The force of gravity. What is the law of universal gravitation: the formula for the great discovery A parade of planets can “reduce gravity” on Earth

Gravity is the most powerful force in the Universe, one of the four fundamental principles of the universe, which determines its structure. Once upon a time, thanks to it, planets, stars and entire galaxies arose. Today it keeps the Earth in orbit on its never-ending journey around the Sun.

Attraction is also of great importance for a person’s daily life. Thanks to this invisible force, the oceans of our world pulsate, rivers flow, and raindrops fall to the ground. Since childhood, we feel the weight of our body and surrounding objects. The influence of gravity on our economic activities is also enormous.

The first theory of gravity was created by Isaac Newton at the end of the 17th century. His Law of Universal Gravitation describes this interaction within the framework of classical mechanics. This phenomenon was more widely described by Einstein in his general theory of relativity, which was published at the beginning of the last century. The processes occurring with the force of gravity at the level of elementary particles should be explained by the quantum theory of gravity, but it has yet to be created.

We know much more about the nature of gravity today than we did in Newton's time, but despite centuries of study, it still remains a real stumbling block to modern physics. There are many blank spots in the existing theory of gravity, and we still do not understand exactly what generates it and how this interaction is transferred. And, of course, we are very far from being able to control the force of gravity, so antigravity or levitation will exist for a long time only on the pages of science fiction novels.

What fell on Newton's head?

People have always wondered about the nature of the force that attracts objects to the earth, but it was only in the 17th century that Isaac Newton managed to lift the veil of mystery. The basis for its breakthrough was laid by the works of Kepler and Galileo, brilliant scientists who studied the movements of celestial bodies.

Even a century and a half before Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation, the Polish astronomer Copernicus believed that attraction is “... nothing more than a natural desire that the father of the Universe endowed all particles with, namely to unite into one common whole, forming spherical bodies.” Descartes considered attraction to be a consequence of disturbances in the world ether. The Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle was sure that mass affects the speed of falling bodies. And only Galileo Galilei at the end of the 16th century proved that this was not true: if there is no air resistance, all objects accelerate equally.

Contrary to the popular legend of the head and the apple, Newton took more than twenty years to understand the nature of gravity. His law of gravity is one of the most significant scientific discoveries of all time. It is universal and allows you to calculate the trajectories of celestial bodies and accurately describe the behavior of objects around us. The classical theory of gravity laid the foundations of celestial mechanics. Newton's three laws gave scientists the opportunity to discover new planets literally “at the tip of their pen”; in the end, thanks to them, man was able to overcome Earth’s gravity and fly into space. They brought a strict scientific basis to the philosophical concept of the material unity of the universe, in which all natural phenomena are interconnected and governed by general physical rules.

Newton not only published a formula allowing one to calculate the force that attracts bodies to each other, he created a complete model, which also included mathematical analysis. These theoretical conclusions have been repeatedly confirmed in practice, including using the most modern methods.

In Newtonian theory, any material object generates an attractive field, which is called gravitational. Moreover, the force is proportional to the mass of both bodies and inversely proportional to the distance between them:

F = (G m1 m2)/r2

G is the gravitational constant, which is equal to 6.67 × 10−11 m³/(kg s²). Henry Cavendish was the first to calculate it in 1798.

In everyday life and in applied disciplines, the force with which the earth attracts a body is spoken of as its weight. The attraction between any two material objects in the Universe is what gravity is in simple words.

The force of gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental interactions of physics, but due to its properties it is capable of regulating the movement of star systems and galaxies:

  • Attraction works at any distance, this is the main difference between gravity and strong and weak nuclear interactions. As the distance increases, its effect decreases, but it never becomes equal to zero, so we can say that even two atoms located at different ends of the galaxy have a mutual influence. It's just very small;
  • Gravity is universal. The field of attraction is inherent in any material body. Scientists have not yet discovered an object on our planet or in space that would not participate in this type of interaction, so the role of gravity in the life of the Universe is enormous. This distinguishes gravity from electromagnetic interaction, the influence of which on cosmic processes is minimal, since in nature most bodies are electrically neutral. Gravitational forces cannot be limited or shielded;
  • Gravity acts not only on matter, but also on energy. For him, the chemical composition of objects does not matter; only their mass matters.

Using Newton's formula, the force of attraction can be easily calculated. For example, gravity on the Moon is several times less than that on Earth, because our satellite has a relatively small mass. But it is enough to form regular ebbs and flows in the World Ocean. On Earth, the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.81 m/s2. Moreover, at the poles it is slightly greater than at the equator.

Despite their enormous importance for the further development of science, Newton’s laws had a number of weaknesses that haunted researchers. It was not clear how gravity acts through absolutely empty space over vast distances, and at an incomprehensible speed. In addition, data gradually began to accumulate that contradicted Newton's laws: for example, the gravitational paradox or the displacement of the perihelion of Mercury. It became obvious that the theory of universal gravitation requires improvement. This honor fell to the brilliant German physicist Albert Einstein.

Attraction and the theory of relativity

Newton's refusal to discuss the nature of gravity (“I invent no hypotheses”) was an obvious weakness of his concept. It is not surprising that many theories of gravity emerged in the following years.

Most of them belonged to the so-called hydrodynamic models, which tried to substantiate the occurrence of gravity by the mechanical interaction of material objects with some intermediate substance having certain properties. Researchers called it differently: “vacuum”, “ether”, “graviton flow”, etc. In this case, the force of attraction between bodies arose as a result of changes in this substance, when it was absorbed by objects or shielded flows. In reality, all such theories had one serious drawback: quite accurately predicting the dependence of gravitational force on distance, they should have led to the deceleration of bodies that moved relative to the “ether” or “graviton flow”.

Einstein approached this issue from a different angle. In his general theory of relativity (GTR), gravity is viewed not as an interaction of forces, but as a property of space-time itself. Any object that has mass causes it to bend, which causes attraction. In this case, gravity is a geometric effect that is considered within the framework of non-Euclidean geometry.

Simply put, the space-time continuum affects matter, causing its movement. And she, in turn, influences space, “telling” it how to bend.

Attractive forces also act in the microcosm, but at the level of elementary particles their influence, compared to electrostatic interaction, is negligible. Physicists believe that gravitational interaction was not inferior to others in the first moments (10 -43 seconds) after the Big Bang.

Currently, the concept of gravity proposed in the general theory of relativity is the main working hypothesis accepted by the majority of the scientific community and confirmed by the results of numerous experiments.

Einstein in his work foresaw the amazing effects of gravitational forces, most of which have already been confirmed. For example, the ability of massive bodies to bend light rays and even slow down the flow of time. The latter phenomenon must be taken into account when operating global satellite navigation systems such as GLONASS and GPS, otherwise after a few days their error would be tens of kilometers.

In addition, a consequence of Einstein's theory are the so-called subtle effects of gravity, such as the gravimagnetic field and drag of inertial frames of reference (also known as the Lense-Thirring effect). These manifestations of gravity are so weak that they could not be detected for a long time. Only in 2005, thanks to the unique NASA mission Gravity Probe B, the Lense-Thirring effect was confirmed.

Gravitational radiation or the most fundamental discovery of recent years

Gravitational waves are vibrations of the geometric space-time structure that travel at the speed of light. The existence of this phenomenon was also predicted by Einstein in General Relativity, but due to the weakness of the gravitational force, its magnitude is very small, so it could not be detected for a long time. Only indirect evidence supported the existence of radiation.

Similar waves are generated by any material objects moving with asymmetric acceleration. Scientists describe them as "ripples in space-time." The most powerful sources of such radiation are colliding galaxies and collapsing systems consisting of two objects. A typical example of the latter case is the merger of black holes or neutron stars. During such processes, gravitational radiation can transfer more than 50% of the total mass of the system.

Gravitational waves were first discovered in 2015 by two LIGO observatories. Almost immediately, this event received the status of the largest discovery in physics in recent decades. In 2017, he was awarded the Nobel Prize. After this, scientists managed to detect gravitational radiation several more times.

Back in the 70s of the last century - long before experimental confirmation - scientists proposed using gravitational radiation for long-distance communication. Its undoubted advantage is its high ability to pass through any substance without being absorbed. But at present this is hardly possible, because there are enormous difficulties in generating and receiving these waves. And we still don’t have enough real knowledge about the nature of gravity.

Today, several installations similar to LIGO are operating in different countries of the world and new ones are being built. It is likely that we will learn more about gravitational radiation in the near future.

Alternative theories of universal gravity and the reasons for their creation

At the moment, the dominant concept of gravity is general relativity. The entire existing array of experimental data and observations is consistent with it. At the same time, it has a large number of obvious weaknesses and controversial issues, so attempts to create new models that explain the nature of gravity do not stop.

All theories of universal gravitation developed to date can be divided into several main groups:

  • standard;
  • alternative;
  • quantum;
  • unified field theory.

Attempts to create a new concept of universal gravity were made back in the 19th century. Various authors included in it the ether or the corpuscular theory of light. But the appearance of General Relativity put an end to these researches. After its publication, the goal of scientists changed - now their efforts were aimed at improving Einstein’s model, including new natural phenomena in it: the spin of particles, the expansion of the Universe, etc.

By the early 1980s, physicists had experimentally rejected all concepts except those that included general relativity as an integral part. At this time, “string theories” came into fashion, looking very promising. But these hypotheses have never been experimentally confirmed. Over the past decades, science has reached significant heights and accumulated a huge amount of empirical data. Today, attempts to create alternative theories of gravity are inspired mainly by cosmological research related to concepts such as “dark matter”, “inflation”, “dark energy”.

One of the main tasks of modern physics is the unification of two fundamental directions: quantum theory and general relativity. Scientists are trying to connect attraction with other types of interactions, thus creating a “theory of everything.” This is exactly what quantum gravity does - a branch of physics that tries to provide a quantum description of gravitational interactions. An offshoot of this direction is the theory of loop gravity.

Despite active and many years of efforts, this goal has not yet been achieved. And it’s not even the complexity of this problem: it’s just that quantum theory and general relativity are based on completely different paradigms. Quantum mechanics deals with physical systems operating against the background of ordinary space-time. And in the theory of relativity, space-time itself is a dynamic component, depending on the parameters of the classical systems located in it.

Along with scientific hypotheses of universal gravity, there are also theories that are very far from modern physics. Unfortunately, in recent years, such “opuses” have simply flooded the Internet and bookstore shelves. Some authors of such works generally inform the reader that gravity does not exist, and the laws of Newton and Einstein are fictions and hoaxes.

An example is the works of the “scientist” Nikolai Levashov, who claim that Newton did not discover the law of universal gravitation, and only the planets and our satellite the Moon have gravitational force in the solar system. This “Russian scientist” gives rather strange evidence. One of them is the flight of the American probe NEAR Shoemaker to the asteroid Eros, which took place in 2000. Levashov considers the lack of attraction between the probe and the celestial body to be proof of the falsity of Newton’s works and the conspiracy of physicists hiding the truth about gravity from people.

In fact, the spacecraft successfully completed its mission: first it entered orbit of the asteroid, and then made a soft landing on its surface.

Artificial gravity and why it is needed

There are two concepts associated with gravity that, despite their current theoretical status, are well known to the general public. These are antigravity and artificial gravity.

Antigravity is a process of counteracting the force of attraction, which can significantly reduce it or even replace it with repulsion. Mastering such technology would lead to a real revolution in transport, aviation, space exploration and would radically change our entire lives. But at present, the possibility of antigravity does not even have theoretical confirmation. Moreover, based on general relativity, such a phenomenon is not feasible at all, since there cannot be negative mass in our Universe. It is possible that in the future we will learn more about gravity and learn to build aircraft based on this principle.

Artificial gravity is a man-made change in the existing force of gravity. Today we don’t really need such technology, but the situation will definitely change after the start of long-term space travel. And the point is in our physiology. The human body, “accustomed” over millions of years of evolution to the constant gravity of the Earth, perceives the effects of reduced gravity extremely negatively. A long stay even in conditions of lunar gravity (six times weaker than Earth's) can lead to dire consequences. The illusion of attraction can be created using other physical forces, such as inertia. However, such options are complex and expensive. At the moment, artificial gravity does not even have theoretical justification; it is obvious that its possible practical implementation is a matter of the very distant future.

Gravity is a concept known to everyone since school. It would seem that scientists should have thoroughly investigated this phenomenon! But gravity remains the deepest mystery for modern science. And this can be called an excellent example of how limited human knowledge is about our huge and wonderful world.

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In nature, only four main fundamental forces are known (they are also called main interactions) - gravitational interaction, electromagnetic interaction, strong interaction and weak interaction.

Gravitational interaction is the weakest of all.Gravitational forcesconnect parts of the globe together and this same interaction determines large-scale events in the Universe.

Electromagnetic interaction holds electrons in atoms and bonds atoms into molecules. A particular manifestation of these forces isCoulomb forces, acting between stationary electric charges.

Strong interaction binds nucleons in nuclei. This interaction is the strongest, but it only acts over very short distances.

Weak interaction acts between elementary particles and has a very short range. It occurs during beta decay.

4.1.Newton's law of universal gravitation

Between two material points there is a force of mutual attraction, directly proportional to the product of the masses of these points ( m And M ) and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them ( r 2 ) and directed along a straight line passing through the interacting bodiesF= (GmM/r 2) r o ,(1)

Here r o - unit vector drawn in the direction of the force F(Fig. 1a).

This force is called gravitational force(or force of universal gravity). Gravitational forces are always attractive forces. The force of interaction between two bodies does not depend on the environment in which the bodies are located.

g 1 g 2

Fig.1a Fig.1b Fig.1c

The constant G is called gravitational constant. Its value was established experimentally: G = 6.6720. 10 -11 N. m 2 / kg 2 - i.e. two point bodies weighing 1 kg each, located at a distance of 1 m from each other, are attracted with a force of 6.6720. 10 -11 N. The very small value of G just allows us to talk about the weakness of gravitational forces - they should be taken into account only in the case of large masses.

The masses included in equation (1) are called gravitational masses. This emphasizes that, in principle, the masses included in Newton’s second law ( F=m in a) and the law of universal gravitation ( F=(Gm gr M gr /r 2) r o), have a different nature. However, it has been established that the ratio m gr / m in for all bodies is the same with a relative error of up to 10 -10.

4.2.Gravitational field (gravitational field) of a material point

It is believed that gravitational interaction is carried out using gravitational field (gravitational field), which is generated by the bodies themselves. Two characteristics of this field are introduced: vector - and scalar - gravitational field potential.

4.2.1.Gravitational field strength

Let us have a material point with mass M. It is believed that a gravitational field arises around this mass. The strength characteristic of such a field is gravitational field strengthg, which is determined from the law of universal gravitation g= (GM/r 2) r o ,(2)

Where r o - a unit vector drawn from a material point in the direction of the gravitational force. Gravitational field strength gis a vector quantity and is the acceleration obtained by the point mass m, brought into the gravitational field created by a point mass M. Indeed, comparing (1) and (2), we obtain for the case of equality of gravitational and inertial masses F=m g.

Let us emphasize that the magnitude and direction of acceleration received by a body introduced into a gravitational field does not depend on the magnitude of the mass of the introduced body. Since the main task of dynamics is to determine the magnitude of the acceleration received by a body under the action of external forces, then, consequently, the strength of the gravitational field completely and unambiguously determines the force characteristics of the gravitational field. The g(r) dependence is shown in Fig. 2a.

Fig.2a Fig.2b Fig.2c

The field is called central, if at all points of the field the intensity vectors are directed along straight lines that intersect at one point, stationary with respect to any inertial reference system. In particular, the gravitational field of a material point is central: at all points of the field the vectors gAnd F=m g, acting on a body brought into the gravitational field are directed radially from the mass M , creating a field, to a point mass m (Fig. 1b).

The law of universal gravitation in the form (1) is established for bodies taken as material points, i.e. for such bodies whose dimensions are small compared to the distance between them. If the sizes of the bodies cannot be neglected, then the bodies should be divided into point elements, the forces of attraction between all elements taken in pairs should be calculated using formula (1), and then added geometrically. The gravitational field strength of a system consisting of material points with masses M 1, M 2, ..., M n is equal to the sum of the field strengths from each of these masses separately ( principle of superposition of gravitational fields ): g=g i, Where g i= (GM i /r i 2) r o i - field strength of one mass M i.

Graphic representation of the gravitational field using tension vectors g at different points of the field is very inconvenient: for systems consisting of many material points, the intensity vectors overlap each other and a very confusing picture is obtained. That's why for graphical representation of the gravitational field use lines of force (tension lines), which are carried out in such a way that the voltage vector is directed tangentially to the power line. Tension lines are considered to be directed in the same way as a vector g(Fig. 1c), those. lines of force end at a material point. Since at each point in space the tension vector has only one direction, That lines of tension never cross. For a material point, the lines of force are radial straight lines entering the point (Fig. 1b).

In order to use intensity lines to characterize not only the direction, but also the value of the field strength, these lines are drawn with a certain density: the number of intensity lines piercing a unit surface area perpendicular to the intensity lines must be equal to the absolute value of the vector g.

I decided, to the best of my ability, to dwell on lighting in more detail. scientific heritage Academician Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov, because I see that his works today are not yet in demand as they should be in a society of truly free and reasonable people. People are still do not understand the value and importance of his books and articles, because they do not realize the degree of deception in which we have been living for the last couple of centuries; do not understand that information about nature, which we consider familiar and therefore true, is 100% false; and they were deliberately imposed on us in order to hide the truth and prevent us from developing in the right direction...

Law of Gravity

Why do we need to deal with this gravity? Isn't there something else we know about her? Come on! We already know a lot about gravity! For example, Wikipedia kindly tells us that « Gravity (attraction, worldwide, gravity) (from Latin gravitas - “gravity”) - the universal fundamental interaction between all material bodies. In the approximation of low speeds and weak gravitational interaction, it is described by Newton’s theory of gravity, in the general case it is described by Einstein’s general theory of relativity...” Those. Simply put, this Internet chatter says that gravity is the interaction between all material bodies, and even more simply put - mutual attraction material bodies to each other.

We owe the appearance of such an opinion to Comrade. Isaac Newton, who is credited with the discovery in 1687 "The Law of Universal Gravitation", according to which all bodies are supposedly attracted to each other in proportion to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The good news is that Comrade. Isaac Newton is described in Pedia as a highly educated scientist, unlike Comrade. , who is credited with the discovery electricity

It is interesting to look at the dimension of the “Force of Attraction” or “Force of Gravity”, which follows from Comrade. Isaac Newton, having the following form: F=m 1 *m 2 /r 2

The numerator is the product of the masses of two bodies. This gives the dimension “kilograms squared” - kg 2. The denominator is “distance” squared, i.e. meters squared - m 2. But strength is not measured in strange kg 2 /m 2, and in no less strange kg*m/s 2! It turns out to be an inconsistency. To remove it, “scientists” came up with a coefficient, the so-called. "gravitational constant" G , equal to approximately 6.67545×10 −11 m³/(kg s²). If we now multiply everything, we get the correct dimension of “Gravity” in kg*m/s 2, and this abracadabra is called in physics "newton", i.e. force in today's physics is measured in "".

I wonder what physical meaning has a coefficient G , for something reducing the result in 600 billions of times? None! “Scientists” called it the “coefficient of proportionality.” And they introduced it for adjustment dimensions and results to suit the most desirable! This is the kind of science we have today... It should be noted that, in order to confuse scientists and hide contradictions, measurement systems in physics were changed several times - the so-called. "systems of units". Here are the names of some of them, which replaced each other as the need arose to create new camouflages: MTS, MKGSS, SGS, SI...

It would be interesting to ask comrade. Isaac: a how did he guess that there is a natural process of attracting bodies to each other? How did he guess, that the “Force of attraction” is proportional precisely to the product of the masses of two bodies, and not to their sum or difference? How did he so successfully comprehend that this Force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between bodies, and not to the cube, doubling or fractional power? Where at comrade such inexplicable guesses appeared 350 years ago? After all, he did not conduct any experiments in this area! And, if you believe the traditional version of history, in those days even the rulers were not yet completely straight, but here is such an inexplicable, simply fantastic insight! Where?

Yes out of nowhere! Comrade Isaac had no idea about anything like that and didn’t investigate anything like that and didn't open. Why? Because in reality the physical process " attraction tel" to each other does not exist, and, accordingly, there is no Law that would describe this process (this will be convincingly proven below)! In reality, Comrade Newton in our inarticulate, simply attributed the discovery of the law of “Universal Gravity”, simultaneously awarding him the title of “one of the creators of classical physics”; in the same way as at one time they attributed to comrade. Bene Franklin, which had 2 classes education. In “Medieval Europe” this was not the case: there was great tension not only with the sciences, but simply with life...

But, fortunately for us, at the end of the last century, the Russian scientist Nikolai Levashov wrote several books in which he gave the “alphabet and grammar” undistorted knowledge; returned to earthlings the previously destroyed scientific paradigm, with the help of which easily explained almost all “unsolvable” mysteries of earthly nature; explained the basics of the structure of the Universe; showed under what conditions on all planets on which necessary and sufficient conditions appear, Life- living matter. Explained what kind of matter can be considered living, and what physical meaning natural process called life" He further explained when and under what conditions “living matter” acquires Intelligence, i.e. realizes its existence - becomes intelligent. Nikolay Viktorovich Levashov conveyed a lot to people in his books and films undistorted knowledge. Among other things, he explained what "gravity", where it comes from, how it works, what its actual physical meaning is. Most of all this is written in books and. Now let’s look at the “Law of Universal Gravitation”...

The “law of universal gravitation” is a fiction!

Why do I so boldly and confidently criticize physics, the “discovery” of Comrade. Isaac Newton and the “great” “Law of Universal Gravitation” itself? Yes, because this “Law” is a fiction! Deception! Fiction! A scam on a global scale to take earthly science to a dead end! The same scam with the same goals as the notorious “Theory of Relativity” by Comrade. Einstein.

Proof? If you please, here they are: very precise, strict and convincing. They were superbly described by the author O.Kh. Derevensky in his wonderful article. Due to the fact that the article is quite lengthy, I will give here a very brief version of some evidence of the falsity of the “Law of Universal Gravitation”, and citizens interested in the details will read the rest themselves.

1. In our Solar system Only planets and the Moon, a satellite of the Earth, have gravity. The satellites of the other planets, and there are more than six dozen of them, do not have gravity! This information is completely open, but not advertised by the “scientific” people, because it is inexplicable from the point of view of their “science”. Those. b O Most of the objects in our solar system do not have gravity - they do not attract each other! And this completely refutes the “Law of Universal Gravitation”.

2. Henry Cavendish's experience the attraction of massive ingots to each other is considered irrefutable evidence of the presence of attraction between bodies. However, despite its simplicity, this experience has not been openly reproduced anywhere. Apparently, because it does not give the effect that some people once announced. Those. Today, with the possibility of strict verification, experience does not show any attraction between bodies!

3. Launch of an artificial satellite into orbit around an asteroid. Mid February 2000 Americans sent a space probe NEAR close enough to the asteroid Eros, leveled the speed and began to wait for the probe to be captured by the gravity of Eros, i.e. when the satellite is gently attracted by the asteroid's gravity.

But for some reason the first date didn’t go well. The second and subsequent attempts to surrender to Eros had exactly the same effect: Eros did not want to attract the American probe NEAR, and without additional engine support, the probe did not stay near Eros . This cosmic date ended in nothing. Those. no attraction between probe and ground 805 kg and an asteroid weighing more than 6 trillion tons could not be found.

Here we cannot fail to note the inexplicable tenacity of the Americans from NASA, because the Russian scientist Nikolay Levashov, living at that time in the USA, which he then considered a completely normal country, wrote, translated into English and published in 1994 year, his famous book, in which he explained “on the fingers” everything that specialists from NASA needed to know in order for their probe NEAR did not hang around as a useless piece of iron in space, but brought at least some benefit to society. But, apparently, exorbitant conceit played its trick on the “scientists” there.

4. Next try decided to repeat the erotic experiment with an asteroid Japanese. They chose an asteroid called Itokawa, and sent it on May 9 2003 year, a probe called (“Falcon”) was added to it. In September 2005 year, the probe approached the asteroid at a distance of 20 km.

Taking into account the experience of the “dumb Americans,” the smart Japanese equipped their probe with several engines and an autonomous short-range navigation system with laser rangefinders, so that it could approach the asteroid and move around it automatically, without the participation of ground operators. “The first number of this program turned out to be a comedy stunt with the landing of a small research robot on the surface of an asteroid. The probe descended to the calculated height and carefully dropped the robot, which was supposed to slowly and smoothly fall to the surface. But... he didn’t fall. Slow and smooth he was carried away somewhere far from the asteroid. There he disappeared without a trace... The next number of the program turned out to be, again, a comedy trick with a short-term landing of a probe on the surface “to take a soil sample.” It became comedic because, to ensure the best performance of laser rangefinders, a reflective marker ball was dropped onto the surface of the asteroid. There were no engines on this ball either and... in short, the ball was not in the right place... So whether the Japanese "Falcon" landed on Itokawa, and what he did on it if he sat down, is unknown to science..." Conclusion: the Japanese miracle Hayabusa did not was able to discover no attraction between probe ground 510 kg and an asteroid mass 35 000 tons

Separately, I would like to note that a comprehensive explanation of the nature of gravity by the Russian scientist Nikolay Levashov gave in his book, which he first published in 2002 year - almost a year and a half before the launch of the Japanese Falcon. And, despite this, the Japanese “scientists” followed exactly in the footsteps of their American colleagues and carefully repeated all their mistakes, including landing. This is such an interesting continuity of “scientific thinking”...

5. Where do tides come from? A very interesting phenomenon described in the literature, to put it mildly, is not entirely correct. “...There are textbooks on physics, where it is written what they should be - in accordance with the “law of universal gravitation”. There are also tutorials on oceanography, where it is written what they are, the tides, In fact.

If the law of universal gravitation operates here, and ocean water is attracted, among other things, to the Sun and the Moon, then the “physical” and “oceanographic” patterns of tides should coincide. So do they match or not? It turns out that to say that they do not coincide is to say nothing. Because the “physical” and “oceanographic” pictures have no relation to each other at all nothing in common... The actual picture of tidal phenomena differs so greatly from the theoretical one - both qualitatively and quantitatively - that on the basis of such a theory one can pre-calculate tides impossible. Yes, no one is trying to do this. Not crazy after all. This is how they do it: for each port or other point that is of interest, the dynamics of the ocean level are modeled by the sum of oscillations with amplitudes and phases that are found purely empirically. And then they extrapolate this amount of fluctuations forward - and you get pre-calculations. The captains of the ships are happy - well, okay!..” This all means that our earthly tides are too don't obey"The law of universal gravitation."

What is gravity really?

The real nature of gravity was clearly described for the first time in modern history by academician Nikolai Levashov in a fundamental scientific work. So that the reader can better understand what is written regarding gravity, I will give a small preliminary explanation.

The space around us is not empty. It is completely filled with many different matters, which Academician N.V. Levashov named "prime matters". Previously, scientists called all this riot of matter "ether" and even received convincing evidence of its existence (the famous experiments of Dayton Miller, described in the article by Nikolai Levashov “The Theory of the Universe and Objective Reality”). Modern “scientists” have gone much further and now they "ether" called "dark matter". Colossal progress! Some matters in the “ether” interact with each other to one degree or another, some do not. And some primary matter begins to interact with each other, falling into changed external conditions in certain space curvatures (inhomogeneities).

Space curvatures appear as a result of various explosions, including “supernova explosions.” « When a supernova explodes, fluctuations in the dimensionality of space arise, similar to the waves that appear on the surface of water after throwing a stone. The masses of matter ejected during the explosion fill these inhomogeneities in the dimension of space around the star. From these masses of matter, planets (and) begin to form..."

Those. planets are not formed from space debris, as modern “scientists” for some reason claim, but are synthesized from the matter of stars and other primary matters, which begin to interact with each other in suitable inhomogeneities of space and form the so-called. "hybrid matter". It is from these “hybrid matters” that planets and everything else in our space are formed. our planet, just like the other planets, is not just a “piece of stone”, but a very complex system consisting of several spheres nested one inside the other (see). The densest sphere is called the “physically dense level” - this is what we see, the so-called. physical world. Second in terms of density, a slightly larger sphere is the so-called “ethereal material level” of the planet. Third sphere – “astral material level”. Fourth sphere is the “first mental level” of the planet. Fifth sphere is the “second mental level” of the planet. AND sixth sphere is the “third mental level” of the planet.

Our planet should be considered only as the totality of these six spheres– six material levels of the planet, nested one within the other. Only in this case can you get a complete understanding of the structure and properties of the planet and the processes occurring in nature. The fact that we are not yet able to observe the processes occurring outside the physically dense sphere of our planet does not indicate that “there is nothing there,” but only that at present our senses are not adapted by nature for these purposes. And one more thing: our Universe, our planet Earth and everything else in our Universe is formed from seven various types of primordial matter merged into six hybrid matters. And this is neither a divine nor a unique phenomenon. This is simply the qualitative structure of our Universe, determined by the properties of the heterogeneity in which it was formed.

Let's continue: planets are formed by the merging of the corresponding primary matter in areas of inhomogeneity in space that have properties and qualities suitable for this. But these, as well as all other areas of space, contain a huge number of primordial matter(free forms of matter) of various types that do not interact or interact very weakly with hybrid matter. Finding themselves in an area of ​​heterogeneity, many of these primary matters are affected by this heterogeneity and rush to its center, in accordance with the gradient (difference) of space. And, if a planet has already formed in the center of this heterogeneity, then the primary matter, moving towards the center of the heterogeneity (and the center of the planet), creates directional flow, which creates the so-called. gravitational field. And, accordingly, under gravity You and I need to understand the impact of the directed flow of primary matter on everything in its path. That is, simply put, gravity is pressing material objects to the surface of the planet by the flow of primary matter.

Is not it, reality very different from the fictitious law of “mutual attraction”, which supposedly exists everywhere for a reason that no one understands. Reality is much more interesting, much more complex and much simpler, at the same time. Therefore, the physics of real natural processes is much easier to understand than fictitious ones. And the use of real knowledge leads to real discoveries and the effective use of these discoveries, and not to concocted ones.


As an example of today's scientific profanation we can briefly analyze the explanation by “scientists” of the fact that “rays of light are bent near large masses,” and therefore we can see what is hidden from us by stars and planets.

Indeed, we can observe objects in Space that are hidden from us by other objects, but this phenomenon has nothing to do with the masses of objects, because the “universal” phenomenon does not exist, i.e. no stars, no planets NOT attract no rays to themselves and do not bend their trajectory! Why then do they “bend”? There is a very simple and convincing answer to this question: rays are not bent! They're just do not spread in a straight line, as we are accustomed to understand, but in accordance with shape of space. If we consider a ray passing near a large cosmic body, then we must keep in mind that the ray bends around this body because it is forced to follow the curvature of space, like a road of the appropriate shape. And there is simply no other way for the beam. The beam cannot help but bend around this body, because the space in this area has such a curved shape... A small addition to what has been said.

Now, returning to antigravity, it becomes clear why Humanity is unable to catch this nasty “anti-gravity” or achieve at least anything of what the clever functionaries of the dream factory show us on TV. We are deliberately forced For more than a hundred years, internal combustion engines or jet engines have been used almost everywhere, although they are very far from perfect in terms of operating principle, design, and efficiency. We are deliberately forced extract using various generators of cyclopean sizes, and then transmit this energy through wires, where b O most of it dissipates in space! We are deliberately forced to live the life of irrational beings, therefore we have no reason to be surprised that we are not succeeding in anything sensible either in science, or in technology, or in economics, or in medicine, or in organizing a decent life in society.

I will now give you several examples of the creation and use of antigravity (aka levitation) in our lives. But these methods of achieving antigravity were most likely discovered by chance. And in order to consciously create a truly useful device that implements antigravity, you need to know the real nature of the phenomenon of gravity, study it, analyze and understand its whole essence! Only then can we create something sensible, effective and truly useful to society.

The most common device in our country that uses antigravity is balloon and its many variations. If it is filled with warm air or gas that is lighter than the atmospheric gas mixture, the ball will tend to fly up rather than down. This effect has been known to people for a very long time, but still does not have a comprehensive explanation– one that would no longer raise new questions.

A short search on YouTube led to the discovery of a large number of videos showing very real examples of antigravity. I will list some of them here so that you can see that antigravity ( levitation) really exists, but... has not yet been explained by any of the “scientists”, apparently pride does not allow...

We all studied the law of universal gravitation in school. But what do we really know about gravity beyond what our school teachers put into our heads? Let's update our knowledge...

Fact one: Newton did not discover the law of universal gravitation

Everyone knows the famous parable about the apple that fell on Newton's head. But the fact is that Newton did not discover the law of universal gravitation, since this law is simply not present in his book “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.” There is no formula or formulation in this work, as anyone can see for themselves. Moreover, the first mention of the gravitational constant appears only in the 19th century and, accordingly, the formula could not have appeared earlier. By the way, the coefficient G, which reduces the result of calculations by 600 billion times, has no physical meaning and was introduced to hide contradictions.

Fact two: falsifying the gravitational attraction experiment

It is believed that Cavendish was the first to demonstrate gravitational attraction in laboratory ingots, using a torsion balance - a horizontal beam with weights at the ends suspended on a thin string. The rocker could turn on a thin wire. According to the official version, Cavendish brought a pair of 158 kg blanks from opposite sides to the rocker weights and the rocker turned at a small angle. However, the experimental methodology was incorrect and the results were falsified, which was convincingly proven by physicist Andrei Albertovich Grishaev. Cavendish spent a long time reworking and adjusting the installation so that the results would fit Newton's average density of earth. The methodology of the experiment itself involved the movement of the blanks several times, and the reason for the rotation of the rocker arm was microvibrations from the movement of the blanks, which were transmitted to the suspension.

This is confirmed by the fact that such a simple installation of the 18th century for educational purposes should have been installed, if not in every school, then at least in the physics departments of universities, in order to show students in practice the result of the law of universal gravitation. However, the Cavendish installation is not used in educational programs, and both schoolchildren and students take the word that two blanks attract each other.

Fact three: The law of gravity does not work during a solar eclipse

If we substitute reference data on the earth, moon and sun into the formula of the law of universal gravitation, then at the moment when the Moon flies between the Earth and the Sun, for example, at the moment of a solar eclipse, the force of attraction between the Sun and the Moon is more than 2 times higher than between Earth and Moon!

According to the formula, the Moon would have to leave the earth's orbit and begin to revolve around the sun.

Gravity constant - 6.6725×10−11 m³/(kg s²).
The mass of the Moon is 7.3477×1022 kg.
The mass of the Sun is 1.9891×1030 kg.
The mass of the Earth is 5.9737×1024 kg.
Distance between the Earth and the Moon = 380,000,000 m.
Distance between the Moon and the Sun = 149,000,000,000 m.

Earth and Moon:
6.6725×10-11 x 7.3477×1022 x 5.9737×1024 / 3800000002 = 2.028×1020 H
Moon and sun:
6.6725 × 10-11 x 7.3477 1022 x 1.9891 1030 / 1490000000002 = 4.39 × 1020 H

2.028×1020H<< 4,39×1020 H
The force of attraction between the Earth and the Moon<< Сила притяжения между Луной и Солнцем

These calculations can be criticized by the fact that the moon is an artificial hollow body and the reference density of this celestial body is most likely determined incorrectly.

Indeed, experimental evidence suggests that the Moon is not a solid body, but a thin-walled shell. The authoritative journal Science describes the results of the work of seismic sensors after the third stage of the rocket that accelerated the Apollo 13 spacecraft hit the lunar surface: “the seismic ringing was detected for more than four hours. On Earth, if a missile struck at an equivalent distance, the signal would last only a few minutes.”

Seismic vibrations that decay so slowly are typical of a hollow resonator, not a solid body.
But the Moon, among other things, does not exhibit its attractive properties in relation to the Earth - the Earth-Moon pair does not move around a common center of mass, as it would be according to the law of universal gravitation, and the ellipsoidal orbit of the Earth, contrary to this law, does not become zigzag.

Moreover, the parameters of the orbit of the Moon itself do not remain constant; the orbit, in scientific terminology, “evolves”, and does this contrary to the law of universal gravitation.

Fact four: the absurdity of the theory of ebb and flow

How can this be, some will object, because even schoolchildren know about ocean tides on Earth, which occur due to the attraction of water to the Sun and Moon.

According to the theory, the Moon's gravity forms a tidal ellipsoid in the ocean, with two tidal humps that move across the Earth's surface due to daily rotation.

However, practice shows the absurdity of these theories. After all, according to them, a tidal hump 1 meter high should move through the Drake Passage from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic in 6 hours. Since water is incompressible, the mass of water would raise the level to a height of about 10 meters, which does not happen in practice. In practice, tidal phenomena occur autonomously in areas of 1000-2000 km.

Laplace was also amazed by the paradox: why in the seaports of France full water comes sequentially, although according to the concept of a tidal ellipsoid it should come there simultaneously.

Fact five: the theory of mass gravity does not work

The principle of gravity measurements is simple - gravimeters measure the vertical components, and the deflection of the plumb line shows the horizontal components.

The first attempt to test the theory of mass gravity was made by the British in the mid-18th century on the shores of the Indian Ocean, where, on one side, there is the world's highest rock ridge of the Himalayas, and on the other, an ocean bowl filled with much less massive water. But, alas, the plumb line does not deviate towards the Himalayas! Moreover, ultra-sensitive instruments - gravimeters - do not detect a difference in the gravity of a test body at the same height, both over massive mountains and over less dense seas of kilometer depth.

To save the theory that has taken root, scientists came up with a support for it: they say the reason for this is “isostasy” - denser rocks are located under the seas, and loose rocks are located under the mountains, and their density is exactly the same as to adjust everything to the desired value.

It was also experimentally established that gravimeters in deep mines show that the force of gravity does not decrease with depth. It continues to grow, depending only on the square of the distance to the center of the earth.

Fact six: gravity is not generated by matter or mass

According to the formula of the law of universal gravitation, two masses, m1 and m2, the sizes of which can be neglected in comparison with the distances between them, are supposedly attracted to each other by a force directly proportional to the product of these masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. However, in fact, not a single proof is known that matter has a gravitational attractive effect. Practice shows that gravity is not generated by matter or masses; it is independent of them and massive bodies only obey gravity.

The independence of gravity from matter is confirmed by the fact that, with rare exceptions, small bodies of the solar system have no gravitational attractive ability completely. With the exception of the Moon, more than six dozen planetary satellites show no signs of their own gravity. This has been proven by both indirect and direct measurements; for example, since 2004, the Cassini probe in the vicinity of Saturn has been flying close to its satellites from time to time, but no changes in the speed of the probe have been recorded. With the help of the same Casseni, a geyser was discovered on Enceladus, the sixth largest moon of Saturn.

What physical processes must occur on a cosmic piece of ice for jets of steam to fly into space?
For the same reason, Titan, Saturn's largest moon, has a gas tail as a result of atmospheric outflow.

No satellites predicted by theory have been found on asteroids, despite their huge number. And in all the reports about double or paired asteroids that supposedly revolve around a common center of mass, there was no evidence of the rotation of these pairs. The companions happened to be nearby, moving in quasi-synchronous orbits around the sun.

Attempts to place artificial satellites into asteroid orbit ended in failure. Examples include the NEAR probe, which was sent to the Eros asteroid by the Americans, or the HAYABUSA probe, which the Japanese sent to the Itokawa asteroid.

Fact seven: Saturn's asteroids do not obey the law of gravity

At one time, Lagrange, trying to solve the three-body problem, obtained a stable solution for a particular case. He showed that the third body can move in the orbit of the second, all the time being in one of two points, one of which is 60° ahead of the second body, and the second is the same amount behind.

However, two groups of companion asteroids found behind and ahead in the orbit of Saturn, which astronomers joyfully called the Trojans, moved out of the predicted areas, and the confirmation of the law of universal gravitation turned into a puncture.

Fact eight: contradiction with the general theory of relativity

According to modern concepts, the speed of light is finite, as a result we see distant objects not where they are located at the moment, but at the point from which the ray of light we saw started. But at what speed does gravity spread?

Having analyzed the data accumulated by that time, Laplace established that “gravity” propagates faster than light by at least seven orders of magnitude! Modern measurements of receiving pulsar pulses have pushed the speed of propagation of gravity even further - at least 10 orders of magnitude faster than the speed of light. Thus, experimental research contradicts the general theory of relativity, which official science still relies on, despite its complete failure.

Fact nine: gravity anomalies

There are natural anomalies of gravity, which also do not find any clear explanation from official science. Here are some examples:

Fact ten: research into the vibrational nature of antigravity

There is a large number of alternative studies with impressive results in the field of antigravity, which fundamentally refute the theoretical calculations of official science.

Some researchers are analyzing the vibrational nature of antigravity. This effect is clearly demonstrated in modern experiments, where droplets hang in the air due to acoustic levitation. Here we see how, with the help of a sound of a certain frequency, it is possible to confidently hold drops of liquid in the air...

But the effect at first glance is explained by the gyroscope principle, but even such a simple experiment for the most part contradicts gravity in its modern understanding.

Few people know that Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov, a Siberian entomologist who studied the effect of cavity structures in insects, described the phenomena of antigravity in insects in the book “My World”. Scientists have long known that massive insects, such as the cockchafer, fly in spite of the laws of gravity rather than because of them.

Moreover, based on his research, Grebennikov created an anti-gravity platform.

Viktor Stepanovich died under rather strange circumstances and his work was partially lost, but some part of the anti-gravity platform prototype has been preserved and can be seen in the Grebennikov Museum in Novosibirsk.

Another practical application of antigravity can be observed in the city of Homestead in Florida, where there is a strange structure of coral monolithic blocks, which is popularly nicknamed Coral Castle. It was built by a native of Latvia, Edward Lidskalnin, in the first half of the 20th century. This man of thin build did not have any tools, he did not even have a car or any equipment at all.

He did not use electricity at all, also due to its absence, and yet somehow went down to the ocean, where he cut out multi-ton stone blocks and somehow delivered them to his site, laying them out with perfect accuracy.

After Ed's death, scientists began to carefully study his creation. For the sake of the experiment, a powerful bulldozer was brought in and an attempt was made to move one of the 30-ton blocks of the coral castle. The bulldozer roared and skidded, but did not move the huge stone.

A strange device was found inside the castle, which scientists called a direct current generator. It was a massive structure with many metal parts. 240 permanent strip magnets were built into the outside of the device. But how Edward Leedskalnin actually made multi-ton blocks move still remains a mystery.

The research of John Searle is known, in whose hands unusual generators came to life, rotated and generated energy; discs with a diameter of half a meter to 10 meters rose into the air and made controlled flights from London to Cornwall and back.

The professor’s experiments were repeated in Russia, the USA and Taiwan. In Russia, for example, in 1999, a patent application for “devices for generating mechanical energy” was registered under No. 99122275/09. Vladimir Vitalievich Roshchin and Sergei Mikhailovich Godin, in fact, reproduced SEG (Searl Effect Generator) and conducted a series of studies with it. The result was a statement: you can get 7 kW of electricity without costs; the rotating generator lost weight up to 40%.

The equipment from Searle's first laboratory was taken to an unknown location while he was in prison. The installation of Godin and Roshchin simply disappeared; all publications about it, with the exception of the application for an invention, disappeared.

The Hutchison Effect, named after the Canadian engineer-inventor, is also known. The effect manifests itself in the levitation of heavy objects, the alloy of dissimilar materials (for example, metal + wood), and the anomalous heating of metals in the absence of burning substances near them. Here is a video of these effects:

Whatever gravity actually is, it should be recognized that official science is completely unable to clearly explain the nature of this phenomenon.

Yaroslav Yargin

Gravity is one of the most mysterious physical phenomena. No other phenomenon has been spoken about, written about, dissertations defended, academic titles or Nobel Prizes awarded, like gravity.

Any ideas are historically conditioned. Time changes the tasks facing society, and this, as a rule, forces ideas about certain phenomena to change. The phenomenon of gravity is no exception. The idea of ​​gravity among the builders of the Egyptian pyramids and among travelers in outer space cannot but differ.

2.Newtonian understanding of gravity

In Newtonian gravitational theory, gravity is virtually entirely associated with the force of gravity or the force of weight. The essence of gravity according to Newton is that a force is applied to a body - gravity (in Earth conditions it is usually called weight force). The source of this power - other or other bodies. In fact, there is no gravitational field. Gravity is a direct interaction between bodies. This interaction is determined by Newton's Law of Gravitation. There is no special gravitational space. The gravitational field is conditional in nature and serves only for the convenience of calculations; there is no physics behind this concept.

In terrestrial conditions, for example, when calculating static structural loads, this is a convenient and visual representation.

3.Gravitational phenomena in the modern world

The modern world has gone far beyond the range of phenomena in which Newtonian gravitational concepts were formed. Already at the beginning of the last century, Albert Einstein drew attention to the fact that even the phenomena in an ordinary elevator do not agree well with Newton’s ideas. This, as well as a relativistic fad, led him to a new understanding of gravity, reflected in the so-called General Theory of Relativity.

It is now generally accepted that GTR is a gravitational theory of cosmological scales and relativistic motions. But on the scale of the macro- and mesoworld, i.e. in the field of terrestrial, planetary (celestial) mechanics and astronautics, general relativity does not make sense to use and this theory cannot give anything new. And if it does, it is only corrections in some very high approximations. Therefore, we will focus on a more detailed consideration of Newton's gravitational concepts.

One of the main phenomena that has become the focus of consideration of mechanics in recent decades has been the phenomenon of weightlessness. Of course, the phenomenon of weightlessness has occurred before. But it was short-lived and was not recognized as some special mechanical phenomenon. A stone falls from the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and, well, it falls. What weightlessness there is here. But the development of astronautics brought the phenomenon of weightlessness to the fore, and its high significance was realized. Weightlessness is gradually entering the category of production and technological factors.

But turning to Newtonian mechanical concepts, we suddenly discover that this concept in Newtonian mechanics, in fact, does not exist. According to Newtonian concepts, the force of gravity is related to gravitation. But suddenly it turned out that this was not at all the case. Let's show it.

Let's imagine a parachutist on a plane before throwing himself into the sky. He stands in front of the doorway and is in a gravitational field, the force of weight acts on him. This is calculated according to Newton. But now he takes a step out the door. It is clear that the gravitational field has not changed. And the force of the weight could not change either. But the paratrooper went into a weightless state and lost his weight, and the force of gravity suddenly disappeared. But the gravitational field has not disappeared, it remains the same as it was. Therefore, it is obvious that the weight inside the plane was not related to gravity.

Sometimes they say that the force of weight did not disappear at all, but a (fictitious) force of inertia appeared, which balanced the force of gravity, since the parachutist began to move faster. That is why the skydiver himself does not feel any weight force.

That's right, in the reference frame of, for example, a panel of judges located on the ground, the parachutist is moving at an accelerated rate. But let’s imagine that a photojournalist jumps out along with the parachutist, filming the flight and actions of the parachutist. And in relation to this photographer, the paratrooper can move up, down, or stand still. And where then is the notorious force of inertia associated with the accelerated movement of the parachutist? How can a real force, which is supposedly the force of gravity, be balanced by a fictitious force of inertia associated with acceleration, if the acceleration can have a very different character depending on the observer or be completely absent? If we accept that the earthly judicial frame of reference is more “correct” than the frame of reference of the photojournalist, then it is necessary to prove that the judge’s cameras, judge’s watches or rangefinders are better than those of the press photographer.

Since this is impossible to prove, we have to admit that the forces of inertia are fiction, and, therefore, the forces of gravity, weight forces and in general all gravitational forces are fiction, they simply do not exist.. And the parachutist in free the fall moves precisely free, i.e. without the influence of any forces on it (we neglect the influence of the atmosphere).

Then what happened to the parachutist when he took his step overboard the plane? And he's not at all loaded itself as a mysterious fictitious force of inertia, balancing the force of gravity. No, on the contrary, he got rid of the only real force acting on him. This force came from the support, from the floor of the aircraft. And when he freed himself from it, taking a step outside the plane, he became weightless, became free, any forces stopped acting on him.

Thus, there are no gravitational forces. There are forces acting on a person, on a stone on the ground, on an astronaut during the active part of the flight from the side of the support. If you remove the support, the person or stone becomes free, weightless. But the forces that act from the side of support on a person or a stone are not gravitational. These are ordinary elastic forces of an electrical or, more generally, electromagnetic nature. And the human body (sole) or stone, in turn, has elasticity, and a counterforce will arise directed from the soles or stone to the support. And this force also has an electromagnetic nature. Where are the gravitational forces? We don't see them. There is none of them.

Here is the central, main, fundamental statement that follows from the cosmic experience of mankind: there are no gravitational forces. Let's write this down in the largest letters and begin to create new mechanics, mechanics of the space age, on this foundation.

4. The nature of gravity in the light of experience and ideas of astronautics

But if there are no gravitational forces, no gravity, then there is no gravity? No, that's not true. Gravity, of course, exists...

But its nature is completely different. It is not at all a force interaction between bodies. There is no force interaction between the Sun and the Earth, between the Earth and the Moon, between the Earth and a spaceship, between the Earth and a stone on its surface.

Gravity is a property. This property consists of changing the nature of the space around the gravitating body. Every body is surrounded by a certain halo, a halo of altered space. The body carries this halo with itself like a halo around the head of a saint or the atmosphere, ionosphere, magnetosphere around the Earth. And this halo cannot tear itself away from the body in “independent swimming”. It is tied forever to the body and moves with it.

Here we can immediately compare the properties of this halo with the properties of the electromagnetic field. Electromagnetism has two charges, positive and negative. Let us assume that we have an electrically neutral atom or molecule. Then there is no electric field, no electromagnetic halo. But suddenly a positively or negatively charged particle flew out of it. It has become an ion, an electrically charged body, and a corresponding halo should appear around it - electric field. It was not there, but now it should be. And here the question arises: at what speed will this field arising from non-existence spread in space? It is clear that the field cannot be established instantly throughout all space. It will spread away from the atom, moving further and further. We see that the electromagnetic field is short-range, it can, in principle, break away from the field sources, and it has a certain speed of propagation. And this is due solely to the existence of two types of electric charges. More precisely, with a change in the dipole moment, for which there is no conservation law. The electromagnetic field has related the speed of propagation associated with the movement of field sources, charged bodies, for example, during the movement of an electric charge or magnet, and autonomous speed of propagation, not related to the movement of material bodies, which is a universal constant - speed of light.

In contrast to electromagnetism, gravity is associated with sources of the same sign. This gravitational source, gravitational charge is called mass. It is always positive and there is a conservation law for it... Moreover, even for the mass dipole moment there is a conservation law - this is, in fact, the law of conservation of the center of mass. Therefore, a gravitational field cannot arise from anywhere. Due to the movement of masses, it can somehow be deformed, and the further the point of observation of the gravitational field is from these masses, the more time it takes for the effect of a change in the field to be detected. And at a sufficient distance from a limited system of masses, it can generally be considered as a single undivided point mass; internal movements at a sufficient distance cannot change the point nature of this field. And at an even greater distance, the gravitational field disappears altogether, and we cannot detect it by any means. Let us formally calculate the magnitude of the Earth's gravitational field in another galaxy. But it is obvious that this is a purely theoretical artifact. This directly follows from the absence of the notorious gravitational waves, i.e. separated from the sources of gravitational fields. There are no gravitational fields without sources. It is in electromagnetism that the emitted electromagnetic wave loses all connection with the source and there is a “sourceless” electromagnetic field. And this is the fundamental difference between the electromagnetic field. It can operate over any distance. Thus, in our optical and radio telescopes, electromagnetic fields are received and act on the receivers, the source of which lies at an unimaginable distance, millions and billions of light years away. Electromagnetic field - it is a field with an unlimited range of action, in contrast to the spatially limited gravitational field.

Note also that the existence of gravitational waves makes Galileo’s principle and the very existence of inertial reference systems questionable, and this already leads to catastrophic consequences for all theoretical mechanics.

5.Gravitational properties of space

Let's define the concept free bodies. We will call a free body a body to which no forces are applied. By forces, we remind you and will remind you many times more, we understand only the influences of an electromagnetic nature. Nuclear and other micro-nano-femto forces are hardly worth considering. And we will call bodies on which forces act (elasticity forces, reactive forces and other forces of electromagnetic nature) unfree.

Let's define the concept inertial reference systems. An inertial reference system is a reference system in which free bodies move uniformly and rectilinearly or are at rest. We will call other reference systems non-inertial. Note that if we have an inertial frame of reference, then we can introduce any number of different non-inertial frames of reference, for example, rotating, oscillating, etc.

Let us now define the concept Galileev space. We will call Galilean a space in which an inertial frame of reference can be introduced. Not in every space it is possible to introduce an inertial frame of reference. If it is impossible to introduce an inertial frame of reference in space, then such a space will be called non-Galilean.

And now we are ready to formulate the gravitational property. The gravitational property is that in the vicinity of the body there is a region of non-Galileanity. In this region it is impossible to introduce a frame of reference such that free bodies in it move uniformly and rectilinearly or are at rest.

We will call the movements of free bodies natural movements. Where there is no gravity, there are natural movements can have a straight and uniform appearance. And gravity leads to the fact that natural movements can not have a uniform and straight appearance. In gravitational space, natural movements are much more complex. These can be movements along circles, ellipses, parabolas, hyperbolas and even more complex and intricate trajectories. The most complex trajectories of interplanetary spacecraft in free flight clearly demonstrate this. Why is this so - We don’t know, we don’t build hypotheses, but we accept it as the reality given to us..

So, now we can answer all the questions posed above in the light of cosmic experience.

1.Why is an astronaut in a state of weightlessness on an orbital spacecraft? Answer: not because in some miraculous way gravitational forces are balanced with the mythical inertial forces. And for the simple reason that he is free, they do not act on him no strength.

2. Why, if it is free, does it move not in a straight line, but in a circle? Answer: because it is in a gravitational field, in the non-Galilean region of the Earth, in which the movement of free bodies is more complex, including circular motion.

3.Why does the Earth move in a circle? Answer: The Earth is a free body. No forces act on it. But it is located in the non-Galilean region (in the gravitational field) of the Sun. And the free movement of the Earth is natural movement - movement in a circle.

4.What forces act on a stone on the surface of the Earth? One of the natural movements of a stone in the vicinity of the Earth is an accelerated fall into its center. But the surface of the Earth prevents this natural movement by applying to the stone a force directed upward opposite to the direction of the natural movement of the stone. This force is not gravitational, but an ordinary elastic force, i.e. electromagnetic nature. Naturally, according to Newton’s third law, the stone acts on its support with the same force, but downwards. If suddenly the support disappears or loses its hardness, the stone will begin a natural movement downward, towards the center of the Earth.

Note that usually the force directed from the stone to the support - gravity - is considered an active force, and the force from the support to the stone - force of reaction. In our view, the concepts of active force and reaction force have swapped places. The force from the support to the body became active, the reaction force - force from the body to the support. This is more consistent with mechanical logic. Active is a force that can be controlled, and passive is a reaction force. - it is a force that arises in response, automatically. We can easily control the support force. The support can be removed, it can be made harder, softer, etc. And the force from the stone to the support arises automatically. For example, when a stone lies on the palm, it is the support that we can manipulate - hold a stone, throw it, etc. And the effects of the stone on the palm will be secondary, reciprocal. The active role is played by the palm, not the stone.

6. Local Galilean property of a non-Galilean space

The gravitational field has a unique property that sharply distinguishes it from the electromagnetic field. The most surprising thing is that this property has not yet been theoretically mastered by modern theoretical mechanics, although in practice it is used very widely, especially in astronautics.

If there is an electromagnetic field, then it exists, and no transformations of reference systems can eliminate it. Its components, electrical or magnetic, can be transformed into each other, but in a region of space filled with an electromagnetic field, it is present at any point and in any reference system, for any observer. It has an invariant.

But we have something completely different in the gravitational field. It turns out that the gravitational field, i.e. the region of non-Galilean space is simultaneously locally Galilean at every point. In other words, it is possible to exclude the gravitational field at any point and even the entire vicinity. This follows from the main law of gravity: in the neighborhood of any free body there is a Galilean region. This region can be large, global, if the free body is in Galilean space, or local, limited, if the body itself is in non-Galilean, gravitational space.

Thus, we come to the most important property of the gravitational field: the gravitational field is not absolute, but relative. At any point in the gravitational field one can introduce a frame of reference in the vicinity of which it does not exist.

Until now, this most important, central moment of gravity has not been formulated in mechanical theory. But in practice it is used very widely. For example, although the Earth is in the non-Galilean region of the Sun, since it is a free body, in its immediate vicinity there is a Galilean region in which the influence of the Sun can be neglected. And if the Earth has its own gravitational field, then in this vicinity it is superimposed not on the field of the Sun, but on the Galilean gravity-free space, and we can calculate all movements in this vicinity as if the Earth itself was in Galilean space, and the Sun doesn't exist at all. The Moon is in the non-Galilean region of the Sun and the Earth, but in the vicinity of the Moon we can only take into account the field of the Moon. The spacecraft in orbit is in the non-Galilean region of the Sun, Earth and Moon. But with its free orbital motion inside the station itself, we can consider the space to be Galilean (the own gravitational field of the station mass is negligible) and in it we can introduce an inertial reference system in which Galileo’s principle is satisfied. Moreover, this applies not only to the internal space of the station, but also to its immediate external surroundings. This allows you to use the mechanics of inertial reference systems when docking with another ship at close distances and not even take into account the very existence of the Earth and its gravitational field. This greatly simplifies the calculations of movements and controls. At the same time, as we move away from the station, the non-Galilean characteristics of the surrounding space become more and more significant, due to only its local Galileanity. Therefore, when docking at “distant boundaries”, the gravitational field of the Earth must be taken into account, but the field of the Sun and Moon can be ignored. Unfortunately, existing mechanics does not provide tools for taking into account the Earth’s gravitational field in the spacecraft’s reference frame, and calculators have to switch to the earth’s reference frame, which, of course, is not convenient.

So, we see how important the practical significance of the principle of local Galileanity of non-Galilean space is. And a mechanical theory in which this principle does not apply cannot be considered suitable for use in astronautics. But in Newtonian mechanics this principle does not exist. In this mechanics, the gravitational field is considered only globally, as a rule, in a single dedicated “Copernican” frame of reference - center of mass reference system. We called this reference system Copernican, since the honor of discovering the “main” selected reference systems rightfully belongs to Copernicus. But astronautics requires a departure from the Copernican paradigm, and such a departure occurs constantly in space navigation calculations. The use of local reference systems is a rejection of the Copernican globalism paradigm when describing gravitational fields. That is why the new mechanics can be called non-Newtonian and non-Copernican, or, perhaps more correctly, neo-Optolemaic.

Let us note again that in mechanics related to mechanical phenomena on the surface of the Earth, the Newtonian approach is quite convenient and effective, which shows the entire development of mechanics over the centuries. But in astronautics this approach causes great difficulties, which we discussed above. And the new approach maximally reveals the logic of mechanical processes in space, opens up the possibility of a simpler solution to known problems and the formulation of new ones.

7. Weight as a fundamental concept of mechanics

We have shown that in many problems of mechanics, in particular in problems of celestial mechanics, forces disappear. After all, celestial mechanics primarily considers free celestial bodies, i.e. bodies to which no forces are applied.

As is known, in Newtonian mechanics the concept of force is a fundamental, basic concept. In mechanics it is not even defined, but is taken from other sciences, for example, physics. Just as the concept of distance is not defined in mechanics, it is fundamental for it and is taken from geometry.

It is clear that it is desirable to use the most important and widely used characteristics as fundamental concepts in the axiomatic construction of a theory. But the paradox is that in different large-scale areas of the mechanical world different characteristics become such.

For example, Newtonian mechanics is most well suited for describing the phenomena of macromechanics, i.e. mechanical phenomena on a scale comparable to the size of a person. And here force is an extremely important concept and its use as a fundamental concept is fully justified. Indeed, we clearly see the strength of a horse pulling a wagon with firewood from the tension in the veins, we see the tension force of a bow, and we can easily imagine the force on the carrier of a steam engine. Finally, by the tension of our muscles and intense breathing, we see the strength of the weight of the log we are lifting.

But already in the microworld the forces become difficult to imagine. And other mechanical characteristics, such as energy and action, come first. And accordingly, new mechanical models, theories, known under the general name of “analytical dynamics” arise. These are the mechanics of Lagrange, Hamilton, Poincare, etc. In fact, these are different “languages” of mechanics in which it is convenient to describe their class and, above all, the large-scale level of mechanical phenomena. Although they are in principle equivalent, i.e. give the same solutions to the same problem, but each language has a class of problems that can be solved most clearly and simply in it. Moreover, the extension of mechanics to the microworld, to the quantum domain, turned out to be possible precisely in these new “energy” languages, for example, in the Hamiltonian language, but for Newton’s language an extension to the quantum domain was never built. This already shows the importance of creating new mechanical languages. Without building a whole class of such languages ​​at the turn of 19 - 20 centuries, it might have been impossible to create the mechanics of microparticles, and without this, the creation of all the technology that uses them - electronics, nuclear energy, etc. This is the meaning of “mechanical languages.” Newtonian language served as the basis for the industrial revolution of the 18th century and the creation of mechanical machines and mechanisms. Non-Newtonian, energetic languages ​​of mechanics served as the basis for the creation in the twentieth century of the theory of micromechanical processes, which theory became the basis for the creation of all electronics, nuclear physics, laser technology and other fields of technology in the twentieth century.

Astronautics, which emerged in the mid-twentieth century, still uses Newton's mechanical language, which was developed for other scales of mechanical phenomena. It is not suitable for astronautics. The absence in this language of such a central concept as weightlessness, and even more so “weightiness”, the widespread use of such ugly and unacceptable words in science as “overload” (and what is “load”?) with even more terrible phrases like “negative overload”, “underload”, etc. speaks for itself. Cosmonautics and, in general, the area of ​​the megaworld needs its own, more adequate language. And it is obvious that the use of the concept of “force” as a fundamental concept of this language can no longer take place. A new fundamental mechanical concept is needed, on the basis of which a new language of mechanics should be built, more adequate to the tasks of describing cosmonautics and the megaworld.

In order to find this new fundamental concept, let's turn to astronautics. In astronautics, “weightlessness” is a central concept.

We can all easily determine the presence of weightlessness from a television picture. But what is this from the point of view of mechanical science? Here are just some of the definitions of weightlessness from the most authoritative sources.

Weightlessness- a state when the force of interaction of a body with a support (the apparent weight of the body), arising in connection with gravitational attraction or in connection with the acceleration of the body, disappears. Sometimes you can hear another name for this effect - microgravity.( Wikipedia).

The definition is simply unclear. What is the “interaction force due to acceleration”? There is no such concept in mechanics. What is “apparent weight”? And it is hardly permissible to confuse microgravity with weightlessness. These are different concepts.

Weightlessness is a state in which the gravitational forces acting on a body do not cause mutual pressure of its parts on each other ( Astronomical Dictionary on the website of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

In general, it is not clear why suddenly the “mutual pressures” inside the body disappear in space or in a skydiver during a jump? What, his heart pressure disappears or the valve no longer presses on its seat. Or does the internal pressure in the liquid disappear, forming spherical drops in zero gravity? And how can we determine whether these mutual pressures are related to gravitational forces or not? And does this correspond to the television picture from the spaceship? Even the most illiterate person will immediately say that weightlessness - this is something completely different, and even more so the astronauts themselves.

Weightlessness, - the state of bodies outside the forces of gravity (Russian spelling dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

The definition can only bring a smile. But the creators of the dictionary- linguists - They didn’t come up with this themselves, but probably used the advice of specialists from the Academy of Sciences.

Weightlessness- a state of a material body in which the external forces acting on it or the movement it makes do not cause mutual pressure of particles on each other ( Great Soviet Encyclopedia).

Compare as one-order “forces” and “movements performed” - it is something beyond mechanics. Note also that in all definitions there is the term “state”, although in mechanics there is no concept of “state”.

Thus, the central concept of astronautics - Not weightiness - in modern mechanics it does not have any correct description at all. The feeling is that for theoretical mechanics there is “terra incognito”, which has burst into the sphere of real mechanical practice, but for which there is no place in theory. That’s why they make up whatever they want.

But if there is “weightlessness,” then there must also be “weightiness,” the absence of which creates “weightlessness.” These are the requirements of scientific logic, the laws of constructing the languages ​​of science.

And to build a new language we postulate the existence of a new concept of mechanics - concepts " mechanical state of a mechanical object" This concept does not exist in Newtonian mechanics. This is a new conceptual concept for a new language. And correspondingly " weightiness" There is characteristic of the mechanical state of the body. And weightlessness is a special, special case of a weighty state, a weighty state with no weight.

It remains to characterize the concept of weightiness. We accept that in the new language of mechanics weight is fundamental, undetectable in the language itself, a concept that replaces the fundamental concept of force in Newtonian language. Weight is a vector applied to the body itself and moving with the body.

We cannot define the concept of weight in the language itself, but we can give a description of the devices that measure this quantity. We will call these weight meters “ weightometers" It turns out that weightometers are widely used in technology and, above all, in astronautics. They just have a strange name." accelerometers", i.e. acceleration meters. It is clear that a weight on a spring cannot measure any acceleration (Academician Ishlinsky therefore proposed the name “newtonometers” for these devices, which is better, but not quite). It does not measure the kinematic characteristic - after all, the latter quantity is relative and depends on the reference system and the observer, namely the characteristic of the mechanical state of the object. There is another name for weightometers - this is the name " gravimeters", which is used in gravimetry. This is, in any case, better than the accelerometer. At the same time, we note that humans (and other animals) have a sense organ - sixth sense organ - which consists of a whole set of weightometers. This sense organ - vestibular apparatus - located in the human inner ear. The physiological weightometers themselves have some medical name, but do not have a mechanical one, because mechanical theorists did not have the courage to call these internal physiological weightometers accelerometers, it would be too much hurt my ears.

And the connection between neo-Optolemaic mechanics and Newtonian mechanics is carried out through the concept strength. But now force is already a secondary, derivative concept. Force is a vector quantity proportional to the product of the gravity modulus and body mass and anticollinear to the gravity vector.

Here m- weight, W- weight vector, F- force vector. Let us remind you again that the forces are only electromagnetic, there are no gravitational ones. Since a support force directed upward is applied to the stone, the weight of bodies on Earth is directed downward.

From here it is immediately clear that from the point of view of Newtonian mechanics, weight is a specific force, i.e. force per unit mass, although oriented in the opposite direction relative to the force vector.

And finally, it is no longer just a definition of force, but a meaningful axiom of mechanics consists in Newton’s third law: the reaction force is equal to the active force, but is directed in the opposite direction.

The connection between motion and mechanical state in the inertial frame of reference in new mechanics is given modified by Newton's Second Law (axiom): acceleration is proportional to the weight, but its direction is inverse to the weight vector.

w– acceleration of the body in the inertial frame of reference, W- its weight. We obtain the fundamental law of mechanics in a very simple form. This equation does not include any internal, immanent characteristics of the body. It is very important. All bodies move the same way if they are in the same mechanical state, from some speck of dust to the main caliber shell of a battleship.

At one time, Galileo, throwing stones from the Leaning Tower of Pisa, came to the conclusion that all bodies fall equally. The new law of mechanics expands this statement to this: All bodies move the same way if they are in the same mechanical state.

The SI unit of weight is N/kg. This unit in gravimetry is usually called Galileo, abbreviated as Ch. Weight on the surface of the Earth 9.81 Gl, on the surface of the Moon - 1.62 Gl, in a rocket at the launch site about 40 Gl, during a combat turn in a fighter up to 80 Gl, of a Topol-M ballistic missile on takeoff up to 120 Gl, the weight of a cannon projectile during acceleration in the barrel can be up to 100 kGl., microgravity the weight in the orbital station is about 1 nGl (nanoGalileo). We see within what large limits the weight with which practice deals varies.


New mechanics initiates the creation of a new mechanical discipline - weights. This is the science of mechanical condition. It will find its application in a wide variety of applied sciences and technologies. These are space, aviation and marine medicine, biophysics, veterinary medicine, strength sciences, sports medicine, mechanics of sports disciplines, mechanics and design of machines, apparatus and park attractions, etc. And first of all, it will give all these sciences and technologies a unified scientific terminology instead of some strange “overloads”, “underloads”, etc. In the new mechanics, weights are called upon to occupy the same place as statics in Newtonian mechanics.

So, we have defined the basic concepts of the new mechanical language. If a mechanical object is considered as elementary, indivisible, then it is characterized by a single weight vector, as well as a single force. If we have a composite mechanical object called a body, then we have a distribution of weight on the body. This distribution can be flat, i.e. all parts of the body have equal weight. But it can also be complicated if the body makes its own movements, for example, rotations, or is in non-Galilean space.

9. Description of the gravitational field

So, the gravitational field is a region of non-Galilean space. How to describe this space?

In Newtonian mechanics there are gravitational forces. Therefore, gravity is described by field strength, i.e. distribution of specific gravitational forces, forces applied to a unit mass.

But in new mechanics there are no gravitational forces, and gravity is just a property of space. Therefore, the Newtonian approach is not suitable.

In Einstein's gravitational approach, gravity is a property that bends space. This curvature leads to the fact that the coordinate grid (geodesic lines), which in general relativity consists of lines of movement of light, becomes curved. The curvature of this space determines the gravitational field. But neither in the field of cosmonautics, nor in celestial mechanics, and even in stellar and galactic mechanics, this description is practically inapplicable. The curvatures of light trajectories are too insignificant on these scales and practical gravitational fields are too small for general relativity. Using general relativity in the field of practically used gravitational phenomena is the same as using a meter tape to measure atomic distances. In contrast, the Newtonian approach leads to adequate gravitational characteristics on the scale of astronautics or celestial mechanics.

So, we come to the conclusion: the Newtonian approach provides a good description of practically significant gravitational fields, but it is based on gravitational forces that we do not have; the Einsteinian approach is based on changing the properties of space, but it is effective only in the region of super-strong gravitational fields, not in astronautics , practically never found in celestial mechanics. It may have a place in cosmology, but not in the field of describing flights into near-Earth orbits or inside the Solar System. And it is required to create a description of the gravitational field that is dimensionally adequate to Newton’s, but at the same time base this description on changes in the properties of space, as in the Einsteinian approach.

And it turns out it can be done. To do this, you just need to use the fundamental value of the new mechanics - weightiness.

In Galilean space it is possible to create an inertial frame of reference in which free bodies move uniformly and rectilinearly or are at rest. It follows that in Galilean space it is possible to create an environment of resting and weightless bodies. But this environment can just be a frame of reference. You just need to mark these weightless bodies at rest in a certain way, assign coordinates to them, and use them to describe the movements of the bodies.

In non-Galilean space, free bodies cannot be motionless relative to each other. Any ensemble of free bodies will begin to unravel. And if we want bodies in a gravitational field to be motionless relative to each other, they need to be somehow fastened to each other, i.e. apply force to them. And, again, not gravitational, but ordinary, electrical or magnetic in nature.

But if we apply forces to bodies, then they cease to be free and become weighty. And in this motionless environment there is a distribution of weight. We can use this weight distribution as a field characteristic of the gravitational field. Thus, it is the gravity field in a stationary medium that can become a characteristic of the gravitational field. We can also call this distribution of weights gravitational field strength.

It is easy to see that we have come numerically to the same Newtonian gravitational field, to the specific force, only now we have reinterpreted it: not the specific gravitational force, but the specific force of non-gravitational forces, i.e. weight has become the intensity of the gravitational field. But the values ​​of the gravitational field strengths in both theories completely coincide.

It would seem that we have arrived at the same thing, and there is no difference in the real description of gravitational fields. But not really. The fact is that the gravitational force is absolute, the forces acting between gravitating bodies according to the law of universal gravitation are absolute. Therefore, gravitational fields are unique and absolute. They require a single and dedicated frame of reference, i.e. Copernican frame of reference. But in the new mechanics this is the distribution of weights in a rigid virtual environment. And you can introduce as many such virtual environments in space as you like. There are no a priori selected media. You can select various bodies as initial bodies, to which you can “attach” other bodies in order to create a coordinate environment. From the absolute gravitational field we come to a multivariate, relative gravitational field. So we came to an even greater general relativity of gravity; it turns out to be “even more relative” than it seemed to Einstein.

But this relativity is no longer a theoretical trick for some kind of “general covariance”. It is practical and extremely important for astronautics. For example, we can take the center of the Earth as the initial body and construct a gravitational field in a reference frame with a fixed center of the Earth. An astronaut in orbit can take his ship as a starting body and build a reference system with himself as a fixed reference point and with a corresponding distribution of weights in this environment, which will be the gravitational field. This spaceautocentric the gravitational field will differ significantly from the geocentric one. Of course, it is still necessary to discover the laws of transition from one gravitational field to another, and to create the appropriate mathematical apparatus. But this is already a technical matter. And in some cases it will be more convenient for an astronaut to consider the movement of bodies in a cosmonautocentric reference frame. And to the lunar naut on the lunar station - in the selenocentric reference system, to the terrestrial astronomer - in the geocentric (Ptolemaic) one, and for schoolchildren and students it will be useful to use the heliocentric system to visually represent the structure of the Solar system. Thus, neo-Optolemaic mechanics does not reject Copernican mechanics, but simply puts it on a par with other reference systems, including Ptolemaic. And the question of which system is correct, the question for which so much blood was shed and people went to the stake, turned out to be a question not of religion or ideology, but of pure pragmatism - Whichever system is more profitable for a particular task, that’s the one you should use. The new mechanics unites Ptolemy and Copernicus, Giordano Bruno and his executioners.

At the same time, we immediately note that all the reference systems listed above are associated with free bodies, therefore they are all locally Galilean, i.e. at the beginning of these systems there is no gravitational field, and the field strength is zero.. We have obtained the most important property of gravitational fields associated with free bodies, which is not in the current mechanical theory, but practical astronautics has been using them for a long time. But the use of certain schemes and facts without their theoretical justification often leads to errors and other unfavorable results. This is why the theoretical justification of space practice is important.

10.Motion of bodies in a gravitational field

And now we can write down the equation of motion of free bodies in a gravitational field. This equation can be written very simply: acceleration w free (weightless) body is equal to the gravitational field strength V:

What is the acceleration of gravity in the Earth's field? It is numerically equal to the intensity of the gravitational field on the Earth's surface and is directed in the same direction. We know the weight on the surface of the Earth, W=9.81 Ch. But this weight is at the same time the intensity of the gravitational field on the surface of the Earth, V = 9.81 Ch. Hence, the acceleration of free fall is numerically equal to the field strength, but, naturally, has other units of measurement - w =9.81 m/s 2 .

And finally, the generalized law of motion of a weighty body in a gravitational field will be: the acceleration of a weighty body in a gravitational field is equal to the field strength minus its weightiness, i.e.

We have obtained a generalization of Newton's Second Law. He explains all the facts perfectly. If the body is motionless, the acceleration is zero, then in the gravitational field the weight is equal to the field strength and vice versa, the strength of the gravitational field is equal to the weight of motionless bodies. If there is no gravitational field, then the acceleration is equal to the weight of the body with the opposite sign. And if there is a gravitational field and the body is free, then its acceleration is directed along the field strength and is numerically equal to it. A very simple and visual interpretation of movements and states.

Let us note again that no intrinsic, internal characteristics (for example, mass) of the body are included in this equation. The importance of this for navigation calculations in astronautics and in mechanics in general can hardly be overestimated. This is an even further extension of Galileo's principle: all bodies in the same gravitational field and in the same mechanical state move in the same way.

11.Harmonic reference systems

But let us immediately note that this equation was obtained not for an arbitrary reference system, but only for special, so-called harmonic reference systems. Harmonic reference system is a reference frame that is inertial at infinity. Inertial reference systems are, naturally, harmonic. But non-inertial reference systems in Galilean space are already inharmonious. In non-Galilean space, there are no inertial systems, but there are reference systems that are inertial outside the non-Galilean region, i.e. at infinity. These are harmonic reference systems. If gravity is “removed”, then they turn into inertial frames of reference. For example, the reference frame associated with the Earth, oriented towards distant stars, is not inertial due to the presence of the Earth's field, but it is harmonious. Therefore, the problem of constructing an inertial reference system on Earth is not formulated entirely correctly. This is the problem of constructing a harmonic reference frame. It is very important even in everyday life, for example, for cellular and space communications and space navigation systems. It can be solved either by distant stars, or through the use of internal stabilizing devices, for example, gyroscopes. This is also the most important and constant task of astronautics.

The laws of motion in non-harmonic, in fact, rotating frames of reference become more complicated, but we will not dwell on this, since our task is not to construct all new mechanics, but only to demonstrate its necessity and formulate those basic concepts and laws that distinguish it from the current Newtonian mechanics. Copernican mechanics. Let us emphasize again. The current mechanics is not rejected, it is good and true for a range of phenomena either outside the gravitational field or in a constant gravitational field, i.e. in mechanics on the surface of the Earth. But in astronautics, where there is a complex combination of changing gravitational fields and diverse movements, where the object of movement is not dead stones and cosmic bodies, but a thinking being, a person, it is unsatisfactory.

12.Gravitational field equations

And now we can write down the equations of the gravitational (gravity) field. This equation has the form identical to the field equation in Newtonian mechanics:

Here r is the density of the substance.

At first glance, this is the usual equation of the Newtonian gravitational field. But there are subtleties here. They are as follows:

1. The field equation in Newtonian mechanics is written in the center of mass system, i.e. in the Copernican frame of reference. In our mechanics, this equation is true for any harmonic frame of reference. Those. it is true both for the solar system, and in the reference frame of the Earth, and in the reference frame of an orbital or interplanetary spacecraft.

2. It is known from mathematics that to solve this equation it is necessary to set either boundary or initial conditions. The electromagnetic field requires setting boundary conditions. But the gravitational field requires setting the initial ones. Border conditions - the zero conditions at infinity for the harmonic frame are satisfied automatically. And the initial conditions, i.e. field strength at the origin of the reference frame, i.e. the weight of the initial body of the reference system must be specified. And if the origin of the reference system is associated with a free body, then this reference system is locally inertial and the initial value of the field is zero. V (0)=0.

3. It is also known from mathematics that to determine a vector field, specify one divergence. not enough. It is also necessary to specify the field rotor. If we accept that the gravitational field is potential, then this means that the rotor of the field is equal to zero and then the system of equations of the gravitational field in the harmonic frame of reference will be written in the form:

Thus, this system of field equations describes the gravitational field (gravity field) in a harmonic frame of reference. For non-harmonic reference systems, the distribution of the weight field will be different, but we will not talk about this for now.

13.Extension of Newton's gravitational theory of gravity

Is there an extension of the gravitational theory? We mean the standard way of expanding by adding some new members? Yes. To do this, it is worth introducing a non-zero term into the right side of the second equation. Since the equation is axial-vector, then on the right it is necessary to introduce some kind of axial-vector characteristic of the medium. Is there such a thing? Yes, this is the density of the intrinsic torque (spin) s. And taking into account the dimensions, we can write this system of equations of the gravitational field in the harmonic frame of reference as:

Here A- some dimensionless constant that has yet to be determined from observations.

What does adding this member mean? This means that in the vicinity of a rotating body there is an additional vortex component of the gravitational field. The vortex field of a single rotating body is similar to the magnetic field of a single magnetic dipole. It falls very quickly, according to the cube of the radius. And therefore it can influence traffic only in the immediate vicinity.

In the immediate vicinity of the Sun is the planet Mercury. The discrepancy between its movement and Newtonian laws has been noted for a long time. And if this is believed to be reflected in Einstein's theory of gravity, then why cannot it be reflected in the modernized, neo-Newtonian theory of gravity? Another possible effect is associated with the influence of this field on the gyroscope in the form of a change in the axis of its rotation. And this effect, apparently, has already been discovered in an experiment on the American satellite GP-B (gravitational probe - B), launched in April 2004.

Other manifestations of this field are also possible. When calculating the curvature of light when passing near the disk of the Sun according to Newtonian theory (according to this theory, all mechanical objects move the same way, the movement is determined only by the initial conditions), the value obtained differs from the observed one. It is quite possible to assume that this is due precisely to the influence of the vortex field of the Sun. The vortex field will especially strongly influence the movement of gaseous and plasma matter in the upper shell of the Sun. It is quite possible that this will provide new approaches to the physics of the Sun and the solar atmosphere and its activity. In general, rotation is one of the most important astrophysical factors. And the introduction of a vortex component of the gravitational field can greatly change our ideas about the structure of the megaworld. Figuratively speaking, if the potential component of the gravitational field ensures the stability of the universe, then the vortex component gives it dynamics. But we observe amazing dynamism in space, the megaworld and even on Earth.


Past (and current) Newtonian-Copernican mechanics does not meet the requirements that modern cosmonautics poses to mechanical theory. It does not provide an adequate theoretical description of cosmic experience, and often simply contradicts it. Only new non-Newtonian and non-Copernican mechanics will open up new horizons for astronautics and, even more broadly, for mechanics and its practical applications. At the heart of this mechanics is a new understanding of gravity, gravity without gravitational forces, but perhaps with a vortex component.
