Characteristics and image of Ostap in the story Taras Bulba essay. Essay “Taras Bulba: the image of Ostap N in Gogol Taras Bulba impressions

The story "Taras Bulba" by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol made a huge impression on his contemporaries. This story reflected the whole truth, the whole essence of the life of the Cossacks. Their traditions, the strength of the Christian faith for the Cossacks, their culture and rules of life were reflected. Nikolai Gogol very beautifully describes the Zaporozhye Sich, which is the birthplace of the Cossacks. The main character is, of course, Taras Bulba. An adult and formed Cossack, living by honor and justice. He had two sons: Ostap and Andriy.

Ostap, the eldest son, was a true connoisseur of the Orthodox faith, as well as Cossack ways of life. He did not have as much academic talent as his younger brother. It was more difficult for him to learn science, however, he was a very persistent student, which allowed him to lead by example. Ostap wanted to become a real fighter, a brave warrior.

In the Zaporozhye Sich he immediately became a prominent Cossack, since on the very first day he accepted the rules among other Cossacks. The Zaporozhye Sich was his dream. He trained as a brave warrior, his future will be brave, he will become a real Cossack. But again difficult times are approaching the Cossacks, again the Poles are forced to give them battle. In battles with the Poles, he was swift and clumsy, always going to the very end. One day he was surrounded by 6 people, resisting for a long time, but he still could not resist. They took him prisoner.

The prisoners had to be executed in the square, in front of a gathered crowd of people. They were beaten while they were tied until they died. Ostap happened to be the first that day, he told strangers in the crowd and his comrades that it was impossible for a Cossack to be heard to suffer, it was impossible not to utter a cry of pain. And he didn’t let it slip, he endured it until his last breath. They broke many of his bones and hung him by the belly, but he did not utter a cry of pain.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol put great meaning into a person, the keeper of Cossack rules and foundations, tried to show a real Cossack who will be true to his words, to his family, to his Motherland, to the Orthodox and Cossack faith...

Option 2

One of the key characters in the work is Ostap, the eldest son of Taras Bulba.

The writer presents the hero in the image of a young man of strong build, with an appearance reminiscent of a lion, distinguished by a persistent character, combined with stubbornness and love of freedom.

Studying at a theological seminary and at first not being distinguished by diligence and perseverance, Ostap in a short amount of time, showing perseverance and the desire for knowledge, becomes one of the best students of the educational institution and enjoys well-deserved authority and respect from his comrades, repeatedly proving his inability to betray and meanness.

Ostap is characterized by showing kindness and tenderness towards his mother, having a hard time experiencing the forced separation from his loved one.

Returning home, the father arranges a baptism of fire for the brothers, Ostap and Andriy, challenging them to a fist fight, in which Ostap, despite the battle with his father, behaves like an honest and brave fighter.

The father sends his sons to serve in the Zaporozhye Sich, where Ostap shows his inherent courage, dedication and heroism in battles with the Polish invaders, distinguished by dexterity, strength, fearlessness and masculinity. Despite his young age and lack of necessary experience, having won the honor and respect of the Cossacks for his sanity and prudence, Ostap becomes a chieftain, who was chosen at the council.

Unlike brother Andriy, who betrayed the Cossacks because of his love for a woman and died for this act, Ostap does not lose his head from love relationships, remaining ruthless and impartial, despite women’s tears. The death of his brother did not violate the life principles of Ostap, who remained true to his patriotic views.

The life of the hero of the story ends tragically on the scaffold, where the captured Cossacks are executed. But even in these last minutes of his life, Ostap shows real masculine qualities, making a final speech to the assembled crowd about the need to protect his native land, calling on his comrades to survive the moment of death with dignity and accept a painful death without uttering a single sound. In the seconds before his long-awaited death, he hears his father’s voice and his soul calmly ascends to heaven.

In the image of Ostap, the writer depicts the moral character of the Russian Cossacks, famous throughout the world for their valor, boundless love for their native land, and devotion to faith.

Essay on the image of Ostap in the story by Taras Bulba with a description of his appearance

In N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba” there are three main characters, about whom the story is actually told. In this essay I would like to examine in more detail one of them - Ostap.

Ostap is the eldest son of Taras Bulba and his old mother, he is also the brother of another main character - Andriy.

From the very beginning of the story, Ostap gets into a fight with his father. This shows his leadership qualities, strong and strong-willed character.

Even before the trip to the Zaporozhye Sich, the sons studied in Kyiv, at the seminary. The author says that Ostap did not have any special qualities for studying. But after his father’s threat, he corrected himself and began to study well. This shows his desire to become better and his tenacity. He even became one of the best students in the seminary. This is an indicator that it doesn’t matter at all what a person’s results are now, because you can try a little and achieve unimaginable results. This is what the hero of the story did.

The story also talks about Ostap’s attitude towards love and family. All this was not at all for him. Ostap was a stern man. At the end of the story, Ostap is sent to execution. At this moment he showed no desire to see his family and wife. He had a kind heart and loved his mother, but he didn’t want to see her tears.

Ostap's appearance

The appearance of the hero is just as important; with its help, we can clearly imagine the hero and learn more about him. From the very first lines, the author speaks of his sons as heroes. Ostap was a tall and strong guy, he looked from under his brows. Upon his arrival from the seminary, Ostap matured, his face became prettier, and a mustache appeared.

Character and behavior of Ostap

Ostap's character was well shown in the story. Ostap was ready for a fight, he simply dreamed of great battles. In the story, Ostap became the embodiment of masculinity and strength. He was stronger and stronger than Andriy, was not gentle and loved almost no one. His hardened character helped him in battles and battles. He didn't think about starting a family in the future or falling in love with a girl. Father Taras Bulba was proud of his son; he raised him to be a real Cossack. On the battlefield, Ostap was attentive and focused.

I love this hero for his courage, kindness and devotion to the Motherland. Ostap’s amazingly courageous actions teach the reader that one must love one’s native land and defend it at all costs. Thus, he died as a faithful son of his Motherland

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This wonderful story is about a father and two sons, about loyalty to the homeland, about heroism and about love. Taras Bulba is a glorious warrior and a valiant defender of the homeland. He raised two sons Ostap and Andriy who graduated from the Kyiv Bursa. Ostap, the eldest son of Taras, did not like to study, his character was firm. Andriy was softer in character, he was always more inventive than his brother. After graduation, they went with their father to Zaporozhye. Their first battle took place there. Andriy fell in love with the Polish girl Elzhbieta - the daughter of a governor, an enemy, which forced him into the name of this love is to betray the homeland. In the next battle, the father, unable to bear the betrayal of his son, killed him himself. The enemy took Ostap prisoner. After long and painful torture, he died. Taras himself was present at the execution of his son. He could not help but be proud of him, because during the execution Ostap did not utter a sound. Taras gathers an army to liberate Ukraine from the invaders.
.A battle takes place in which Taras is captured and a decision is made to burn him alive in front of everyone. Then they tie him with a chain to a wooden trunk, nail his hands and set him on fire. He convinces the Cossacks to leave. The whole family died. and each for his truth !
Teaches you to be loyal to your fatherland, and of course to maintain honor and dignity!

Gogol, arrogantly considering
"Taras Bulbu" is a weak work and is even disparagingly called
Considering his story, the thing is certainly strong. Already because it sings
and defends the truths that are holy to man. Patriotism, now forgotten by many
gimi. Partnership and mutual benefit, which are now looked at as
to anachronism. How many people are there now who are ready, say, to buy
modern Mosiah Shiloh, a heavy drunkard and almost a criminal,
but a hero and defender of the fatherland? Unwavering adherence to your FAITH,
protecting her, being ready to die for her sake. Where is it now? My
an acquaintance easily converted from the Orthodox faith for the sake of well-being
in the Catholic faith. The book always left an ambivalent impression:
it was sad that such a wonderful father had one of his degenerate sons,
that Ostap and Taras are dying. But the belief remains that people like father and elder
son, such as Shilo, Balaban, Kukubenko, the majority. Nowadays there is added sadness from the fact that people in our time are losing the main thing,
they forget why they came to this earth.

“Taras Bulba,” authored by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, is a work that ranks among the Russian and world classics. The story is very difficult to perceive in adolescence, but reading it can tell a lot from a historical point of view.

A little about the work

It is important to immediately note that there are a huge number of reviews about the book “Taras Bulba”. For some, this work became very difficult to read, others say that the book captivated the soul so much that it seemed impossible to tear yourself away from it.

Undoubtedly, any work about which there is debate already arouses some interest. The book “Taras Bulba”, reviews of which also differ, was no exception.

In addition, it is important to note that the work is filled with expressions that are often used in everyday life today. Quotes from “Taras Bulba” are very expressive. For example, a fairly well-known saying of the main character: “I gave birth to you, I will kill you.” This is a quote from Taras Bulba, which he said before killing his youngest son. Another expression belongs to Andriy: “The Fatherland is the dearest thing to the heart. You are my homeland." This quote occurs in the book when Andriy renounces his family for the sake of love.

Due to the deep meaning of the work and the many common quotes, reviews of the book “Taras Bulba” are more often positive than negative.

Like any other work of Russian classics, the story is often sought not in the original, but in an abbreviation. A summary of Gogol's Taras Bulba is presented below.

The events take place in an ordinary Cossack village. The main character is Taras Bulba, an old chieftain who is respected among his people. His two sons are returning from school. The eldest son is Ostap, the youngest is Andriy. Both boys are large and courageous. When they meet, Taras begins to make fun of his sons, but Ostap does not tolerate his father’s stupid jokes and tells him that if the head of the family does not stop, his son will beat him. This is exactly what happens. The joyful meeting between father and son ends in a fight, in which Taras understands that Ostap is strong and will be able to stand up for himself. Taras wants to test Andria in the same way in battle, but his mother has already hugged the youngest son and does not allow his father to do what he has planned.

March to the Sich

When Taras met his sons, he decides to send them to the Sich, explaining that this will strengthen the young Cossacks. Taras gathers all the centurions, talking about his idea. Having received the go-ahead for the proposal to send the children to the Sich, Taras himself begins to develop a fighting spirit.

The mother, having learned about her husband’s decision, cries a lot: her sons are being torn away from her again. She says goodbye to the boys for a long time, hugging them.

Without thinking twice, the main character decides to go with the children. He gathers a regiment, and together they move to the lands that are located near Poland.

Taras recalls the years of his youth, nostalgia covers the old Cossack. The ataman rides with his head down.

Ostap, having a strong character, was very touched by his mother’s tears.

On the way to his destination, Andriy thinks about the girl he met during his training. The Polish woman fell in love with the young fighter. Despite the fact that this relationship did not last long, Andriy thinks about her a lot.


The Sich greets the Cossacks with its riotous lifestyle. This is precisely what shows all the beauty of the Zaporozhye will. Cossacks are not used to learning martial arts - for them, training takes place directly during battle. The young men indulge in revelry, but Taras does not like such entertainment - he did not bring the boys here so that they could relax here. Consulting with his comrades, the old chieftain is trying to figure out how to rouse the residents of Zaporozhye to march against the Poles.

The main character manages to persuade the Cossacks from Zaporozhye to re-elect their Koschevoi, who tried to maintain peace between the Cossacks and Poles. The new Koshevoy agrees with Taras that it is necessary to once again “raise the authority” of the Cossacks and go into battle with the Poles.

New way of life

All Poles living in the southwest are frightened by the Cossacks' raid. Andriy and Ostap matured greatly during the battles they fought for a month. Taras was very proud of his children, who fought in the front ranks.

The Cossacks are trying to besiege the city of Dubna, which was famous for its huge treasury and wealthy residents. Having taken the city, the Cossacks wait for the inhabitants to begin to starve. Out of boredom, the Cossacks begin to devastate everything near Dubna, burning houses and fields.

Ostap and Andriy do not like such cruelty. Taras tries to calm the boys down, promising them fierce fights.

Escape Andria

One night the young man dreams of his beloved. Andria is awakened by a strange creature that looked very much like a ghost. Having fully awakened, the guy recognized the creature as his beloved’s maid. The girl said that the lady was in town and really wanted to see Andriy, that she missed him and loved him as much as he loved her. In addition, the maid conveys the lady's request: give her at least a piece of bread in order to save her dying mother. Andriy collects full bags of bread and goes to meet the lady. Having met his beloved, Andriy decides to renounce his family forever. The young man leaves with the lady, without telling his father anything.

The Poles don't give up

Polish reinforcements arrived in the city. Many Cossacks were killed in their sleep, many were captured.

Taras heard rumors that Andriy was hiding with a young Polish woman. He cannot forgive his boy for his betrayal. He tries to find his missing son, but he fails.

The Poles make endless forays, but the Cossacks have so far managed to resist the enemy. News comes from the Sich that the Tatars have attacked Zaporozhye, and the Cossacks cannot resist the invaders because the main force is missing. The Cossack army is divided into two parts: the first is sent to the Sich to save the treasury, and the second remains to continue confronting the Polish enemy.

During the battle, Taras notices Andriy in the enemy army. The son fought for the enemy, which plunged Taras into rage. The old chieftain comes face to face with his son in battle, after which he kills him as a traitor. Dying, the youngest son of Taras Bulba whispers the name of his beloved.

Death of Ostap

Ostap is captured. Taras makes every effort to get to Warsaw, where Ostap is being held. Taras still has hope that he will be able to pay the ransom for his son.

However, Taras is late and witnesses the terrible execution of Ostap in the central square. The last thing Ostap said was: “Can you hear this, father?” To which Taras replies: “I hear.” Ostap is executed, and the chase begins for the old man. The main character manages to escape.

Cossack revenge

Returning to their regiment, everyone began to notice how ferocious Taras had become. This can be explained by the desire to avenge the execution of Ostap.

The Poles advanced with all their might, which brought them victories. Taras led his regiment away, leading it through the Polish lands and destroying everything that crossed the path. This is exactly what Cossack revenge was. At the same time, the Poles gather all their strength and completely destroy the Cossacks on the battlefield.

Tragic death

Polish troops overtake Taras's regiment, which stopped to rest a little. For several days the Cossacks tried to resist the enemy. Taras and others try to escape, but the old chieftain is still caught. He is chained to a tree, his hands are nailed, and he is burned alive. Resisting the pain, Taras shouts to his army for the guys to go down the river - this is the only way they will be able to escape. The old man's last thoughts were about the young men, who would have many more battles in which he was no longer destined to take part.

Heroes of the work

Speaking about the list of the main characters of Taras Bulba, it should be noted that there are many heroes in the book. But we will look at just a few that play an important role in the work.

Taras Bulba is an old Cossack, ataman of his people. Plays a leading role in the work. Taras is hot-tempered and proud. The old chieftain honors traditions. Bulba is an excellent fighter who has gone through more than one battle.

Ostap is the eldest son of Taras Bulba. He is proud and cold-blooded. The time spent away from home hardened the young man, but the boy managed to retain warm feelings for his mother, for whom he was very worried when going to battle.

Andriy is the youngest son of Taras. He is soft-hearted and not serious. In love with a Polish beauty, the young man betrays his people, for which he is punished. A kind boy who would do anything for love dies at a very early age.


What became the theme of the story “Taras Bulba”? The work tells the reader about the historical stage when the Cossacks had enormous power. In addition, we can say that the work talks about the traditions and principles of this people. What was important for the Cossacks? Loyalty, mutual assistance. They fought hand in hand. The Cossacks never abandoned their own in trouble. This is why reviews of the book “Taras Bulba” differ: all the heroes have their own negative role, but at the same time the reader feels sorry for each of them who got into trouble.

What does Taras Bulba teach? This question can be answered in one word: partnership. The story is a window into a life where people value loyalty and the ability to help their neighbor in difficult life situations. A striking example of this was the act of Andriy, who easily turned away from his family, from his people for the sake of love. He was severely punished for his betrayal. It is important to remain faithful to your loved ones, to be able to lend a helping hand, which is what “Taras Bulba” teaches.

Printed publications have been making our lives bright and colorful since childhood. Despite the presence of mass media and the ubiquitous Internet, books continue to live on our shelves, brightening up our leisure time.

Literature lessons

We make the transition from children's fairy tales to more serious literature in the 5th grade. It is at this age that such concepts as genre and plot appear, the hidden meaning of works is explained to us, and they try to teach us to read between the lines. Literature lessons are not always delightful; sometimes the opposite happens. Unfortunately, not all works included in the school curriculum resonate with a child’s soul. And this is not surprising, because we are all so different. A review of the book “Taras Bulba” according to the school curriculum consists of writing an essay on one of the proposed topics.

To read or not to read?

The work is studied in 7th grade. According to teachers, it is aimed at cultivating the spirit of patriotism. It's hard to disagree with this. Indeed, the work was written exclusively in the spirit of love for the Motherland and hatred of enemies. But are our schoolchildren ready for such developments? The review of Gogol’s book “Taras Bulba” (7th grade) is thought-provoking. According to the children, it is quite boring to read the description of the steppes of Ukraine and Cossack customs. In addition, it is difficult for a child to create a positive image of a Cossack from the scenes of relentless drunkenness and violence described in the work, as well as to understand the attitude towards the “Jews” and the motives of the Cossacks, who, having submitted to the will of Taras, set out to rob and kill the Poles, burning everything in their path.

A review of the book “Taras Bulba” by one of the readers makes one think about the attitude of the main character towards his sons. A child who read the work in the 7th grade has a completely logical question: “Why was it necessary to send children to study for 9 long years and then send them to the Zaporozhye steppe, where the acquired knowledge is absolutely not needed? And how can you send your sons to certain death? Alas, the child’s psyche is not ready to accept such works, not at this age...

It's all about the colors

The literary style deserves special attention. Gogol's language is so colorful that it simply immerses the reader in the atmosphere of the work. And this, again, is not always useful for the child’s psyche, given the abundance of bloody scenes. Reviews of the book “Taras Bulba” can be quite negative. Nevertheless, Gogol skillfully conveys to the reader his love for the Motherland, the beauty of the Ukrainian steppes, and the atmosphere that reigns in the Sich.

When you read descriptions of the Cossacks, you inevitably get used to each image. The Sich itself is perfectly described: wooden buildings, a palisade, a cauldron in the central square. It feels like you saw this place with your own eyes.


The motive of the work itself may not be entirely clear to a 12-13 year old child, because in the 7th grade the school subject “History” does not contain a word about the Cossacks and the war with Poland. After many years of captivity, the lands of Little Russia, as Ukraine was previously called, found their defenders in the person of the Zaporozhye Cossacks. For the sake of truth, it must be said that the society gathered at the Sich was motley.

All were united by a love of freedom and hatred of enemies. It is difficult to unambiguously characterize the people who inhabited the Sich. The only thing that can be said is that the Tatars and Poles feared them and fiercely hated them.

To understand the work itself, you need to find out the motives that guide the heroes, and for this you need to be aware of the events of those years. It is unacceptable to study the story separately from the history of that time. Despite this, the student is obliged to leave a review of the book “Taras Bulba”. The essay is written on several topics. They offer a choice of characterizing one of the characters, comparing the heroes, expressing their attitude to current events, talking about the role of the work in literature, the spirit of patriotism, although it is unlikely that children fully understand what they are writing about.

What will the teacher say

The study of such a seemingly simple and understandable work deserves a special approach. How a child perceives the story largely depends on the teacher’s point of view. No matter what critics and psychologists say, each teacher passes the work through himself, through his attitude to life, knowledge and experience. It is the teacher who conveys to the student his review of the book “Taras Bulba”. The 7th grade student writes an essay, being not only impressed by what he read, but also listening to the emotions of the teacher.

From the top of the past years

A mature reader gives a completely different review of the book “Taras Bulba”. Almost everyone is familiar with this work. Many readers, having matured, return to forgotten books to rethink them. Opinions can be divided into three categories: those who remain neutral, those who admire the work, and those who speak extremely negatively about both the main character and the idea of ​​the story. In truth, it must be said that readers leave mostly positive reviews of the book “Taras Bulba”.

I think we know each other

First of all, let us note Gogol's style. The skill with which the author introduces us to nature allows us not only to see all the beauty, but also to smell and hear rustling sounds. Thinking about what you read, you begin to understand that such detailed descriptions are not accidental. They convey to us the emotional state of the characters, their feelings. The same applies to the colorful descriptions of the Cossacks themselves, we not only imagine their appearance, but also their character. It seems that you are familiar with the entire population of the Sich; you have fought more than one battle with them shoulder to shoulder.

After reading the story, it is difficult to imagine that the Cossacks could have looked any different. When Taras is mentioned, the consciousness produces the image of a two-meter man with a tanned, wrinkled face, 50-60 years old, with a long gray mustache and an invariable “donkey”. This is a very strong-willed person, physically strong, but capable of the most sincere feelings.

The protagonist's love for the Motherland and faith in what he serves are admirable. Above all, he values ​​ties of fellowship, Christian faith and freedom. Reviews of the book “Taras Bulba” most often concern the patriotism of the main character. Love for the Motherland crowds out all other feelings - fear of death, pain from the loss of sons and comrades. The only feeling that is as strong is hatred of enemies.

Hero image

Taras is an image that for many has become the embodiment of the Ukrainian Cossack. This is a man of his word, uncompromising, adhering to his principles, able to achieve his goal by any means, even not the most honest one. Suffice it to remember how Taras encouraged the Cossacks to attack Poland. He needed to test his sons in action, and he came up with a pretext, found the right words, and inspired faith in the army that they were going to a holy cause. He was respected, and Bulba knew that the Cossacks would follow him wherever he ordered. The masquerade with dressing up in a Polish dress in order to sneak into the execution also shows the resourcefulness of Taras’s mind. Although being present at an execution evokes a double feeling. On the one hand, Taras secretly hopes for a miracle, that at the last moment his son will remain alive, on the other hand, it is important for him that Ostap dies like a real Cossack, and does not betray either the Sich or the faith.

Betrayal in the work is punishable by death. The father cannot forgive Andriy and accept his actions. What’s scary for the old Cossack is not that his son is in love with a Polish woman, but that he took up arms against his brothers. This is another tragic moment in the story, causing perhaps the strongest emotions in the reader. A brief review of the book “Taras Bulba” very often concerns precisely the chapter in which the main character in the forest meets Andriy in disguise and kills him.


Gogol's story is riddled with secret signs. Any, even the smallest detail necessarily has its significance. So, for example, Taras's cradle. It would seem, what’s wrong? Well, I’m lost, you can take another one. In fact, the cradle becomes the last straw, a loss that is impossible to come to terms with. It is she who prevents Taras from escaping persecution. It is difficult for the reader to understand the feelings of the old Cossack. Having lost his sons and most of his comrades, he cannot come to terms with another loss. The search for the cradle ends with the capture of Bulba. However, he is not worried about himself. Taras watches with joy as the Cossacks sail away in seagulls. And his last words are addressed to them with a call to return and take a good walk.

help essays) Gogol (My impressions of the story Taras Bulba) please help)

  • I really like the historical story “Taras Bulba”. She talks about the past of our country. I love reading about those heroic times when Russian statehood took shape. And the characters of people at that time were special, selfless, purposeful.
    Men were engaged in military feats. There was no more important goal than to defend the freedom and independence of the country. Gogol shows wonderful heroes in his story: Taras Bulba, Ostap, their comrades in arms.
    I really like the main character of the story - Taras Bulba. He is strong, brave, determined warrior and father. Honestly fulfilling his duty, Taras Bulba smashes the Polish invaders. But he faces a great test. His youngest son Andriy is a traitor. And Taras finds the strength to execute the traitor. His old eyes see the death of his hero son Ostap. What remains for him - to die for his homeland, this is what the colonel does. He not only dies, but saves his comrades. Not thinking about himself, about the fact that the fire is already licking his feet, Taras screams, helping his companions escape from their pursuers. Yes, he died a martyr.
    No matter how hard some readers of Gogol try, arrogantly considering
    "Taras Bulbu" is a weak work and is even disparagingly called
    Considering his story, the thing is certainly strong. Already because it sings
    and defends the truths that are holy to man. Patriotism, now forgotten by many
    gimi. Partnership and mutual benefit, which are now looked at as
    to anachronism. How many people are there now ready to, say, buy
    modern Mosiah Shiloh, a heavy drunkard and almost a criminal,
    but a hero and defender of the fatherland? Unwavering adherence to your FAITH,
    protecting her, being ready to die for her sake. Where is it now? My
    an acquaintance easily converted from the Orthodox faith for the sake of well-being
    in the Catholic faith. The book always left an ambivalent impression:
    it was sad that such a wonderful father had one of his degenerate sons,
    that Ostap and Taras are dying. But the belief remains that people like father and elder
    shiy son, such as Shilo, Balaban, Kukubenko are the majority. Nowadays there is added sadness from the fact that people in our time are losing the main thing,
    they forget why they came to this earth.