Presentation on the theme of countries of the world, what to title. Countries of the world. France. Differences between countries

Presentation on the topic "Country of the Netherlands" on geography in powerpoint format. This presentation for schoolchildren tells about the country of the Netherlands, its history, population, climate, economy, and culture. The presentation contains a large number of photographs. Author of the presentation: Anna Serebryakova, 11th grade student.

Fragments from the presentation

  • Capital: Amsterdam
  • Population: 15,420,000
  • Area: 41200 sq. km
  • Language: Dutch
  • Religion: Roman Catholic Church,
  • Dutch Reformed Church
  • Currency: 1 guilder = 100 cents
  • GNP per capita: US$24,000
  • The Netherlands, the official name of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Dutch: Koninkrijk der Nederlanden), is a Western European state washed by the North Sea (coastline length - 451 km), bordering Germany and Belgium (border length - 1027 km).
  • The capital of the state is Amsterdam, but the parliament and government are located in The Hague. Other important cities are Rotterdam - the country's largest port and one of the world's largest ports, Utrecht - the center of the country's railway system and Eindhoven - the center of electronics and high technology.
  • Together with the Caribbean island of Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles, the Netherlands form the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Relations between members of the kingdom are regulated by the Statute of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, adopted in 1954.
  • The name "Netherlands" in translation means "lower lands", but it is incorrect to translate it literally, since, for historical reasons, this term is usually used to refer to the territory roughly corresponding to today's Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg (Benelux). The Netherlands is often called Holland, although this is incorrect since South and North Holland are only two of the twelve provinces of the Netherlands.


  • The Netherlands has been inhabited since the last Ice Age.
  • During the Roman Empire, the southern part of what is now the Netherlands was occupied by the Romans.
  • On July 26, 1581, the country's independence was proclaimed, officially recognized by other states only after the Eighty Years' War (1568-1648).
  • After the end of French occupation at the beginning of the 19th century, the Netherlands became a monarchy under the rule of the House of Orange.
  • Under pressure from liberal politicians, the country was transformed into a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch in 1848.

Political structure

  • The country's modern constitution was adopted in 1848 on the initiative of King Willem II and the liberal Johan Rudolf Thorbecke.
  • The Netherlands became one of the first countries in Europe to make the transition from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy.
  • The largest revision of the constitution took place in 1983. From now on, the population was guaranteed not only political, but also social rights.
  • Since 1980, the queen has been Beatrix from the ancient Orange dynasty.
  • The Prime Minister since July 22, 2002 is the leader of the Christian Democratic Appeal, Jan-Peter Balkenende.
  • The main political parties in the Netherlands are the Christian Democratic Appeal (41 seats in the lower house of parliament out of 150), the Party for Labor (33 seats), the Socialist Party (25 seats) and the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (23 seats).


  • The estimated population as of July 1, 2007 was approximately 16,377,200 people. List of countries by number of inhabitants. The Netherlands ranks 59th.
  • With an area of ​​41,526 km², the Netherlands has a population density of 395 people per square kilometer (or 484 people per square kilometer, given that 18.4% of the kingdom's territory is water). The Netherlands is the 15th most populous country in the world
  • The Netherlands is home to two indigenous groups, the Dutch and the Frisians, as well as a large number of immigrants. The religious composition of the population is as follows: 30% Catholic, 21% Protestant, 5.8% Muslim, 0.6% Hindu, 1.6% other religions, and 41% no religion. The population of the Netherlands is the highest in the world: the average height of adult men is 1.83 meters, adult women - 1.70 meters.

Geographic data Climate

  • The Netherlands is the most populous country in Europe (if you exclude several dwarf countries). The country is located on the lands at the mouths of the Rhine, Meuse and Scheldt rivers. From the soils deposited by these rivers, a delta and a vast flat lowland were formed. Half of the territory lies below sea level, and only in the south of the Netherlands does the terrain rise to 30 meters or more. The coastline is formed by alluvial dunes. Behind them come lands that were once reclaimed from the sea, called polders and protected by dunes and dams from sea waters.
  • Summer is warm - the average July temperature is 16-17 °C. The average January temperature is about 2 °C on the coast and slightly colder inland. In winter, when anticyclones invade from Siberia, temperatures drop below 0 °C, snow falls, and canals and lakes become covered with ice. Average annual precipitation is 80 centimeters, but in the interior provinces it is slightly less.


  • The Netherlands has a modern, highly developed post-industrial economy. The most important industries: Mechanical engineering, electronics, petrochemicals, aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding, ferrous metallurgy, textile industry, furniture industry, pulp and paper industry, beer production, clothing production.
  • Wind energy farms are located on the sea coast. The production of chocolate, cigars, gin, and beer is also developed. A well-known industry, despite its modest scale, is diamond processing in Amsterdam.
  • In 2002, the Netherlands introduced the euro as a common European currency, replacing the guilder.
  • Main imports: oil, cars, iron and steel, clothing, non-ferrous metals, food products, various transport equipment.
  • Main export items: chemical products, meat, greenhouse vegetables, flowers, natural gas, metal products.


  • Flat terrain creates favorable conditions for the development of a road network, but a large number of rivers and canals creates certain difficulties and risks in road construction.
  • The total length of the railway network is 2,753 kilometers (68% of which are electrified - 1,897 km).
  • The total length of highways is 111,891 km.
  • The total length of navigable rivers and canals is 5052 km.
  • Ocean shipping also plays an important role in the country's economy. Rotterdam is one of the largest seaports in the world in terms of cargo turnover. The Netherlands handles a significant portion of European cargo flows. KLM airline serves many international routes.


  • Agriculture in the Netherlands is a highly intensive and significant sector of the economy, although it employed only about 1.0% of the country's population in 2005 and produced no more than 1.6% of GDP. The structure of agricultural exports is dominated by vegetables and flowers (12 billion euros) and dairy products (5 billion euros).
  • Land. Agricultural lands occupy about 65% of the country's territory. About 27% of agricultural land is arable land, 32% is pasture and 9% is forested. Plant growing. In some areas of the country, floriculture predominates. Animal husbandry. Fifth place in Europe in butter production and fourth in cheese production. Pasture farming is the most widespread, with more than 4.5 million head of cattle grazing on the polders (about 3.5% of EU livestock). Greenhouse farming. The Netherlands ranks first in the world in terms of area allocated for greenhouse farming.


  • Many famous artists worked in the Netherlands. In the 17th century there lived such masters as Rembrandt van Rijn, Johannes Vermeer, Jan Stein and many others. In the 19th and 20th centuries, Vincent Van Gogh and Piet Mondrian were famous. Nan van Meijeren became famous for his forgeries of classical paintings.
  • The Netherlands was home to the philosophers Erasmus of Rotterdam and Spinoza, and all of Descartes' major works were carried out there. Scientist Christiaan Huygens discovered Saturn's moon Titan and invented the pendulum clock.
  • The Dutch Golden Age also led to a flourishing of literature. Anne Frank wrote the famous “Diary of Anne Frank,” which was published after her death in a Nazi concentration camp and translated from Dutch into all major languages.
  • The most famous film director in the Netherlands is Paul Verhoeven, who directed the Dutch films Turkish Delights and Black Book, as well as the Hollywood blockbusters Robot Cop, Total Recall and Basic Instinct. Among the actors, the most famous is Rutger Hauer, and among the actresses are Sylvia Kristel and Famke Janssen. The Netherlands is commonly associated with windmills, tulips, wooden shoes and pottery from Delft.

Galina Nikolaevna Toropkina
Presentation "Countries of the World"

Children's presentation- one of the most effective ways to help a child learn new information. It helps to conduct a lesson in kindergarten effectively and in an accessible form.

Our students love to travel. Together with their parents they travel to the memorable places of our homeland, but not everyone has the opportunity to visit foreign ones countries. This presentation will allow you to take an exciting trip to foreign countries: England, France, USA, India. She will introduce children to the main attractions, customs, and national clothes of these countries.


Arouse interest in the lives of other peoples countries;

Introduce basic concepts of countries;

Foster respect for different peoples countries, their customs, characteristics.

Publications on the topic:

Presentation “Great Atlas of the World. The result of the implementation of the Geographical Society project “Blue Planet on the Palms” Good day, dear colleagues. Last December, I told you about my work on the joint project of the preschool educational institution “Blue Planet.

Presentation “What to tell children about the World Cup” A significant event is coming - the World Cup, and it is especially significant that it is taking place in our country. What to tell the children?

As part of the exchange of experience, open educational activities on the FCCM “Countries of the World. France". Purpose of the lesson: To introduce.

Presentation for children of senior preschool age “2018 FIFA World Cup” The FIFA World Cup is the main international football competition in which the men's national teams of member countries can participate.

Presentation for children of the senior group of kindergarten “Unusual Pets of the World” Love for animals is a great feeling. It helps a person become more generous, fairer, kinder. If a child is not taught to feel sorry, to love...

MBOU secondary school No. 1 city of Shakhty, Rostov region

for 7th grade students

Compiled by: geography teacher Lyudmila Dmitrievna Krutko.

E mail [email protected]

Institution: MBOU Secondary School No. 1

Mines 2017

Objective of the lesson:

Formation of ideas about the countries of the world and their grouping according to various criteria.

Lesson objectives:


consider the geographical location of different countries. Determine the number of states.

Compare states by area, population, geographical location. Consolidate the acquired knowledge.


improve the ability to navigate the political map of the world, continue to develop cartographic literacy.


continue to develop a sense of patriotism among students and an understanding of the role of our state in the world.

Cultivate respect for the opinions of others, tolerance in relationships in the group.

There are many different countries in the world: Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Belize, Benin, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Brazil, Germany, Italy And on and on To Sweden, Estonia, Jamaica and Japan - I count in a column. Result: There are exactly two hundred and fifty of them

According to the size of the occupied territory.

Australia is a country that occupies an entire continent.

Vatican Square -

1 sq. km – several

quarters of Rome.

This is dwarf


And in the most

small countries,

For example,

in San Marino total

33,285 people

Differences between countries of the world by geography


There are countries

located on

big islands.

For example,

United Kingdom.

On the archipelagos.

For example,


On small islands.

Jamaica, Malta.

Some countries have access to the sea.

Others are hundreds and thousands of kilometers away from it.

For example, Mongolia.


Countries by national composition.

One -


Two -


The share of people of the same nationality is more than 80%

A lot -


Canada, Belgium, Türkiye, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Cambodia, China.

Bangladesh, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Egypt, Japan.

India, Indonesia, Spain, UK, Pakistan, Philippines,

Nigeria, Ethiopia, Russia, USA.

Differences between countries in the world by level

economic development.

Most multinational



The state occupies part

city ​​of Rome


The country is located on

archipelago of islands


Country that occupies

the whole continent


Largest in area

state in the world.


Largest in number

population state in the world


The biggest thing inside is

continental state


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France France, officially the French Republic (French, République Française) is a state in Western Europe. France, official name French Republic (French, République Française) is a state in Western Europe. The capital is Paris. The capital is Paris.

France France is washed in the west and north by the Atlantic Ocean (Bay of Biscay and the English Channel), in the south by the Mediterranean Sea (Gulf of Lyon and the Ligurian Sea). It borders on the south with Spain, on the northeast with Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, on the east with Italy and Switzerland. France is washed in the west and north by the Atlantic Ocean (Bay of Biscay and the English Channel), in the south by the Mediterranean Sea (Gulf of Lyon and the Ligurian Sea). It borders on the south with Spain, on the northeast with Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, on the east with Italy and Switzerland.

France North - South 946 km North - South 946 km West - East 928 km West - East 928 km Area km 2 Area km 2 Form of government - presidential-parliamentary republic Form of government - presidential-parliamentary republic Since January 1, 2006, metropolitan France (i.e. French territories located in Europe) is divided into the following hierarchically subordinate parts: Since January 1, 2006, metropolitan France (i.e. French territories located in Europe) is divided into the following hierarchically subordinate parts: 22 regions 96 departments 329 districts of cantons communes 3 the largest communes of Paris, Marseille and Lyon are in turn divided into 45 municipal districts Administrative-territorial division

France Flag of France Flag of France Its colors are explained by some as the three words of the national motto: "Liberty, equality, fraternity." Others attribute the blue color to the banner of the Christian preacher St. Martin, the white color to the banner of Joan of Arc, and the red color to the famous Oriflamme, the sacred military banner of the French kings.

Anthem of France (La Marseillaise) Allons enfants de la Patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrivé! Contre nous de la tyrannie! L "étendard sanglant est levé (bis) Entendez-vous dans nos campagnes Mugir ces féroces soldats? Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras. Egorger vos fils, vos compagnes! Refrain Aux armes citoyens, Formez vos bataillons Marchons, marchons Qu"un sang impur Abreuve nos sillons Allons enfants de la Patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrivé! Contre nous de la tyrannie! L "étendard sanglant est levé (bis) Entendez-vous dans nos campagnes Mugir ces féroces soldats? Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras. Egorger vos fils, vos compagnes! Refrain Aux armes citoyens, Formez vos bataillons Marchons, marchons Qu"un sang impur Abreuve nos sillons Forward sons of the fatherland, The day of glory has come! Tyranny is against us! The bloody banner is raised Agree in our campaigns Are these cruel soldiers bellowing? They go into your hands. (They go) Slaughter your sons, your girlfriends! Citizens to arms, Create your battalions March, march So that unclean blood Waters our fields Forward sons of the fatherland, The day of glory has come! Tyranny is against us! The bloody banner is raised Agree in our campaigns Are these cruel soldiers bellowing? They go into your hands. (They go) Slaughter your sons, your girlfriends! Citizens to arms, Create your battalions March, march So that unclean blood waters our fields

France The Gali rooster is the symbol of the country. According to legend, the Gauls successfully bred chickens and roosters. A certain role was also played by the fact that in Latin the word rooster (gallus) and the very name of the Gauls (Gallus) are homonyms. This symbol represents the pride, courage and beauty of France. The Gali rooster is a symbol of the country. According to legend, the Gauls successfully bred chickens and roosters. A certain role was also played by the fact that in Latin the word rooster (gallus) and the very name of the Gauls (Gallus) are homonyms. This symbol represents the pride, courage and beauty of France.

France Western and northern regions of France are plains (Paris Basin and others) and lowlands; in the center and in the east there are medium-high mountains (Massif Central, Vosges, Jura). In the southwest of the Pyrenees, in the southeast of the Alps (the highest point in France and Western Europe is Mount Mont Blanc, 4807 m). The western and northern regions of France are plains (Paris Basin and others) and lowlands; in the center and in the east there are medium-high mountains (Massif Central, Vosges, Jura). In the southwest of the Pyrenees, in the southeast of the Alps (the highest point in France and Western Europe is Mont Blanc, 4807 m).

France General information: average temperatures in January 1-8°C, July °C; precipitation mm per year, in the mountains in some places 2000 mm or more. General information: average temperatures in January are 1-8°C, in July °C; precipitation mm per year, in the mountains in some places 2000 mm or more. Climate diagram of Paris Climate diagram of Paris

France The climate is temperate maritime, transitional to continental in the east, and subtropical Mediterranean on the Mediterranean coast. The climate is temperate maritime, transitional to continental in the east, and subtropical Mediterranean on the Mediterranean coast. Large rivers: Seine, Rhone, Loire, Garonne, in the east part of the Rhine. Large rivers: Seine, Rhone, Loire, Garonne, in the east part of the Rhine. About 28% of the territory is under forest (mostly broad-leaved, in the south evergreen forests). About 28% of the territory is under forest (mostly broad-leaved, in the south evergreen forests). water surface - 0.26% water surface - 0.26%

France Loire (French Loire) is the largest river in France, 1012 km long, basin area 117 thousand km². It originates in the Cevennes in the south of France, flows north to Orleans, then turns west. Flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The Loire (French Loire) is the largest river in France, 1012 km long, with a basin area of ​​117 thousand km². It originates in the Cevennes in the south of France, flows north to Orleans, then turns west. Flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Loire on the map Loire on the map

France Seine (775 km, from Latin “calm”) is a flat river. It forms a widely branched system with large right tributaries Marne and Oise and left tributary Ion. The Seine is navigable and facilitates the movement of goods between Paris and Rouen. Seine (775 km, from Latin “tranquility”) is a flat river. It forms a widely branched system with large right tributaries Marne and Oise and left tributary Ion. The Seine is navigable and facilitates the movement of goods between Paris and Rouen. Seine on the map Seine on the map

France Lake Geneva (Leman, French Lac Léman, Le Léman, Lac de Genève) is the second largest freshwater lake in central Europe, located in Switzerland and France. It is also the largest alpine lake. Lake Geneva (Leman, French Lac Léman, Le Léman, Lac de Genève) is the second largest freshwater lake in central Europe, located in Switzerland and France. It is also the largest alpine lake. Height above sea level 372 m Height above sea level 372 m Dimensions 73×14 km Dimensions 73×14 km Mirror area 582 km 2 Mirror area 582 km 2 Greatest depth 310 m Greatest depth 310 m Volume 89 km 3 Volume 89 km 3 Catchment area 7395 km 2 Catchment area 7395 km 2 Inflowing Rhone River Inflowing Rhone River Outflowing Rhone River Outflowing Rhone River

France Population 60.2 million people (over 90% French). Population 60.2 million people (over 90% French). The population of France is constantly growing by an average of 0.5% per year. The population of France is constantly growing by an average of 0.5% per year. According to the density criterion, France is a sparsely populated country - a little more than 105 people per 1 sq. km. According to the density criterion, France is a sparsely populated country - a little more than 105 people per 1 sq. km. Currently, the number of births is 40% higher than the number of deaths. The total fertility rate in France is 2.4 children per woman. Life expectancy for French women has increased over the past 40 years from 67 years to 81.5 years, and for French women - from 62 to more than 73 years. Infant mortality in France is 6.7% and is one of the lowest on the globe. Currently, the number of births exceeds the number of deaths by 40%. The total fertility rate in France is 2.4 children per woman. Life expectancy for French women has increased over the past 40 years from 67 years to 81.5 years, and for French women - from 62 to more than 73 years. Infant mortality in France is 6.7% and is one of the lowest on the globe. The active population is 25.1 million people, that is, 43.4% of the inhabitants. The active population is 25.1 million people, that is, 43.4% of the inhabitants.

Economy of France France is a highly developed industrial-agrarian country and occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of industrial production. GNP per capita dollars per year. GDP per capita $. France is a highly developed industrial-agrarian country and occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of industrial production. GNP per capita dollars per year. GDP per capita $. Extraction of iron and uranium ores, bauxite. The leading branches of the manufacturing industry are mechanical engineering, including automotive, electrical and electronic, aviation, shipbuilding and machine tool manufacturing. Extraction of iron and uranium ores, bauxite. The leading branches of the manufacturing industry are mechanical engineering, including automotive, electrical and electronic, aviation, shipbuilding and machine tool manufacturing. Developed production of chemical and petrochemical products, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Developed production of chemical and petrochemical products, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. French clothing, shoes, jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics, cognacs, and cheeses are very famous on the world market. French clothing, shoes, jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics, cognacs, and cheeses are very famous on the world market. France is one of Europe's largest producers of agricultural products and occupies one of the leading places in the world in the number of cattle, pigs, poultry and the production of milk, eggs, and meat. The main branch of agriculture is animal husbandry and meat and dairy production. Grain farming predominates in crop production; The main crops are wheat, barley, corn. Viticulture (the world's leading wine producer), vegetable growing and horticulture are developed; floriculture. Fishing and oyster farming. France is one of Europe's largest producers of agricultural products and occupies one of the leading places in the world in the number of cattle, pigs, poultry and the production of milk, eggs, and meat. The main branch of agriculture is animal husbandry and meat and dairy production. Grain farming predominates in crop production; The main crops are wheat, barley, corn. Viticulture (the world's leading wine producer), vegetable growing and horticulture are developed; floriculture. Fishing and oyster farming. Exports: engineering products, including transport equipment (about 14% of the value), cars (7%), agricultural and food products (17%; one of the leading European exporters), chemicals and semi-finished products, etc. Exports: engineering products, including transport equipment (about 14% of the value), cars (7%), agricultural and food products (17%; one of the leading European exporters), chemicals and semi-finished products, etc.

Economy of France (firms) Leading branches of French industry: Leading branches of French industry: - the automotive industry produces about 3 million passenger cars per year - Renault, Peugeot, Citroen; - electronics, electromechanics, communications - Alcatel, Thomson, Alstom, Matra, Schneider; - aircraft manufacturing - Aerospazial, Snekma, Erbus, Dassault; - metallurgy - Uzinor-Sasilor; - chemistry and petrochemistry - Rhone-Poulenc, Elf, Air Liquide, Total; - railway technology produces the best high-speed trains in the world; - housing and office construction - Bouygues, SGE; - space industry and scientific research; - military production; - textile industry, clothing, footwear; - perfumery and cosmetics sector; - the automotive industry produces about 3 million passenger cars per year - Renault, Peugeot, Citroen; - electronics, electromechanics, communications - Alcatel, Thomson, Alstom, Matra, Schneider; - aircraft manufacturing - Aerospazial, Snekma, Erbus, Dassault; - metallurgy - Uzinor-Sasilor; - chemistry and petrochemistry - Rhone-Poulenc, Elf, Air Liquide, Total; - railway technology produces the best high-speed trains in the world; - housing and office construction - Bouygues, SGE; - space industry and scientific research; - military production; - textile industry, clothing, footwear; - perfumery and cosmetics sector; - “high fashion” - Yves Saint Laurent, Chanel, Dior, Nina Ricci, Balmain, Paco Rabanne, Lacroix, etc.; - jewelry - Van Cleef and Arpels, Boucheron, Mauboussin, etc. - "high fashion" - Yves Saint Laurent, Chanel, Dior, Nina Ricci, Balmain, Paco Rabanne, Lacroix, etc.; - jewelry art - Van Cleef and Arpels, Boucheron, Mauboussin, etc.

Sights of France Avignon: Papal Palace (Le Palais des Papes) and Pont St Bénezet. The city is also famous for the theater festival that takes place here every summer. The festival includes not only traditional theatrical performances, but also dance, music, and cinema. Avignon: Papal Palace (Le Palais des Papes) and Pont St Benezet. The city is also famous for the theater festival that takes place here every summer. The festival includes not only traditional theatrical performances, but also dance, music, and cinema. Photo: Papal Palace Photo: Papal Palace

Sights of France Loire Valley: famous for its fine wines, luxurious castles and Renaissance intrigue. The Loire Valley boasts both a wealth of history and architecture. Magnificent castles and ancient cities are scattered throughout the valley. Loire Valley: Famed for its fine wines, opulent castles and Renaissance intrigue. The Loire Valley boasts both a wealth of history and architecture. Magnificent castles and ancient cities are scattered throughout the valley. Photo: Chateau Chambord Photo: Chateau Chambord

Sights of France Cannes is the “city of stars” and a fashionable resort on the Cote d'Azur. The city is especially famous for the international film festival held here every May. Cannes is the “city of stars” and a fashionable resort on the Cote d'Azur. The city is especially famous for the international film festival held here every May. Photo: Cannes embankment Photo: Cannes embankment

Sights of France Nice is the main city of the French Riviera, one of the famous cities in France, where tourists from all countries flock in winter and summer, paying tribute to the green, comfortable and modern resort with an active cultural life. Nice is the main city of the French Riviera, one of the famous cities in France, where tourists from all countries flock in winter and summer, paying tribute to the green, comfortable and modern resort with an active cultural life. Photo: beaches of Nice Photo: beaches of Nice

Sights of France Monaco: old town, princely palace, Napoleon Museum, Oceanography Museum, wax museum of the princes of Monaco. City of Monaco: old town, princely palace, Napoleon Museum, Oceanographic Museum, wax museum of the Princes of Monaco. Photo: Port of Monaco Photo: Port of Monaco

Sights of France City of Paris: bridges of Paris, Monomatre, Latin Quarter, Pantheon, Disneyland, Place de la Bastille, Champs Elysees, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral, Louvre, Versailles, Eiffel Tower City of Paris: bridges of Paris, Monomatre, Latin Quarter, Pantheon , Disneyland, Place de la Bastille, Champs Elysees, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral, Louvre, Versailles, Eiffel Tower Photo: Louvre Photo: Louvre
