Hydroxyl group as a functional group. Hydroxyl. Ethers: R-O-R

The reaction is called xanthogen test into primary and secondary hydroxyl groups. Primary and secondary alcohols in the presence of alkalis react with carbon disulfide, forming water-soluble salts of alkyl xanthogenates-1:

Salts of alkyl xanthates react with solutions of divalent copper salts to give brown cuprous xanthates:

Xanthates of tertiary alcohols are unstable and decompose to mineral compounds, as a result of which this reaction is unsuitable for the determination of tertiary alcohols.

Methodology: dissolves a drop of the test substance in 1 cm 3 of diethyl ether, add a drop of carbon disulfide and a few grains of sodium hydroxide. The mixture is shaken in a test tube and slightly heated in a water bath. Add a drop of a solution of 2% CuSO 4 solution. If there is an alcohol group in the substance, a brown precipitate of copper xanthate precipitates. In the absence of hydroxyl groups, the color of the precipitate is blue.

      1. Reaction to phenols

Most phenols give an intense color with a solution of iron (III) chloride:

The usual color of the solution is blue or purple. But for a number of complex phenols it is green or red. The reaction is carried out in aqueous solutions or in chloroform to distinguish phenols from enols . The latter give intense coloration in methanol or ethanol.

Methodology: Several crystals or one drop of a substance are dissolved in a test tube in 1 cm 3 of water or chloroform. Shake, add 1 drop of 1% aqueous solution of FeCl 3. In the presence of phenolic hydroxide, an intense color immediately appears. Enols under these conditions give only weak coloring. Phenols react more clearly in the presence of water.

      1. Reaction to glycols and polyhydric alcohols

Most polyhydric alcohols containing hydroxy groups at adjacent carbon atoms form chelated copper glycolates, soluble in water and colored bright blue:

Glycolates are stable in an alkaline environment, but decompose into their parent compounds (copper salts and glycols) in an acidic environment.

Methodology: 10 drops of a 3% solution of CuSO 4 and 1 cm 3 of 5% sodium hydroxide are poured into a test tube. Three drops of the test solution are added to the mixture. If a polyhydric alcohol is present in it, the blue precipitate of freshly precipitated copper hydroxide dissolves and the solution takes on an intense blue color. -amino acids and -amino alcohols behave in the same way.

    1. Carbonyl group

      1. Reaction with hydroxylamine hydrochloride

The reaction of hydroxylamine with an unhindered carbonyl group is also very general:

Since hydroxylamine hydrochloride has an almost neutral reaction, and the resulting oxime is not a strong base, the progress of the reaction can be easily controlled by increasing the acidity of the medium due to the release hydrogen chloride.

Methodology: to 2 cm 3 of 3% hydroxylamine hydrochloride in a test tube add a solution of 0.1 g of the test substance in 0.5 cm 3 of ethanol. Heat the mixture in a water bath. Add one drop of methyl orange indicator. If the test substance contains a carbonyl group, a distinct reddening of the indicator is observed. The reaction is interfered with by carboxylic acids that react with hydroxylamine. It is easy to verify their absence by testing the test solution for litmus. Instead of the indicated indicators, it is permissible to use universal indicator paper.

As a result of chemical transformations, phenolic hydroxyl produces the same products as alcoholic hydroxyl: phenolates, ethers and esters, etc. The benzene ring has practically no effect on the course and direction of the corresponding reactions. But the reactivity of phenolic hydroxyl is significantly reduced due to the aromatic nucleus. An example is the negative result obtained when trying to replace hydroxyl with chlorine. Concentrated hydrohalic acids do not replace hydroxyl in phenols, phosphorus pentachloride causes chlorination into the nucleus, phosphorus trichloride forms triphenyl phosphate. At the same time, it should be noted that sometimes phenolic hydroxyl can still be replaced by chlorine. This happens with phenols containing electron-withdrawing substituents in the ring, in addition to hydroxyl. With these phenols the reaction can be carried out as a bimolecular nucleophilic substitution Acidity. Like alcohols, phenols exhibit a certain acidity. Given this feature of phenol itself, it is sometimes called carbolic acid, carbolic acid. In order to be able to judge the acidity of phenols, let us compare the acidity constants K a some related compounds.

Connections K a

alcohols 10 -16 – 10 -18

phenols 10 -10

carboxylic acids 10 -5

P-cresol 0.67 · 10 -10

O-chlorophenol 77 · 10 -10

O-nitrophenol 600 · 10 -10

pyrocatechin 1·10 -10

resorcinol 3 · 10 -10

hydroquinone 2 · 10 -10

From these data it is clear that the acidity of phenols is many orders of magnitude higher than that of alcohols. This is explained by the fact that the phenoxide anion resulting from the deprotonation of phenol is largely stabilized due to the delocalization of the negative charge with the participation of the benzene ring

The stability of the phenoxide anion, and therefore the acidity of phenol, is also affected by substituents in the aromatic ring. This effect depends on the nature of the substituent, their number and position in the benzene ring. In general, electron-donating substituents reduce the acidity of phenols, and electron-withdrawing substituents increase it.

Being acids, phenols with bases give salts called phenolates

When ferric chloride is added to phenols in dilute aqueous or alcoholic solutions, a violet (phenol) or blue color (cresols) appears. The appearance of color in these cases is associated with the formation of ferric iron phenolates, which absorb light in the visible region. Formation of ethers. Phenol ethers cannot be obtained simply by reacting phenols with alcohols. This is only possible when using strong alkylating agents (dimethyl sulfate) or using the Williamson reaction. In both cases, the reaction is carried out in an alkaline environment in which phenol exists as a phenolate anion. This nucleophile, which is much stronger than the phenol itself, attacks the halide or sulfate to form an ether (reaction S N 2)

It is easy to see that in the Williamson reaction, to obtain the same ether, another pair of reagents can be used - an aryl halide and an alcohol alkoxide. However, an aromatically bound halogen is unable to participate in this reaction. This is only possible if the aromatic ring, in addition to the halogen, contains activating groups - electron-withdrawing groups. In this case, the reaction proceeds as a normal bimolecular substitution reaction

The Williamson reaction is used not only as a laboratory method, but also for the preparation of some ethers on an industrial scale. A well-known example is the synthesis of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) by the reaction of sodium 2,4-dichlorophenolate with the sodium salt of monochloroacetic acid

As a result of the Williamson reaction, the oxygen atom of phenol receives an alkyl substituent, so they say what happens ABOUT-alkylation. In this case, practically nothing happens WITH-alkylation, i.e. entry of the deputy into the ring. This is explained by the fact that of the two competing reactions ABOUT- And WITH-alkylation of the first goes faster. Moreover, in many cases the product ABOUT-alkylation is thermodynamically more stable. However, this is not always the case. At 200 0 C allylphenyl ether isomerizes into O-allylphenol

This reaction is characteristic only of allyl ethers and is called Claisen rearrangements(1912). It is assumed that the reaction proceeds through a cyclic transition state

In the Claisen reaction, the allyl group migrates to O-position with simultaneous allylic rearrangement of this group. If both O-positions are occupied, then the migrating allylic group can occupy P-position. Experiments with labeled carbon showed

that in this case the movement of the allyl group into the ring does not occur as in the previous case. It looks like when P-migration, the allylic group is split off from the ether and, in the form of an allylic cation, attacks the free position of the benzene ring. This is reminiscent of the Fries rearrangement involving phenolic esters.

Peculiar ethers of phenols are the so-called ethoxylated alkylphenols, which have proven to be good nonionic detergents. They are obtained by the reaction of alkylphenols with ethylene oxide in an alkaline medium at 180 0 C

Phenolic ethers also include epoxy resins obtained from bis-phenol and epichlorohydrin.

Let's denote the middle fragment bis-phenol via R

Then the reaction bis-phenol with two molecules of epichlorohydrin can be written as follows

The resulting diepoxide undergoes an opening reaction of the epoxy ring

When these reactions (Williamson and epoxy ring opening) are repeated many times, an epoxy resin is obtained

Resin can be cured—turned into a polymer with a three-dimensional structure—in several ways. Most often, trifunctional amines are used, in particular diethylenetriamine.

During curing, each amino group acts as a nucleophile on the epoxy group

Once the opening of the epoxy rings is complete, a cross-linked polymer is obtained. Formation of esters. As hydroxyl-containing compounds, phenols would be expected to participate in a Fischer reaction (esterification) with acids to form esters. However, this does not happen. For phenols, carboxylic acids are too weak acylating agents. Therefore, to obtain phenol esters it is necessary to use anhydrides and acid halides of carboxylic acids in an alkaline medium (Schotten-Bauman method)

Phenol esters have an interesting property - when heated with aluminum chloride, they undergo rearrangement with migration of the acyl part of the ester into the free O- And P-position of the benzene ring ( Fries regrouping, 1908)

It is assumed that the Fries rearrangement occurs as an intramolecular acylation reaction: first, the acylium cation RCO is generated + , which further attacks the benzene ring.

Some phenolic esters have found use as polyester-type polymers.

Back in 1953, an ester was obtained in Germany bis-phenol and carbonic acid - poly-, which has unique properties. The polymer (Lexan, Merlon, polycarbonate) turned out to be transparent like glass and durable like steel. Polycarbonate is usually obtained by the reaction bis-phenol with phosgene Removal of hydroxyl group. In phenols, the hydroxyl group is linked to the benzene ring quite tightly. One can even draw an analogy with an aromatically bound halogen. However, conditions for the elimination of hydroxyl phenols have been found. This occurs when phenols are heated with zinc powder.

Hydroxyl group in alcohols

Hydroxyl group OH functional group of organic and inorganic compounds in which the hydrogen and oxygen atoms are linked by a covalent bond. In organic chemistry it is also called the “alcohol group”.

The oxygen atom causes the polarization of the alcohol molecule. The relative mobility of the hydrogen atom leads to the fact that lower alcohols enter into substitution reactions with alkali metals. In inorganic chemistry they are part of bases, including alkalis.

Hydroxyl radical

Hydroxyl radical highly reactive and short-lived OH radical formed by the combination of oxygen and hydrogen atoms. It is usually formed during the decomposition of hydroperoxides, in atmospheric chemistry, by the interaction of excited oxygen molecules with water, or under the action of ionizing radiation.

Role in biology

The hydroxyl radical is a reactive oxygen species and is the most active component of oxidative stress. It is formed in the cell mainly by the reduction of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a transition metal. The half-life t 1/2 of the hydroxyl radical in vivo is very short, about 10 s, which, together with its high reactivity, makes it one of the most dangerous agents produced in the body. Unlike superoxide, which can be detoxified by superoxide dismutase, there is no enzyme that eliminates the hydroxyl radical because the lifetime is too short for it to diffuse into the active site of the enzyme. The cell's only defense against this radical is a high level of low molecular weight antioxidants such as glutathione. The resulting hydroxyl radical instantly reacts with any oxidizable molecule in its immediate environment. Of the most biologically important components of the cell, the hydroxyl radical is capable of oxidizing carbohydrates, nucleic acids, lipids and amino acids.

Linked by a covalent bond. In organic chemistry it is also called " alcohol group».

The oxygen atom causes the polarization of the alcohol molecule. The relative mobility of the hydrogen atom causes lower alcohols to undergo substitution reactions with alkali metals. In inorganic chemistry they are part of bases, including alkalis.

Hydroxyl radical

Hydroxyl radical is a highly reactive and short-lived OH radical formed by the combination of oxygen and hydrogen atoms. It is usually formed during the decomposition of hydroperoxides, in atmospheric chemistry, by the interaction of excited oxygen molecules with water or under the action of ionizing radiation.

Role in biology

The hydroxyl radical is a reactive oxygen species and is the most active component of oxidative stress. It is formed in the cell primarily by the reduction of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a transition metal (such as iron). Half-life t 1/2 of hydroxyl radical in vivo- very short - about 10 −9 s, which, together with its high reactivity, leads to the fact that it is one of the most dangerous agents formed in the body. Unlike superoxide, which can be detoxified by superoxide dismutase, there is no enzyme that eliminates the hydroxyl radical because the lifetime is too short for it to diffuse into the active site of the enzyme. The cell's only defense against this radical is high levels of low molecular weight antioxidants such as glutathione. The resulting hydroxyl radical instantly reacts with any oxidizable molecule in its immediate environment. Of the most biologically important components of the cell, the hydroxyl radical is capable of oxidizing carbohydrates, nucleic acids (which can lead to mutation or damage to genes), lipids (causing lipid peroxidation), and amino acids.

see also


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An excerpt characterizing the hydroxyl group

Having reached the top, the people stopped. In the light of the moon, the ruins of Montsegur looked ominous and unusual. It was as if every stone, soaked in the blood and pain of the dead Qatar, called for revenge on those who had come again... And although there was dead silence around, it seemed to people that they could still hear the dying cries of their relatives and friends, burning in the flames of the terrifying “cleansing” papal bonfire . Montsegur towered over them, menacing and... unnecessary to anyone, like a wounded animal left to die alone...
The walls of the castle still remembered Svetodar and Magdalena, the children's laughter of Beloyar and golden-haired Vesta... The castle remembered the wonderful years of Qatar, filled with joy and love. I remembered the kind and bright people who came here under his protection. Now this was no longer the case. The walls stood bare and alien, as if Kathar and the big, kind soul of Montsegur had flown away along with the souls of those burned...

The Cathars looked at the familiar stars - from here they seemed so big and close!.. And they knew that very soon these stars would become their new Home. And the stars looked down on their lost children and smiled tenderly, preparing to receive their lonely souls.
The next morning, all the Cathars gathered in a huge, low cave, which was located directly above their beloved - “cathedral”... There, once upon a time, Golden Maria taught KNOWLEDGE... New Perfects gathered there... There the Light and Good World Qatar.
And now, when they returned here only as “shards” of this wonderful world, they wanted to be closer to the past, which was no longer possible to return... The Perfect Ones quietly gave Purification (consolementum) to each of those present, affectionately laying their magic hands on their tired ones , drooping heads. Until all those “leaving” were finally ready.
In complete silence, people took turns lying down directly on the stone floor, crossing their thin arms over their chests, and completely calmly closing their eyes, as if they were just getting ready for bed... Mothers hugged their children to themselves, not wanting to part with them. A moment later, the entire huge hall turned into a quiet tomb of five hundred good people who had fallen asleep forever... Qatar. Faithful and Bright followers of Radomir and Magdalena.
Their souls flew away together to where their proud, brave “brothers” were waiting. Where the world was gentle and kind. Where you no longer had to be afraid that, by someone’s evil, bloodthirsty will, your throat would be cut or simply thrown into the “cleansing” papal fire.
A sharp pain squeezed my heart... Tears flowed in hot streams down my cheeks, but I didn’t even notice them. Bright, beautiful and pure people passed away... of their own free will. They left so as not to surrender to the killers. To leave the way they wanted. So as not to drag out a miserable, wandering life in his own proud and native land - Occitania.
