Curriculum for a circle of skillful hands. The program of the "skillful hands" circle (manual labor). The purpose of the “Skillful Hands” circle program

Explanatory note

Working programm"Skillful Hands" mug composedin accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education,onbased on the collection of the series “Second Generation Standards” by authors D.V. Grigorieva, P.V. Stepanova “Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodological designer", ed. M. "Enlightenment", 2010

The extracurricular activity program “Skillful Hands” is designed for children from 6.5 to 10 years old.

Working in the “Skillful Hands” circle is an excellent means of developing children’s creativity, mental abilities, aesthetic taste, and design thinking.

Children, seeing finished crafts, compare them, find advantages and disadvantages, approach their work critically, and develop an analytical mind. It is especially important that children learn the significance of their work and its usefulness for others.

Students become acquainted with new materials, their properties, expressive capabilities, and acquire skills in working with them, which affects mental development. I constantly reveal to schoolchildren the possibilities of using certain materials, their diverse compositions, how they are combined with each other. This increases the children’s interest in the process of artistic work and its result.
To convey the outline of the most difficult figures, I suggest using stencils cut from thick paper. Having traced the figure on tracing paper, the child independently dissects it into parts, deciding how to proceed with the work. Thus, children practically embody interesting ideas, foresee the end result, which will be used as a gift or room decoration.

Purpose of the circle : Forming the creative abilities of students by expanding their general cultural horizons and creating conditions for the creative self-realization of the child’s personality.

Tasks :

    improve the skills and abilities acquired by children in the classroom;

    improve the aesthetic taste of children;

    develop creativity, invention, fantasy and a sense of beauty in children;

    cultivate a sense of collectivism, responsibility and pride in one’s work, respect for the work of others.

Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the course

Personal results studying the course is the formation of the following skills:

    Define Andexpress under the guidance of a teacher, the simplest rules of behavior in cooperation common to all people (ethical standards).

    In situations of communication and cooperation proposed by the teacher, based on simple rules of behavior common to everyone,make a choice , with the support of other group members and the teacher, what to do.

Meta-subject results studying the course are the formation of the following universal learning activities (ULAs).

Regulatory UUD :

    Define Andformulate the purpose of the activity with the help of the teacher.

    pronounce sequencing.

    Studyexpress your assumption (version) based on work with the workbook illustration.

    Studywork according to the plan proposed by the teacher.

    Studydiffer a correctly completed task from an incorrect one.

    Learn together with the teacher and other studentsgive emotionalassessment activities of comrades.

Cognitive UUD:

    Navigate your knowledge system:differ new from what is already known with the help of a teacher.

    Make a preliminary selection of information sources:navigate in the textbook (on the double page, in the table of contents, in the dictionary).

    Gain new knowledge:find answers answer questions using the textbook, your life experiences and information received from the teacher.

    draw conclusions as a result of joint work of the whole class.

    Process the information received:compare Andgroup such mathematical objects as numbers, numerical expressions, equalities, inequalities, flat geometric figures.

    Convert information from one form to another: compose mathematical stories and problems based on the simplest mathematical models (subject models, drawings, schematic drawings, diagrams); find and formulate a solution to a problem using the simplest models (subject models, drawings, schematic drawings, diagrams).

Communicative UUD :

    Communicate your position to others:draw up your thought in oral and written speech (at the level of one sentence or small text).

    Listen Andunderstand speech of others.

    Jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior at school and follow them.

    Learn to perform different roles in a group (leader, performer, critic).

The program of extracurricular activities “Skillful Hands” is based on the principles of natural conformity, consistency, visibility, expediency, accessibility and close connection with life. The study of each topic ends with the manufacture of a product, i.e. theoretical tasks and technological techniques are supported by practical application to life. The program involves working with children in the form of classes, joint work of children with a teacher, as well as their independent creative activity.

    Historical aspect

    Connection with modernity

    Mastering basic technological techniques, completing training assignments

    Carrying out creative work (individual, group or collective).

Various exercises and tasks are expected to enrich children's vocabulary. Informative material, small in volume, interesting in content, is given both before the practical part and during work. When completing the assignment, students are tasked with determining the purpose of their product. From the very first lessons, children learn to work according to plan:


    embodiment in material

    revealing form using decorative textures.

The program guides students toward independence in searching for compositional solutions and in choosing methods for preparing handicrafts.

Forms and methods

Priority is given to active forms of teaching:

- Practical: exercises, practical work, workshops;

- Visual: use of diagrams, tables, drawings, models, samples;

- Non-standard: creative relay race, competition, exhibition-presentation, quiz, auction, tea party;

A combination of individual, group and collective forms of work.

Conditions for the program

    There are children who want to gain additional knowledge in needlework.

    Classes will be held after school hours in the primary school classroom.

    It is possible to regularly organize exhibitions of student work at a special stand.

    There are special collections of methodological and illustrative material, artistic visual materials

Planned results

The study of the circle is based on value guidelines, the achievement of which is determined by educational results. Educational results of extracurricular activitiesties are assessed at three levels.

First level of results - the schoolchild’s acquisition of social knowledge (about social norms, organizationsociety, about socially approved and disapproved forms of behavior in society, etc.), primary understandingsocial reality and everyday life.

nie has the interaction of the student with his teachersas significantfor him, they are carriers of positive social knowledge and everyday experience.

Second level of results - receipt by a schoolchildexperience and positive attitude towards the basic values ​​of society (person, family, Fatherland, nature,peace, knowledge, work, culture), value attitude towards societysocial reality as a whole.

To achieve this level of results, special importanceThe difference is the interaction of schoolchildren with each other at the class and school level, that is, in a protected, friendly social environment. It is in such a close social environment that the child receives (or does not receive) the first practical confirmation of acquired social knowledge and begins to appreciate it (or rejects it).

Third level of results - the student gains experience of independent social action. Only in independent social action, action in an open society, outside the friendly environment of the school, for other, often strangers, who are not necessarily positively disposed towards him, does a young person really become (and not just learn about how to become) a social figure , a citizen, a free person. It is in the experience of independent social action that one acquires that courage, that readiness to act, without which the existence of a citizen and civil society is unthinkable.

To track the results, the following are provided:forms of control :

    Starting, allowing to determine the initial level of development of students using the methods of O. Kholodova and N.A. Krivolapova. (the results are recorded in the teacher’s report card);


Predictive, that is, replaying all operations of a training action before its actual implementation begins;

Operational, that is, control over the correctness, completeness and sequence of operations included in the action;

Reflexive, control, focused on an indicative basis, a “plan” of action and based on an understanding of the principles of its construction;

Result-based control, which is carried out after the implementation of a training activity by comparing actual results or performed operations with a sample.

    Final control in forms


Practical work;

Creative works of students;

Test tasks.

    Self-esteem and self-control is the student’s determination of the boundaries of his “knowledge - ignorance”, his potential capabilities, as well as awareness of those problems that have yet to be solved in the course of the activity.

Content-based control and assessment of student results involves identifying the individual dynamics of the quality of a child’s mastery of a subject and does not allow comparison with other children.Test results recorded on the teacher's record sheet.Within the framework of the savings system, creating a portfolio

Educational and thematic planning grade 2 (68 hours)

Excursion to the park. Collection of natural materials.

Application “Autumn picture”

Let's draw a butterfly.

Application from leaves “Butterfly”.

Crafts and toys made from natural materials. Acorn men.

Collective panel “Autumn has come to us again”

Crafts from scrap materials. "Matchbox Dog"

Panel from seeds “Autumn Patterns”.

Crafts made from yarn and threads. "Thread Dolls"

Games with dolls. Working with paper. Bookmark for a book.

Modeling from plasticine “Kolobok”

Modeling from plasticine “Bear”.

Let's draw fish.

Application “Underwater Kingdom”.

Salt dough panel “Vase with flowers”

Christmas decorations Lanterns

Eggshell toys “Clown”

Working with paper. Greeting card “Happy New Year!”

Working with paper. Toys from Santa Claus cones.

Crafts from scrap materials. Cotton wool applique “Snowman”

Modeling from salt dough “Snow picture”.

Working with paper. Postcard for dad.

Working with available materials. Pincushion "Fish".

We draw a bouquet for our beloved mother. Working with paper. Postcard for mom.

Working with paper. Toys from the cone “Murzik the Cat”.

Working with paper. Toys from the cone "Dog".

Modeling from plasticine “Lark”

Origami. Application “Family of mice” (origami).

Crafts from scrap materials. Rattle made from a matchbox.

Crafts made from yarn and threads. Gnome pendant.

Fabric crafts. Wallet “Murka”.

Crafts from scrap materials. Miracle aquarium.

Origami. Paper mosaic “Butterfly”

Making a bouquet of flowers using threads.

Applique of cut threads “Swan”

Volumetric applique “Flowers”

Crafts made from salt dough “Naughty letters”

Origami “In the World of Wonders”

Origami “In the World of Wonders”

Asphalt drawing competition “There is sun in every drawing”


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Thematic planning grade 3 (68 hours)

The content of the work





Excursion into nature

Collection of natural material

Working with plasticine

Relief image of animals

Working with white clay

Sculpting fruit by scratching

Working with straw

Preparing straw for work

Working with straw

Chicken applique

Working with straw

End of work

Working with fabric

Fabric applique

Working with sawdust



Working with bird feathers




Working with shells

Volumetric applications


Working with eggshells

Flower applique


Working with fabric.

Soft toy “Dog”


Working with fabric.

Continued work.


Working with fabric

Flowers made from nylon tape


Working with fabric

Flowers made from nylon tape


Working with fabric.

Soft toy “Chicken - Ryabushka”


Working with salt dough



Working with salt dough



Paper handling

Application of Dunno, Pinocchio and other heroes


Working with matchboxes

Product: wolf, hare, frog


Working with plastic bottles

Making a vase


Papier mache.

Wicker duck basket.


Papier mache.

Wicker duck basket.


Papier mache.

Making a saucer


Papier mache.

Making a cup


Paper handling

Application "Spring"


Paper handling

Application "Flowers"


Paper handling

Application “In the meadow”


Working with chips

Dog applique


Working with chips

Dog applique


Working with chips

Application "Kitten"


Working with chips

Application "Kitten"


Paper handling

Gift for graduate

Paper handling

Gift for graduate


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Indicators of effectiveness in achieving the planned results of the program

Program implementation efficiency indicators


Degree of expression

assessed quality


number of points




Theoretical knowledge (according to the main sections of the curriculum of the program)

Compliance of the child’s theoretical knowledge with program requirements

1 point

5 points

10 points

Practical skills and abilities provided for by the program (according to the main sections of the curriculum of the program)

Compliance of the child’s practical knowledge with program requirements

1. minimum level (children have mastered less than half the amount of knowledge provided for by the program);

2.intermediate level (the volume of acquired knowledge is more than 2/3);

3.maximum level (children have mastered almost the entire amount of knowledge provided for by the program for a specific period).

1 point

5 points

10 points

Creative skills

Creativity in performing practical tasks

1.initial (elementary) level of development of creativity (the child is able to carry out only the simplest practical tasks of the teacher);

2.reproductive level (mainly performs tasks based on the sample);

3.creative level (performs practical tasks with elements of creativity).

1 point

5 points

10 points

Ability to perform work accurately

Accuracy and responsibility in work




Ability to comply with safety rules during activities

Matching real-world security skills to software requirements





For the teacher:

1. Technology. Steps to mastery. E.A. Luttsev, Ventana-Graf Publishing House, Moscow, 2002.

For children:

1. Great encyclopedia of crafts. N.V. Dubrovskaya, ASTREL publishing house, Moscow, 2011.

2. Smart hands. ON THE. Tsirulik, educational literature publishing house, Samara, 2005.

3. Decorations and crafts made from salt dough. L. Churina, AST publishing house, Moscow, 2010

Explanatory note

“Not every child comes into the world to become an artist. But it is also true that every person entering the world has a certain potential for artistic development, and this potential must be revealed! » A. S. Galanov

The problem of developing children's artistic creativity is becoming increasingly important. Children's creativity is realized in different types of artistic activities, and it is the job of educators to create all the conditions for introducing the child to various types of artistic practice. Manual labor is attractive to children because it satisfies their desire for independence, self-control and the development of creative abilities. In the process of creating crafts, perseverance, diligence, and determination are formed. Children understand the connection between an action and the result obtained.

Labor is a purposeful activity performed in accordance with certain rules and ending in the achievement of the intended goal. Through work, children’s knowledge of the properties, qualities, and possibilities of using various materials (paper, cardboard, thread, natural materials, etc.) is deepened. A child cannot be taught to work in any other way than by participating in labor. This broadens the horizons of preschoolers, develops aesthetic taste, emotions, sensations, and develops control skills. Self-control allows the child, based on a set goal, analysis of a sample, and a planned plan, to monitor his actions, results, see his mistakes and correct them. Control is formed in the child only in activities during which he is faced with the need to check the results of his work, to control the methods of action as he completes the task. The development of self-control leads to the elimination of children's mechanical imitation and to an improvement in the quality of work performance.

A special feature of a teacher’s work on the development of children’s artistic creativity is the targeted guidance of children’s creative development. The first thing you should pay attention to is that no one except a child will give the “correct” solution to the creative task facing him. Creative tasks are open-ended and do not have one correct answer: there are as many answers as there are children who complete them. The role of the educator is to understand and make a variety of decisions.

Work in the circle " Skillful hands "is an excellent means of developing creativity, mental abilities, aesthetic taste, as well as the design thinking of children.

One of the main tasks of teaching and raising children in the classroom is to enrich the student’s worldview, i.e. development of the child’s creative culture (development of a creative non-standard approach to the implementation of a task, nurturing hard work, interest in practical activities, the joy of creation and discovering something new for oneself).

The proposed program has artistic and aesthetic orientation, which is an important direction in development and education. The program involves the development of children's artistic taste and creative abilities.

Club program " Skillful hands » designed for children 5-6, 6-7 years old. The program provides an annual load of 28 thematic classes. Classes are held 2 times a week for 30 minutes, a total of 56 lessons per academic year. Practical exercises make up a large part of the program.

Number of children: 2 groups of 10 people.

The result of children's activities can be exhibitions of children's works.

Purpose of the program - Develop independence, creativity, individuality of children, artistic abilities, by experimenting with various materials, non-traditional techniques; to form artistic thinking and moral personality traits, emotional responsiveness to beauty.

Program objectives


  • consolidation and expansion of knowledge and skills acquired at the educational educational center in artistic creativity, familiarization with the outside world, reading fiction, and promoting their systematization; training in how to use tools;
  • learning the ability to plan your work;
  • training in techniques and technology for making compositions; studying the properties of various materials;
  • training in working with various materials; learning how to independently develop crafts.


  • development of artistic taste and creative potential in children;
  • development of imaginative thinking and imagination;
  • creating conditions for self-development of preschool children;
  • development of children's aesthetic perception of the world around them.


  • instilling respect for work and working people;
  • developing a sense of collectivism;
  • education of neatness;
  • environmental education of children;
  • developing a love for nature.


Leading idea This program is to create a comfortable communication environment, develop the abilities, creative potential of each child and his self-realization.

Principles underlying the program:

  • accessibility (simplicity, compliance with age and individual characteristics);
  • visibility (illustrativeness, availability of didactic materials). “The more organs of our senses take part in the perception of any impression or group of impressions, the more firmly these impressions fit into our mechanical, nervous memory, are more accurately preserved by it and are more easily remembered,” (K.D. Ushinsky);
  • democracy and humanism (interaction between teacher and student in society, realization of one’s own creative needs);
  • scientific character (validity, presence of a methodological basis and theoretical basis);
  • “from simple to complex” (having learned basic work skills, the child applies his knowledge in performing complex creative work).

The topics of classes are built taking into account the interests of preschoolers and the possibility of their self-expression. As children master the content of the program, the pace of development of special skills, the level of independence, and the ability to work in a team are taken into account. The program allows you to individualize complex work: stronger children will be interested in a complex design, while less prepared ones can be offered a simpler work. At the same time, the educational and developmental meaning of the work is preserved. This makes it possible to warn the child against the fear of difficulties, to encourage him to create and create without fear.

Forms and methods of classes

During the classes, various forms of classes are used:

traditional, combined and practical classes.

And also various methods:

Methods based on the way the lesson is organized:

  • verbal (oral presentation, conversation, story, etc.);
  • visual (showing illustrations, observing, showing (performing) by a teacher, working on a model, etc.);
  • practical (performing work according to instruction cards, diagrams, etc.);

Methods based on the level of activity of children:

  • explanatory and illustrative - children perceive and assimilate ready-made information;
  • reproductive - preschoolers reproduce acquired knowledge and mastered methods of activity;
  • partial search - children’s participation in a collective search, solving the problem together with the teacher;
  • research - independent creative work of preschoolers.

Methods based on the form of organization of student activities in the classroom:

  • frontal - simultaneous work with all children;
  • individual - frontal - alternation of individual and frontal forms of work;
  • group - organization of work in groups;
  • individual - individual completion of tasks, problem solving.

Expected results

As a result of training in this program for preschoolers:

They will learn various techniques for working with paper, plasticine, natural materials, foil, colored threads, fabric;

Learn to follow verbal instructions, read product diagrams;

They will learn to plan the order of work operations and control their work;

They will create compositions with products;

Develop attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination; fine motor skills of hands and eye; artistic taste, creativity and imagination;

Master the skills of work culture;

Improve your communication skills and acquire teamwork skills.

Forms for summing up implementation results additional educational program

  • Participation in exhibitions of children's creative works, competitions in preschool educational institutions.

The content of this program is aimed at performing creative work, the basis of which is individual and collective creativity. Basically, all practical activities are based on the manufacture of products. Training is planned in a differentiated manner, taking into account the health status of students. The program provides for the implementation of practical work that contributes to the formation of the ability to consciously apply acquired knowledge in practice in the production of artistic treasures from textile and natural materials. During training sessions during the work process, attention is paid to compliance with labor safety rules, sanitation and personal hygiene, to the rational organization of the workplace, and careful handling of tools and equipment in the process of making artistic products.

The program introduces new and exciting types of needlework.

The program lasts 1 year.

  1. 1 . Working with natural materials (3 lessons)

Currently, there is a need to take care of strengthening the child’s connection with nature and culture, work and art. Nowadays, children are moving further and further away from nature, forgetting its beauty and value.

Working with natural materials helps them develop imagination, a sense of shape and color, accuracy, hard work, and instills a love of beauty. By designing from natural materials, the child is involved in observing natural phenomena, becomes more familiar with the plant world, and learns to take care of the environment.

Products made from natural materials . Technology of procurement of natural materials. Artistic techniques for making crafts and paintings from natural materials.

  1. 2 . Working with paper and cardboard (5 lessons)

Types of works made of paper and cardboard. Properties of paper: (easily cut, crumples, glues well.) Artistic techniques (fold and cut out of paper yourself with a folded accordion, cut off unnecessary parts, make cuts, glue, decorate crafts). Rules for using scissors and template.

  1. Working with fabric (5 lessons)

Types of work with templates, fabric, color perception, composition.

4. Making crafts from waste material (8 lessons)

Laying out and pasting various boxes, matchboxes and making various crafts and toys.

  1. Working with colored threads (3 lessons)

Development of skills in working with finely chopped threads.

  1. Working with plasticine (7 lessons)

Strengthen the ability to apply plasticine to paper and create a plot composition. Develop curiosity and expand your horizons.


Topic and objectives of the lesson

Material, methods of work


Target. Teach children to sculpt a birch tree, conveying its features. Develop interest in nature and observation skills.

Plasticine, bas-relief.

"Magic Leaves"

Target. Teach children to fold paper crafts using the origami method. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Teach children to create compositions from paper blanks.


Target. Learn to glue a silhouette with finely chopped threads, conveying the effect of “fluffy fur.” Develop technical skills

Cut thread applique


"Funny still life"

Target. To develop children's imagination, consolidate knowledge about still life, the ability to correctly arrange objects compositionally, and consolidate skills in working with templates, fabric and scissors.

Fabric applique


Target. Learn to draw a hedgehog using a stencil, plasticine, and sunflower seeds. Cultivate a love for animals.

Plasticineography, application from seeds.


Target. Learn to make a figure from matchboxes, develop accuracy, imagination, and strengthen the ability to use scissors.

Matchboxes, paper.

"Beads for Mom"

Target. Learn to string beads on a thread. Develop fine motor skills and creative imagination.

Modeling from foil.


"Bullfinches on a branch"

Goal: continue to learn how to glue a silhouette with finely chopped threads, conveying the effect of “feathers”.

Applique made from cut threads and paper balls.


Target. Teach children to fold paper crafts using the origami method. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.


"Christmas tree"

Fabric applique.


"Father Frost"

Goal: Develop imagination, strengthen the ability to work with scissors and glue.

Application made of paper, cotton balls.


"Winter forest"

Target. Develop children's creative abilities, consolidate the ability to correctly arrange objects compositionally, and consolidate skills in working with templates, fabric and scissors.

Fabric applique.

“Snowman” (Collective work)

Goal: Develop imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills, and cultivate neatness.

Application made from cotton balls.


"Polar Bear and Penguin"

Waste material, paper

Goal: learn to fix seeds on a plasticine base and create a composition. Develop imagination and creativity.

Plasticineography, application from seeds


"The Bird of Happiness"

Target. Develop children's imagination, strengthen their skills in working with templates, fabric and scissors.

Fabric applique

Goal: learn to connect parts using gluing, create a composition. Develop constructive abilities.

Matchboxes, paper


"Bouquet for Mom"

Target. To develop children's imagination, to consolidate the ability to correctly arrange objects compositionally, to consolidate the skills of working with templates, fabric and scissors.

Fabric applique.


"The starlings have arrived"

Goal: continue to learn how to make appliqué using templates. Complete with necessary details.

Application from paper circles.


Target. Strengthen the ability to apply plasticine to paper and create a plot composition. Learn to apply plasticine in small pieces, choosing a color scheme. Develop your imagination.

Plasticineography, bas-relief.

"Magic plate"

Target. Learn to work in the decoupage technique, develop imagination and accuracy.


Target. Strengthen the ability to work with paper, scissors, and glue. Develop creative imagination and accuracy.

Waste material, paper, cardboard.


Target. Strengthen the ability to apply plasticine to paper and create a plot composition. Develop curiosity and expand your horizons.

Plasticineography, bas-relief.

“Postcard for City Day”

Goal: To create a desire to congratulate your hometown on its birthday, to consolidate skills in working with cardboard, glue, and scissors.


"Zhostovo tray"

Target. Introduce folk art. Strengthen the ability to apply plasticine to paper and create a plot composition. Learn to apply plasticine in small pieces, choosing a color scheme.

Plasticineography, bas-relief.


Target. Strengthen the ability to apply plasticine to paper and create a plot composition. Learn to apply plasticine in small pieces, choosing a color scheme. Develop curiosity and expand your horizons.

Plasticineography, bas-relief.


"Apple Tree"

Goal: To strengthen the ability to work with paper, scissors, and glue. Develop creative imagination and accuracy.

Mosaic application.


Target. Develop imagination, strengthen the ability to work with paper, scissors and glue. Strengthen the ability to correctly arrange finished elements compositionally.

Paper applique.


  1. “Applique in kindergarten” by A.N. Malysheva, N.V. Ermolaeva
  2. “Design and artistic work in kindergarten” by L.V. Kutsakova
  3. “Artistic and creative activity. Fabric applique: thematic, plot, play activities for children 4-7 years old” Piskulina S.S.
  4. “Development of artistic abilities of preschool children” Komarova T.S.
  5. “Plasticine picture” Tikhomirova O.Yu., Lebedeva G.A.
  6. “Classes in visual arts. Collective creativity" Ed. A.A. Gribovskaya.
  7. “Relief paintings. We sculpt from clay, plasticine, salt dough” Lykova I.A.
  8. “Teaching origami techniques” Kirsanova S.V.
  9. “Applique with seeds” Kovalenko Z.D.
  10. “Crafts from matchboxes” by G.N. Davydov.
  11. "Seasons. We make and play” Beloshistaya A.V., Zhukova O.G.

Club program “Skillful Hands”

on the development of constructive skills in preschool children through non-traditional appliqué techniques

Explanatory note

Preschool childhood is an age stage that decisively determines the further development of a person. It is generally accepted that this is the period of the birth of the personality, the initial revelation of the child’s creative powers, the formation of the foundations of individuality (L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, J. Piaget, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonin and others).

In preschool age, the process of cognition in a child occurs in an emotional and practical way. Every preschooler is a little explorer, discovering the world around him with joy and surprise. The child strives to be active, and it is important not to let this desire fade away and to promote his further development. The more complete and varied a child’s activity is, the more significant it is for the child and corresponds to his nature, the more successful his development is, the more potential opportunities and first creative manifestations are realized.

Indispensable components of any activity are a variety of skills and abilities. It is necessary to distinguish between elementary skills that follow knowledge and the first experience of action, and skills that express one or another degree of mastery in performing activities that arise after the development of skills. Elementary Skills - these are actions that arise on the basis of knowledge as a result of imitation of actions or independent trial and error in handling the subject. Skill-mastery arises from already developed skills and a wide range of knowledge. The activity will be performed skillfully if the person has mastered the skills. Skill - a strengthened way of performing actions. The development of a skill in a person is based on detailed conscious actions and movements that are integrated into the skill and appear unrelated. The basis of any skill is the development and strengthening of conditioned reflex connections. Repetition of the neural pathway and its consolidation as a result of constant repetition of actions lead to the precise localization of excitation processes in certain nervous structures. Motor skills are included in a wide variety of activities. Without developing motor skills, it is impossible to influence the subject of work, exercise technical processes, speak and write, move in space, etc.

A variety of materials are used in appliqué: leather, felt, cloth, birch bark, fur, fabric, straw, paper. Different peoples of the world use appliqué to decorate national costumes, household items, and homes. Applique is one of children’s favorite types of visual arts: they are delighted by the bright color of the paper, the successful rhythmic arrangement of the figures, and the cutting and pasting technique is of great interest. Children, by performing application work, acquire new knowledge and consolidate ideas acquired in other classes. The application is aimed at developing certain knowledge in children, developing skills, practicing skills and nurturing personality. The specificity of appliqué makes it possible to acquire knowledge about color, the structure of objects, their size, planar form and composition. The applique allows you to move cut out shapes and compare them by placing one shape on top of another. This allows you to quickly acquire compositional knowledge and skills.

Individual and collective forms of application can have different contents. Depending on this, it is customary to divide classes into types: subject, plot, decorative applique.

In object appliqué, children master the ability to cut out individual object images from paper and paste onto the background, which, due to the specifics of the activity, convey a somewhat generalized, even conventional image of surrounding objects or their representations in toys, pictures, and examples of folk art.

Thematic-thematic appliqué requires the ability to cut out and paste various objects in conjunction with a theme or plot (“a chicken is pecking at grains,” “fish are swimming in an aquarium”).

Decorative applique is a type of ornamental activity during which children master the ability to cut out and combine various elements of decoration (geometric, plant forms, generalized figures of birds, animals, humans) according to the laws of symmetry rhythm, using bright color comparisons. Here the child learns to stylize, decoratively transform real objects, generalize their structure, and endow samples with new qualities.

The relevance of the study of the development of constructive skills is determined by the fact that their development is associated with the cognitive, volitional and emotional spheres of the psyche. In preschoolers, the level of development of skills and abilities determines the possibilities of cognitive activity and significantly affects the effectiveness of learning. At the same time, non-traditional appliqué techniques contain colossal educational reserves and enormous pedagogical opportunities that influence the artistic, aesthetic and figurative-spatial perception of the world around us by preschool children. Thus, visual activity, and in particular appliqué, is of great importance for the comprehensive development and education of a preschooler.


    Fine and fine motor skills of the fingers are poorly developed.

    Insufficient level of speech activity in children.

    Inability to perform a task according to a model; the ability to navigate on a plane is poorly developed.

Purpose of the program:

Development of constructive skills in preschool children through non-traditional types of application


1. Introduce various types of applications.

2. Develop constructive skills:

1) Proficiency with scissors (the child must hold the scissors correctly when

cutting, know the safety rules when working with scissors.)

2) Knowledge of various techniques for cutting out parts for applique (according to

straight, diagonally, smoothly cutting corners, along the office, symmetrical,

silhouette, multi-layer cutting).

3) Mastery of tearing and weaving techniques.

4) Knowledge of the technique of applying glue to parts and gluing them.

5) Working with paper (creating the basics for origami (folding a square

in half, folding corners toward the center, folding sides toward the center fold, folding), ability to twist, crumple, roll paper)

6) The ability to create applique from non-traditional materials (cereals,

fabric, matches, sand).

7) The ability to create an application using the collage technique, using different types of materials and techniques.

3. Instill in children confidence in themselves and their capabilities.

4. Cultivate a desire to receive the results of your work.

Organization of classes

Club work is designed for senior preschool age.

Classes are held in a subgroup of 9-10 people, once a week, in the afternoon. The duration of the activity is no more than 25 - 30 minutes with physical minutes and musical breaks. All work must be shown to parents.

The first few lessons are somewhat diagnostic. Their goal is not only to attract children to a new type of activity, but also to identify the development of constructive skills in children.

It is advisable to produce complex compositions in the process of collective activity. This allows you not only to quickly see the result of your work, but also to learn how to interact with each other: jointly set a goal, achieve it, coordinating your actions with the actions of your comrades.

Parents may be present during classes. After all, such activities are designed not only to demonstrate children’s skills, but also to show parents how to organize their child’s leisure time at home. The proposed homework is not mandatory, but is an option for fun collaboration between adults and children in the family.

Integration of educational areas:

    Artistic and aesthetic development

    Social and communicative development

    Speech development

Expected result

    Various non-traditional appliqué techniques have been mastered.

    Developed constructive skills and abilities.

    Able to follow verbal instructions

    They can create plots, images and combine them into collective compositions.

    A cognitive interest in the creative process and a sense of pride in the results of one’s own activities have been formed.


    The group has created a creativity corner.

    A long-term work plan on this topic has been developed.

    Diagnostic criteria have been developed.

    Lesson notes were developed using non-traditional application techniques

    The album “Non-traditional applique techniques” has been created

    A card index of finger games and physical education minutes has been created


    Interested in developing children's constructive skills through non-traditional appliqué techniques.

    Participation with children in creative competitions and exhibitions at the city, regional and all-Russian levels

The program is based on:

    Grigorieva G.G. Visual activities of preschool children. Educational material for students. - M., 2000, p. 216

    Komarova T.S. Methodology for teaching visual arts and design. - M., Education, 1991.

    Dubrovskaya N.V. “Appliques from seeds and seeds”, M.: AST, Series “Gift with your own hands” 2008, 36 p.

    S. Musienko, G. Butylkina M. “Origami in kindergarten”: Linka-Press, 2010. - 96 p.

    G.I. Dolzhenko “100 origami”, Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2005. 224 s

    I. V. Novikova “Volume application in kindergarten”, Academy of Development, 2011.

    I.A. Gusakov “Applique”, Enlightenment, 1977

    A. N Malysheva “Applique in kindergarten”, Academy of Development, 2010.

    G.I.Pereverten “Mosaic of cereals and seeds”, Moscow: AST; Donetsk, 2007. - 15 p.

    A.V. Beloshistaya, O.G. Zhukova “Paper fantasies”, M.: Education, 2010.

Calendar-long-term work plan

mug “Skillful hands”





Application of geometric shapes

Reinforce the techniques of cutting out geometric elements (circle, semicircle, triangle), exercise children in composing images from geometric shapes

Templates of geometric shapes of different shapes and sizes, glue, scissors, a simple pencil, a landscape sheet

Application from seeds

"Basket of flowers"

Introduce a new type of appliqué, exercise children in composing a composition, develop constructive skills and accuracy

Cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue, watermelon seeds, peas

Napkin applique

"Bunches of Rowan"

Introduce the method of twisting balls and flagella from colored napkins

Cardboard, red and brown napkins, green construction paper, glue, glue brush and scissors

Broken applique

“The forest is dropping its autumn clothes”

To introduce children to cut-out appliqué, to teach children to create a beautiful image of an autumn tree, to develop creative imagination, a sense of color, constructive skills, and the ability to coordinate eye and hand movements.

Landscape sheet, yellow, red and orange colored paper, glue, glue brush,


Applique of autumn leaves


Introduce the technique of making work from autumn leaves, learn how to create plot compositions from natural materials; develop a sense of color and composition, arouse the desire to preserve its beauty in your works.

Cardboard, autumn leaves, glue, scissors

Application made of painted sand “Sun”

Introduce a new type of application; learn to carefully apply glue to the required area of ​​work, carefully cover this area with sand of the appropriate color

Yellow sand, cardboard, glue, colored markers

Fabric applique


Learn to create bright images from a material of your choice, learn how to correctly select materials for crafts on a given topic, develop creative imagination and constructive skills when working with scissors and glue

Cardboard, pieces of fabric in yellow, blue, green and brown, scissors, glue

Iris folding application


Introduce children to a new type of application; learn to compose a composition according to a model; strengthen the skills of carefully gluing parts, achieve similarity with the original. Develop eye, fine motor skills, coordination of hand and eye movements.

Landscape sheet, autumn leaves, scissors, glue, iris folding template.


Palm applique

Learn to create the image of an owl, strengthen the ability to trace a palm and cut it out along the contour.

White, brown and yellow colored paper, pencil, scissors, glue

Applique of twisted flagella “Jolly Spider”

Continue working in the trimming technique, learn to create a composition using the entire area of ​​the sheet, harmoniously place appliqué details, develop tactile perception using paper of different textures.

Cardboard, colored napkins, glue

Silhouette applique

"Favorite toy"

To introduce children to silhouette applique and the concept of “stained glass imitation”, to consolidate the ability to apply the algorithm for silhouette images in the process of symmetrical cutting by eye; draw and cut out an image from paper; learn to select colors, observing color harmony; develop aesthetic perception, a feeling of joy and satisfaction from creating your painting.

Black colored cardboard and white paper, scissors, glue

Pasta applique


Introduce children to pasta applique, the main methods of gluing pasta; expand knowledge about the use and artistic processing of modern materials.

Colored cardboard, different types of pasta, glue


Application made from crafts using the origami technique “Bullfinches on a branch”

Squares of two colors 10*10 cm (one side black, the other red), scissors, glue.

Application from cotton pads

"Cheerful Snowman"

Learn to make applique from cotton pads, decorate your work with beads and palettes

Cardboard, cotton pads, glue, scissors, beads, palettes

Mosaic application from plasticine “Santa Claus”

Introduce children to the technique of reverse appliqué, teach children to do the work independently, pinching off small pieces of plasticine, rolling small balls from them between their fingers and sticking them on a form prepared by the teacher, checking that the colors of the drawing and the plasticine match

Transparent plastic cover, plasticine

Application from “Symbol of the Year”

Introduce a new type of applique, teach how to finely chop woolen threads of the desired color, evenly spread glue on small areas of the image and sprinkle them with finely chopped threads that match the color of the image area

Woolen threads of different colors, scissors, glue, cardboard


Rice grain applique

"Rime on the Trees"

Continue working in the technique of gluing cereals, develop creative imagination, compositional and constructive skills, and accuracy.

Rice cereal, colored cardboard, glue

Iris folding application

Improve the ability to work in the “rainbow folding” technique, continue to learn how to work according to the pattern; develop eye-hand coordination, the work of both hands; cultivate neatness, create a desire to decorate the interior.

Cardboard, strips of colored paper, glue, iris folding template

Application made from crafts using the origami technique “In a forest clearing”

Continue to teach how to make simple crafts from paper squares, using already known paper folding techniques, and train children in creating a composition according to their own ideas

Squares of different sizes and colors, colored corrugated paper, scissors, glue


Application made from crafts using the origami technique

"Penguins on an Ice Floe"

Continue to learn how to make simple crafts from paper squares, using already known paper folding techniques, and develop constructive thinking; improve the skills of fine and precise finger movements on both the right and left hands.

Squares of two colors 10*10 cm (one side black, the other white), paper trim, scissors, glue.

Napkin applique


Secure the twisting of balls of colored napkins by rolling them in a circular motion into balls; strengthen children's skills in applying lumps of snowballs to the silhouette of a drawn outline without going beyond it; develop a sense of form; cultivate neatness and independence, interest in joint productive activities

Cardboard in the shape of a heart, red napkins, glue

Twine applique

"Mug stand"

Learn to create crafts from twine, carry out work in accordance with the plan, use scissors and glue.

Round cardboard, twine, glue

Application from

"Snowy House"

Teach children to use different appliqué techniques (symmetrical, broken, overlay). Expand the range of techniques for cutting appliqué (tearing, tearing, plucking, creasing) and show its visual and expressive capabilities; develop a sense of form and composition, cultivate accuracy in working with paper and glue, and independence.

Colored and white soft paper, white paper napkins, scissors, glue, glue brushes, cloth napkins, colored pencils and pastel crayons to complement the application composition with graphic means.


Napkin applique

"Hyacinth in a pot"

Learn to create three-dimensional flowers from paper; develop aesthetic feelings and emotions; the desire to please your loved ones; cultivate independence, accuracy in work, love for loved ones

Multi-colored crepe paper, colored napkins, plastic bottles for making pots, glue, green double-sided paper for leaves, white paper for making stems.

Button applique

"Gold fish"

Teach how to use various buttons in finishing products and appliqués; introduce children to the history and technical information about buttons, and the technology of gluing buttons; develop fine motor skills; creative thinking.

Buttons of different sizes and colors, fish-shaped cardboard, glue

Application from pencil shavings “Hedgehog”

Introduce children to a new type of non-traditional appliqué technique, teach them to create a composition according to their own ideas; improve skills in working with glue and handling scissors carefully.

Hedgehog image templates, glue, sharpeners, pencils, scissors

Napkin applique

"Wish Tree"

Continue to introduce children to non-traditional types of appliqué and design; learn to create a flower tree from scrap material; develop creative imagination, fine motor skills, eye

Flowerpots, CPS (cement-sand mixture), one thick willow twig 30 cm long and two thin ones 35 cm long, newspapers, threads, napkins, stapler, scissors, glue (a glue stick is better)


Cereal application

Strengthen children’s ability to perform work using natural materials, and supplement the plot at their own discretion.

Millet and watermelon seeds, yellow and green napkins, green corrugated paper

Applique made from waste material “Locomotive”

Introduce a new type of application, teach how to carefully cut the remaining self-adhesive film into identical squares measuring 1*1 cm and stick it on the work, matching the color of the workpiece made by the teacher, be attentive and careful.

Train template, remnants of self-adhesive film

Cotton wool applique

"Colorful Mood"

To develop the ability to create a composition from cotton wool on velvet paper, to develop constructive skills, creative imagination, aesthetic perception

Velvet paper, cotton wool

3D application

"City Street"

Introduce children to a new type of application; learn to compose a composition according to a model; strengthen the skills of carefully gluing parts, achieve similarity with the original. Develop eye, fine motor skills, coordination of hand and eye movements

Landscape sheet, colored paper, scissors, glue, thick double-sided tape

Eggshell applique “Fun Turtles”

To introduce unconventional appliqué techniques, to train children in composing a composition according to their own ideas, according to a given plot

Cardboard, eggshells, gouache, glue, colored paper, scissors

Corrugated paper applique “Lilac”

Continue to introduce children to three-dimensional applique, teach how to make flowers from corrugated paper, give each child the opportunity to show independence in choosing ways to decorate their work and creativity

White paper plate, green corrugated paper 9 squares 5x5 cm, strips 5x10 cm), lilac and white corrugated paper (squares 2x2 cm), a simple pencil, a stencil of half a lilac leaf, scissors, glue

Application made of colored sand “Caterpillar”

Learn how to make an applique of colored sand on cardboard; develop creative and constructive skills, attention, memory, fine motor skills.

Cardboard, colored sand, glue

Final lesson

“Illustration for the fairy tale “Kolobok”

Strengthen the ability to use different types of applique and constructive skills when using scissors and glue; develop fine motor skills, creative thinking; cultivate accuracy and interest in Russian folk tales.

Kolobok templates; oilcloths, scissors, paste, brushes; various types of cereals, colored paper, napkins of different colors.

Explanatory note

The “Skillful Hands” mug is aimed at actively introducing children to artistic creativity and is educational in nature.

The club program “Skillful Hands” relates to an artistic and aesthetic orientation.

The novelty of the program is that children learn in depth several basic techniques at once: working with paper, with natural materials, with salt dough, with plasticine, with matches. This technical universalism helps the child achieve a high level in mastering the art of creating crafts from almost any material. Classes in the circle also have cultural and psychological significance: children learn how to make an object that can be given as a gift, and additionally learn the ceremony of giving.

The relevance of the circle is due to the fact that in modern conditions, not all features of social life are unconditionally positive, and assigning them to younger generations becomes a pedagogical problem, since children learn not only the positive qualities of adults. The opportunity to gain this necessary experience is the unique meaning of the “Skillful Hands” circle.

It should be borne in mind that the program is aimed at:

Creating conditions for child development;

Familiarization with technological operations with which you can make crafts from various materials;

Participation in the creation of collective compositions, plot-wise and ideologically related to certain events and themes;

Studying etiquette, ethics of behavior in situations of giving and accepting gifts;

Development of motivation for knowledge and creativity;

Introducing children to universal human values;

Strengthening mental and physical health.

The pedagogical feasibility of the program is that, based on the skills and knowledge acquired in the “Skillful Hands” circle, the child strengthens his sociality, belonging to a certain system of positive social values. His self-esteem increases because it is based on the child’s understanding that there are things, objects that he can make himself, and in such a way that it brings joy to others.

One of the most interesting forms of stimulating children to engage in activities is organizing exhibitions.

The following forms of classes are used: conversation, lecture, game, group and combined classes, competition. Evaluation of the results of classes in this circle program is carried out during classes with the participation of the children themselves and includes criteria (motivational-personal, activity-practical) and relevant indicators. The results of the work are presented in the form of an exhibition.

The structure of the program includes two educational blocks. All educational blocks provide not only the assimilation and formation of practical experience. Practical tasks contribute to the development of children's creative abilities and the ability to create crafts from various materials.

Various methods are used to implement the program:

Verbal - lectures, conversations, quizzes;

Visual - viewing reproductions, photographs, product samples;

Practical - production of visual aids. Samples and mock-ups of products.

The club program provides for the development of general educational skills and abilities in students, universal methods of activity and key competencies:

Information (ability to analyze, transform, apply information to solve problems);

Communication (the ability to effectively collaborate with other people);

Self-organizational (the ability to set goals, plan, take a responsible approach to health, make full use of personal resources);

Self-educational (readiness to design and implement one’s own educational trajectory, ensuring success and competitiveness).

Purpose of the program- cultivate interest and love for handicrafts, involve children in active creative activities, develop skills and abilities to work with materials of various origins; learn how to make crafts from various materials

Tasks of the circle:

Teach children basic techniques for making crafts;

To develop in children attention to their creative abilities and consolidate it in the process of individual and collective creative activity;

To contribute to solving the problems of aesthetic education, development, imagination, artistic taste through an understanding of beauty;

Nurture the beauty of a child’s inner world through creativity;

Foster hard work, caring attitude towards others, independence and accuracy;

Teach children the specifics of technology for making crafts, taking into account the capabilities of materials;

It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of child psychology, namely the instability of students’ interests. To do this, you need to use a variety of forms of classes and include interesting, entertaining information and facts in their content.

To conduct classes, you need a permanent room equipped with a blackboard, with mounts for displaying visual aids. It is advisable to use technical teaching aids and methodological literature.

Expected result.

In terms of the formation of children’s personal qualities, this is the development, depending on the inherent potential of the following qualities: self-esteem and respect for another person, psychological stability, imagination, creative inclinations, the ability to act independently, and make decisions.

Diagnostic results.

About the diversity and beauty of the surrounding world;

About the semantic meaning of words;

About the influence of creativity on a person’s physical and spiritual health;

The influence of beauty on the development of a person’s inner world;

That creativity is the basis of human activity;

About the fact that good deeds make a person better.

Express acquired knowledge and feelings using words, drawings, and crafts;

Create beauty.

The club program pays attention to the age characteristics of students. The effectiveness of teaching and educational work directly depends on the age capabilities, temperament, character, and abilities of the students, which must be relied upon during the lessons.

Work in the circle is aimed at labor and aesthetic education. Children acquire artistic creativity skills, gain an understanding of proportions, expressiveness of form, finishing, and decorative properties of materials. When making crafts, children master a variety of technological techniques that serve the development of fine motor skills, and therefore stimulate speech and mental activity.

By working with products made of paper and cardboard, children gain additional knowledge and practical skills, become familiar with the properties and characteristics of paper in various industrial products, while expanding their horizons.

In the “Working with Natural Materials” section, members of the circle get acquainted with the varieties of natural materials, the basic techniques of working with non-traditional natural materials - semolina, sawdust, eggshells.

“Crafts made from salt dough” require perseverance, patience, and hard work. Working with salt dough develops the ability to see beauty, to try to create something bright and extraordinary yourself. In the course of systematic work, the hand gains confidence, accuracy, and the fingers become flexible. A system of special skills and abilities is gradually being formed. Children learn to compose a creative composition on their own.

In the “Working with Plasticine” section, members of the circle get acquainted with various techniques for creating panels from plasticine and learn to choose a more harmonious color scheme for their creative work.

“Crafts from matches” require a high concentration of patience, perseverance, and accuracy. The children learn the basic technique of making panels from matches. This type of creativity contributes to the development of precision and eye in work.

Working with paper (2 hours)

Theory - initial information about the properties of paper, technology for manufacturing relief and volumetric forms. Practice - making crafts using the origami technique and three-dimensional shapes.

Working with natural materials (6 hours)

Theory - initial information about materials of plant origin. Practice - making crafts from semolina, sawdust, eggshells.

Working with salt dough (3 hours)

Theory - familiarization with the recipe and method of kneading salt dough, with its properties. Practice - making creative work using the technique of pulling, extruding, and overlaying parts.

Working with plasticine (2 hours)

Theory - familiarization with the properties of plasticine and various techniques for performing creative work. Practice - making creative work using the “balls” technique.

Working with waste material (2 hours)

Theory - familiarization with different techniques for working from waste materials. Practice - making works from waste materials.

Working with fabric. (2 hours).

Theory - acquaintance with the different properties of fabric. Making brooches from fabric.

The structure of the circle's activities.

The circle activity is designed to work with children of two age categories.

  1. Preschoolers
  2. Junior schoolchildren

Classes are held on Saturdays, once or twice a month. Duration of classes is 30-35 minutes. The total number of classes during the month is 15.

Work plan for the year


Topic: Introductory lesson. Safety precautions during classes.

Introduce children to the history of origami.

Goal: To introduce children to a new way of making flowers in origami style.

Goal: To consolidate ideas about applique, to continue familiarization with the concept of “symmetry”


Topic: Working with semolina. Creative work “Beauty Butterfly”

Target: Satisfy children's need to create something new, to explore the properties and capabilities of non-traditional materials.

Topic: Working with fly agaric eggshells

Goal: To teach students to make mosaics from eggshells, develop speech, fine motor skills of the fingers, and creative imagination.


Topic: Making “Bouquet” from natural materials

Goal: To teach children to see and understand the beauty of all flowers and herbs, to explain to them. That there are no ugly flowers, each one is beautiful in its own way.

Topic: Making a fake from colored paper “Mushroom Hedgehog”

Goal: To teach children to see figures of various animals (for example, a hedgehog) in a pine and spruce cone, to supplement natural material with the necessary details to obtain the intended sample.


Topic: “How to prepare salt dough. Its features"

Goal: To develop fine motor skills of the hands, the accuracy of fine movements, the ability to regulate pressure, and strengthen the muscles of the hands.

Topic: Making fake salt dough “Snowman”

Goal: To introduce children to new techniques - modeling from salt dough, developing motor skills.

Topic: Making New Year's fakes for the New Year "New Year's toys."

Goal: To arouse interest in this type of creativity, making panels with your own hands.

Topic: “Decorating panels with salt dough figures” “Sunflowers”

Goal: To make a panel using the “Salt Dough” technique.


Topic: “Working with a plasticine ball. Creative work."

Purpose: Plasticine has the properties of crumpling, rolling, flattening, tearing, and acquiring varying degrees of softness depending on the temperature. Rolling a ball from plasticine is more difficult than from dough.

Goal: To consolidate the skills of symmetrically cutting out parts from colored paper, twisting balls using cotton wool.

Topic: Making fakes from waste material “Jolly Clown”

Goal: To introduce children to the profession of a clown. Consolidate knowledge about waste material.

Topic: Making fakes from waste material “Miracle Men”

Goal: Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Goal: Development of patriotic feeling.

Long-term work plan for the “Skillful Hands” circle



Introductory lesson. Safety precautions during classes

Theory about the properties of paper.

Showing illustrations where it is used

Topic: Making flowers from origami “Chrysanthemums”

Show and tell about flowers.

Showing illustrations, performing creative work.

Topic: Colored paper applique “Palms”

Listening to Chunga Chang's song.

Display and execution of work.

Introductory lesson.

How to make salt dough. Its features.

Making fakes from salt dough “Snowman”

Acquaintance with the recipe and method of kneading salt dough, with its properties.

Demonstration of making salt dough.

Demonstration of the correct execution of salt dough figures.

Making creative work using the technique of stretching, extrusion, and overlaying parts.

Preparing salt dough.

Making New Year's fakes for the New Year "New Year's toys."

Demonstration of the correct execution of salt dough figures for New Year's toys.

Making figures from salt dough.


A.M. Gusakova “Handicrafts in primary school”

G.I. Changeling "Homemade products from different materials"

T.A. Chernukha “Your little workshop”

F.P. “Fimenko “Crafts from natural materials”

N.P. Nikolenko “Compositions of flowers”

I approve: Accepted:

Head of MDOBU Pedagogical Council

D/s No. 79 “Luchik” MDOBU D/s No. 79 “Luchik”

Protocol No. 1

Club work plan

"Skillful Hands"

for the academic year

Circle leaders:

Yakutsk, 2013

Target: Develop skills in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in non-traditional drawing techniques.


Arouse children's interest in creative activities. Help children feel the properties of visual materials, methods of use and their expressive capabilities when creating a drawing. Develop a sense of composition, color perception and hand-eye coordination. Develop creative thinking. Develop practical skills in working with paper and gouache.

Used Books:

Miracles of the sorcerer of color // Preschool education No. 2 / 2006, p. 53. , Kulikova with preschoolers in fine arts. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2000. Kazakova with preschool children. – M.: Gnome and House, 2004. Kazakova creativity in preschoolers. – M., 1985. Komarova and visual creativity // Preschool education No. 4 / 2005. Komarov's activities in kindergarten. – M., 1982. Komarov children's drawing technique. – M.: JSC “CENTURY”, 1994. Collection of ideas. – M.: LINKA-PRESS, 2004. Draw Pantikov - learn to create. – Krasnoyarsk, 1993. Uruntaeva psychological characteristics of a preschooler. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 1996. Fun drawing using the poke method for children aged 3-7 years. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2004.


Lesson topic




Introduction to testoplasty.

Target:introduce children to new modeling materials and techniques for working with dough. Develop fine motor skills and sense of shape. Cultivate an interest in working with testoplasty, the ability to finish a job.

Salt dough, modeling boards, jars of water.

Modeling “Caterpillar on a leaf”

Target:teach children how to sculpt a caterpillar and reinforce techniques for connecting parts. Develop fine motor skills and sense of shape. Cultivate a love of nature, interest in working with testoplasty, and the ability to finish a job.

Collective drawing “Autumn tree”

Target:teach children to draw in an unconventional technique (with their palms, fingers), develop their eye, sense of color, shape, imagination, imagination. To cultivate a love of nature, aesthetic taste, and a sense of community.

Gouache for painting with palms, Whatman paper, napkins.

Plasticine painting “Mushrooms”

Target:develop the ability to work with silhouettes, show creativity in work. Develop fine muscles of the hands, eye, sense of shape and color. Cultivate diligence and finish what you start.

Plasticine, cardboard, stacks, napkins, modeling boards.


Construction from natural material “Trees in autumn decoration”

Target:develop children's interest in crafts made from natural materials, teach them to use dry twigs in their work, decorating them with paper leaves. Reinforce knowledge about colors and signs of autumn. Cultivate aesthetic taste.

Dry twigs, colored paper strips, scissors, plasticine, a picture of an autumn park (forest).

Crafts made from buckwheat and cone scales “Owl-Owl”

Target: teach to cover the wings and body with yellow plasticine, spread buckwheat on the wings, pressing lightly. Practice laying out the scales from the pine cone on the body, slightly pressing them in, one next to the other in rows, and use felt-tip pens to color the owl’s head and paws as you wish. Develop thinking and creative imagination.

Plasticine, pine and cedar cones, buckwheat.

Painting cardboard plates “Firebird”

Target:learn to independently think about the content of the work (in case of difficulties, work according to the model). Practice creating a background; create a drawing according to your plan using several different brushes and cotton swabs. Develop imagination, the ability to use the ribbed part of the plate as a frame.

Cardboard plates, gouache, brushes, cotton swabs, a piece of foam sponge, napkins, jars of water.

Construction from natural materials and plasticine “Hedgehogs on a walk”

Goals:encourage children to collaborate in constructing from natural materials when creating a plot united by a single content. Help create a general plan, distribute functions, select the necessary materials and equipment. Develop cognitive activity and creativity in the design process.

Hedgehog toy, forest model, painting “Hedgehogs”, chestnuts, plasticine.


Modeling “Beautiful plate”

Target:teach children how to sculpt a plate, using the method of rolling, pinching, and strengthening techniques for connecting parts. Develop fine motor skills of the hands, aesthetic taste, sense of form. To cultivate diligence, interest in working with testoplasty, and the ability to complete the work started.

Salt dough, modeling boards.

Painting a plate

Target:teach children to paint a plate according to a model, continue to teach them how to work with a brush and paints. To develop an eye, a sense of form and color, to cultivate aesthetic taste, and the ability to complete the work started.

Prepare a plate of salt dough, gouache, brushes of different sizes, jars of water.

Plasticine painting “Cloud”

Target:consolidate the techniques of filling the base (cloud) with plasticine in different ways, obtaining different shades of blue. Develop fine muscles of the hands, eye, sense of shape and color. Cultivate diligence and finish what you start.

Plasticine, cardboard, stacks, modeling boards, napkins.

Modeling “Cheerful hedgehog”

Target:teach children to make cuts on the dough using scissors, use the pulling method (spout), and reinforce techniques for joining parts. Develop fine motor skills and sense of shape. Cultivate a love of nature, interest in working with testoplasty, and the ability to finish a job.

Salt dough, scissors, modeling boards, beads for eyes, napkins.


Plasticineography “Snowmen” using cotton swabs


Introducing pasta crafts “Country of Macaronia”

Target:introduce children to a new material - pasta, show children how to make crafts from it, develop creativity, fantasy, imagination, and bring the job started to completion.

Pasta, paints (gouache), PVA glue, cardboard.

Team work made from pasta “Beauty Christmas Tree”

Target:teach children to create the image of a Christmas tree and New Year's decorations using pasta. Develop fine motor skills of the hands, eye, sense of shape, color, rhythm. To cultivate aesthetic taste, patience, and interest in working with pasta.

Pasta (colored), PVA glue, cardboard (A3 format), napkins.

Drawing “Christmas tree”

Target:Develop children's sense of color. Introduce a new way of poking with a hard brush and splattering with a toothbrush. Develop aesthetic perception.

Gouache, brushes of different sizes, toothbrush, album sheets (tinted), napkins, jars of water.


Drawing with semolina “Snowflakes”

Goals:teach children to draw in an unconventional way - with glue and semolina, to come up with various patterns for snowflakes. To develop children's imagination, imagination, hard work and aesthetic taste.

PVA glue, semolina, colored cardboard, napkins.

Making snowmen from paper balls

Target:teach children to make snowmen from lumps of paper, place them on paper, observing its parameters. Develop fine motor skills of the hands, eye, sense of color and shape. Cultivate diligence, the ability to finish a job, and accuracy in work.

Napkins (white), colored cardboard, PVA glue, colored paper, oilcloth.

Drawing “Fluffy Snow”

Target:Strengthen the ability to draw trees large and small, depict a snowball using typing techniques or finger painting. Develop a sense of composition.

Blue cardboard, gouache (white, brown), brushes, jars of water, napkins.

Dymkovo horse

Target:Continue to introduce children to the Dymkovo toy. Learn to highlight elements of painting and apply them to a figure cut out of paper. Invoke joy from the result; teach to see the beauty of Dymkovo painting.


Horse path

Target:Continue to introduce the Dymkovo toy. Learn to select one of the elements of the pattern - a circle, make a pattern on a strip of circles, and decorate them with dots. To stimulate interest in the Dymkovo toy.

Fabric for a skirt for a young lady

Target:Continue to introduce the Dymkovo toy. Learn to identify and examine the elements of a pattern. Learn to draw a checkered pattern of horizontal and vertical lines. Foster a love of folk art.

Half a landscape sheet across, watercolor paints, brushes of different sizes, jars of water, napkins.

Portrait "Dad"


Making frames for portraits of moms and dads from pasta

Target:teach children to decorate frames with pasta, inventing their own pattern. Develop a sense of rhythm, color, fine motor skills, and eye. Cultivate aesthetic taste and love for parents.

Colored pasta, blank frames made of colored cardboard, PVA glue, brushes, napkins.


Drawing "Mom's portrait"

Target:teach children to draw a portrait, drawing the main parts of the body (ears, nose, eyes, mouth). Develop an eye, a sense of color, shape. Cultivate accuracy in work, love for dad.

Landscape sheet, watercolor paint, brushes of different sizes, jars of water, napkins.

Making Beads and Necklaces from Pasta for Moms

Target:teach children to collect beads by following an algorithm they have invented. Develop fine motor skills, imagination, imagination, cultivate aesthetic taste, love for mother.

Colored pasta, thin braid.

Mimosa for mom

Target:Practice finger painting and rolling balls from napkins. Develop a sense of composition.

Colored paper (green), corrugated paper (yellow, green), glue stick, colored cardboard, napkins, plates for material.

Application made of paper and peas “Funny nesting dolls”

Target: teach children to draw a pattern on a matryoshka doll, lay it out using pea halves. Develop fantasy, imagination, fine motor skills, and eye. To cultivate hard work, perseverance, and aesthetic taste.

Dry pea halves, colored cardboard, nesting doll templates, PVA glue, napkins, brushes.


Modeling "Insects"

Target:teach children to make insects in familiar ways (butterflies, caterpillars, etc.), reinforce techniques for connecting parts. Develop fine motor skills and sense of shape. To cultivate a love of nature, aesthetic taste, interest in working with testoplasty, and the ability to finish a job.

Salted colored dough, modeling boards, colored paper, beads for eyes and mouth, jars of water.

Group work “In a clearing” (fabric applique, crafts “Insects”)

Target:teach children to compose the composition “In the Meadow”, continue to teach them how to work with scissors, carefully cutting along the contour. Develop fine motor skills, imagination, imagination. Cultivate a sense of collectivism and aesthetic taste.

Ready-made insect crafts from salt dough, cardboard, fabric, PVA glue, scissors, napkins, oilcloths.

Drawing with soap foam

Target:Introduce a new type of drawing. Learn how to soap a foam sponge and squeeze the dough out of it onto a plate, and place the selected outline (drawing) under the plexiglass. Take foam with a brush and dip it into watercolor paint of the desired color. Stir until the foam turns the desired color, draw with the colored foam on the glass. Carefully moisten a clean sheet of paper with water and place the wet side on the plexiglass, press and carefully, so as not to smear, remove the sheet. Practice finishing the drawing of small details. Develop creative imagination and thinking.

Plexiglas, watercolor paints, foam sponge, soap, pencil, brush, plates

Plasticine painting “Fluffy dandelion” using cotton swabs

Target:Teach children to create a flat figure of a snowman on cardboard and create volume using cotton swabs. Develop fine muscles of the arms and eye. Cultivate diligence and the ability to complete a job to the end.

Plasticine, cardboard, modeling boards, stacks, cotton swabs, napkins.


Drawing “Festive fireworks” (spraying technique)

Goal: continue to teach children how to spray, develop their eye and sense of color. To cultivate accuracy in work, interest in working with spraying, and love for the Motherland.

Tinted paper (dark color), gouache, brushes, tooth cheeks, comb, jars of water.

Drawing “Butterfly” with salt

Target:learn to make sketches on a sheet of paper, cover it with a brush with PVA glue. Learn to carefully sprinkle the glue with salt, pour the excess salt into the tray. Practice painting in missing elements on dry work. Develop memory, creative imagination, sense of color.

Watercolor paints, landscape sheet, fine salt, brushes, jars of water, napkins.

Drawing on balloons “Clown”

Target:Develop imagination, sense of light, thinking, memory. Learn independently, think about the content of the work. Practice drawing on a previously unfamiliar material - rubber.

Balloons, felt-tip pens, markers.

Design from natural material “Butterfly”

Goals:teach children to make a butterfly toy and measure its parts. Develop children's imagination and desire to make the toy beautiful. Develop cognitive and constructive skills.

Dried leaves, plasticine, apple seeds, twigs or wire, diagram of a butterfly, picture of a spring meadow.
