salts together with bicarbonates, carbonates, chlorides, and sulfates.

In the “oldest” ground springs, the concentration of salts is so high that they have a salty taste. The shortage of fresh water on the planet forces us to look for technologies for purifying groundwater sources. Life-giving moisture of high quality is located in deep limestone layers, but this is an expensive pleasure.

Meaning of water

Why should a person look for ways to solve fresh water shortages? The reason is that this liquid is rightly called the basis of life on Earth. By itself, it has no nutritional value, but without it the existence of living organisms is impossible.

In plants there is up to 90% water, and in the body of an adult it is about 65%. In individual organs, its amount differs significantly:

  • in bones up to 22%;
  • in the brain - 75%;
  • in the blood up to 92%;
  • in muscles 75%.

Discussing how the problem of fresh water shortage is solved, we note that it is an excellent solvent for many chemical compounds. It can be considered the environment in which life processes take place.

Main functions

It humidifies the air during breathing and helps regulate body temperature. It is she who delivers oxygen and nutritional components to different cells of the human body, protects vital organs, and removes waste and toxins from the body.

For the existence of a living organism, a constant and certain water content is important. When its quantity or salt composition changes, a serious disruption occurs in the processes of food absorption and hematopoiesis. Without fresh water there is no regulation of heat exchange with the environment.

A person suffers seriously due to a decrease in fresh water; he can only spend a few days without it. A decrease in the amount of water in the body by 10-20% is a serious threat to life.

The shortage of fresh water leads to the need to reduce its consumption for technical needs. The result could be an outbreak of infectious diseases, which is why it is so important to develop new ways to desalinate seawater.

Taking into account the intensity of work, external factors, and cultural traditions, a person consumes from two to four liters of water per day. According to the World Health Organization, no more than 5% of drinking water can be considered acceptable for human consumption.

Global problem

Fresh water reserves on our planet can be considered as a single resource. In order to count on the long-term development of world reserves, a clear solution to global problems is required. The shortage of fresh water is especially relevant for regions that do not have adequate and stable sources of fresh water. Surface and underground sources are in a deplorable state.

The main problems that negatively affect the quality of water bodies (lakes and rivers) are associated with the following factors:

  • insufficient treatment of domestic wastewater;
  • weak control of industrial effluents;
  • loss and destruction of watersheds;
  • irrational placement of industrial enterprises;
  • deforestation;
  • uncontrolled agriculture.

The result is a disruption of the natural balance of the aquatic ecosystem, a threat to freshwater living resources appears, which causes a shortage of fresh water on earth.

Assessing the scope of the problem

It affects the condition of reservoirs, the presence of pesticides in water and the construction of dams, the creation of water management structures, and irrigation projects.

Erosion, deforestation, siltation, and desertification also have a negative impact on ecosystems. Such problems arise due to the public's lack of understanding of the seriousness of mismanagement of water resources. Human economic activity, organized to the detriment of nature, creates a shortage of fresh water: problems and solutions - a pressing issue that has forced humanity to reconsider its attitude towards aquatic ecosystems.

Ways to solve the problem

First of all, it is necessary to develop preventive measures that will avoid expensive measures for cleaning, restoration, and development of fresh water resources.

Water that comes from a well or municipal water supply network must be pre-treated so that it meets hygienic standards.


One of the ways to obtain fresh water is to freeze sea water. It is this technique that is used in those regions where there is a serious lack of fresh water bodies. What are the main disadvantages of this technology? Freezing is carried out at low temperatures, which involves significant energy costs. Due to rising energy prices, this method of obtaining fresh water can hardly be considered economical and rational.

Important aspects of the problem

In order to solve the problem of lack of fresh water, scientists propose to carry out comprehensive wastewater treatment by constructing full-fledged treatment systems. The quality of water can only be assessed if the results of its bacteriological and chemical analysis are available.

What are the main problems with water used by consumers? It may contain insoluble mechanical particles, rust, and colloidal substances. They not only lead to rapid clogging of sewer and water pipes, but also negatively affect human health and provoke many infectious diseases.

Unpleasant taste, color, odor - all these are called organoleptic indicators that can affect the quality of drinking water. The sources of such problems can be some organic compounds, hydrogen sulfide, and residual chlorine.

To improve the quality of drinking fresh water, it is also important to assess its bacteriological contamination. The cause of such processes are various microbes or bacteria. Some of them may threaten human health, therefore, despite the availability of such drinking water, it should not be consumed.

Often, even the most harmless bacteria form organic products during their life. When they interact with chlorine and bromine, carcinogenic and toxic compounds are obtained.

Among the factors that lead to a shortage of fresh water are pollution of water bodies. It means a decrease in their economic importance and biosphere functions that occurs when harmful substances enter. For example, power plants and industrial plants discharge heated water into rivers and lakes. Such a process is accompanied by an increase in water temperature, a decrease in the amount of oxygen, an increase in the toxicity of impurities, and a violation of biological balance.

In many regions, the main sources of fresh water are groundwater, which was previously considered the cleanest. As a result of human economic activity, many of these sources are polluted. Unfortunately, the degree of contamination is often so high that underground water is unsuitable for drinking.


For various needs, humanity consumes huge amounts of fresh water. The main consumers are agriculture and industrial plants. Among the most water-intensive industries are steel, mining, chemical, pulp and paper, and petrochemical industries. More than half of all water used by industrial enterprises is used for their needs. If high-quality purification systems are not used that allow the repeated use of fresh water, then in a couple of years the shortage of fresh water will become a large-scale disaster.

Ecologists and chemists are conducting serious research work aimed at finding optimal ways to desalinate sea water. Currently, innovative methods of drinking water purification are already being used to reduce its losses.

In addition, special attention is paid to the installation of complete cleaning systems at industrial enterprises. Only with an integrated approach to all issues related to desalination and purification of sea water can we count on reducing the shortage of fresh water.
