Funny stories about Sri Yaputra. Selected parables of Tao-cocoa Tao-cocoa complete collection

The weather that summer was relative. Or rather, they didn’t even stand at all, but hovered themselves throughout the entire atmosphere like small atoms of drizzle. They hung tightly and confidently, as if they should. In general, everything around was relative, but there was absolutely no alternative.
“So it’s time to reach all kinds of denial of diversity and dialectics,” Sri Yaputra slowly thought, observing on all kinds of smooth surfaces and ripples the sad, a la pointillism, dance of water flour. His cheeks and chin, as well as his forehead and already graying temples, were covered with mental boredom and a moisture that had permeated his entire appearance. Sri Yaputra cried with all the pores of his skin, and his idiotic disciples mistook permanent heartbreak for banal seasonal precipitation. But the teacher did not pay attention to this, he closed his eyes and silently asked the Universe for a drink.

At midnight there was such a rush that some watches immediately fell behind, while others mysteriously jumped forward. Therefore, midnight again did not work out. The apartment smelled unpleasant.
“The world is becoming dangerously constant: it moves, but there is no development,” Sri Yaputra managed to think before he went to throw away the cat poop and wash the litter box.

"I do not love you anymore".
I felt so surprised that I had to automatically look around, and even look as far as possible, behind my left shoulder. I no longer stood for the right, because I realized that it was pointless. There was no one around anyway, so they “no longer loved” me, of course.
We have all known for a long time that when such words are spoken, even the Shri Yaputras remain silent. Mine was silent too. More precisely, he managed not only to remain silent, but at the same time to be absent. In short, I was alone, defeated and helpless. Abandoned by the woman, betrayed by all the Sri Yaputras of the world, I still decided to look over my right shoulder. I expected to see at least their backs there, but they were no longer there.
"Fool! You should have immediately looked to the right, and not simply stared around!”
Some bird either muttered or gurgled in one of the countless crowns of the country park, but I did not answer it.

One palm clap

Teacher Chhishvabrashvan once asked his disciple Yaputra:
- What does clapping with one hand sound like?
Yaputra, without hesitation, slapped the Teacher in the face.
- Not entirely true, Yaputra, but you did it without thinking, without using your mind, which means you have comprehended Zen. Go in peace
get out from here!
Thus Sri Yaputra became a Teacher.


Did Sri Yaputra enter the room where the two Tao Teachers were sitting? Kao-jin and Rapition-vutpa. They had been arguing about something for the second week.
“Ayayay...” said Teacher Kao-jin.
“Oh my goodness...” objected the Rapition-vutra Teacher.
“If what you say is Tao, then I guess I’ll go...” Yaputra said and left the room.
So Yaputra left Tao and came to Tao-Cacao.

Life is perfect

Teacher Sri Yaputra once said while walking through the market:
- Life is wonderful!
But then the butcher came up to him and said:
- What makes you think so, Teacher? I personally have little money,
I have an ugly wife and stupid children!
After thinking, Yaputra replied:
- You're right, your life is shit!
The butcher became enlightened and gave the Teacher a kilogram of carbonate for nothing.

Perfect man

When Yaputra was a student, he and the Master walked daily in search of manifestations of Zen. Teacher Chkhishvabrashvan told stories:
- The eternal Phoenix bird flew over the owl. The owl was eating the decomposed rat and, fearing that the Phoenix would take its prey away from it, pressed the rat to itself with all its might. Little did she know that Phoenix didn't care about the decomposed rat!
“You know what, Teacher, could you manage in your stories without all sorts of decomposed rats and other fucking shit, by God, it’s unpleasant to listen to...” Yaputra admitted.
- You're an asshole, Yaputra! - Chkhishvabrashvan noted without any second thought. Yaputra was offended.
- You shouldn't be offended, Yaputra. In Zen, an asshole is a sage! - the Teacher reassured.
- Yes, I had your Zen... - Shri Yaputra grumbled.

Draw the legs of the snake

The disciples once asked Teacher Yaputra:
- Teacher, your parables are difficult to understand! Often your words just remind
fuck it!
- Fuck - a true compliment for my parables. They don’t fit in the mind, and this is the main thing! I don't have to tell you everything! Moreover, I myself do not understand that
I carry... You must be able to draw the legs of a snake! This is not the Kaaba! Reality is what is realized! - the Teacher became angry. Having heard this and not understanding anything, the students specifically
precipitated (meditated).

Step on your foot (leader)

Teacher Sri Yaputra instructed his students:
- If you step on the foot of a random passerby, you apologize profusely. If you are a friend, apologize, but less. If it’s a relative, don’t apologize at all!
- What if I step on your foot, Teacher? - asked the student.
- You'll get a piece of bread! - Yaputra did not lie.
- But the Tao masters say that a leader is always an idiot! You are ours
leader?! - the persistent student did not let up.
- You'll definitely get it from me, your mother! - Sri Yaputra concluded.

Mute (headless)

When Yaputra was a student, he one day entered the Teacher's room
Chhishvabrashvana, I saw a strange picture. The teacher was sitting opposite a man who was eating in silence.
- What are you doing, Teacher? - asked Sri Yaputra.
“I’m talking to a dumb person...” answered the Teacher.
“Ahh, well, I see...” Yaputra shook his head skeptically.
- I am a Taoist and have no head! - added the Teacher.
“It’s obvious...” Yaputra said casually and left the room.

Sublime laziness

The disciples sat and pondered over the koan about the staff. And then they saw Teacher Yaputra walking down the street, cheerfully singing a song:
- Hari Krishna, hari Rama, hari Smehopanorama!
The students were quite surprised and approached the Teacher with a question:
- Why are you so cheerful, Teacher?
- True joy has no reason! - said the Teacher, and he vomited. It became obvious that the Teacher was terrified of the melon. Only here were the students able to understand the meaning of the phrase said by the Teacher the day before: “Just give way! If you want to be an alcoholic, be one!”

Teacher Chkhishvabrashvan sat and meditated near the fence. I painted hieroglyphs of peace and humility with a soft brush. But then the owner of the fence came out - Russian by nationality. He did not understand hieroglyphs and with the words “What
"What the hell, you ruined my entire fence?" he hit the Teacher on the head with a shovel.
The teacher, after lying unconscious for 2 hours, woke up with a cheerful smile and said:
- Truly speak to people in an understandable language!
After this, the Teacher was taken to a psychiatric hospital, from where he emerged 5 years later enlightened.

Two monks

Two monks walked along the road. Both were quite hungry. Suddenly
one of them noticed a stick lying by the road.
- Let's eat this stick! - he suggested.
- She's not edible! - said the second monk.
- How do you know without trying? - asked the monk and bit the stick.
All the monk's front teeth were broken.
- You don’t have to try everything to know! - said the second monk and
p****** first with his foot in the groin area.

When the boots don't feel tight

Pyuan had very tight shoes. Pyuan was in great pain, but could not throw away his shoes because he was very poor. Pyuan even wanted to hang himself, but Teacher Yaputra came, broke both of Pyuan's legs and took away his shoes. The teacher was short in stature, and his boots came at just the right time. Pyuan spent six months in the hospital and, upon leaving, came to the Teacher and bowed as a sign of gratitude that he saved his life by saving him from his shoes. The teacher drove him away with an angry curse, for he had already forgotten about Pyuan and his shoes. There is no perfection in the world, and even the Teacher sometimes behaves like a complete idiot.

Straight tree

This was when Yaputra was still a student. Teacher Chhishvabrashvan said:
- Remember, Yaputra: the straight tree is always cut down first. Be like the crooked one!
- So that’s why you are such a wretched person! - Yaputra shouted, confusing the Teacher.

Jumped around

Teacher Chhishvabrashvan argued with his former student Yaputra about the illusory nature of everything earthly.
- There is nothing, there is no world, I am not here! - Chhishvabrashvan ranted.
- Oh, so no?! - Sri Yaputra said thoughtfully and fired a chair at Chhishvabrashvan, hitting him straight in the head.
So Yaputra once again galloped ahead of his former Teacher.

The monk became enlightened. He stopped his mind. And the clock in his room stopped. But Yaputra passed by his room in search of a toilet where to take a nap. And he accidentally walked into the monk’s room. After sleeping, Yaputra wound up the watch and it started running again. And the monk became a normal person again. And gave it to Yaputra
on the penis for unhygiene.

A path without a path

Sri Yaputra crossed the road, chanting a song:
- There is neither death nor birth,
There are no morals and foundations,
Deep wrinkles on the face
Nothing more than the scars of life...
A policeman approached him and asked:
-What are you singing about, Teacher?
Sri Yaputra replied:
- I sing about the proximity of death, because there is nothing more beautiful than returning to where we were before birth...
- So that’s why you cross the street at a red light and aren’t afraid that you’ll get a car
will he move?! But you still have to pay the fine! - said

Zendo Master

One day an arrogant zendo master appeared in town. He damnedly cursed Sri Yaputra and assured that he would knock his arrogance down. He was truly an excellent master - he knew how to turn into a fiery column of energy. And such a master challenged Yaputra. Yaputra at first wanted to refuse, and then decided: “As a last resort, I’ll give up!” and accepted the challenge. As soon as the duel began, the zendo master began to sway in place and gradually disappeared into the air, then turned into a pillar of fire. Sri Yaputra's forehead became covered with cold sweat, and he prayed: “I surrender!” The zendo master again took on human form and, smiling sarcastically, sat down on the ground. And at that moment Sri Yaputra gave him
face of shafts. The zendo master passed out.

A strange ragamuffin was jumping across the field, collecting spikelets left by the reapers. Sri Yaputra was walking past this very field at that time and, seeing such a picture, said to his disciples:
- Go and ask this scarecrow why it is jumping across the field!
The disciples went and forcibly brought the old man.
- Are you, old man, enlightened? Are you familiar with the teachings of Tao-Cocoa? You
happy? - Sri Yaputra and his disciples approached the old man with questions.
- Yes, I was a Taoist-Kakaos and spent my whole life waiting for enlightenment. I don't
acquired riches, debauched and indulged in gluttony. And now because of this I'm like
The last beggar Pindos is running around the field... - answered the old man.
- But are you still happy? You have lived to see such gray hairs... - he exhorted
- What the hell are gray hairs?! I'm 42 years old, and I'm already an old man! - the old man squealed and turned to Yaputra’s students:
- Students, before it’s too late, get the fuck out
from this path Tao-Cocoa, otherwise you will repeat my shitty fate!
- You're a scoundrel, old man! - Yaputra cried out in anger and hit him in the balls with his staff. Yaputra and the disciples walked further, but the disciples were deep in thought about something...

The funeral of a famous Zen master named Yobnwot was underway. There were only enlightened teachers. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a drunk Sri Yaputra appeared with an accordion and began yelling obscene ditties. After that, he stuck chewing gum on the deceased’s forehead and fell into a freshly dug grave. When they pulled him out of there, he kicked and lamented: “Kazzzles! Down with conventions!”

Three treasures

The merchant Rbrbr once approached the teacher Yaputra and, wanting to test him,
- Teacher, tell me which of the three treasures is the most valuable: wisdom, meekness or perseverance?
- Asshole, you asshole, the main thing is bashli! - the Teacher laughed, hugged the merchant Rbrbra and asked him to borrow money.

Don't be overjoyed

The disciples approached Sri Yaputra and asked:
- Teacher, LSD gives us meditation and delight. But we heard it
no wonder how harmful it is. And when we come out of delight, we feel disgusting: everything is gray and miserable...
- Don't be overjoyed! - Yaputra muttered, looking somewhere into the distance with glassy eyes...

American priest

Sri Yaputra was meditating. Coming out, he noticed that an American priest had settled in the house opposite. The American priest drank whiskey, smoked cigars, ate popcorn and
fucked prostitutes. He always went to the toilet with Sri Yaputra’s books, and apparently he didn’t read them there - they became thinner and thinner. Yaputra knocked on the priest's door, ostensibly for a theological conversation. And when the American priest opened the door, Yaputra gave him such
Lyulei that he immediately respected Tao-Cocoa.

The man who fed the monkeys

Arriving at the monkeys, Sri Yaputra told them:
- Well, you fucking macaques, choose: either 3 kilos of nuts in the morning, 4 in the evening, or vice versa!
- Let's get 7 kilos right away! - the monkeys screamed.
- Fuck you! - Yaputra said and did not give anything to the impudent monkeys.

There was a fast, and Sri Yaputra was eating cutlets on both cheeks. The students looked at him with bewilderment and finally could not stand it:
- Teacher, it’s fasting, isn’t it?! What...?!
- Come on, go to the monks! - Yaputra muttered with his mouth full. Yaputra burped, farted, hiccupped, made him vomit, but the students were patient, because even the very presence of the Teacher contributes to enlightenment in such a way that
You can shit in your sandals.

Sri Yaputra came to visit his former Teacher Chhishvabrashvan. They argued for some time, gossiped, told jokes, blew cones. Time passed towards evening.
- Well, it's time for you to leave! - Yaputpa sighed politely.
- So how?! This is my home! - Chkhishvabrashvan was surprised.
- Have you completely lost your way?! Get out, you old fool! - Yaputra cried and kicked Chhishvabrashvan out the door. Memory is not the main thing in Tao-Cocoa.

To clear the cup of your brain after reading “The Joy of the Blind Monkey Who Cries,” you are encouraged to meditate for a little while. To do this, you must read the following mantra out loud 500 times:

"Muzzle muzzle muzzle muzzle muzzle muzzle"


One day two bhavatas came to Sri Yaputra with a request to judge which of them
“You are wrong,” Sri Yaputra answered sharply after listening to the first.
“And you’re wrong,” he said to the second bhavat after he told
argument from your point of view.
“Teacher, but who is right then in this situation,” they cried indignantly
- I'm right. - Sri Yaputra answered smugly.
This is exactly how the Taoist-Cocoa teachings once again didn’t help at all
establish the truth in the dispute, but won in the struggle between good and reason.
One day, Sri Yaputra was invited to a fight club.
He carried with him two staves and a spiked brass knuckle.
The Master of Tao-Cocoa is above any rules.
From the very morning, something strange was happening in the Tao-Cocoa Monastery. Teacher Sri Yaputra wandered around the yard with a very worried look, from time to time turning to the dumbfounded students with questions: “Well, why? FOR WHAT?!" or exclaiming: “Well, she’s a goat!” At the same time, his eyes did not express anything, and his whole body was shaken by small tremors. The students remained silent and hurried to disappear from sight. It was only the next day that they realized what was happening. Entering his room, the students discovered the cold body of the master, miraculously held in the lotus position. There was a smile on the teacher’s face, and a small piece of paper was lying at his feet. Some say that the secret of quick enlightenment was written on it, others say that there were only three words, and some have not uttered a sound since then. But everyone regrets the departure of Sri Yaputra, the only person who managed to understand... why the hell is a goat button accordion?!
The disciples of Sri Yaputra, after endless meditations knee-deep in mud under pouring rain and piercing wind, approached Yaputra with complaints.
- Come to your senses! - the Teacher reprimanded them, - It makes no difference where exactly to strive for enlightenment!
- Why do you, Teacher, always meditate in warmth and comfort? - the students tried to object.
- So what? There’s no difference anyway,” Sri Yaputra was sincerely surprised.
One day one of Sri Yaputra's disciples approached him with a request:
- Can I not chop wood today, Teacher? I'm sick and all my bones are aching...
- No, go and chop! - answered the Teacher, “We must overcome ourselves and do exactly what we don’t want.” This is the path to Tao.
- And I really WANT to chop wood! - exclaimed another cunning student who was nearby.
- Well, go ahead and until you’ve cut everything down, you can’t even dream about dinner! - Sri Yaputra made him happy.
- I didn’t understand something, Teacher! - the cunning student went nuts, - But what about all this bullshit about “doing exactly what we don’t want”?
- What is unclear here? - Sri Yaputra was surprised, - We need to chop firewood.
- Teacher, do you know the answer to the Main Question of Life, the Universe and Everything Else? - a particularly impudent student decided to test Sri Yaputra.
“Twenty-one,” the Great Teacher answered without hesitation.
One day Yaputra met Buddha. Of course, he went crazy with happiness, but he didn’t drink that much anymore.

One palm clap

Teacher Chhishvabrashvan once asked his disciple Yaputra:
- What does clapping with one hand sound like?
Yaputra, without hesitation, slapped the Teacher in the face.
- Not entirely true, Yaputra, but you did it without thinking, without using your mind, which means you have comprehended Zen. Go in peace, get out of here!
Thus Sri Yaputra became a Teacher.


Sri Yaputra entered the room where 2 Teachers of Tao were sitting: Kao-jin and Raprishnsh-vutra. They had been arguing about something for the second week.
“Gee…” said Teacher Kao-jin.
“Go crazy...” objected Teacher Raphrishnsh-vutra.
“If what you say is Tao, then I guess I’ll go...” Yaputra said and left the room.
So Yaputra left Tao and came to Tao-Cacao.

Once upon a time there was an excellent shooter. Hit a coin a kilometer away. The king arranged a shooting competition. The main prize is a bag of gold. The king personally held the coin in his outstretched hand - God forbid he missed - his head off his shoulders. The shooter pulled the bowstring, but was blinded from excitement, his hands were shaking... He released the arrow. The arrow flew straight to the king's head.
- Like fucking a pumpkin! - the heir to the throne laughed and gave the shooter 2 bags of gold.

The monk became enlightened. He stopped his mind. And the clock in his room stopped.
But Yaputra passed by his room in search of a toilet where to take a shit. And he accidentally walked into the monk’s room. After taking a nap, Yaputra wound up the watch and the clock started running again. And the monk became a normal person again. And he kicked Yaputra for shitting in the room.

One day, after drinking cocoa, Sri Yaputra bet with Chhishvabrashvan that he could teach people Zen no worse than Tao-cocoa.
A month later, the monastery took first place in the world brass band competition. Both the jury and the audience were amazed by the unprecedented manner of young “musicians” playing on scrap steel, calling it “an iron flute without holes.” By the way, there really weren’t any holes there - but they were playing!
A crowd of excited reporters surrounded the teacher.
- Tell me, Mr. Japutra, how did your team manage to achieve such performing heights using such strange instruments?
- It's simple. It’s all about my magic baton,” answered Sri Yaputra, affectionately waving his staff.

Fuck it, this is Tao! - Shri Yaputra cried, standing in front of the students.
The students began to look at each other, wondering how to interpret these words.
“You are part of Tao,” the Teacher hinted.

Sublime laziness

- Why are you so cheerful, Teacher?
- True joy has no reason! - said the Teacher, and he vomited.

Straight tree

This was when Yaputra was still a student. Teacher Chhishvabrashvan said:
- Remember, Yaputra, the straight tree is always cut down first. Be like the crooked one!
- So that’s why you’re such a dump! - Yaputra shouted, confusing the Teacher.

Jumped around

Teacher Chhishvabrashvan argued with his former student Yaputra about the illusory nature of everything earthly.
- There is nothing, there is no world, I am not here! - Chhishvabrashvan ranted.
- Oh, so no?! - Sri Yaputra said thoughtfully and turned Chhishvabrashvan with a chair, hitting him right in the head.
So Yaputra once again outdid his former teacher.

Sri Yaputra came to visit his former Teacher Chhishvabrashvan. They argued for a while, gossiped, told jokes, blew buds.
Time passed towards evening.
- Well, it's time for you to leave! - Yaputra sighed politely.
- So how?! This is my home! - Chkhishvabrashvan was surprised.
- Have you gone completely crazy?! Rake away, you old thing! - Yaputra cried and drove out Chhishvabrashvan. Memory is not the main thing in Tao-Cocoa.

The disciples sat and thought about the staff. And then they saw Teacher Yaputra, who was walking down the street cheerfully singing a song: hari Krishna, hari Rama, hari Smehopanorama!
The students were quite surprised and approached the Teacher with a question:
- Why are you so cheerful, Teacher?
- True joy has no reason! - said the Teacher, and he vomited.

One day Sri Yaputra was meditating. He sat in the lotus position, closing his eyes, and mentally wished health and happiness to all people on Earth. Suddenly, outside the walls of the monastery, some grandmother began to scream.
“May you die, old hag!” thought Yaputra.
And he continued his pious activities.

During breakfast, Sri Yaputra dropped his favorite collectible poop pot, made of the finest Chinese porcelain. Not a single thought marred the purity of his deep bliss. With a calm smile, he collected the pieces and threw them away.
Students realized that tuition fees were increasing again.

Instead of an afterword

On that terrifying river of the Battlefield of Kurukshetra, Which the Pandavas victoriously crossed, Bhishma and Drona Were like high banks, Jayadratha like the river water, the King of Gandhara like the blue water lily, Shalya like the shark, Krpa like the current, Karna like the mighty waves, Ashwatthama and Vikarna - Terrible crocodiles, And Duryodhama - a whirlpool.
(an excerpt also from some kind of Krishna crap)
To clear the cup of your brain after reading The Joy of the Blind Monkey Who Cries, you are invited to meditate as a little one. To do this, you must recite the following mantra out loud 500 times: fuck it, fuck it, fuck it, fuck it, fuck it, fuck it.
The teaching of Tao-Cocoa is perfect, because there is no niren!!!

Sri Yaputra(ind. श्री यपुत्र) - a collective image of an eastern sage, a Zen master. The character of numerous stories parodying Zen and Taoist parables. Usually mentioned in the context of the teachings he professes, Tao-Cocoa, a parody of Zen Buddhism. Regular character of posts in LJ communities Tao-Cocoa

He has irrational thinking and a bad character (which is typical of the great teachers of Tao-Cocoa). He often swears, but does this solely for the purpose of helping his students achieve enlightenment.

Tao-Cocoa in general, and Sri-Yaputra in particular, were invented by Ramuald Kakandokalo, a famous (including in Boa constrictor) creative artist from Tallinn. The main parables about the difficult monastic life were written from 1999 to 2001.

Also, some time ago a small collection of parables with the participation of the subject was posted on the Xakepa website. In fact, it was with him that the acquaintance of many ananimus with the teachings of Tao-Cocoa began.

As stated above, stories about Sri Yaputra are parodic in nature and are usually ironic over the logic and abstruseness of Zen parables and Daoist discourse in general. Examples of stories:

One day, a homeless-looking sage came to the monastery of Sri Yaputra, leaning on a stick.
-Where is your Teacher? - he asked the students.
“In the city, the second week in binge meditation,” Nivhuril answered.
The homeless sage nodded with satisfaction and asked:
“Who knows at what stage of training a seeker is allowed to have his own poo-pot?”
The students, putting a wise look on their unwise faces, began vying with each other and randomly quoting Tao-Cocoa and other nonsense.
- WRONG! - the homeless sage suddenly thundered. “Only Sri Yaputra knows.”
With these words, he dropped his homeless appearance, and everyone saw that the sage was the Teacher himself. After which they were fucked with a stick, which was actually a staff.

One day, standing in the village square, Sri Yaputra saw a huge, scary dog ​​rushing towards him.
“Stop, big dog, stop!” Yaputra whispered, numb with horror.
The dog, running up to the teacher, lifted its leg and sprinkled his sandals and ran further about its dog business. The peasants who saw all this began to laugh and point their fingers at Sri Yaputra.
- Unfortunate ones, it was the spirit of the heavenly dog ​​Tengu, who overshadowed me with his grace! - Sri Yaputra shouted, and the detractors fell to their knees, amazed at the sacredness of the moment and their unworthy behavior. Carrying away numerous offerings from the square, Sri Yaputra thought that he needed to get himself a strong staff, because there is nothing better than a good club against any creature that publicly tries to piss on your feet.

Mountain China, Zhuoang Zhou Monastery. Year from the Nativity of Christ 853rd.
Someone asked Lin Zi:
-What is a mother?
“Greed and passion are the mother,” answered the master. “When with concentrated consciousness we enter the sensory world, the world of passions and lusts, and try to find all these passions, but we see only the emptiness behind them, when there are no attachments anywhere, this is called killing your own.” mother!.
- Fuck your mother! — Sri Yaputra was impressed

The beginning of the teachings of Tao-Cocoa, according to available information, was laid by a certain septemberman (aka establishman), who wrote the first parables at the turn of the millennium. Subsequently, all of them were included in the academic publication

Zen and the poker. Or the origins of the teachings of Tao-Cocoa.
Today I want to tell you, Cacao Taoists, how the teaching of Tao-Cocoa actually originated. Why cocoa and not tea (a more traditional drink for the East, by the way).
Tao Cacao originated in Japan in the mid-eighteenth century.
It was like this:

The Zen master Hakuin used to tell his students about an old woman who ran a tea shop and praised her understanding of Zen. The students refused to believe this and went to the store to see for themselves. Whenever the old woman met them, she could immediately tell whether they came for tea or to see her understanding of Zen. In the first case, she kindly gave them tea. In the second, she asked the students to go behind the screen. As soon as they entered there, she beat them there with a poker. Nine out of ten could not escape from her.
The tenth student, as you probably already guessed, was Yaputra. Who immediately became enlightened, but from then on he could no longer see either the poker or the tea. For this reason, he switched to cocoa and named the new, perfect teaching he created in honor of this delicious drink. Later, when Sri Yaputra's enlightenment became complete, he realized the true essence of cocoa


He is also Nivkuril. A collective image of a devoted disciple of Sri Yaputra. Constant hero of instructive stories.

One day, teacher Sri Yaputra found the following note in his cell: “Nivhuril has never come close to enlightenment, teach the lost how to follow the path of the true Tao-Cocoa. Well-wishers."
“Huyase!” - Yaputra was amazed and went to the next cell to admonish the lost students.
"So that!" — the cunning stsuko Nivhuril grinned in the nearby bushes, taking another step closer to enlightenment.

“Dear grandfather Sri Yaputra,” Nivkuril scratched out the mascara with tears. - Take me away from here.
There is something terrible in their monastery here. And what a fool I was to run away.
They don't let you eat here. And not because “it’s okay to eat,” like at home, but to grow spiritually.
And there is no cocoa, only tea, and even the abbot drinks it like a complete fool.
And they also beat me with a stick, not just the way you beat me, but with a meaning: so that I can become enlightened. But I don’t think so.
I told them: “Go to hell,” I say, “with your Zen Buddhism!”
But they weren’t happy, but took the jade buddha and started poking it in my face.
Take me, grandfather, from this almshouse! I have no strength..."
Wiping away tears with his sleeve, Nivkuril signed below:
"Is yours,
As always,

- and tore out his message from the paper sliding partition.

“Teacher, why do you always mix vodka and beer?” — one of his students once addressed Yaputra. Another time he would certainly have hit him on the back with his staff, but this time the Teacher was in a good mood and decided to mock the upstart a little. “Here is a bottle of beer, young man,” with these words Yaputra raised the vessel that he held in his right hand. “Its strength is 4.6°. This is quite small. But here is vodka,” Yaputra raised the bottle he was holding in his left hand so that the student could take a closer look at it in the rays of the setting sun. “Its strength is forty degrees. And the planet we are on is inclined relative to the ecliptic plane at an angle of 32.5°. By mixing beer with vodka in a ratio of 1: 3.72, I compensate for this angle and see things as they are.” The teacher finished the story and took a sip from both hands. The student did not understand any of this, because he was not strong in astronomy and arithmetic. After waiting a couple more minutes until Yaputra warmed him up thoroughly, but without waiting for this, he went down to the cellar, where, without asking, he drank half a liter of beer and 1.86 liters of vodka in one gulp. Enlightenment did not take long to arrive.

Talented student

- O Great Master, show me the path of Tao-Cocoa!

- Yes, okay, I’ll teach you Tao-Cocoa. But you are not ready for this now. You must fast for a year, only after that I will teach you.

- Great Master, I fasted for a year, show me the path of Tao-Cocoa!
Sri Yaputra replied:
- Yes, I will teach you the path of Tao-Cocoa, but for this you must work on yourself. For three years, every morning meditate on the sunrise, and every evening meditate on the sunset.

- Great master! For three years, every morning I meditated and contemplated the sunrise and every evening its sunset. Teach me the way of Tao-Cocoa!

“No fucking way,” said Sri Yaputra.

One day, a young man approached Sri Yaputra with a bow and introduced himself as “Padonak Babruisky”. Carefully pronouncing all the letters of his unusual speech, he said: “Preved, Yaputro! Aftars dao_kakao are burning, stsukko, hellish sotons! The teacher sighed and then something very strange happened - Yaputra looked at Nivhuril and for the first time handed him his staff. Nivhuril understood everything and hit the bastard on the back with his staff. Padonak ran away. "And niipet." - said Yaputra, to whom Nivhuril returned the staff with a bow.

Sri Yaputra was meditating when his disciples came running and said: “Here a dervish came from distant countries with a magic donkey: when the Real Enlightened Teacher is next to this animal, the donkey begins to scream!” And so - he is always silent, - and they carefully asked: - Do you want to look? With a quick step, Sri Yaputra walked out the gates of the monastery and, without slowing down, kicked the magic donkey in the balls with all his might with his magic staff. The donkey screamed wildly and ran away.

One day a prostitute came to Sri Yaputra and said: “Elder, explain to me one simple thing.” You have lived for many years and there are legends about your wisdom among the people. Your doors are always open to people: you are ready to help everyone, you can give any advice, teach how to get out of any difficult and confusing situation. But the road to your monastery has long been overgrown with grass - people don’t come to you. And I am a girl from a poor family. God gave me neither intelligence nor the opportunity to get an education. And my beauty has become worn out over time... And despite this, the road to my house is wide and many people constantly visit it. Why is this happening? By that time, curious students had gathered around. One of them, hoping to gain the Teacher’s praise, exclaimed: “You know, going up is always harder than going down. That is the reason!” Yaputra paused and watched the woman’s reaction. Her face expressed complete bewilderment. “I’ve also read a lot of books, smart guy,” Yaputra said with a smile and added, “Come on, I’ll personally explain everything to you.” For several hours, a woman's exclamations of delight could be heard from behind the closed door. "Oh yeah! YES!" - she shouted, obviously agreeing with every word of Yaputra. When she finally came out, many students began to bite their elbows with envy - her face was so enlightened. “He’s been bugging us for years, but he explained everything to her in five minutes...” the same student said with annoyance.

Sri Yaputra walked along the line of students and slowly spoke: “The rumors that I am a stupid bully, unable to communicate with people without being hit with this,” he raised his right hand, “with a staff, are greatly exaggerated.” For example, when communicating with unmarried women from a neighboring village, I get along just fine without him. As well as in communicating with the seller of the meditative mixture, with the dear Ra Stafari, as well as with many other respectable people. And anyway, why go far for examples? I can teach even you dunces - without using this highly instructive staff at all! One of the students shouted disrespectfully from the ranks: “Then why do you carry it around with you all the time, Teacher?!” Sri Yaputra approached the one who shouted and, stepping painfully on his foot, answered: “He’s funny.”

One day an arrogant zendo master appeared in town. He damnedly cursed Sri Yaputra and assured that he would knock his arrogance down. He was truly an excellent master - he knew how to turn into a fiery column of energy. And such a master challenged Yaputra. Yaputra at first wanted to refuse, and then decided: “As a last resort, I’ll give up!” and accepted the challenge. As soon as the duel began, the zendo master began to sway on the spot and gradually disappeared into the air, then turned into a column of fire. Sri Yaputra's forehead became covered with cold sweat, and he begged: “I surrender!” The zendo master again took on human form and, smiling sarcastically, sat down on the ground. And at that moment Sri Yaputra hit him in the face with a shaft. The zendo master passed out.

: Teacher Chhishvabrashvan once asked his student Yaputra: - What does clapping with one palm sound like? Yaputra, without hesitation, slapped the Teacher in the face. - Not entirely true, Yaputra, but you did it without thinking, without using your mind, which means you have comprehended Zen. Go in peace, get out of here! Thus Sri Yaputra became a Teacher.
: The students once asked Teacher Yaputra: - Teacher, your parables are difficult to understand! Often your words just sound like crap! - Crap is a true compliment for my parables. They don’t fit in the mind, and this is the main thing! I don't have to tell you everything! Moreover, I myself don’t understand what I’m talking about... You should be able to draw the legs of a snake! This is not the Kaaba! Reality is what is realized! - the Teacher became angry. Hearing this and not understanding anything, the students actually fell into a precipitate (meditated)

: Sri Yaputra was meditating. Coming out, he noticed that an American priest had settled in the house opposite. The American priest drank whiskey, smoked cigars, ate popcorn and fucked prostitutes. He always went to the toilet with Sri Yaputra’s books, and apparently he didn’t read them there - they became thinner and thinner. Yaputra knocked on the priest's door, ostensibly for a theological conversation. And when the American priest opened the door, Yaputra gave him such luley that he immediately began to respect Tao-Cocoa.

The students approached Sri Yaputra and asked: - Teacher, LSD gives us meditation and delight. But, we heard, it’s not that harmful. And when we come out of delight, we feel disgusting: everything is gray and miserable... - Don’t come out of delight! - Yaputra muttered, looking somewhere into the distance with glassy eyes...
“Teacher, why don’t you allow us to eat meat, but you quietly crack sausage at night?” - asked Nivhuril.
“Do you think that if I allow you to crack it, there will be something left for me?” - Sri Yaputra was sincerely surprised.
“Well, we won’t eat it all...” Nivhuril began timidly.
"Of course you won't eat it!" - Sri Yaputra flashed his eyes, reaching out for the staff.

One day his disciple Nivhuril came to Sri Yaputra.
“Teacher, please return my watch,” he asked timidly.
- There is nothing in the world that is yours. Yours is only a name. Remember this and get out of here, Chicky Pook.
“But this is not mine...” Nivhuril objected.
- You see, it’s not even your name! - Sri Yaputra interrupted him and looked at his watch. - Now get out, I have lunch.

Nivhuril studied the Tao of Cacao for so long and persistently under the guidance of Sri Yaputra that he achieved many siddhis, although he had not yet achieved enlightenment. One day he went somewhere on Dharma business, but a river suddenly blocked his way. That is, it would have been quite expected, but that would have been if Nivhuril had bothered to look at the map. There was also a crossing with a boatman, but he demanded a rupee for transportation, and Nivhuril had lost the last rupee somewhere shortly before. Having unsuccessfully argued with the boatman, who categorically refused to transport him for free out of respect for the Dharma of Cocoa, Nivhuril spat, crossed the river on water as well as on dry land and moved on.

When he returned to the monastery, he told this story to Sri Yaputra, hoping that he would praise him. “Idiot,” replied Sri Yaputra, taking a sip from the pooch. The entire cost of your ability to walk on water is a rupee. With these words, he fucked him with his staff, and from the blow, a rupee fell out of the folds of Nivhuril’s clothes - the same one that he could not find at the crossing. This one,” Sri Yaputra added, took the rupee for himself and drove Nivhuril out of his cell to meditate.

One day Nivhuril woke up in complete darkness.
- Where I am? How long did I sleep? Who is there? - he became worried.
“You are dead,” answered the voice of Sri Yaputra. - And this is the last flash of your consciousness, which I hold back with my will in order to inform you that you have not enlightened.
- And it's all?
- All.
The next morning, Nivhuril woke up and went to wash his sheet.
It was the second of April.

On a moonlit night, Sri Yaputra sat in a boat in the middle of the lake and meditated.

Suddenly his silence was interrupted by a side-to-side impact from another boat.

Fuck your Tao! May you forever be tormented by Zen allegory!.. - Sri Yaputra began, but then he looked carefully at the boat that had interfered with him and saw that it was empty.

It immediately dawned on Sri Yaputra that he would not receive the pistols now and he continued to swear with triple force.

Teacher, can I listen to my inner voice?
- To my own - no. To my mind, it’s possible.
- Omanki!

Here's an eight, here's a jack, and here's a six for the jiapao! - young Sri Yaputra laid out the cards on the table and grabbed the winning coins.
“Actually, we play chess,” the opponent said indignantly.
Sri Yaputra was not taken aback and answered the impudent man with obscenities. But he did not let up, demanding the return of the coins and calling those around him as witnesses. Then the young sage grabbed a stick lying on the ground, beat his opponent with it and sedately took off running.
“Wise beyond his years,” people whispered admiringly.

In the evening the disciples asked Sri Yaputra questions.
Someone asked:
“Teacher, can the enlightened make mistakes?”
Sri Yaputra, without hesitation, cracked Nivhuril, who was quietly sitting opposite, with his staff.
“Teacher! This is some kind of mistake! I didn’t ask this stupid question!” - exclaimed the dumbfounded Nivhuril.
“And I didn’t answer you, debater!” - Yaputra said and backed up his answer with another therapeutic blow.

During breakfast, Sri Yaputra dropped his favorite collectible poop pot, made of the finest Chinese porcelain. Not a single thought marred the purity of his deep bliss. With a calm smile, he collected the pieces and threw them away.
Students realized that tuition fees were increasing again.
Instructive parables associated with the name of the Great Teacher of Tao - Sri Yaputra

Teacher Chhishvabrashvan once asked his disciple Yaputra:
- What does clapping with one hand sound like?
Yaputra, without hesitation, slapped the Teacher.
- Not entirely true, Yaputra, but you did it without thinking, without using your mind, which means you have comprehended Zen. Go in peace from here to...!
Thus Sri Yaputra became a Teacher.

Sri Yaputra was sleeping. He dreamed that he was a butterfly, carelessly fluttering from flower to flower. Suddenly, Sri Yaputra (being a butterfly) saw another butterfly flying towards him from a neighboring flower. This butterfly had tired eyes and gray fluff around its proboscis. Besides, this butterfly seemed vaguely familiar to Yaputra! Flying closer, the butterfly said:
- So, I don’t understand, what the hell are you doing here?
“I am a butterfly,” Sri Yaputra honestly admitted, “and I carelessly flutter from flower to flower.”
- What the hell is a butterfly?! Come on, wake up! Dammit, you are not a butterfly! Fell asleep again during meditation?! I'll show you!
With these words, the gray-haired butterfly hit Yaputra painfully on the head with something hard. From the blow he instantly woke up and saw his teacher Chhishvabrashvan in front of him with a bamboo stick. This story helped Sri Yaputra realize his own nature and the fact that he is, after all, not a butterfly.

One day, when Sri Yaputra himself was not yet a teacher, but only a student of Chhishvabrashvan, the two of them went for a walk. Having reached the neighboring city, they crossed it and exited at the other end. Next, the teacher and student walked along a rocky road into the mountains. After walking for some time, they stopped in front of a small, squat house. Several people were already standing in front of him. Coming closer, Sri Yaputra realized that these were students of other teachers. Chhishvabrashvan told Yaputra to wait for him at the door, and he himself entered the house.
Several hours passed and it was getting dark. Sri Yaputra was bored. The other disciples sat in a circle and meditated. Some more time passed, the sky was covered with clouds, and it began to rain. The house was built in such a way that there was nowhere to hide from the rain except inside. There was no forest visible nearby, and it was a long walk to the city. The disciples continued to meditate, not paying attention to the raging elements. After thinking for a while, Sri Yaputra pushed the door and entered the house. He immediately found himself in a large, warm and dry room, where teachers sat and were silent about something of their own. Looking at Sri Yaputra, they reached for their staffs, stood up and
they kicked him out onto the street. After sitting for a couple more hours in a puddle and not in the best mood, Yaputra waited for the rain to stop. Chkhishvabrashvan immediately came out and gestured that they were returning to the monastery.
“Teacher, it was raining so hard outside, why couldn’t I wait it out in the warmth?” Sri Yaputra asked when they were a good distance away from the house. “You shouldn’t have been thinking about wet clothes,” Chhishvabrashvan shook his head and continued on his way.
“Why then did the teachers calmly wait out the rain inside and not outside?” the student continued to ask. “Each of us has learned this lesson at one time or another.
And you, as I see, haven’t mastered yours yet,” Chkhishvabrashvan sighed and turned away, “I’ll have to repeat it.”
“Fuck you all,” thought Sri Yaputra, “teachers sit warm, simply because they are teachers, and students get wet in the rain, simply because they are students.” After weighing the pros and cons, Sri Yaputra decided to become a teacher himself.

The young man came to Sri Yaputra:
- O Great Master, show me the path of Tao!
Sri Yaputra was lazy to wave his staff, and he said, grinning maliciously:
“Yes, okay, I’ll teach you the Tao.” But you are not ready for this now. You must fast for a year, only after that I will teach you.
The young man left and returned a year later:
“Great Master, I fasted for a year, show me the path of Tao!”
Sri Yaputra replied:
- Yes, I will teach you the path of Tao, but for this you must work on yourself. For three years, every morning meditate on the sunrise, and every evening meditate on the sunset.
The young man left. But three years later he returned:
- Great master! For three years, every morning I meditated and contemplated the sunrise and every evening its sunset. Teach me the way of Tao!
“Yes, I will teach you,” said Sri Yaputra. - But first you must learn to hover at a height of 5 li from the ground.
The young man left. But five years later he returned:
- Great master. For five years, I devoted myself to training every day, and now I can hover above the ground,” said the young man and hovered at a height of 5 li from the ground.
“No shit,” said Sri Yaputra.

Pyuan had very tight shoes. Pyuan was in great pain; he could not throw away his shoes because he was very poor. Pyuan even wanted to hang himself, but
Teacher Yaputra came and broke both of Pyuan's legs and took away his shoes. The teacher was short, and the boots came at the right time for him. Pyuan spent six months in the hospital and, upon leaving, came to the teacher and bowed as a sign of gratitude, somehow saving his life by saving him from his shoes. The teacher sent him to hell with angry abuse, because he had already forgotten about Pyuan and his shoes. There is no perfection in the world, and even the Teacher sometimes behaves like a complete bitch.

One day Chhishvabrashvan gathered his students and began to load them with various common truths.
“Having a brush, you can paint over any thing in this world,” the Teacher said tediously. “But you can’t paint yourself with it.” Only with two brushes can you paint over absolutely everything, including themselves.
“So one Zen Teacher is capable of screwing anyone except himself, but two can really screw anyone!” - one of the students sitting in the back row remarked to this. Soon he also became a Teacher. Have you already guessed who it was?

One day, Sri Yaputra was invited to a fight club. He carried with him two staves and a spiked brass knuckle. The Master of Tao is above any rules.

One day, Sri Yaputra, who was peacefully sipping cocoa in the morning, was visited by his most hopeless disciple. As soon as he crossed the threshold of the teacher’s hut, Sri Yaputra, without saying a word, hit him with his staff with all his might.
- For what, teacher? - cried the most hopeless student, hit with a bamboo stick, - I haven’t had time to ask anything yet!
“That’s the point,” answered Sri Yaputra, “what’s the point of beating you after you’ve asked your stupid question?”

When young Yaputra first came to demand repayment of the debt, he began to ramble on with such nonsense that those who came thought for a moment, and Yaputra fled quietly. It was then that the future great Teacher first realized the power of the parable.

One day, the great Teacher Sri Yaputra walked with his students through the forest and talked at length about finding his own Path. At the large oak tree, Yaputra let the students go ahead, and he himself remained standing with a blissful grin. A second later, the screams of students running away from a flock of wild wasps were heard from around the bend. “Truly, it is dangerous to follow the unbeaten path,” said the great Teacher and took a sip from the bottle.

One day Sri Yaputra lost his fear, shame and conscience.
This happened on the day he found the Tao.

The disciples of Sri Yaputra, after endless meditations knee-deep in mud under pouring rain and piercing wind, approached Yaputra with complaints.
- Come to your senses! - the Teacher reprimanded them, - It makes no difference where exactly to strive for enlightenment!
- Why do you, Teacher, always meditate in warmth and comfort? - the students tried to object.
- So what? There’s no difference anyway,” Sri Yaputra was sincerely surprised.

One day, a ragged beggar approached Sri Yauptra and said: “I was a great teacher for 40 years, led an unrighteous life, beat students, drank and abused women. All my parables were false or spit out. When everything was revealed, people turned away from me and drove me away. Come to your senses. Before it’s too late, you too!” Sri Yaputra hit the ragamuffin with a stick and walked away, thinking to himself: “His story is false! A real great teacher would never have been seen through.”

One day the disciples decided to enlighten Yaputra, made themselves bamboo staffs and began to try to break his pussy. The battle went on for a very long time... cheerful and fresh, the Teacher looked at his broken staff and thought: “how am I going to enlighten now?”... “and who?” thought the Teacher, looking around.

One day, Teacher Chhishvabrashvan decided to demonstrate to his students what team spirit is. He took a broom, pulled out a twig from it and gave it to his disciple, Sri Yaputra. “Break it,” said the Teacher. Yaputra chuckled, but broke the twig. “Now try to break this,” said Shkhishvabrashvan and handed Yaputra a broom. The young student did not expect such meanness, but he pulled himself together, puffed himself up with all his might, blushed, and broke his broom. “Yes, you will never know Tao!” said the Teacher.

One day Sri Yaputra came to his then teacher Chhishvabrashvan and asked:
- Why do people value emptiness?
“There is nothing valuable in emptiness,” answered Chhishvabrashvan and continued. - It's not about the name...
- Yes, I thought so! Idiots! - Sri Yaputra exclaimed and left the room.
“There is nothing better than peace, there is nothing better than emptiness...” Chkhishvabrashvan muttered after him in confusion.

In his youth, Sri Yaputra was well-read and observant.
“Every student goes further than his teacher,” he told Chhishvabrashvan.
“Then get off...!” - the Master was offended. This is how Yaputra found his Path in life.

One day the disciples brought the Teacher 60 jugs of white wine and 60 jugs of red wine, and...
“Awesome parable begins,” Sri Yaputra rejoiced.

Teacher Sri Yaputra once said while walking through the market: Life is beautiful! But then the butcher came up to him and said: What makes you think so, Teacher? I personally have little money, I have an ugly wife and stupid children! After thinking, Yaputra replied: You are right, your life is shit! The butcher became enlightened and gave the Teacher a kilogram of carbonate for nothing.

One day Sri Yaputra found his disciple sitting with an delighted face.
- Teacher, looking at the running water, I see harmony and eternity.
“You are learning Zen,” the Teacher said and smiled. - Now turn off the tap, grab the rocker and buckets and go get some water, and just try not to fill the tank full by the evening, contemplator! - With these words, Yaputra gave the student a powerful slap on the back of the head.

One day, the Great Teacher Sri Yaputra saw wonderful melons growing in a field.
“Go and bring me a melon,” he said to one of the students.
The student picked the ripest melon and was about to take it to the teacher, when suddenly a peasant ran up to him and punched him in the face.
Covered in tears and snot, the disciple returned to Sri Yaputra and said:
- Teacher! This spiritually undeveloped and dark peasant did not let me bring you a melon!
Sri Yaputra was angry that he was left without lunch and gave the student more.
“Teacher,” the unlucky student cautiously turned to Sri Yaputra after some time, “you hit me in the face today, and an illiterate and uneducated peasant gave me the same thing today.” Why does everyone consider you the Great Teacher, and him - a simple peasant?
“This is because the peasant killed you out of greed, and I out of concern for your karma,” Sri Yaputra explained good-naturedly.

One day his brother Physelosoyu came to Chkhishvabrashvan. He hasn't eaten for two weeks, and his money ran out a year ago. Physelosoyu was counting on Chkhishvabrashvan to give him some food. Unfortunately, Chhishvabrashvan had already been in an enlightened state for two months. Yaputra, who guarded his peace, did not know Physelosoyu. He gave him a punch and kicked him out. Physelosoyu decided to drown himself out of grief and went to the river. There, however, someone else had already drowned himself, leaving a note, wallet and watch on the shore. Physelosoyu threw away the note, ate his wallet so as not to die on the way to the market, and decided to sell the watch. He ate enough at the market, found himself a modest place to live for little money, and began selling watermelons and lived richly and happily. Not everything is as bad as it really is. A couple of years later, Physelosoyu went to Chkhishvabrashvan, found Yaputra, thanked him and returned the cuffs. With interest.

After one of his meetings with a seller of pornographic postcards, Sri Yaputra began to spend more and more time in solitude.
One day one of the disciples, forgetting to knock, entered Sri Yaputra's room.
- Teacher! What are you doing?! - the student was taken aback.
“We see only what we want to see,” Sri Yaputra retorted calmly.

Teacher, why is it that when different people ask you the same question, do you answer some and not others?
“It is impossible not to answer a correctly asked question,” explained Sri Yarutra, “Because even if you remain silent...

One day the great teacher Sri Yaputra met Jesus Christ. And Jesus asked:
- Who do you think I am?
And Sri Yaputra answered him:
- You are an irrational product of the existential thinking of many people who are not ready to put up with the imperfections of the world around them and therefore came up with this...
And Jesus cried out:
- FAQ?!
And then Yaputra took out a stick and beat Jesus with it. So that it would be discouraging to interrupt the great teacher.

Sri Yaputra always told his disciples:
- A true sage is a person who no longer thinks. He knows.
One day one of the students timidly raised his hand and asked:
- Teacher, I don’t understand: if a sage doesn’t know something, how can he learn new knowledge without thinking?
- What’s incomprehensible here? - Yaputra was surprised. “If a sage doesn’t know something, it means he doesn’t need it.”

Sri Yaputra sat on the steps of his house, smoking and leisurely meditating after a hearty lunch, while his disciples swept the yard. Suddenly Sri Yaputra opened his eyes and addressed one of the disciples with the words:
- Do you see a bucket hanging on the tree over there?
- Yes teacher!
- Sit next to me, I want to test you. I will take pebbles from the ground and throw them into a bucket, and you must meditate. For every mistake I make, I will hit you with a stick. It's clear?
The student almost cried - after all, the bucket was hanging on a tree that was thirty steps from the house - but he obeyed. Everyone else stopped working and watched him, grinning.
Sri Yaputra threw the first stone, hit a tree and immediately hit the student with a stick. He clenched his teeth and didn’t say a word. Sri Yaputra threw a second stone - it bounced off the bucket with a ringing sound - and hit the student even harder. The student bent over from the blow, but was able to remain silent again. Sri Yaputra threw the third stone, missed by five cubits and hit the disciple again with the stick. He screamed, rubbed the bruised area, then jumped up and rushed as fast as he could towards the tree. Having removed the bucket from him, he returned back, placed the bucket at the feet of Sri Yaputra and sat down in his original place.
- Continue, Teacher! - he said with a smile.
- Respect! - Sri Yaputra answered and let him puff a couple of times.
