ArtOfWar. Osipenko Vladimir Vasilievich. Rebel regiment. Afghanistan. Return thirty years later 357th Guards Parachute Regiment

December 25, 1979 has arrived, a sad historical date - from
the right point in the history of the Afghan war. On this day, according to di-
directive of the Minister of Defense, Soviet units and formations of the 40th Army
began to cross the state border of the USSR and the DRA. Motorstrel-
The military divisions entered Afghanistan in two streams. Via Termez
(city in the south of Uzbekistan, port on the Amu Darya) 108th MSD moved to
Pakistani border (Puli-Khumri and Kunduz), and the 5th MRD through Kushka
(Turkmenistan, the southernmost point of the USSR) in the direction of Herat, Shin-
dand. those. to the Iranian border.
Recalls the first commander of the 40th Army, Colonel General
Yu.V. Tukharinov: “The general plan was to ensure that in two
Routes: Termez – Hairatan – Puli – Khumri – Kabul – Ghazni and Kushka
– Herat – Shindand – Kandahar enter the territory of the DRA and thus
to encircle the most vital centers of the republic with a ring.
The units were supposed to be placed in them as garrisons and thereby
create conditions for ensuring the life of Afghanistan.
However, just before the commissioning began, the plan underwent some changes.
changes. I received orders to send the crossing first
division not to Kabul, but to Kunduz. The entry of the second division - from Kushkin-
sky direction – was carried out a little later.” Grouping
Airborne Forces (103rd Airborne Division in full force, as well as the third battalion and others
units of the 345th regiment) by landing method were to de-
land at the airfields of Kabul and Bagram.
Let us recall that on the eve of the general entry of Soviet troops on December 25
in Bagram on “Soviet” territory there were already the first (former Osh) and second
swarm battalions of the 345th Airborne Regiment. Here, from December 14th, he also stayed.
unit management headed by the commander of the guard regiment, lieutenant colonel
com N.I. Serdyukov. This contingent of paratroopers was to
ensure reception of the main forces of the Airborne Forces group - parts of the 103rd Airborne Division and
units of the 345th GPDP, which until December 25 remained in
Union. On the night of December 24-25, 1979 in Bagram, landing
the artillery division, as well as platoons and units, parachuted
support of the 345th regiment. From December 25, the 345th regiment (without the third ba-
talion, who landed at the Kabul airfield) begins
ensuring reception of personnel and military equipment of regiments and support
divisions of the 103rd Vitebsk Guards Airborne Division
Landing in Bagram of paratroopers of the 357th regiment and individual sub-
divisions of the Vitebsk Airborne Division was an impressive
presenting the picture in its scale and organization. Here's how to-
officer of the 357th regiment Vladimir Shulga remembered this moment: “In Bag-
Rama landed at night. Quickly, accurately, without delay. Five
IL-76 came in to land at intervals of three minutes, between aircraft;
there, immediately unloaded the equipment and immediately left for take-off. In five
It took ten minutes for the next group to land. Sun; was calculated
thought out, debugged. Landing, takeoff, landing again. The hum of turbines, pro-
the heavy sound of the engines, the clang of iron. The equipment began to warm up further; V
airplane;tah. In winter, the mercury dropped at night in Afghanistan
to minus forty. Despite the fact that IL-76 was heated in order to avoid
avoid unforeseen hesitations, the engines warmed up ahead of time.”
Not only soldiers, but also officers of the 103rd Vitebsk Division,
when they arrived in Bagram, they did not know that this large airbase already housed
their colleagues, paratroopers from the 345th Fergana Regiment, are fighting. Drive;m
excerpt from their memoirs of Guard Colonel Yuri Ivanovich Dvu-
Groshev, who at the end of December 1979 commanded the group
103rd Airborne Division, which landed in Bagram (before the entry of troops into the DRA Yu.I.
Dvugroshev was deputy commander of the Vitebsk division
Airborne Air Defense. Enjoyed the location of
V.F. Margelova. At the beginning of the Afghan war, he was the first military
commandant of Kabul, was in the DRA for 27 months): “When the unloading
the last plane was coming to an end, it appeared on the flat field
vehicles moving towards us with their headlights on. Knowing that
nearby is a tank unit of the Afghan army, several people
received the command to prepare a grenade; you. They were stopped by a group of
grip To everyone's surprise, this unit included a paratrooper from
battalion - Major O.G. The 345th Parachute Regiment is empty,
who brought drinking water in a GAZ-66 car. Landing ba-
talion of the 345th Parachute Regiment was sent to Afghanistan
camp at the request of the Afghan government under the guise of technical
aviation services to the Bagram airfield, where the Soviets were located
ski planes and helicopters. Of course, we were not told about this because
known (emphasis added by us - D.S.). The unloading of the group was completed
quickly, without incident or fire exposure. Got a question:
where and how to stay? In the car we stopped, I added
ran to battalion command. Upon returning to the battalion, I agreed
took command of the entire group. In not; included the 357th RPD,
engineer battalion, anti-aircraft battalion, repair battalion, medical
Qing battalion, reconnaissance company, auto company. The situation remained
quite clear. I made a decision - to take up a perimeter defense
on the outskirts of the airfield..."
By morning, the Vitebsk paratroopers completed the task.
The positions were prepared, despite the fact that the guards came
I tried to poke around in the rocky ground in the dark. With dawn before
soldiers of the 103rd Airborne Division group opened up a wondrous panorama of the mountains
no country. Near the group’s position there was a highway along which
A swarm of vehicles of various sizes passed by. Many cars remain
poured in, and soon here, near the paratroopers’ positions, a
a large crowd of ordinary Afghans. According to our
Videts, Afghan citizens were friendly towards the “shuravi”,
and many even greeted our soldiers with raised hands.
However, one circumstance darkened the mood of the paratroopers.
Not far from our positions on a hill there was an anti-aircraft battery
calculations of the Afghan army. The barrels of Afghan anti-aircraft guns are menacing
looked at the Soviet landing force. It was noticeable that the Afghan soldiers
the dates were unfriendly, their calculations were in full combat
readiness, their anti-aircraft guns could launch a crushing attack at any moment
fire on our positions. However, this did not happen. Shooting at
Bagram airbase will begin in a day, and then, alas, the first ones will appear
So, at the end of the day on December 25, 1979, there were two
Airborne forces groupings: 345th regiment under the command of guard lieutenant colonels
Nika N.I. Serdyukov, as well as the 357th regiment of the 103rd Airborne Division with separate
units of the same Vitebsk division, commanded by
Guard Lieutenant Colonel Yu.A. Dvugroshev. Chief paratrooper, general
N.N. Guskov, commander of the Airborne Forces Operational Group in Afghanistan,
was already in Kabul, where in just over a day he had little pre-
was to lead the operation to capture the main rights by paratroopers
government military and other facilities.
Thus, in Bagram at that same moment there was no unity of command.
nickname, to which these two airborne groups were subordinate.
Meanwhile, as history will show, within a day (December 27,
V.F.'s birthday Margelov according to the old style) Fergana and Vi-
Tebsky paratroopers will have to jointly take military and
technical facilities at this powerful Afghan air base.
Apparently, on December 26, the deputy commander of the Airborne Forces for combat
preparation, Lieutenant General V. Kostyl; gave the order to enter
The 345th regiment was part of the 103rd Airborne Division group, led by Yu.I.
Dvugroshev. Now that the landing units in Bagram were to
represent one grouping with one e; temporary commander
Naturally, the question arose about organizing interaction. Before
In all, it was necessary to work out the system of the negotiation table and
code signals. According to the memoirs of Yu.I. Dvugrosheva, re-
the speaking table consisted of six consecutive signals:
1. – “Storm-333” – began combat operations;
2. – “Zarevo-555” – went to the object;
3. – “Hurricane” – completed the task;
4. – “Calm-888” – I complete the task;
5. – “Storm-777” – I am fighting.
6. – “Silence-999” - no resistance
So, just a day later, the soldiers of the united airborne forces group
had to capture a complex of objects and buildings that were located
were under the control of the Afghan military administration. In case of resistance
manifestations of the Afghan side (primarily anti-aircraft gunners), the Soviet de-
Santa was inevitably doomed to irrevocable losses. Therefore, co-
command of the Airborne Forces group and decided to try peaceful tactics
exhortations. However, the difficulty was that the removal of the president
Afghanistan H. Amin from power yet; did not happen (this event is random)
reads every other day, December 27), and among the Afghan military in Bagram
There were his faithful followers, especially among the officers. Re-
negotiation process with the Afghan side, it was decided to entrust the council
to military advisers who, being in Afghanistan under the agreement,
Ghanaian units in Bagram were known to the personnel,
primarily to Afghan officers. Military advisers worked hard,
in general, effective. They convinced the Afghans not to cooperate
resistance to Soviet troops in the event of a change of power (Amin) and
progress towards leadership of the country by progressive forces. The exhortations continued
huddled all day, and at 16-00 hours on December 27, the command of the group
feasts in the ZKP reported that almost all Afghan military units
They gave assurances not to oppose the Shuravi. Exceptions
It was the calculations of the anti-aircraft battery, the barrels of which were
were still turned towards the Soviet troops.
Meanwhile, the transfer of units of the Airborne Forces, the Vitebsk division by air
xy had already ended by this point. As you know, the last liner
with Soviet troops on board landed on Afghan soil at 14
hours 30 minutes December 27. Now the entire general group of airborne forces (103rd
Airborne Division and 345th Civil Defense Division) were assembled and awaiting the order to act.
The time “H” was about to come, the unexpected fate of war was due
wife was accomplished.
The head of the guard group, Lieutenant Colonel Yu.I. Dvugroshev
calls the command staff of all units and subunits of the Airborne Forces to the ZKP
in Bagram, who to one degree or another were to participate in
storming military facilities at the Bagram air base. According to the order,
The capture groups had to covertly approach at nightfall.
tee to the designated objects and wait for the signal "Storm-333", after
obtaining which to seize the facility and disarm the Afghan military
The paratroopers of the 345th regiment were obviously given the most
a responsible and dangerous task. They had to seize positions
anti-aircraft division, which was targeting the airfield. How
already noted, the barrels of anti-aircraft guns were deployed on the
paratrooper positions. The Fergana paratroopers also had to capture
There are military barracks and a number of other facilities. According to the recollection
to the memories of the living veterans of the 345th regiment, who took part in
in those events, among these objects were the headquarters of the Afghan garrison
military units in Bagram, a bomb depot, four-barreled machine guns
machine tools (KPVT).
The Afghan anti-aircraft division could be a tough nut to crack.
During the assault on this facility, paratroopers armed with small arms
with automatic weapons, they could, of course, suffer heavy losses.
Therefore, it was decided to strengthen the capture groups from the 345th regiment with two
anti-aircraft batteries. This anti-aircraft division (guard commander
Lieutenant Colonel V.P. Savitsky) was ordered to open fire on the roof
buildings, in case the Afghan side prefers to resist
And now the hour “H” has come. This happened at 19-30. At this very time in
Operation Baikal-79 began in Kabul, in which the 103rd participated
airborne division, as well as two units of the 345th regiment, namely the 9th

Company and reconnaissance company. Paratroopers together with special forces
The KGB had to seize the most important military, state facilities
projects, to remove Kh. Amin from power, to paralyze the forces loyal to the evil
deyu. Amin's place was to be taken by Babrak Karmal, who was
creature of the Soviet leadership. At this moment the future president
Afghanistan was in Bagram under the protection of our paratroopers and
special forces. Being in fear, Karmal (“Kolka Bobrov”, as he called him)
called our soldiers in Bagram) obediently awaited his fate.
In Bagram, the operation to seize objects began at the same time
cop, as in Kabul.
So, how did the events take place at this huge airbase?
extending from Kabul 60 km north? The reader will obviously agree,
that it would be better to give the floor to direct witnesses and
participants in the events of December 27, 1979 in Bagram, who in history
In technical literature they are conventionally referred to as Operation Storm-333. IN
We have at our disposal the most valuable historical source - memories
of the Guard Lieutenant Colonel Yu.I. Dvugroshev, who, as already noted,
began, at that moment he commanded a united group of airborne forces in
Bagram. So I put down my pen for a while and give the floor
Yuri Ivanovich: “At 19 hours 30 minutes. ZAS's phone rang.
I was urgently invited to the machine. Called from the Task Force
Airborne Forces E; headed by Deputy Commander Lieutenant General
N.N. Guskov, who led the transfer of the 103rd Airborne Division and the 345th Civil Defense
PDP, and also directly controlled all available forces in
Afghanistan during the overthrow of Amin's regime. Was
task force in Kabul. The expected
the signal "Storm-333", which was immediately reported to the troops.
While waiting for a report from the units on the receipt of the signal and its implementation,
neniya froze... Communication with all units and groups ceased to exist.
howl at the same time. The main thing in a combat situation is the loss of communication
zi. A “frost” passed through my body from the thought that control had been lost.
tion. Why, wherefore and why, I didn’t know. Gave the command urgently
check all types of communication. Time passed slowly. In a few
minutes of general silence, the connection started working smoothly. Why was there a connection?
interrupted, remains a mystery to me to this day.
The airfield immediately came to life. The shooting merged into a single chatter and
hum It became almost light from the tracer bursts. It was unclear
Why did such an organized shooting occur? After all, the assurances
These advisors were convincing. The first to open fire was a single
with heavy shots, the T-54 tank, located closest to the ZKP. Re-
Before me there was a strong-built Major Egorov, deputy
commander of an anti-aircraft division for weapons, with a grenade; then and there
asked permission to suppress it. Fortunately, the tank fell silent on its own and
never fired another shot. The first report arrived
from the group that captured the MIG-21 aircraft parking lot and the barracks where it was stationed
Xia technical and technical composition. Lightning Throw Capture Group
took over the parking lot. The pilots, having received the order to take off, hurried to the
they say there, but it was already too late. Having met the paratroopers, they
They retreated to the barracks, took up defensive positions, ready to fight back. Coman-
director of the anti-aircraft battery, senior lieutenant V.A. Getalov before the assault
barracks gave several bursts of anti-aircraft guns (ZU-23)
projectiles on the roof of the building. Instantly white appeared
flag. The battery burst into the barracks without firing, disarmed 84
man of technical and technical composition. The battery commander decided
The plan is to place them all in the boiler room under heavy security. Operation
passed without casualties on both sides.
During the capture of the barracks where the Afghan personnel were housed
anti-aircraft artillery battalion, a complication arose. When
the capture group burst into the barracks, the division commander's nerves
could not stand it, and their promises not to resist were not
held back. As soon as the first paratrooper passed him, he snatched his letter
tolet and shot him in the back. It’s good that everything; it only cost
A hot battle flared up in the aircraft hangars and for the command
(control) point. They did not want a peaceful outcome and continued to co-
resistance calculations DShK. Large caliber anti-aircraft battery, which
Raya kept the paratroopers and the ZKP at gunpoint, although she was ready,
I didn’t even have time to load the guns.
After forty minutes the battle began to calm down. I started receiving reports
reports that all objects are blocked, the control tower and the air
the core is ready to receive aircraft. To the medical battalion, which
was deployed to receive and assist the wounded, they arrived
three persons. There were no people killed on our side in Bagram (emphasis-
but by us - D.S.). Large-caliber bullets and single automatic rifles
they continued to fire.
At the ZKP, the ZAS phone rang sharply (classified automatic
sky connection). I was urgently invited to the machine. As soon as I took the pipes -
ku, I heard a female voice that warned me about what was happening to me
The Minister of Defense will speak. Naturally, I was surprised. By-
a calm voice was heard. The first thing I heard was the question: “How
situation?" I reported that the task was completed, no one was killed. In reply
“Thank you” sounded, and the device fell silent.
The telephone rang sharply again. This time the deputy called
Commander of the Airborne Forces for combat training, Lieutenant General V. Kos-
rear, who conveyed the order: “There is only one 345th RPD left in Bagram.
The 357th RPD, all special units and ZKP will leave for the city in thirty minutes
clan Kabul. Upon arrival at the site, receive tasks. I tried to explain
tell him that I can’t leave in thirty minutes, because I’m going;
arrow. I asked permission to enter in an hour. In response I heard a sharp
curses and threats that I would go to trial. I had to make this request
contact the head of the operation, Lieutenant General N.N. Guskov.
After listening to me carefully, he allowed the entire group to leave
in one hour. I called all the unit commanders to the command post and
started setting tasks. As soon as he turned on the flashlight and illuminated
drew the card and opened fire. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Everyone had to
urgently move and take cover behind combat vehicles. Upon departure
from Bagram the column was fired several times by single machine guns
ki, but all; there were no casualties. Having completed the march, all troops arrived at
Kabul city to the airfield. We were met by representatives of the operational
Let us recall that the main forces were concentrated in Bagram
345th Regiment, namely: the first (former “Osh” Regiment of the 111th Regiment) and
second battalions, artillery division and regiment command led by
Guard Colonel N.I. Serdyukov. The third battalion under the command
by the guard of Captain A.M. Aliyev on the night of December 25, 1979.
was disembarked at Kabul airfield.
Capital Kabul appeared
The landing force is ready.
BMD roared, and everyone took
For the machine gun. The order to the soldiers has been read.
The main forces of the 103rd Vitebsk Division began to arrive here.
zi Airborne Forces (350th RPD and 317th RPD), which on the evening of December 27 was
already in Kabul and participated in Operation Baikal-79, providing
planning to seize 17 important government facilities, including
and the Taj Beg presidential palace, where Hafizullah was located
Amine. To the third battalion of the 345th regiment, as well as to the first and second PDB
in Bagram, it was necessary to capture objects at the Kabul airfield
immediately after receiving the Storm-333 signal. This historical sig-
the cash was received at the airfield at 20:30 already at that time;
me days. Captain Aliyev's paratroopers are tasked with capturing the indicated
facilities at Kabul airfield were completed quite quickly. AT 21
For an hour the airfield was at the mercy of the winged guards.
The reconnaissance unit of the 345th regiment was destined to participate on December 27 in
Operation Baikal-79. The plan for this operation was the result of a collective
active work of the Ministry of Defense and the KGB of the USSR. Among its development
Botchikov was also a representative of the Airborne Forces, Guard Colonel A.V. Kukushkin,
Chief of Airborne Intelligence. (After graduating from military school in
1943 fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. There were two-
waiting wounded. Participated in the Berlin operation. From 1948 to 1951
studied at the Military Academy. Frunze, then served at Dalny
East in the 37th Guards Airborne Corps. In 1968
participated in the operation to bring troops into Czechoslovakia. Under V.F.
Margelov was the head of airborne intelligence. In December 1979 - Jan
brew 1980 - Chief of Staff of the Airborne Forces Operational Group in Afghanistan
nistane. Participated in planning and organizing the entry of units
Airborne Forces in the DRA. Served in the Armed Forces for 43 years, 34 of them in the Airborne Forces).
According to the plan of Operation Baikal-79, the forces of the united council
sky group (about 10 thousand people), consisting of the Airborne Forces (103rd Airborne Division,
units of the 345th Civil Defense Division), special groups of the KGB (Grom), KUOS (Ze-
nit"), companies of border guards and special forces of the GRU General Staff ("Muslim" ba-
talion), it was necessary to capture 17 most important state objects
military and military significance. Among these objects were radio and television
center. The capture of these buildings was entrusted to the scouts of the 345th regiment.
It is no coincidence that this task was entrusted to the reconnaissance company, which
commanded by senior lieutenant A.V. Popov. This elite unit
division of the Fergana regiment needed to capture at any cost
radio and television center; after all, Babrak Karmal, who by the end of the day is 27
December destined to become the new president of the DRA, he had to speak
drink with an appeal to the citizens of Afghanistan.
More; On December 21, 1979, the reconnaissance company of Alexander Popov for four
p;x BMD is redeployed to Kabul. The company was reinforced by a squad
anti-aircraft gunners (ZU-23), and the capture group included several fighters from
special forces "Zenith" under the command of Major Anatoly
Before the start of the operation to capture these objects, there was no
how many days. During this time, reconnaissance had to be done. Not-
it was necessary to calculate the options for the capture group to reach the objective
there, study the defense system and the location of fire weapons and armor
non-technical people. The group leaders coped with this task, the plan was
The schedule of the radio and television center was compiled on the eve of hour “H”. The essence
The plan was as follows. The external territory of the objects
a tank company was wounded (eleven tanks and several BMP-1s). Fighters
reconnaissance companies were supposed to suddenly burst into the territory, cut off
fire crews from combat vehicles, thus preventing the Afghan
tankers to return fire. The bet was made on surprise,
because the paratroopers had only four "baemdashki". After liquidation
external protection belt by paratroopers, reconnaissance company officers -
Zenit troops burst into the building of the radio and television center and, suppressing
resistance from internal security, seize objects and take them
under defense. The difficulty was that during the assault on the internal
it was necessary not to damage their premises at all costs
radio-television equipment and electrical communications; almost
immediately after the overthrow of Amin and the capture of the most important objects in Kabul
on the radio with an appeal to the population of Afghanistan was supposed to be
drink the new leader of Afghanistan and the PDPA Babrak Karmal. Plan
received approval from the leadership of the Airborne Forces Operational Group in Kabul.
Colonel A.V. Kukushkin supplied the reconnaissance company of the 345th regiment with the corresponding
a challenging task.
The start of the general operation in Kabul "Baikal-79" was scheduled for
19 hours 30 minutes. 15-20 minutes before the hour “H”, reconnaissance
she began to secretly advance towards the objects, preparing for the assault. Exactly at
the specified time, the operation began. As planned, once
paratroopers from two directions (from the US Embassy
and communications center) broke into the external territory of the radio and television center
completely suddenly, they acted boldly and daringly, like Margelov.
The guards almost immediately knocked out three of the anti-tank grenades
tank and one infantry fighting vehicle. These destroyed Afghan armored vehicles
should burn until the early morning, shaking the atmosphere with explosions of
shells exploding in the ammunition rack. Sun; happened so unexpectedly
Afghans, that their will and fighting spirit were paralyzed, in resistance
These people were incapable of deception. Three infantry fighting vehicles ready to fire, seven
The tanks (besides the ones that were knocked out) did not open fire on the paratroopers. De-
lo it was done. Zenit officers quickly rushed into
building and stormed it. Some Afghan citizens
of the technical staff of the radio and television center, as is clear from some
sources, thanked Soviet soldiers for liberation from the “yoke
Amina." One fact should be noted. Objects stormed by reconnaissance
company and anti-aircraft troops, were not far from the American embassy
stva. During this clash, which began suddenly,
the air was so shaken by explosions and gunshots that the embassy workers
The US government suffered a panic attack when they saw the queues from the traffic
flying bullets; diplomatic workers began to hide under the hundred-
beds and beds, someone managed to hide in the basement out of fear -
NI. Soon the newly-minted DRA President Babrak Karmal was on the radio
made an appeal to the Afghan people.
During this almost fleeting battle (a little over half an hour),
The Soviet side did not suffer irreparable losses. From the reconnaissance company
Four fighters received criticism, one of them received a heavy blow (to the legs). In Group
There were no wounded Zenit soldiers. Among the Afghans, seven warriors were
killed. The entire security contingent of the facility (just over 100 people) was
The operation was thus successfully carried out. Coman-
Director of the reconnaissance company, senior lieutenant Alexander Popov and his deputies
Tel Loktev were awarded the Order of the Red Star. Combat on-
Several fighters of this unit were also awarded the hail. Through
the day after the end of the general operation "Baikal-79" the reconnaissance company was
returned to Bagram Air Base, where almost the entire 345th was stationed
regiment GO RDP.
As already noted, the general plan for Operation Baikal-79 was
provision is made for taking by storm the 17 most significant state
military and military facilities in Kabul. The main idea of ​​this opera is
tion boiled down to physically removing Amin from the helm
power and not give the opportunity to those loyal to this damned president
strength to maintain the regime. Therefore, according to the plan of Operation Baikal-
79", a separate and most important operation was envisaged for
the seizure of the Taj Beg presidential palace and the physical liquidation of the Ami-
on the. This operation, codenamed "Agate", was to
be carried out by the forces of the KGB and the GRU Moscow Region, namely: two groups
officer special forces - “Grom” and “Zenith”, as well as the so-called. "Muslims
"skiy" battalion ("musbat"). All of these units were
subordinate to Guard Colonel G.I. Boyarinov (the only official
Tser, who already had combat experience in conducting special operations). Advice-
The Chinese military leadership in Kabul decided to strengthen the “musbat”
an elite airborne unit from the 345th regiment. The choice fell on
9th company of senior lieutenant Valery Vostrotin. Let us remind you that this
the company was the first of the Fer-
Ghanaian Regiment (1 December 1979). On the morning of December 26, by order
regiment commander N.I. Serdyukov 9th company V.A. Vostrotin, as well as a vocational school platoon
under the command of the guard captain Azhislamov and lieutenant A.
Sevostyanov were sent to Kabul, to the Dar-Ul-Aman building. Ro-
They were ordered to strengthen the “Muslim” battalion. About the upcoming
The paratroopers did not know the general assault. In the premises of this facility there is temporary
This is where the “Muslim” battalion (520 people) was located, which
officially had to protect Amin's person. For paratroopers
The location was allocated to two rooms on the second floor of this building.
Here the guardsmen were dressed in the uniform of Afghan army soldiers, as
and a Musbat soldier. Some paratroopers with great height have
It turned out to be problematic to change into a foreign form. V.A. Vostrotin
recalls: “The company personnel were located in one room.
The officers are in the other. We were given Afghan uniforms and ordered to
dress up as a soldier. The uniform was mostly small, and I had the most
the little soldier was 1 meter 78 cm tall. But nothing - they changed clothes.
KGB officers also changed their clothes with us.”
So, the assault group under the leadership of Colonel
G.I. Boyarinov had to complete an almost impossible task -
with small forces to capture Amin's presidential palace, which
In those conditions, it was an impregnable target for the “shuravi”. This
the palace was still built; in the 30s XX century German architects,
was located on a 20-meter hill on the outskirts of Kabul and was surrounded by
powerful walls. The palace had a strong defense system, approaches
were mined towards it, from the side of Kabul there was a single
Vienna serpentine road. According to the plan for Operation Agat, the
a new role in the capture of Taj Beg was assigned to the Thunder special groups (24
people, led by Major M. Romanov) and Zenit (30 people, led by
tel Major Ya. Sem;nov), who, having burst inside the palace building,
Amin should have been eliminated. "Muslim" battalion (154
OO SpN) blocks the 1st and 3rd tank battalions of the Afghans, guarding
building the presidential palace, giving the main attacker the opportunity
group to break through to Taj Bek and capture the object.
December 27, 1979 arrived - the moment the general operation began
"Baikal-79". On this historic day, assault units
groupings the tasks were set several times. It is known that the commanders
units were assembled three times to set tasks: the first
broadcast - at 14.00, the second - at 15.00 and the third - at 18.15. On the last
At the (third) meeting, the start time for the operation was set for
The commander of the 9th company of the 345th Civil Defense received the PDP from Major General
Yu.I. Drozdov's combat mission to block and neutralize the 2nd
Afghan motorized rifle battalion. Vostrotintsy should have
go to the line indicated by him (battalion parade ground) and fire from all vi-
weapons (including from guns and bullets from their BMD) to suppress the resistance
resistance of the 2nd battalion, blocking it.
At the beginning of eight o'clock in the evening, the 9th company on "baemdash" arrived
lined up in a common column, taking place behind the Musbat armored personnel carriers. IN
At half past eight the column set off towards the designated lines. When
a line of infantry fighting vehicles approached the Taj Beg Palace, the paratroopers opened
fire on the windows of the second and third floors of the facility. This action was
provided for by the task. However, the fighters fired at the palace
The 9th company could only be fought with automatic weapons, since in front
There was a rampart running through the palace, which did not allow firing at the Taj.
Beku from smooth-bore guns with BMD. In just a few minutes 9-
I company went to the location of the 2nd Afghan battalion. Paratroopers
started to complete the assigned task.
This is how Valery Alexandrovich himself describes this military action
Vostrotin: “Having advanced to the parade ground of the 2nd battalion, we turned around
into the chain and opened fire from all barrels at the barracks. They opened for us
fire from the rear. We left the battalion headquarters in the rear. They led from it
fire on us. We have losses. Private Kalmagambetov died.
Private Baryshnikov was wounded. I ordered my deputy to
suppress fire from battalion headquarters. 1st Platoon turned to the side
headquarters and opened fire on him. After a while the fire came from there
died down, and the Afghans there, led by the battalion commander
surrendered to us as prisoners. The battalion commander suggested going to the ba-
talion and agree on a ceasefire and the surrender of the battalion. I'm with-
read. Reported to Kholbaev. He swore at me. Promised to give
I was court-martialed. I ordered my deputy to return the command
ra battalion. He managed to catch up with him and bring him back. By morning the resistance
the rejoicing subsided. We captured those who did not run away and drove them to
pit next to the battalion headquarters. One platoon moved to the front
rog from Darm-ul-Aman.
After some time, paratroopers came out to meet them - 3 BMD
and a platoon from an artillery division (3 D-30 guns) from the 350th regiment of the 103rd division.
I went to meet them and introduced myself. They were commanded by the elder
Lieutenant Soldatenko, with whom we studied together in Ryazan
school. He began to check if I was really who I thought I was
I give out: I started asking questions about who was the company commander at the school and
etc. When he recognized me, he moved closer. We talked a little
Riley. Neither he nor I disclosed our tasks. After talking to me, he
turned his group around and they drove back. Over time
Kholbaev got in touch and warned that tanks were coming towards us.”
It should probably be admitted that daring and effective actions
the actions of the paratroopers of the 9th company at the line of the 2nd Afghan battalion
or else; are also due to the powerful fire support of the famous “Shi-
lok", ZSU-23 (23-mm quadruple anti-aircraft installation on a common self-
running base). During the assault, several "Shiloks" fought furiously
shooting at the Taj Bek, as well as at the infantry fighting vehicles of the 3rd Afghan motorized rifle
companies. Possessing a very high rate of fire (2 thousand rounds),
catch per minute from one barrel), “Shilkas” turned out to be a formidable weapon,
bringing terror and awe to Afghan fighters. Two other such
self-propelled guns, with their hurricane fire, faithfully supported
lived the 9th company, neutralizing the 2nd Afghan battalion.
With the suppression of resistance, the 2nd Afghan battalion took part
The 9th company of Vostrotin’s special operation “Agat” did not end. Almost
immediately the paratroopers had to participate in more; one military action.
Commander - "Musbat" Major Kh.T. Kholbaev handed over to Vostrotin
radios that columns of Afghan tanks are heading towards Taj Beg. How later did you-
it was clear that this tank battalion was the only unit
Kabul garrison, who decided to come to the aid of Amin. Vale-
Riy Aleksandrovich Vostrotin recalls: “We put forward
The ATGMs began to wait. After some time, 3 columns appeared
tanks. By the number of tanks we determined what was coming towards us
tank battalion. As they approached, we shot several
ko tanks from ATGMs, one T-55 tank and one BRDM tried to escape
side of the General Staff Palace, but we caught up with them and stopped them. There we find
The battalion commander was also concerned. Meanwhile, the crews of the remaining tanks
Kov also surrendered. We put them all in the cauldron with the rest of the prisoners.
van. When the situation calmed down a little, I went to Taj Beg and
reported on the completion of the task. Drozdov thanked me and said,
that will represent me for Hero of the Soviet Union. After the doc-
okay, I returned to the company. After some time, cargo trucks arrived
tires into which we loaded the prisoners. Our dead and wounded
we loaded into our cars that were to accompany
prisoners in position. I went with them."
Special operation "Agat" to remove Hafizullah Amin from power
was successfully completed in less than one hour. During the assault
Taj Beg Palace by officers of "Thunder", "Zenith" and "Muslim"
battalion President Amin was killed; two were also killed in the shootout
his minor son. The president's young daughter, str-
fired a pistol during the assault and was wounded in the legs; e; and others
Many of Amin's relatives were imprisoned in the Pulichar political prison.
hee). By nine o'clock in the evening the general operation "Baikal-79" was in
generally completed. As planned, the most important state
objects in Kabul and Bagram were in the hands of Soviet troops and special
naza. At 20:45, the newly-minted DRA President Babrak Kar-
Mal made an appeal to the people of Afghanistan (or rather, according to the
diocommunications reproduced Karmal's address recorded
in advance to the tape recorder).
For the success of Operation Baikal-79, carried out on December 27
1979 in Kabul and Bagram, paratroopers of the 345th Civil Defense Division and the 103rd Airborne Division
paid with irrevocable losses. The first blood was shed,
The first casualties appeared. According to the list of soldiers of the 345th Airborne Regiment,
died on Afghan soil from 1979 to 1989, on the day when
The signal "Storm-333" sounded, 8 guardsmen said goodbye to their lives -
paratroopers; in the specified list of 412 names, these are the first to die
Our warriors are listed under numbers: 71, 89, 137, 143, 266, 280, 305, 396.
Here are their names:
1. guard corporal, Art. ATGM operator Golovnya Oleg Pavlo-
HIV – December 27, 1979;
2. Guard junior sergeant, commander of the Doubles squad
Alexey Sergeevich - December 27, 1979, Bagram airbase;
3. guard corporal, grenade shooter; tchik Kalmagombetov
Amangeldy Shamshitovich - December 27, 1979, President-
Taj Beg Palace;
4. Guard Private Kashkin Valery Yurievich - December 27
5. Guards private, shooter Vladimir Ivanovich Ochkin – 27 years old
December 1979, Bagram airbase;
6. Guard private, driver mechanic Vladimir Povoroznyuk
Vasilievich - December 27, 1979;
7. Guard private, anti-aircraft gunner Savoskin Vladimir Va-
silyevich - December 27, 1979;
8. Guard private, Art. radiotelegraphist Mikhail Shelestov
Vasilievich - December 27, 1979

May their memory be blessed!

Details Created 05/06/2013 08:40 Updated 12/10/2018 09:56

The 357th Infantry Regiment was formed from December 17, 1944 to January 10, 1945 in the town of Teykovo, Ivanovo Region. The unit was redeployed through the territory of Romania and Hungary and became part of the 9th Guards Shock Army, located in the city of Szenmfehbovar west of Budapest. From March 16 to March 20, 1945, the regiment liberated the city of Zarez in Hungary.

At the end of March, going on the offensive, the regiment crossed the Austro-Hungarian border and from April 4 to April 11 fought to capture the capital of Austria, the city of Vienna. In May 1945, a unit consisting of the 114th Guards Rifle Red Banner Vienna Division was introduced into the breakthrough. February 16, 1946 For the capture of the city of Vienna, the regiment was awarded the Order of Suvorov, III degree.

On August 1, 1946, the unit was reorganized according to the airborne troops and redeployed to Belarus to the military town of Borovukha-1. After the disbandment of the 114th Guards Airborne Division, the 357th Guards Parachute Regiment became part of the 103rd Guards Airborne Division.

In 1968, the unit's personnel provided international assistance to the people of Czechoslovakia.

On December 25, 1979, the 357th airborne assault force landed at Bagram airfield, 60 km north of the city of Kabul, to provide international assistance to the friendly people of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.

Since January 1980, the regiment has carried out tasks to protect important government facilities in the city of Kabul. In full force or as part of the forces, they took part in combat operations to destroy rebel gangs in the areas of Kabul, Porvan, Paghman, Surubi, Chirinar, Dehsabz, Pandshir, Khurnabul, Ghazni.

The unit's personnel showed heroism and courage during combat operations. In February 1989, the regiment consisting of the 103rd Airborne Division left Afghanistan.

Since January 1989, the regiment was transferred to the subordination of the KGB of the USSR, and carried out government tasks in Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and on the border with Iran. In August 1991, it was again transferred to the airborne troops. Since April 1992, the unit became part of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

In 2003, the third battalion of the 317th mobile brigade was reformed into the 357th separate Guards Order of Suvorov III degree mobile battalion, stationed in Vitebsk.

At the moment, the 357th separate guards mobile battalion is one of the best in the formation. The battalion took part in all large-scale exercises conducted on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

From July 17 to 18, 2003, the battalion was given the honor of representing mobile forces at joint Belarusian-Russian military logistics exercises, where it earned the highest marks from the Belarusian and Russian commands.

In 2004, during the “Shield of the Fatherland - 2004” exercise, for the first time in the history of the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus, the first mobile company of the 357th battalion parachuted from an IL-76 aircraft onto a limited landing site and successfully completed the “combat mission.”

An honor guard company of the Vitebsk garrison was created on the basis of the battalion. And for almost two years now, it has been impossible to imagine more than one solemn event, more than one holiday taking place in the city of Vitebsk and its region without the soldiers of the 357th battalion.

On December 21, 2005, in a solemn ceremony, the 357th Separate Guards Order of Suvorov III Class mobile battalion was awarded a new Belarusian Battle Banner.

At the beginning of February 1989, the last column of the 103rd Airborne Division, in which the deputy editor-in-chief of the Volga News news agency O.A. Novikov, left Afghanistan. The 22-year-old paratrooper had more than three years of war behind him, endless combat missions and, of course, losses... Thirty years after he ended up in Afghanistan, Oleg Alexandrovich returned to the mountainous country to remember.

“And then I realized: the jokes are over.”

Despite the fact that belonging to the airborne forces in the early 1980s most likely meant a business trip to Afghanistan, even at school Oleg decided: “If you serve, then only in the Airborne Forces.” At the Kuibyshev flying club, the guy received the third category in parachuting - essentially, a pass to the elite troops. In the fall of 1984, conscript Novikov was assigned to team 280 "B". The officers did not openly talk about international duty, but among themselves they called the team “Afghan.”

At the distribution point in Syzran, 45 people - many of whom Oleg knew well from joint jumps - were met by a tanned officer of the Airborne Forces training regiment. He hid where the replenishment would be taken, but his peculiar tan gave it away. The last doubts have disappeared - Afghanistan.

In three months, instead of the required six, the fighters in the Fergana Airborne Training Regiment completed a full course of training, including mountain training. Young soldiers were not spared. “Understand correctly, everything is done for you. You are going to war,” the commanders said.

On February 10, 1985, a flight from Fergana landed at Kabul airfield. The first thing Private Novikov heard were the words of the Tajik conscript accompanying the reinforcement: “Guys, keep in mind, here either you shoot first or they will kill you.”

“Then I realized: the jokes are over,” says Oleg.

First loss

103rd Guards Airborne Division, then commanded by P.S. Grachev, was stationed in the capital of Afghanistan. However, the second parachute battalion of the 357th regiment, to which gunner Novikov was sent, operated autonomously - in the province of Bamiyan, 120 km from Kabul. Not the most pleasant place, they told newcomers. Not only is it located high in the mountains, but it is also cut off from the main forces - you can only get there by helicopter.

Meanwhile, Bamiyan was a key point in the conflict - the roads to Kabul, Jabal Ussaraj, Salang, Panjshir, Herat, Dashi pass through it... Losing control over the city was unacceptable. The battalion of paratroopers coped with the task, despite numerous provocations from the Mujahideen, who did not give up hopes of taking control of the city and the province.

Now, 30 years later, Oleg talks about the cosmic landscapes and special energy of the Bamiyan valley, about the ancient Buddhist monastery in the rocks and the Emerald lakes in Banda Amir. And then there was no time for beauty...

On April 27, a month after Oleg’s arrival in Afghanistan, Soviet paratroopers in Bamiyan were subjected to a massive mortar attack by the Mujahideen. “Mines literally rained down on the ground,” the veteran recalls. The mines hit their target - the center of the paratroopers' remote post in the Shahri-Gulgula fortress in the center of Bamiyan. A shrapnel killed Oleg's comrade, Muscovite Konstantin Govallo. The guy didn’t live to see his 19th birthday for two months. “This was the first combat loss of my conscription,” says Oleg and admits that it was psychologically difficult to realize this fact.

Before his current trip to Afghanistan, Oleg Novikov ordered a commemorative plaque, which he and his colleagues screwed on the top of Shahri Gulgul. “We did this for our comrade in arms.”

Left Afghanistan among the last

After the first year of service, Oleg Novikov, then already a mechanic-driver of the BMD-1, on the advice of the company commander, went to the Airborne Forces training center in Lithuania. It was assumed that after receiving the specialty “operation and military repair of combat vehicles” he would return to Bamiyan. But fate decreed otherwise: the young “techie” was left in the first battalion of the 357th regiment in Kabul. In the unit, which, according to Oleg, constantly fought, and on the map of Afghanistan, there are few places where the battalion did not carry out combat missions.

Oleg’s “native” battalion - the second parachute battalion - was withdrawn from Bamiyan closer to the summer of 1987. Only equipment remained in Bamiyan. People were taken out by Mi-8 helicopters. Before the withdrawal of the battalion, a military operation was carried out near Kabul to divert the attention of the Mujahideen, and in Bamiyan itself a rumor was spread that large-scale exercises were beginning. The battalion left without losses, until the end of the war it was stationed in Kabul and went to all battles together with the 357th regiment.

Until the withdrawal of a limited contingent, Oleg remained in Afghanistan. And he left the mountainous country among the last - the combined column of the 103rd division, in which he was appointed senior, crossed the bridge across the Amu Darya on February 7, 1989.

The topic of troop withdrawal is special for Oleg Novikov. He says he feels like he has lost something important. “The song correctly says: “There are many things that are not fully completed, but... We are leaving.” Each of us understood that we were protecting the Afghan people. I still think so. We gave the Afghans minimal stability,” says Novikov.

Bringing out a 140,000-strong force and materiel is not an easy task. By the beginning of 1989, Soviet troops from the south, southeast and east were “pulled” into the Union. The main forces were grouped in Kabul and in the north of the country. In fact, the latter units risked the most because they left the country without cover. Oleg Novikov and the soldiers of his battalion, as part of a combined column of about 80 km, had to move around Afghanistan with the hope that the bandits would not arrange a bloody farewell.

By the beginning of 1989, Soviet troops from the south, southeast and east were “pulled” into the Union. The main forces were grouped in Kabul and in the north of the country. In fact, the latter units risked the most because they left the country without cover

"The last column did the impossible"

“We left gloomily - everyone understood that it was very difficult to cover such a distance without cover. I hung the armor plate on the window, it’s some kind of protection. The Mujahideen were sitting right on the road, with grenade launchers and machine guns. They look at us, we look at them. The feeling is not the most pleasant,” Oleg recalls.

Clashes were avoided, but casualties, alas, were avoided. At the approach to the Salang pass, an avalanche came down from the mountains. It barely caught the KamAZ truck in which Oleg was, but threw the Ural truck with two soldiers from his unit into the abyss. Oleg's subordinates - privates Vasily Meleshin and Nikolai Kornilov - died. The same fate befell the driver of the Nona self-propelled gun, Alexander Zhurman.

At first they tried to dig the paratroopers out from under the snow with their bare hands, then shovels were used, but the conscripts had no chance of surviving. “I’ve never encountered anything like this. Literally, out of the blue. This is an extreme thing for which you prepare or don’t prepare, you still won’t be ready,” says Oleg.

These were the last losses of the 103rd Guards Airborne Division. In Puli-Khumri, the fighters probably received the highest praise from the division commander, Major General EAT. Bocharova: “The last column did the impossible.” And the commander of the 40th Army in Afghanistan, General B. Gromov, later said: “It was most difficult for those who were among the last to leave. Perhaps the most difficult task fell to the 103rd Division: to ensure the safe exit of the last columns and to leave without losses.”

Oleg dreamed of becoming a career military man and wanted to enter the Kiev Tank Engineering School. I wrote a report, passed a medical examination, but never received a call. It turned out that the commander did not send the documents. Either I forgot, or did not want to lose an experienced technician - history is silent. But Novikov was discouraged by this attitude and in August 1989 he was demobilized from the ranks of the Soviet army.

“There was a serious grievance. But maybe everything is for the better. Who knew that in two years the Union would collapse, and the oath would have to be given to another country...” says the veteran.

The decision to go to Afghanistan three decades later was not spontaneous. Each of the four fellow soldiers had their own goals. It was important for Oleg to install a memorial plaque in Bamiyan dedicated to Konstantin Govallo, and to find on Salang the place of death of Vasily Mileshin, Nikolai Kornilov and Alexander Zhurman. It was a success.

And they were all once again convinced that all this was not in vain. “I remember the words of the Afghan military with whom we met in the Bala Hissar fortress in Kabul. They said that Soviet soldiers are real warriors. It’s a great honor for me to hear this 30 years later,” Oleg sums up the trip.

The ancient fortress of Shahri-Gulgula, where there was a post of the 6th company of the 2nd battalion of the 357th airborne regiment

Bhumian is an ancient Buddhist monastery. 2015

Bamiyan. Small Buddha niche in a Buddhist monastery

View of Kabul from the Bala Hissar fortress.

"Rebel Regiment"

It's a shame for the country.

"White Sun of the Desert"

One day, the best 357th regiment of the 103rd division became “rebellious.” We have been part of the Belarusian Armed Forces for a year already, forged combat readiness as best we could, but served without an oath. And then the egg-headed nationalists in Minsk urgently wanted the officers to swear allegiance. And not just like that, but on the day of the “great historical” victory of the Lithuanian-Belarusian army near Orsha over one of the regiments of Ivan the Terrible. It turns out that this happened in history. We decided for ourselves a long time ago that we have already sworn allegiance once, including to the people of Belarus, and we will not do so a second time. Defense Minister Kozlovsky himself arrived to investigate. -- What's this? - he asked from the threshold, pointing to the portrait of General Grachev, which, among others, was installed on the regimental Alley of Heroes. — Why does the Minister of Defense of a foreign state show off in the regiment of the Belarusian Armed Forces? I was finishing my vacation, so my deputy Volodya Petrov had to answer: “This is our division commander, under his command we fought in Afghanistan.” The answer was “wrong,” so a new question followed: “Who are you?” — Deputy regiment commander, lieutenant colonel... — I’m asking, what is your nationality? -- Russian. -- And the wife? - The wife is Russian... and the son is also Russian. The chief of staff, unfortunately for the minister, turned out to be Ukrainian. His wife and children too. From a “great” mind or from confusion, Kozlovsky asked: “Can you take the regiment to Russia?” Petrov, without blinking an eye, answered: “Easy.” We need an order and six hours of time... How they ran!!! Some people tore off plaques from Lenin’s rooms, some people tore off Lenin’s portrait from the guard chief’s room. The Minister of Defense ordered the neighboring commander of a tank regiment to block the regiment in case of an attempt to leave... He came to clarify with us what kind of insanity it was. He can start the first tank only on the third day! We calmed him down, poured a hundred grams and said: - By chance, the foam and trash on the fault of a great country has risen to heights unknown to itself - ministers! - and tries to justify its existence. Unfortunately, Russia doesn’t need us and we’re not going anywhere. Calm down. I returned from vacation and there was a surprise waiting for me. One of the Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Republic of Belarus worked in the regiment as a duty officer. The next news was also not pleasant: that the division commander, Russian General Kalabukhov, was replaced by Belarusian Khatskevich. Until now, it was absolutely parallel to me what nationality my colleague, commander or subordinate was, but here for the first time I thought about it. I open the division commander’s order and receive the first reprimand in the last five years of service. Never! Just so that you understand that you won’t spoil them and - “you don’t belong here”! This was the last straw. Wrote a report. The next day the NachPO arrived: “Yes, you are our first candidate for nomination, the regiment is the best, etc.” I placed the division commander's order on the table, covering the order part. He read the narrative and said: “So... the regiment is mentioned three times as the best.” You may not receive a valuable gift, but gratitude is guaranteed. He read about the reprimand and said: “This is some kind of mistake...” “It’s a mistake to serve in such an army and under such a commander.” He hasn’t even seen me yet, but he’s already trampling me into the dirt. Borovukha was the first garrison, where I, as a regiment commander, received my first apartment. The regiment staff is brilliant. It was a pleasure to serve. But together with me, 88 officers and warrant officers put their reports on the table the next day. Neither promises of higher positions - two levels at once - nor the opportunity to improve housing stopped me. The uncertainty of prospects in Russia did not stop either. On the third or fourth day, the former commander of the Belarusian Military District, Colonel General Kostenko, now Deputy Minister of Defense, arrived at the regiment “on duty.” He was strikingly different in experience and outlook from the pygmies who were on duty before him. He looked at the regiment’s layout, asked several substantive questions and said: “Everything is clear to me.” Commander, what's your name? Let's go, Volodya, to your office and talk. We discussed a lot of things with him. They shook hands goodbye and he left. No one else from the ministry came to us. A month later, Volodya Petrov left for the 14th Army to fight in Transnistria with Lebed, and I took over the Garbolovsky 36th Airborne Brigade. The rest dispersed to the Russian Airborne Forces. And the regiment was disbanded a couple of years later, like the rest of the division’s regiments. Sorry is not the right word! Five years have passed. By chance, I ended up in Brussels at the king’s reception on the occasion of the Belgian national holiday. The parade has just ended, in which for the first time in history a Russian soldier participated and showed off his drill bearing. Our military attaché, maneuvering between the guests, brings me to a colleague from Belarus. I see Kostenko standing there. “Well, well, introduce me to the heroic battalion commander,” he turns to our attaché (at that time I commanded the Russian UN battalion). “But we know each other,” I say and remind him about the “rebel regiment.” Polites on the side - they hugged. I see the general is really happy. He leaned towards me and said: “Well, fuck them all.” Let's go, Volodya, I'll introduce you to my wife, and we'll have a drink like normal people. And we drank. They remembered the freaks with an unkind word, and with a kind word they remembered the regiment, the blessed Belarusian land and the people living on it.

Flag "357th Guards Parachute Regiment" 103rd Airborne Division.


  • 357 PDP
  • 357 Guards RAP
  • Polotsk
  • military unit 93684

357th Guards Parachute Regiment

We have once again prepared interesting material regarding the famous formations of the Airborne Forces. This time the focus will be on 357 PDP 103 VDD. One of the best regiments of the Vitebsk division and the Armed Forces of the USSR. You will learn from the article how the 357th Airborne Regiment earned such a high reputation.

First, a little history. The 357th PDP was formed by the beginning of January 1945. The 357th Guards Parachute Regiment received its name in July 1946 and was originally part of the 114th Guards. divisions of the Airborne Forces. At the end of the 50s, it became the 357th airborne division of the 103rd airborne division and was redeployed to the Borovukha-1 garrison in the Vitebsk region.

Until the start of the war in Afghanistan, Belarusian soil became the place of permanent deployment for a regiment of paratroopers. Over the years, the personnel of the 357th airborne division have repeatedly and successfully participated in various exercises and were considered by the command to be ready to carry out complex missions and combat operations.

Vitebsk Airborne Division in Afghanistan

Of course, when talking about such a well-known connection, one cannot ignore the Afghan topic. It was in this country that the 357th Airborne Regiment earned a reputation as unbending fighters and contributed to the creation of the image of the Airborne Forces as an elite force in the army.

By the end of the autumn of 1979, many paratroopers of the 357th Airborne Regiment realized that they would soon have serious “work” in Afghanistan. Everything became completely clear at the end of December, when the regiment was raised on combat alert. Already on the morning of December 26, 1979, the main forces of the 357th infantry regiment of the 103rd Vitebsk division were in Afghanistan.

The main task of the unit was control over Kabul. Every day was spent in patrols and checks. Movements were mainly carried out on BRDMs with KPVT machine guns, which were a great help in constant firefights with Mujahideen disguised as civilians.

Militant activity soon increased in almost all regions of this mountainous country. It was problematic to control every pass and gorge with a limited contingent of troops. In such a situation, the paratroopers performed excellently, capable of quickly striking the Mujahideen in remote areas. “357 Airborne Regiment Afghanistan” - this term was remembered by all participants in that war. Vitebsk paratroopers began to enjoy great respect from fighters from other formations, thanks to their ability to solve the most difficult problem with minimal losses.

A significant part of the personnel of the 357th RPD was involved in autonomous operations, and also took part in hostilities together with other units of the Soviet troops. The scouts of the 357th airborne division of the 103rd airborne division performed well. Interception of caravans, long-distance raids with virtually no support, ambushes on Mujahideen - all this is the merit of the regiment's reconnaissance paratroopers.

The topic of the war in Afghanistan for the 357th Airborne Regiment is very extensive and we will definitely return to it in our next publications. Now we’ll tell you about lesser-known pages from the history of 357 PDP 103 Airborne Division.

Vitebsk Airborne Division in hot spots since the late 80s

On January 21, 1990, the combined battalion of the regiment was transferred to the Soviet-Iranian border, where unrest was taking place. The 357th PDP received the task of reinforcing border guards in the 250 km section of the 7th border post of the Prishibsky PA.

It should be noted that by that time the Vitebsk division had been withdrawn from the Airborne Forces and transferred to the control of the border troops of the KGB of the USSR. How the paratroopers perceived this is a topic for another discussion. On the other hand, there is an opinion that only the transition to the KGB troops saved the division from disbandment in 1990.

That difficult time gave rise to more than one hotbed of tension - Dushanbe, Transcaucasia, Transnistria, Transcaucasia again... and everywhere the paratroopers restored peace, among whom were units of the 357th airborne division of the 103rd airborne division.

Last chords 357 pdp

In 1992, the regiment returned to Vitebsk. As you know, the 103rd Airborne Division became the foundation for the construction of the Mobile Forces of the Republic of Belarus (Special Operations Forces). The changes also affected the 357th Airborne Regiment. In 1992, it was reorganized into the 357th Separate Mobile Training Battalion. Unfortunately, in 1995, 357 Umobb was disbanded.
